Maya :: 2013 Render Window Suddenly Fails To Appear

Apr 10, 2013

Last week everything was working fine, this week my render window in vacation. Or something.Hit Render frame or even IPR (doesn't matter what renderer I use) and no render window pops up to chew on the image. I get a progress bar and the .IFF is saved in my project folder, but no render window. No error messages that I can see either, maybe I'm not looking in the right place.

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Maya :: Render Settings Window Does Not Spawn?

Oct 18, 2012

My render settings window will not appear. It used to, but then mysteriously stopped. how to get it back? I done the reboot thing but it never comes back.

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Maya :: Render Settings Window Opens Completely Blank?

Jan 31, 2012

I've even tried the old open a new file, and import the file that has no render setting information, and that works maybe 10% of the time.

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Maya :: 2013 Proxy Render Passes?

Aug 10, 2012

I'm trying to render some passes in Maya 2013 and Mental Ray using proxy assemblies. The trouble is that none of the passes that do some kind of material definition override ie AO, camera depth work correctly with proxies. I have read a few posts where people have said that these passes need to be applied in the render globals when exporting the proxy file. This method works correctly in Maya 2009 and fixes the issues, unfortuently this method does not work in Maya 2013.

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Lightroom :: Grid View Suddenly Fails To See All Files?

Aug 16, 2012

Out of the blue, when I re-import Photoshopped files back into LR3, they fail to appear in Grid View. But they DO APPEAR in the 'Import' screen, grayed out, as normal. So why is LR suddenly not showing them in Grid View.Here's a screenshot of the import window that clearly shows the image that does NOT appear in Grid View. Notice that image# 2012_3_4-Edit.tif resides immediately next to it's original 2012_3_4.tif file. It obviously is part of the catalog, LR knows it's there but it does not appear in the Grid. I really need a solution to this because I've build my workflow around moving files around with LR and this is a major setback for me now.

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3ds Max :: 2011 Render Elements Fails With Bad Passes?

Apr 25, 2011

I am attempting to move a project from Max9 to Max2011. Using Mental Ray.

Test renders of Diffuse, reflection,refraction, shadow, Self Illumination are failing.

The diffuse pass is very dark and looks like it still contains all the elements. But very dark.

The rest of the passes are just black.

I had this render working well in Max9. Perhaps something in the newer version of Mental Ray that I am missing?

I did some tests with just a simple scene. A plane, a box and a sphere. (1.48GB)

Render elements seem to work rather well if the scene is created in MAX2011. So it must be something in the Max9 files that is causing the error. ?

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3ds Max :: Possible To Render Object To Fit Exactly Into Render Window

Apr 17, 2012

Is it possible to render an object to fit exactly into the render window. i.e If I have a plane object segmented into 512 * 512 segments and I randomly colour each polygon. If I render at 512*512 pixels, I would like to fit the plane exactly so that the rendered image shows 1 pixel per polygon.

Whilst you can select region to render its not that exact and is based on the visual window. can it be utilized with render blowup.

Basically I want to render a square object exactly ( no borders) at a large resolution, hence the need for render blowup so that I can render into smaller tiles.

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Photoshop :: 13.0.2 Update / Adjustment Layer (curves) Preview Fails To Re-render

Dec 11, 2012

this has been only happening since updating this morning from 13.0.1 - 13.0.2...I have a problem where if I create a new curve layer and then press the preview button on/off it fails to re render the preview and nothing else happens until I OK it. I also notice that it creates history entries on the history panel like I'm making adjustments? Weird!
There's been a few other noticeable things too. The liquify window now doesn't draw as nice and smoothly as it did with 13.0.1. The cursor jitters a lot and control isn't as smooth.

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Photoshop :: CC Suddenly Flashes Document Window During Drawing?

Oct 17, 2013

suddenly Photoshop CC seems to be broken. When using selection- or drawingtools, the documentwindow where I draw starts flashing black frames while drawing and sometimes the frame even stays black.
It's really odd, 'cause this Photoshop version used to work fine.Updating the version to the latest version (14.1.2 x64) didn't fix the problem. I use Windows8.
I don't believe any of the videodrivers were updated recently, but I will check that too.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Frozen Suddenly With Blank Window In Front

Nov 22, 2013

using  PS CS3 on mac 10.8.6 - been fine for years and was OK two days ago. Now when I open it I get a blank window (just the yellow dot upper left) and all else is frozen - can't even quit. Used 'force quit' which works but does NOT say that it is not responding.
Tried rebooting and restarting etc - no change.I know its old but it was fine for my purposes - and I have not changed anything.

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Maya Modeling :: Suddenly Can't See Directories

Dec 31, 2012

Just yesterday I noticed that all my Xfrog plant models were black. They were still showing in the scene as black blobs, but on checking the directories to where the models and their images are--Maya could no longer read or find the directories. They were all still in the same place on my hard drive, and the path to them under the attributes for the models was still correct, but Maya said they weren't there (couldn't reload or click to view them.) Being a newbie I didn't have them all in the 'source images' directory of the project, if that matters, but I hadn't changed or removed anything and they had worked up until now.

I had to step through the different items, bark, branch, leaf, etc., and click the folder icon, reselect the exact same file/image, and poof, it works again. In some cases, just reselecting the file for one entry (e.g. a leaf) would then make the subsequent paths to that image work again, which saved some time. But it seemed like Maya somehow lost whatever linked it to the exact same directory and path that was still there in the attributes and still on the disc. Redoing all the links proved to me that the exact path still worked, but boy...what a glitch to have to go through and re-touch every tree, bush, leaf, etc.

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Maya Modeling :: Shading Geometry Suddenly Disappears

Apr 22, 2011

I has finished my model and mirror it to different axis and save my project, than closing my maya to go to sleep,Today, i'd like to re-modeling some shape in my dinosaurus eyes.So i would like to delete all the faces in the left side (axis -x ) and re-mirroring again after finishing the reshaping in dinosaurus eyes.

When i delete all the face (axis -x)The shading geometry in the Interior of dinosaurus mouth suddenly Dissapears. (and leaving only the Wireframe !)Whereas in the other parts , the shading was work perfectly.I Tried to Redo, but it still happens.

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3ds Max :: How To Get Rid Of The Net Render Dialog Window

Feb 17, 2012

I´m wondering if there is a way to get rid of the Netrender dialogwindow?

Everytime I have to click Connect, check in the jobslist what jobname I had last time and then press the plus sign ´til I get the next number in line...

Can´t this get more automated? Like I set my render settings on my workstation, set the output path and file, press render and the job gets send to one of the slaves without my going through the procedure described above??!!

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Maya Animation :: How To Render A Rig

Sep 3, 2010

Is it possible cause I want to render a rig I created in maya 2009 in other 3d package

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Maya :: Cannot Delete Render Layers

Nov 4, 2011

I created some render layers by copying the master layer and some of them seem to be connected to the master layer in some way and I cannot delete them!

When I select the render layer they are grey and the master layer is also selected and is blue. I cannot delete the copied layer even if I empty it.

I have created other layers the exact same way but when I select them they are not attached to the master layer and are blue when I select them and I can delete them.

What do I have to do to delete the layers that seem to be connected to the master layer? This is really annoying! I try to do one thing and end up spending the entire day trying to delete rogue render layers! The only work around I found is to select everything in the scene and export it and then import it into a new scene.

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Maya :: 2012 - Unable To Save After Render?

Nov 17, 2012

I was just doing a bunch of test renders and playing with lights when a weird render turned up out of nowhere that is sort of a transparent red and black? This happened yesterday, but it actually crashed maya. This time around, it didn't crash, but I'm unable to save my scene. This is the log for the error:

file -f -save -options "v=0" -type "mayaAscii";
// Warning: Could not save file "/var/folders/lw/y5yl1nl11cl9plpn2gsdrvg80000gn/T/tempUIFileHSDZdN". //
// Error: swatches file open failed
/Users/Undeadmau5/Documents/maya/projects/PRM/scenes/.mayaSwatches/ //
// Error: Could not save file "/Users/Undeadmau5/Documents/maya/projects/PRM/scenes/". //
// Error: Cannot find procedure "mayaFileOptions". //
// Error: Cannot find procedure "mayaFileOptions". //

Also attached is an image of the render.

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Maya :: Options Won't Display To Render 240 Frames At 30 FPS

Nov 1, 2012

I am running the free student version of Maya 2013. I am trying to change the settings under Render-Settings so I can render 240 frames @ 30 FPS. However, when I select the "Options" & "Render Settings" in the Render window, the options will not display.

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Maya :: ALL Of Renderers Are Showing Up In Render Global

Jul 22, 2011

If you see the picture below it appears ALL of my renderers are showing up in the render globals. How? what? where?..!!

this might be the reason why my renders are taking 3hrs each to finish even on low settings.

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Maya :: Different Display Artifacts When Using Textured Render?

Jul 5, 2011

When I turn on textures in the viewport, the display of some objects becomes really weird. Most times not even the whole model is affected but only parts of it. My first guess was that the noramls were corrupted, but turning on One-sided lighting and displaying the normals showed that they were absolutely okay.

It doesn't matter which render engine is used (Viewport 2.0, Default or High Quality) or whether the material is a Maya or MentalRay shader.

In the screenshot, only the head of the character is showing the artifacts. The used material is a Blinn with only the Diffuse (32-bit EXR; painted in Mudbox) plugged in for now.

How do I get rid of these artifacts?

Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.63 Ghz
nVidia GTX 560Ti
Windows 7 Professional x64

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AutoCad 3D :: Safe Frame Toggle - Make Window Proportioned To Render

May 8, 2013

how can i have a preview of the area that is going to be rendered in the model window? (this command in 3d studio is SHIFT+F, for the ones that know what i'm talking about..)

so this is the point, I have to make a bunch of images all from the same spot and with the same framing, but doesn't matter, even if I save the views, the rendered image is always different. (this mostly because

I'm using multiple computers, so it's enough that the machine has a different screen resolution or that autocad on a different machine has a different user interface, to make the render completely different.... I'd solve it using always the same computer, but it's part of the request from my new boss)...

if I set up a camera to have a proportioned view? it looks that the camera preview window is totally random.

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Maya :: 2014 - Render Settings Tabs Are Blank

Jan 22, 2014

Just installed Extension for Maya 2014 SP 1.
When I open a fresh scene, load MR and go to Render Settings my Quality, Indirect Lighting and Options tabs are not working.  Quality is minimised to the top left and the others are blank.
I've tried the following :
- Uninstalling Mental Core
- deleting all prefs, scripts etc
- deleteUI unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow;  buildNewSceneUI;
Attached are what I see in each of the problem tabs and below is all output from the script editor as I open Maya, load mental ray and then click on each tab in turn.
file -f -new;
// Warning: file: D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/scripts/startup/rememberViewportSettings.mel line 43: Active stereo does not work with Aero enabled. Active stereo has been disabled. //
// untitled //
commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
// AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.0 (built Aug  6 2013 14:15:56)
// mental ray for Maya 2014
// Mental ray for Maya: using startup file D:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014//maya.rayrc.


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Maya :: Batch Render In Software Mode Keeps Resizing?

May 4, 2011

Maya keeps resizing the height of an animation during a software batch render to 180px. Rendering a single scene, the size is as specified in the settings.

I've got an animation I need to render. I'm trying to render at 640x480. I can render single scenes or the entire batch in Hardware mode and it renders at 640x480 no problem. I can render a single scene in software mode and it renders at 640x480. If I try to batch render the animation in software mode, Maya resizes the height to 180. If I reset the size of the render to 1024x748 Maya once again resizes the height to 180.

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Maya :: Render Global Presets Won't Load In Script

Apr 28, 2011

Im using a mel script to automate basic scene parameters. For some reason though, after I run a setAttr on defaultRenderGlobals.currentRenderer, I cant apply a loaded preset until after I manually open the renderGlobals and select one of the mentalray tabs. Im running "loadNodePresets "basicSet";" as the last line of my scene builder script. What is the proper way to load the preset without manually opening the renderGlobals window?

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Maya Animation :: Animating Rotation Of IBL Dome Doesn't Render

Apr 22, 2011

When I set up the Image based lighting in Mental Ray, and key the dome that is created to rotate in a animation, it is clearly rotating in the viewport, and when I render individual frames, it works, but when I batch render (confirming that the render range is set correctly) it renders each frame with the dome in the same position.

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Maya Animation :: Why Shapes Bunched Up At Beginning / End Of Snapshot Render

Nov 30, 2011

I created a flat polygon shape (object) and attached it to a motion path (curve). I then created a Animation Snapshot. So, my question is, why are the shapes bunched up at the beginning and end of the Animation Snapshot render ... instead of being all equally spaced?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: DGN Import Into 2013 Fails?

Jul 9, 2013

I need to import .dgn elevation data (DEM?) into Civil 3D.  When I attempt MAPIMPORT, DGNIMPORT, DGNATTACH, or from the "Insert" ribbon selecting "Import" and .dgn as the file type, Civil 3D will not respond and has to be closed and reopened.

The information likely includes surface and/or breakline information.  Please see the attached (change file format from .txt to .dgn).

And if Civil 3D 2013 simply cannot import this information, does the Infrastructure Design Suite/Civil3D 2014 can?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Linetypes Suddenly Not Showing Shapes / Txt

Dec 28, 2012

im not too hip with shapefiles/linetypes.  but here is my current situation.   everything was working fine for the past 2 weeks since our civil2013 install.  yesterday i started a new drawing with our template, and now our linetypes are just dashed lines.  its not loading the x's for fences, or  any of our other custom shapes.  i opened an old drawing which was working fine, and it now has the same issue. 

the support file path is pointed to a local folder which contains a customised .shx file made by a previous employee here. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 Crash Down Suddenly When Working?

May 17, 2013

The big problem is that when am doing whatever work, the program stop working and show a error message, that says: ERROR FATAL: Unhandled access violation writing 0x000 exception at 70601612h 


And it happens when i'm on any kind of views or after printing..

My Pc is an: Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz

4gb Ram 

Windows 7 ultimate x64 bits

I DON'T HAVE AN VIDEO CARD. I use the one that provide the Motherboard.. Thats Intel HD Graphic 2000

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Maya :: How To Resize Window

Jan 2, 2013

how to resize my maya window? I can't see my time slider

I accidentally click something while I was doing my blend shapes activity. Now, I need to get back my maya on its normal view with the time slider so that I can work on my animation.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing Fails To Open After Crash

Nov 19, 2013

A colleague was working on a drawing yesterday in AutoCAD 2013 when it crashed. Since then the drawing has refused to open in AutoCAD 2013. It also does not open Trueview. It will however open in previous version of AutoCAD. We tried to export it to .dxf as well but they are corrupt. We also tried to attach it to a new drawing as an Xref and as a block, both were met with an instant fatal error and the closure of AutoCAD.

We have tried auditing, purging, resaving, using backs-ups. None of them will open in AutoCAD 2013 any more. The drawing closes without attempting to open with no error messages. It just loads up the default drawing(x).dwg.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plot Style Fails When Exporting To PDF?

Oct 3, 2013

Essentially, I've got a bunch of extruded polylines - so, some 3-d shapes - that I'm viewing in a new layout/'viewport' (?), which is set to SW Isometric view in '2D wireframe' viewing style. I've got my lines in different colors, mapped to be all black but different line widths in a custom Plot Style .ctb file.

So, when I change the 'page setup' to "display plot style", everything seems fine. All the lines go black in the viewport, and it seems as though I've configured everything correctly. When I preview an export to .pdf, however - or actually export it - this is lost. The export comes out in color.

I've done exporting using both EXPORTPDF, and PLOT, in both cases making absolutely certain that the .ctb file is being linked correctly (with EXPORTPDF, I've done it both using the 'current' page settings, and also 'override'), and with the PLOT, using the DWG to PDF converter, 

I've looked through EXPORTSETTINGS, EXPORT...

On the same computer, with another earlier, simpler file, I have no issues accomplishing what I want.For additional information/to make things more annoying for me, at this stage, the previous file which DID work seemed to conserve layer information, and allowed me to edit individual lines later, if necessary... This colored "I don't care about your plot styles I'm not going B/W" file seems to just be a flat image.

I've compared the two files in two tabs extensively, and can't seem to find ANY other difference, in any of the settings...

Additional info:

PC running Windows 8, Autocad 2014, Adobe Reader XI...
Tried both the DWG to PDF and Adobe PDF plugins to export to PDF...

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