Maya Modeling :: Shading Geometry Suddenly Disappears

Apr 22, 2011

I has finished my model and mirror it to different axis and save my project, than closing my maya to go to sleep,Today, i'd like to re-modeling some shape in my dinosaurus eyes.So i would like to delete all the faces in the left side (axis -x ) and re-mirroring again after finishing the reshaping in dinosaurus eyes.

When i delete all the face (axis -x)The shading geometry in the Interior of dinosaurus mouth suddenly Dissapears. (and leaving only the Wireframe !)Whereas in the other parts , the shading was work perfectly.I Tried to Redo, but it still happens.

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Maya Modeling :: Shading And Polygons

Nov 30, 2011

I'm having trouble with shading objects I imported from SolidWorks using SimLab's plug-in. My problem is two-fold:

First, the polygons appear to have bizarre twists and bends in them, but there are no corresponding edges to create these deformations. Also, Maya thinks all the faces are planar. I tried cleaning up the objects and it yielded no results. These weird twists appear in both the work space and when rendered. I have tried deleting overlapping edges, but it didn't work.

Second, when I try to apply a bump map to my objects, they don't work. I tried using a noise and a fractal bump map and neither appear on the rendered image. However, the Brownian bump map works. I have tried creating other objects in the scene and the noise and fractal bump maps work just fine on those, just not on my imported geometry. I figured out a brute-force method to make the bump maps work - I delete a polygon and use the append tool to create a new polygon - but I have over 110,000 polygons on this thing.

I'm working on an 8-core MacPro running Windows 7 64bit with 32 GB RAM and two GeForce 9500GT video cards.

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Maya Modeling :: Suddenly Can't See Directories

Dec 31, 2012

Just yesterday I noticed that all my Xfrog plant models were black. They were still showing in the scene as black blobs, but on checking the directories to where the models and their images are--Maya could no longer read or find the directories. They were all still in the same place on my hard drive, and the path to them under the attributes for the models was still correct, but Maya said they weren't there (couldn't reload or click to view them.) Being a newbie I didn't have them all in the 'source images' directory of the project, if that matters, but I hadn't changed or removed anything and they had worked up until now.

I had to step through the different items, bark, branch, leaf, etc., and click the folder icon, reselect the exact same file/image, and poof, it works again. In some cases, just reselecting the file for one entry (e.g. a leaf) would then make the subsequent paths to that image work again, which saved some time. But it seemed like Maya somehow lost whatever linked it to the exact same directory and path that was still there in the attributes and still on the disc. Redoing all the links proved to me that the exact path still worked, but boy...what a glitch to have to go through and re-touch every tree, bush, leaf, etc.

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Maya Modeling :: Hiding Inner Geometry?

Jul 24, 2011

Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.

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Maya Modeling :: SSS Shader Disappears After Importing?

Oct 14, 2012

When I import an object with a SSS shader into my scene, it will randomly turn black and have no shader at all. If I go to hypershade and to reassign the sss shader, it has no effect. How can I import an object with SSS?

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Maya Modeling :: How To Make Geometry Like A Fever Chart

Apr 18, 2012

I'm working on a project that needs to make a renderable shape off a curve, the curve points are based on a random set of data - so basically I'm making a fever chart. I need the curve to go exactly along with the points, so I used bezier curve. The curve looks like pic-01

Since curve doesn't show up in render, so i'm trying to make a tube shape.
1) a polygon plane, then go edit mesh - extrude. like pic-02. The extrude division is the same amount of points
2) a nurbs circle, then go surface - extrude. like pic-03 and pic-04.

As you all can see, none of these two look good. I can understand that this is because the turns are too dramatic, but I wonder if there is a way to get around the limit and generate a graph like pic-05 in 3d.

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Maya Modeling :: Don't Highlight Edges Of Selected Geometry?

Jan 6, 2014

So, in max there is a way to turn this off.  So that when you select an object the edges are not visible.  That way, when you select and object and have a look at it, you do not have to be distracted by the wire frame.

 Is there a way to do this is Maya?  I'd lke the geo to appear as flat shading without the wireframe visible even when I select it.The reason is, I want to select it, and work on the UV mapping.  I'd like to make some changes to the map, and see how they look on the model without having to deselect the mesh each time I make a change and what to see it without the wireframe.

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Maya Modeling :: Create Geometry On Surface Of An Object

Jun 21, 2013

I have used Quad Draw to create geometry on the surface of an object, this geometry and its pivot can be seen in picture 1.I then try to mirror this geometry to the other side of the object's surface using the settings shown in picture 2

I get a mirror, but not based on the pivot, but it seems the mirrored geometry wants to be attached to the original drawn polys as shown on picture 3. Could it be a bug or is this how Quad Drawn objects are intended to behave?

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Maya Modeling :: Mirror Geometry Creates Collapsed Vertex At Zero

Jul 31, 2013

I'm using Maya 2010.  why this is happening, and how to fix it?  I have a piece of polygonal geometry.  I have confirmed all the culprit vertices are on the zero X axis.
But when I mirror it (-X), it collapses the 5 vertices at zero to a single vertex at the center, as shown in the "after" image:

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Maya Modeling :: Convert Instanced Particles To Regular Geometry

Oct 20, 2011

I have some particles that i've used the Instancer (Replacement) on to turn into a mesh that I have modeled and place throughout the scene. Now I want to convert the instanced particles to regular geometry.

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Maya Modeling :: Merge CV Created Curve Geometry Into Solid Piece?

Sep 15, 2011

I have traced out this piece of geometry using CV curve and then used loft to convert the Curves into actual geometry. I need to have one solid piece of geometry to project an image onto, how can I convert this to one solid piece? I have attached my .mb

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Maya Modeling :: Reset Transforms Of Object Moves Geometry To Frozen Position

Oct 15, 2013

So, when I reset the transforms of an object, it moves the geometry back to the frozen position but the pivot point gets places at the world origin.
That can't possibly be what is supposed to happen, is it?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Block Geometry Disappears

Oct 8, 2012

Just recently we upgraded from ACAD 2010 to 2011. Some users are still on XP and some are on Windows 7. Since we began making the jump to ACAD 2011, we have begun to notice more and more drawings popping up with blocks no longer visible that were there the day before. When you go to the block editor, the block definition is still there but all of the geometry has been blown away. The only entity that seems to be immune is an attribute. The only commonality among the various drawings this is happening too is that they are all being accessed from an XP machine. Some folks have had to spend hours restoring all the blocks that were lost and that in itself was a challenge because ACAD already saw the definition so it would continue to blow away the geometry. You could purge the block IF you could find a way to pick it and delete it.

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Maya :: Contour Shading Not Working In 2012?

Jul 21, 2011

We have been generating technical illustrations using Mental Ray in Maya 2011 with brilliant results. The studio upgraded to Maya 2012 and we now find that when we render any existing scenes, or any new scenes using entirely Maya 2012 nodes, we don't have any contour lines.

Our scenes are setup as follows:

Materials - Contour_Shader_Simple.outValue > ShadingGroup.miContourShader
Cameras - Contour_Composite.message > Camera.miOutputShader
Render Globals - Mental Ray Tab > Contours > Contrast Shader > Contour_Contrast_Function_Levels
Render Globals - Mental Ray Tab > Contours > Store Shader > Contour_Store_Function

why the scenes now don't have any contour lines?

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Maya :: 2014 - Thicker Lines Feature In Viewport Shading Menu?

May 13, 2013

What happened to the Thicker Lines feature in the view port Shading menu? This is an absolutely essential feature! Is it part of the removed features in Maya 2014?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Add One Geometry To Another?

Jan 2, 2013

I've recently imported a corrugated iron geometry that I need for my roof. My question is how do I get that imported geometry onto my roof geometry that I've modeled.

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3ds Max Modeling :: AEC Windows Disappears

Mar 6, 2014

I put some AEC Wall on my scene and then put windows in it. Converted window to Editable Poly to assign material to glass and frame, and when I'm changing glass material properties (diffuse or something) the windows just disappears it looks like it was covered by the wall, I can see only the outer frame of the window because it is deeper then wall.

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Maya Modeling :: Character Modeling From Animation Academy

Oct 14, 2011

I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Cutting Geometry Using Texture Map?

May 1, 2012

I was wondering if there is a way to cut out geometry using a texture map.

So lets say you have a quad thats uv mapped. you apply a black texture with a white dot in the middle. Is there a way to cut that circle out using a method that just aproximates the shape?

I would be using this for complex stuff. I understand its a crazy question but I figured no harm in asking. The only thing I know to do is to apply the texture and then in the viewport just hand cut. But its a lot of stuff to cut so i'm open to any shortcuts and tips.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Can Separate The Geometry For Texturing

Apr 10, 2011

as you see in the pic, top is blue and bottom is gray.I approached this by applying texture to selected polygons.I don't want to detach the mesh.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Part Of Boolean Mesh Disappears

Nov 11, 2013

I'm attaching part of my mesh with another using the Boolean Tool. When I do this part of the mesh I'm using disappears when it shouldn't. How do I fix this?

Before Boolean (showing the two parts)

After Boolean (look at the railcars far left side its gone)

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Maya :: Geometry Not Contained In Certain Scenes

Oct 31, 2011

A collegue of mine will save a file in Maya 2012 (a character model) yet, when I open the file, I only see the cameras and image planes. The HUD shows zero faces, verts, etc. When he opens the same file again, all the geometry appears.

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Maya :: 2013 Render Window Suddenly Fails To Appear

Apr 10, 2013

Last week everything was working fine, this week my render window in vacation. Or something.Hit Render frame or even IPR (doesn't matter what renderer I use) and no render window pops up to chew on the image. I get a progress bar and the .IFF is saved in my project folder, but no render window. No error messages that I can see either, maybe I'm not looking in the right place.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Instanced Geometry In Hair And Fur Is Scaling Wrong?

Oct 4, 2013

When I select instanced geometry in the Hair and Fur modifier, the individual strands are appearing much too thin. I had to go back to the instanced model and non-uniform scale it to make it really fat to compensate for this, but this is not ideal. How do I get it to represent the instanced geometry at its correct scale? Also, how do I get the default hair scale to start out longer so that I don't hit the 100% limit. It looks like I will have to style the hair guides individually to get them to be longer.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Making Poly Star With Lots Of Geometry

Jun 28, 2013

I would like to make a star shape - but I need lots of verts and faces - I know how to make one with splines but when I extrude it there is not enough geometry in the face to do what I need to. Basically I'm wanting to create a rather beat up/bent in places sheet metal star.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Turn Dummy Objects Into Geometry Instances

Oct 13, 2012

I have some architectural scenes that i'm bringing into max from Softimage. I'm using FBX. When I export, the instances come across as dummy objects, so it appears that instances are not support with FBX.

When i'm in Max, is there any way for me to tell Max that these dummies should be instances of another object?

Work Computer - Max 2012, Core i7 3.6, 6GB RAM, ATI FireGL V7700 512MB, Windows 7 64bit
Home Computer -BBC Electron with tape player and a copy of creepy cave

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Maya :: Image Plane Disappears On Restart?

May 24, 2011

getting a weird problem. at first when I had 2 image planes (front and side) every time I saved my scene and restarted, they would both disappear from perspective view. but they were still showing in ortho view. I'd have to delete the image plane and make it again. after adding a back camera with its own image, saving and restarting: it started to have all of them show in perspective, but now front and side dont show in ortho.

edit:: the first issue happens in 2011. the second in 2012. back cam probably has nothing to do with it.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Fitting Geometry Shape Into Human Body Mesh

Dec 13, 2013

I'm physiotherapist and researcher interested in human body posture analysis. Goal of my researches are to make 3d  digital model of human posture. Right now I'm using Microsoft kinect to build a human body model, but it's difficult to do automatic analysis on that mesh.  In our team we create an algorithm which analysis posture, right now we base on points located on the body, for that is necessary to manually locate that point's which is inaccurate and time consuming. Our idea is to use divide human body into segments and then fit in those segments some geometry figures ( cylinders , bal, ), next step is to calculate center of masses of those figures, so we simplify the posture to 20-40 points , and calculation of those points can be made automatic. 

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Maya :: Convert NParticles To Mesh And Export As Geometry

Sep 28, 2011

I created nParticles, than converted to can I export this mesh as a Geometry sequance???

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Maya Animation :: Binding Geometry Before Or After Smoothing Its Mesh?

Jan 19, 2011

i modeled a geometry now i wanna to bind it to a skeleton, But i got a little bit doubt about smoothing its mesh before or after binding?

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Maya :: Cannot Create Wireframe Rendering Of Geometry With Surface

Apr 16, 2013

Everything is working great in Maya 2014 except the following two issues.

PROBLEM #1: Create geometry (eg., polygon cube) in Maya 2014 and save scene file. Start Maya 2013 and open the file created in Maya 2014. The file won't open and prints "// File read in 0 seconds. Warning: line 0: swatches file depend node not found, icon discarded: defaultRenderLayer //

Is it not possible to open a scene file created in Maya 2014 with earlier versions of Maya?

PROBLEM #2: Cannot create wireframe rendering of geometry with surface Shader + mib_ambient_occlusion as in earlier versions of Maya.

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