Maya Modeling :: Merge References Into Scene?
May 16, 2013What is a good way to merge references back into a scene to upload to render farm?
View 2 RepliesWhat is a good way to merge references back into a scene to upload to render farm?
View 2 RepliesNew when it comes to any kind of environment modeling, but I'm trying to make a simple landscape with grass and trees for a project.
I've got a nice ground plane and a simple grass plane with a texture applied from Photoshop. I was wondering if there is a way to paint instances of my grass object without manually duplicating and placing each individual blade of grass?
This is an emergency nesecito deliver this project on Tuesday, look what happens When I use the merge is desaparesen extruded or portions of the face
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems the bridge tool does not merge edges as one would expect it to. I realize that the workaround is to follow the bridge operation with a merging of the edges on either side of the bridge. Shouldn't such a common operation be done correctly?
Maya 2014 / Mudbox 2014
27" iMac (late 2012)
3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 with 32GB RAM
I have a model of gums and a set of teeth. What I am trying to do is create an animation where the fourth tooth back on each side of the upper gums disappear then create a blendshape causing the front teeth to move back and fill in the gaps as well as condense the gums so there isn't a gap here either. I am not exactly sure what the best way to do this would be, I am newer to Maya. My question is; Is there and easier way to do this because once I delete the faces and have a divides mesh I go to Mesh->Seperate and select Vertex mode on both and combine the meshes manually by selecting each vertex with the move tool and while holding "V" dragging the vertex over to the adjacent vertex on the opposite mesh. The issue im having is that the width of the mesh starts smaller upfront and progressivly gets bigger as you move to the back of the gums so by deleting a middle section the two meshes dont line up. The back mesh is much wider than the front. I am also worried that when i go to create a Blendshape to transition from the origional mesh to the new shortened one that will pull the teeth back to a perfect smile. I have heard that when creating a BS both meshes need to have the same number of Vertices and after removing a section mine wont. I am also concerned because after the two meshes have been sewn using this process I am left with an ugly point of intersection all the way around my mesh that has proven difficult to blend using the 'Sculpt Geometry Tool' with a falloff/Soft Mod.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have traced out this piece of geometry using CV curve and then used loft to convert the Curves into actual geometry. I need to have one solid piece of geometry to project an image onto, how can I convert this to one solid piece? I have attached my .mb
View 3 Replies View Relatedlately i am often experiencing a problem, where at the opening of scene, a message pops up saying "The 3ds Max file is made of old PhysX plugin. Do you want to convert to current version?" If i click yes, then max freezes, and even after 10 minutes remains frozen, so i have to terminate the process. If i click no, then this annoying message pops up everytime i open my file. I just cannot track down the reference to PhysX plugin in my scene. I can't find it. Is there any efficient way to search & destroy scene connection with PhysX plugin. It's like a plague slowly spreading across my scenes as i merge objects between them.
Core i7 870 @3,2Ghz
GeForce GTX460
3ds Max 2012 SP2
OCZ Vertex 2 SSD
how do I merge nodes from other .max files and get the selectiosets as well?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to merge a unit of furniture into my scene. The unit of furniture is a MAX file.
When the MAX is imported the object is read only. Why is this? Surely only XREFs and File Linked entities should be read only?
I want to modify the imported 'Merged' MAX entity.
System information: Win7 x64 / 3DSMax Design 2014 SP3 / AutoCad 2014 SP1 Lenovo E30 ThinkStation Xeon E31225 Quadcore @3.10Ghz PNY GTX760 XLR8 2GB (334.89 Driver) 24Gb Ram Corsair 650w PSU
When I merge geometry into a scene that is already using the same materials, it prompts me what I want to do. I always select "Use scene materials"...however, whenever I look at the slate, it shows duplicates all over the place. To keep mat library optimized becomes a task when you are dealing with a lot of materials.
Why does MAX not listen to me when I tell it to use the scene materials that have matching names?
Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000
I have a modell that is made with the system scale set to mm, and try to merge the modell in to a scene with the system scale set to m. The merged modell appear 100 times bigger than it should.
Is there a little trick for this?
A while ago I thought I saw in a tutorial the ability to merger materials from another scene without merging the geometry. I have dug around a bit but can't figure out how to do this, or if it's even possible.
Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000
Ive been searching for a tutorial to get the same effect as the picture I have attached.
Half Sea and Half land.
I found this in an australian company portfolio called constructive media.
how i can set up a scene and achieve the same kind of effect?
I've been playing with Scene Referencing, and have a question about skinning. Is the ability to bind a mesh that is part of an Assembly Reference something that will be coming in a future release? I'd like to be able to bind both a high-poly and a low-poly mesh to one rig using scene assembly. That way I can swap armor parts, weapons, etc on one rig without cutting/pasting animation between rigs.
I've attached a picture of a sample of what I'm referring to. If that isn't workable, any other workflow that is comparable?
Got this odd problem When I go to file open and open my scene it doesn't show everything in my scene.But when I go to file import it shows everything.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI made a video explaining my problem. By the way in the scène I'm creating I'm using v-ray as renderer and v-ray materials.
I have download building model in 3ds format, when i import the model into scene. the polygons of the model colliding each. what may be the problem. they have used very low mesh with lot of Boolean. how to recover this model or i have to create new? . i have attached the screen shot also.
View 3 Replies View RelatedNew user to Maya here. I recently have been working on some scenes at the office and found out afterward about Maya's Projects settings and auto creation... Needless to say, my current files are now not part of a Project.
Is there any way to take the currently open scene and export it as a new Project or Gather the files from a scene and build a new Project without having to do it manually?
Why the Plane disappear when open New Scene? I try to adjust the Near Clip under Camera, it works but what could have made this happen (I mean Plane/Grid suddenly disappear?)
Not sure if the following would be the reasons: Recently I have tried to open files related the Maya sample file (tutorial disk)but I can't open it directly from the CD. I noticed that there might be some tricks that I have to same the file as an ASCI file and the open in Wordpad, then I could successfully open that. So I try to copy the Tutorial files in the CD to my Harddrive. When I open that from Wordpad, it works!. I am not sure if that could be the causes of my proble (ie. Plane/Grid disappear), or I might have done something which I am not aware of? Also, those axis arrows seems so long and I need to adjust that (I mean the arrows extend outside the Plane/Grid).
I want to put multiple people in the scene. So I'm trying to import people.fbx into the scene. It succeed at the first time. I grouped the meshes and skeleton and name it in name people1. But I can't import the same people.fbx again. Is there any way to import one .fbx into the scene for multiple times?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe make a small Animation Movie and from time to time we stumble upon strange behaviours of the referencing pipeline.
There is a Kitchen that will be the scenery for the Movie Scene Set up: all models i.e the toaster, the fridge ansd so on are modeled and saved.then in the Kitchen File we have an empty scene where all the objects are referenced in. thats the "model master" we referenced the toaster_model into toaster_shaded, did all the shading and changed the references in the kitchen from toaster_model to toaster_shaded.
On some objects we noticed, that the updates made on the models for examlpe if we scale up the toaster on 2 and freeze transforms afterwards, the change is not updated in the Kitchen file. But after a few days the update works...
AMD x6 3.2Ghz
16gb Ram
Nvida GTX 460SE
how can i import anything into my scene without adding those suffex into each geometry or node existed in the imported scene..sometime i have to import scene which has alot of nodes any geometry into another one, but i'll fall in many troubles like renaming anyman more which is inconvenent at all.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Maya 2011 and simply put, I need to know the basics of animating a camera around a scene, along a path, slowing down and speeding up, how to move the point of interest, that type of thing.
View 1 Replies View Relatedtry creating a new scene, and set autosave on, for a minute or so, and a minute later, a fatal error occurs?
doesn't seem to matter whether your working in the scene or not, result is the same?
In my scene i have a fully rigged character, with a walk cycle animation on him. what i would like to have is a row of characters walking around. (kind of like how you see military soldiers walk around while in group). The part that is giving me the most trouble with this is getting multiple copies of the same character into my scene.
What i have tried and failed with:
Grouping my full rig and then duplicating.
making instances of my character and messing around with particles.
i have made multiple attempts at trying to use duplicate special.
the only thing that seems to kind of work is making a scene with just one character and importing it into my main scene and changing a bunch of stuff around. with the amount of copies i need this workflow just feels really degrading and tiresome.
can't select range of time in some Scene
look what happen when i del all the key in the HumanIK system
My scene has about 10,000 objects in it, so it's tough to find that unnamed object...
It doesn't seem to matter much, but it's annoying- every time i render a frame I get:
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
// Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
I have a hard time copying/pasting graph editor curves from a scene to another, since it`s only a specific part of the timeline, is there some basic rules that are to be observed for things to work properly? Yes after a thousand tries i`m going to have to edit every darn ecking curves accordingly to those i wanted to copy.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a maya designed animation model file ( with 3000 frames. I want to split it into 3 maya scene files each of which have 1000 frames.
How can I do this in Maya 2012?
I have a topo map in max, and I'm trying to raise and sink parts of it to make sidewalks and parking lots. My thought was to import line objects from dwg files, shape merge them onto the terrain, change the material number, then extrude. The problem is that shape merge doesn't maintain the correct shape.
I've made sure that I'm in orthographic mode, looking straight down on the surface, but anywhere there's a curve it messes things up. Circles become irregular ellipses. Arcs become more convex or concave. Where I'm shape merging two different objects at different times, objects that had lined up, the curves are now different and they either overlap or no longer touch.
I'm assuming that it's because my terrain mesh is too complex, but I'm not sure how to get around that.