Maya Modeling :: Merge CV Created Curve Geometry Into Solid Piece?
Sep 15, 2011
I have traced out this piece of geometry using CV curve and then used loft to convert the Curves into actual geometry. I need to have one solid piece of geometry to project an image onto, how can I convert this to one solid piece? I have attached my .mb
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Aug 21, 2012
This is my model. Simple.
Now the only thing I want to do is to cut out this:
I used the Extrude tool just for visualization. The problem is, working with booleans apparently doesn't work for such objects, it works for freshly created clean polygons, but not for this one, when I try to use "Boolean difference" both objects disappear.
Extruding doesn't work because the faces are still there and I cannot delete them for whatever reason:
My cursor is pointing on the little face, but both are being highlighted. Making a hole through the the "Make a hole" function doesn't work because it only deletes faces as it seems.
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Apr 20, 2012
How can I make a curve's end points constrain to objects in order to create a "theta" angle line that changes dynamically when the angle between the two objects changes?
I thought they answer may have lay in creating the curve using Maya's new Bezier Curve tool, then using the Rivet plug-in from CreativeCrash to pin it to the middle of two poly cylinders (the "x" and "y" axis.) Unfortunately this doesn't work; the Script editor spits back "is not a vertex!". Either I'm not using Rivet correctly or the end points of a Bezier Curve in Maya are not the same as a CV Curve. But perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way entirely.. I ultimately would wish to extrude geometry about this curve to create a dynamically changing curved cylinder to visualize the angle. It seems like it should be a relatively simple thing to do...
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Jul 24, 2011
Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.
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Apr 22, 2011
I has finished my model and mirror it to different axis and save my project, than closing my maya to go to sleep,Today, i'd like to re-modeling some shape in my dinosaurus eyes.So i would like to delete all the faces in the left side (axis -x ) and re-mirroring again after finishing the reshaping in dinosaurus eyes.
When i delete all the face (axis -x)The shading geometry in the Interior of dinosaurus mouth suddenly Dissapears. (and leaving only the Wireframe !)Whereas in the other parts , the shading was work perfectly.I Tried to Redo, but it still happens.
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Apr 18, 2012
I'm working on a project that needs to make a renderable shape off a curve, the curve points are based on a random set of data - so basically I'm making a fever chart. I need the curve to go exactly along with the points, so I used bezier curve. The curve looks like pic-01
Since curve doesn't show up in render, so i'm trying to make a tube shape.
1) a polygon plane, then go edit mesh - extrude. like pic-02. The extrude division is the same amount of points
2) a nurbs circle, then go surface - extrude. like pic-03 and pic-04.
As you all can see, none of these two look good. I can understand that this is because the turns are too dramatic, but I wonder if there is a way to get around the limit and generate a graph like pic-05 in 3d.
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Jan 6, 2014
So, in max there is a way to turn this off. So that when you select an object the edges are not visible. That way, when you select and object and have a look at it, you do not have to be distracted by the wire frame.
Is there a way to do this is Maya? I'd lke the geo to appear as flat shading without the wireframe visible even when I select it.The reason is, I want to select it, and work on the UV mapping. I'd like to make some changes to the map, and see how they look on the model without having to deselect the mesh each time I make a change and what to see it without the wireframe.
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Jun 21, 2013
I have used Quad Draw to create geometry on the surface of an object, this geometry and its pivot can be seen in picture 1.I then try to mirror this geometry to the other side of the object's surface using the settings shown in picture 2
I get a mirror, but not based on the pivot, but it seems the mirrored geometry wants to be attached to the original drawn polys as shown on picture 3. Could it be a bug or is this how Quad Drawn objects are intended to behave?
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Jul 31, 2013
I'm using Maya 2010. why this is happening, and how to fix it? I have a piece of polygonal geometry. I have confirmed all the culprit vertices are on the zero X axis.
But when I mirror it (-X), it collapses the 5 vertices at zero to a single vertex at the center, as shown in the "after" image:
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Oct 20, 2011
I have some particles that i've used the Instancer (Replacement) on to turn into a mesh that I have modeled and place throughout the scene. Now I want to convert the instanced particles to regular geometry.
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Apr 19, 2013
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
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Jul 30, 2011
My problem is that i have a curves but i need to add more vertex in it and i now that is possible but i forget how and another thing if any tutorial about curves and manipulate.
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May 16, 2013
What is a good way to merge references back into a scene to upload to render farm?
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Jul 28, 2013
This is an emergency nesecito deliver this project on Tuesday, look what happens When I use the merge is desaparesen extruded or portions of the face
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Oct 15, 2013
So, when I reset the transforms of an object, it moves the geometry back to the frozen position but the pivot point gets places at the world origin.
That can't possibly be what is supposed to happen, is it?
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May 3, 2011
I'm working out of the Mastering Autodesk Maya 2011 book and am on page 135. (I'm on a MAC)
Tool: Rebuild Curve (after creating curve with): EP Curve Tool
I'm trying to rebuild a curve I just made but when I hit "rebuild" I get the error message:
//Error: Nothing was selected to rebuild. You must select NURBS curves or curve on surface. But it's strange, I DO have it selected. In the Outliner I have it highlighted and the curve is highlighted yellow.
The strange thing is when the curve is not highlighted it is RED? I also don't seem to be able to select it with the cursor - only in the Outliner.
I created the curve with the CV Curve tool by snapping to the ends of 2 other curves and then hitting "enter".
I'm guessing the fact the created curve is red when unselected is telling me something is wrong with the curve but I'm unsure.
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Mar 9, 2011
I was watching a tutorial on digital tutors and they Revolved a CV Curve to make a tire, and I want to know how to extend a curve along an axis instead of revolve it.I painted in the Right viewer to show what I want to achieve.
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Nov 16, 2012
I am trying to extrude a cube along a CV curve, but I seem to be running into two issues.
Here is the first one.
For some odd reason I am not seeing the option called "use selected curve for extrusion" in the extrude window. Does it even exist in Maya 2012? Or did they take it out?
And here is my second issue.
Since there is no option called "use selected curve for extrusion", I have to experiment with the "Poly Extrude Curve" options. But when I do....the mesh gets all messed up and it always seems to come to a point at the other end of the CV curve.
Why can I not see the option "use selected curve for extrusion"? And why does my mesh keep coming to a point at the end of my CV curve?
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Dec 27, 2011
It seems the bridge tool does not merge edges as one would expect it to. I realize that the workaround is to follow the bridge operation with a merging of the edges on either side of the bridge. Shouldn't such a common operation be done correctly?
Maya 2014 / Mudbox 2014
27" iMac (late 2012)
3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 with 32GB RAM
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Jul 13, 2012
I have a model of gums and a set of teeth. What I am trying to do is create an animation where the fourth tooth back on each side of the upper gums disappear then create a blendshape causing the front teeth to move back and fill in the gaps as well as condense the gums so there isn't a gap here either. I am not exactly sure what the best way to do this would be, I am newer to Maya. My question is; Is there and easier way to do this because once I delete the faces and have a divides mesh I go to Mesh->Seperate and select Vertex mode on both and combine the meshes manually by selecting each vertex with the move tool and while holding "V" dragging the vertex over to the adjacent vertex on the opposite mesh. The issue im having is that the width of the mesh starts smaller upfront and progressivly gets bigger as you move to the back of the gums so by deleting a middle section the two meshes dont line up. The back mesh is much wider than the front. I am also worried that when i go to create a Blendshape to transition from the origional mesh to the new shortened one that will pull the teeth back to a perfect smile. I have heard that when creating a BS both meshes need to have the same number of Vertices and after removing a section mine wont. I am also concerned because after the two meshes have been sewn using this process I am left with an ugly point of intersection all the way around my mesh that has proven difficult to blend using the 'Sculpt Geometry Tool' with a falloff/Soft Mod.
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Dec 12, 2011
I am stumbling through the lessons and am stuck on Lesson #1.For those who do not know, it is to model a helmet similar to a dirt bike helmet. I have created a smoothed poly, removed much of it to create the top portion of the helmet (or cap).
I have created a poly shape using the Mesh >> Create Poly command. I have extruded said poly 3 times to shape the front facial guard.
The next step tells me to use the bridge border edges command. My problem is only my "cap" is showing a border edge. The facial shield poly has no border and I cant figure out why?
I have tried Display >> Polygons >> Border Edges and it doesn't make a difference on the facial do i view the border edges on said poly?
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Jul 13, 2012
I often create animations for technology companies, and they give me models that were created in programs like alias, rhino, AutoCAD, or solid works. They export for me in IGES, or STEP, and the models, while amazingly intricate, are too much for Maya on my 24GB RAM 12-core machine to take. They take upwards of 20 minutes just to open.
I want to convert these to ploys and generally make them easier to work with. What are my options for making these manageable, and still look good when they render. The flat edges and services are fairly easy to convert, it's the rounded bevels that don't look so good if I convert everything to Polys all at once. And there are usually hundreds of curved surfaces to convert, so doing them one at a time is far too cumbersome to be effective.
Also, how would I go about taking surfaces for objects in joining them together to create a complete object made of Polys? For example, a small part may be made of 35 difference parametric surfaces in solid works, and exports as that in IGES, so when I imported into Maya, it really should be just one object made of Polys.
need to convert parametric cad objects to poly to make them manageable and to make renders faster.
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Apr 18, 2012
i am trying to add CV curves to a scene that I already created.
whenever I draw the curve in side view, it is actually nowhere near the object that I wanted it to be near. Its like super far away and im not sure how to move it to the right spot.
Is there some method to add the curve based on a position of an object?
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Sep 24, 2011
I am trying to make some trim work to go on a project of mine. Im using a shape then tryig to extrude down the curve is there a way to make the corner tight or a plugin to make trim work easier. you can see in the first image what im trying to make and the second my curve and what i get when im done.
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Jan 29, 2014
It's possible in maya to sweep a profile along a closed curve? Like in 3DsMax, for example to make a window frame with a particular section profile?
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Nov 21, 2010
I'm rigging a model of a robot and I have wires (nurbs circles extruded along a curve) attaching to two objects that are on different joints. I have it rigged so that when the first joint moves, half of the CVs of all the wires (in a control cluster) move along with the joint (and, in turn, the object they are attached to). This much works fine, the extruded nurb follows the curve and stays the same diameter from start to finish. My problem starts with the rigging of the second joint (the second joint is the parent of the first joint). I've tried many different ways of rigging it, but as I'm only just starting rigging my thought process isn't quite a straight line yet. Basically my problem is when the source curves physically move, the extruded surface goes twice the distance as displayed in the picture below.
I need to know how to get the extruded surface to always be in the same place as the curve with out breaking the connection.
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Oct 26, 2012
im having a hard time smoothing the edges of my character. i tried deleting the hard/solid edge but maya cant and always ->// Warning: Border edges cannot be deleted merged yes its already merged with the body... i tried to relax the vertices but still didnt work
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Jun 18, 2013
I have a rectangular piece of sheet metal and all I want to do is make the sheet curved with a radius of 113.75 in.
How do I go about this? Is there an easier way like making a 3d sketch and putting a sheet metal face on it?
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Nov 7, 2013
I would like to make some recessed groves in the black piece seen in the image. I want the two thin strips of faces to be recessed slightly into the shape.
I have tried scaling and several other techniques, but nothing is getting a uniform reduced shape throughout the U-Shape to create the recess.
• Intel i7-975 - 3.33 GHZ
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Jun 13, 2012
Isn't there a way to accentuate darkness in the nooks and crannies of, say, a furniture piece. Sort of like ambient occlusion, but more pronounced, as if there was accumulation of dark stuff there.
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Feb 14, 2012
A while ago I thought I saw in a tutorial the ability to merger materials from another scene without merging the geometry. I have dug around a bit but can't figure out how to do this, or if it's even possible.
Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000
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