Maya :: Options Won't Display To Render 240 Frames At 30 FPS
Nov 1, 2012
I am running the free student version of Maya 2013. I am trying to change the settings under Render-Settings so I can render 240 frames @ 30 FPS. However, when I select the "Options" & "Render Settings" in the Render window, the options will not display.
When I turn on textures in the viewport, the display of some objects becomes really weird. Most times not even the whole model is affected but only parts of it. My first guess was that the noramls were corrupted, but turning on One-sided lighting and displaying the normals showed that they were absolutely okay.
It doesn't matter which render engine is used (Viewport 2.0, Default or High Quality) or whether the material is a Maya or MentalRay shader.
In the screenshot, only the head of the character is showing the artifacts. The used material is a Blinn with only the Diffuse (32-bit EXR; painted in Mudbox) plugged in for now.
How do I get rid of these artifacts?
Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.63 Ghz nVidia GTX 560Ti Windows 7 Professional x64
The options window will not display when typing "options" in the command line or selecting from the drop down. The options menu has to be hidden somewhere because AutoCad will not allow any other commands after typing options until I hit escape. I have tried restarting CAD and rebooting my computer with not luck.
Only after this occurred a second time did I realize there was an issue with the rendering.
I rendered frames 600-1500 on the machine with max 2014. The renderer indicated that all frames were rendered in the usual way. However, upon playback (avi), the animation lasted 18 seconds rather than the expected 30, with the last 12 seconds (about 360 frames) missing.
This happened for the first time a couple of days ago using the same project file. In both cases, the avi file size was 1,044, 391 KB. It is not unusual for other project avi files to greatly exceed this. I have looked in the project file for some parameter that set an avi file size limit without success.
Dell Precision 690, 3D Max 2008 Dell Precision T3500, 12 GB RAM, 3D max Design 2012, Realflow 2012 Dell Precision T7600, Dual Six Core, 8TB storage, 64 GB RAM, Dual 2 GB AMD Firepro V7900, 3D max design 2014, Realflow 2013
I have Video Studio Pro X3. I've never had a problem since I got it, but recently I've been trying to render video at 60 frames per second. I've looked everywhere online for tutorials but still don't understand how to do it. I keep getting 29.97fps in the end. I need it for a project and I need it very soon.I use MP4 video files at 60fps.
I render 36 frames from different angles to PNG files on 3Ds Max 2013 but now I want to hide a model and make it so all the parts its blocking to also become transparent.
If you don't understand what I mean I don't want to simply "hide" the instance because then all the parts in the back that otherwise would be invisible would become visible, I just want those parts to become transparent as if I "subtract" the image of the hidden instance out of the final render image.
Like the 3d model is invisible but erases anything behind it.
I am having trouble figuring out how to get my particle system to render past 100 frames. I have my scene set to 600 frames, but after 100 the particles disappear. I am not sure what is going on.
Actually, we are working in this project: URL....and we have a big problem, cause our problem is the same like this: URL....
but absolutely out of control.We are desperated, because deadline project is coming to the end..We work in Smoke around 85% and is a 90 minutes film. Is a huge project..We use pre rendered CFX.
This issue started out of nowhere for what I consider to be no reason. Working on average sized 720p compositions with modest animations.
I am running fresh comps in AE CC with absolutely no plugins, freshly purged memory, cleaned cache, restarted comp, no other applications running on computer and 13 gb of memory allocated to AE... etc.
Is there a way for me to output certain in and out points instead of a whole sequence. I have a long clip and only want a small section of it, where in Smoke 2013 can I input the in and out points I want rendered? I can't see it in CFX and If I mark an In and Out point on the timeline it still renders the whole clip.
I don't know what the best practices are for rendering, but I've got settings I prefer to use, and I want to set them as a default in AE, but can't seem to find that option
First, they deprecated h.264. it's really the only valid option for rendering tight compression to be viable size for uploading. but i enabled the feature to show old formats.What I need to do is set it so it automatically defaults to my settings. it's a real pain to have to manually change that every time I render.
Also, along these lines I have a related question. Well, related sort-of.
I use Adobe Media Encoder when i can, i realize this is one reason they deprecated h.264 fronm AE. BUt what I don't get, is why I can't render anything that's GPU heavy in ME? for instance, if I use Element 3d it will utilize the cuda cores heavily in my video card. But I can't render those in ME. when I try to I get many many many many back to back errors and it finally jsut fails. I have a supported video card, though not a 'top dog' it's a GeForce GTX 770 which is plenty to tackle the work.
I can see that the render video options are vastly different in OS X and Windows versions of PS CS6. Not only they are different layed out but as far as I can see a wide range of codecs are missing on the OS X version.
In particular, how can I export a video file using QuickTime container and H.264 codec in OS X version? If You select H.264 video it creates an .mp4 file whereas I wnat a .mov file. Same codec but different container.
I have problem with Render setting window. I made an animation 240 frames and when I try to set the frame range it does´t want accept 240 and stays alway on 10. Start frame 1 - End frame 10, no more. I also try to change the frame/animations ext but it won´t accept multi frame neither.
when I want to add time to the time display, to re-position the timeline cursor, i use +15 for example. But when i want to subtract time, -15 wouldn't work. How does subtracting frames in the time display work ?
I've been having this issue with Maya's timelines since my first usage of 2010 (on Windows) and now 2011 on Mac. The problem is an odd one, My keys start to show up "between" two frames in my timeline. This makes selecting and moving, and judging timeline distances super difficult. If I open up the graph editor, I get the same results.
I'm running Maya 2011 x64 Educational SP1 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on an 2009 iMac. I'm not sure this has any bearing on what is happening in my timeline, as I've had similar results on a Windows machine a few years ago.
I've been working on this scene for a few weeks now, and only recently did this start happening, near the end of the timeline in the scene. I am working at 24fps REALTIME, which is necessary for the project. I have also tried scaling the timeline up and won, but I get no relief from the problem.
I have a object divided to multiple parts, nearly 150, and when animating the rotation or any attribute I want some spacing between the keyframes, so that the second part starts moving after the first one by 5 frames, and it's about 150 objects, and i don' t want do it all manually, Is there any script or technique that could speed up my workflow.
It's in 3ds max 2013. I attach the image along with the post. How it happen? I use DefaultScanline. How could we show maps in Viewport the same in the render?
I usually configure my set key options to key all selected attributes in the channel box. And until Maya 2012 this worked fine, if no attributes were selected you got an error. Now it keys all keyable attributes... which is messy, and wastes my time when I need to undo it everytime I miss click and hit s. I know I can fix this by writing a script but with deadlines coming up, that project is on the back burner.
I created some render layers by copying the master layer and some of them seem to be connected to the master layer in some way and I cannot delete them!
When I select the render layer they are grey and the master layer is also selected and is blue. I cannot delete the copied layer even if I empty it.
I have created other layers the exact same way but when I select them they are not attached to the master layer and are blue when I select them and I can delete them.
What do I have to do to delete the layers that seem to be connected to the master layer? This is really annoying! I try to do one thing and end up spending the entire day trying to delete rogue render layers! The only work around I found is to select everything in the scene and export it and then import it into a new scene.
Can't see tool options panel.Win7 64 and Maya 2012...Click on the show tools options in upper right and tool options panel will not show, also tried using the menus but panel with tool options will not show?
On one of my coworkers computer inventor display is not right. I have tried reinstalling vga drivers and tried to tweak all the display options but nothing happened. see attached showing how the text look like.
I used Solid Edge for my entire professional career. One thing that is driving me batty is how, when necessary in a view for clarity, tangent lines are displayed and how to change them, or at the very least, come up with a work around to display them how is needed. In general, tangent lines are first, supposed to be of thinner lineweight, but also, are not supposed to extend all the way across the surface of a part, they are to leave a small gap.
I have found and tried the option of displaying tangent lines, and also have checked the for shorten option. The issue is, in many of the parts the gap produced in HUGE. So I've spent a few hours tinkering, and I finally decided to try and define a new linetype using autocad express tools. So I tried this, but to my dismay I haven't been able to set up a linetype that only has a gap at the end. See attached jpeg for illustration.
Running LR 3.5 v5.1 XP. All view options are checked, doesn't show if cropped, adjustments, pick, etc. And, it doesn't show in Grid view. Works well in LR 3.4.1 v6.1.
I'm having trouble with the secondary display (window, in my case; only one monitor). When I first open the secondary display, either with a keyboard shortcut or by clicking, all is fabulous. The display modes (Grid, Loupe, Compare, Survey) are visible & clickable, as is thumbnail slider, file path. If I click or keyboard command to Loupe view, Normal, Live & Locked modes are available. However, if I close the window and then want to open it up later in my workflow, all of the aforementioned functions disappear. I'm able to bring up the Filter view, and can technically still work off the menu bar (and keyboard shortcuts, if remembered). But only if I restart the program do the full set of functions become visible again. The arrows at top & bottom don't collapse/expand to show anything more than a black border where the display & mode options once were.
I'm trying to render some passes in Maya 2013 and Mental Ray using proxy assemblies. The trouble is that none of the passes that do some kind of material definition override ie AO, camera depth work correctly with proxies. I have read a few posts where people have said that these passes need to be applied in the render globals when exporting the proxy file. This method works correctly in Maya 2009 and fixes the issues, unfortuently this method does not work in Maya 2013.
I was just doing a bunch of test renders and playing with lights when a weird render turned up out of nowhere that is sort of a transparent red and black? This happened yesterday, but it actually crashed maya. This time around, it didn't crash, but I'm unable to save my scene. This is the log for the error:
file -f -save -options "v=0" -type "mayaAscii"; // Warning: Could not save file "/var/folders/lw/y5yl1nl11cl9plpn2gsdrvg80000gn/T/tempUIFileHSDZdN". // // Error: swatches file open failed /Users/Undeadmau5/Documents/maya/projects/PRM/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ // // Error: Could not save file "/Users/Undeadmau5/Documents/maya/projects/PRM/scenes/". // // Error: Cannot find procedure "mayaFileOptions". // // Error: Cannot find procedure "mayaFileOptions". //