3ds Max Modeling :: Fitting Geometry Shape Into Human Body Mesh

Dec 13, 2013

I'm physiotherapist and researcher interested in human body posture analysis. Goal of my researches are to make 3d  digital model of human posture. Right now I'm using Microsoft kinect to build a human body model, but it's difficult to do automatic analysis on that mesh.  In our team we create an algorithm which analysis posture, right now we base on points located on the body, for that is necessary to manually locate that point's which is inaccurate and time consuming. Our idea is to use divide human body into segments and then fit in those segments some geometry figures ( cylinders , bal, ), next step is to calculate center of masses of those figures, so we simplify the posture to 20-40 points , and calculation of those points can be made automatic. 

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Photoshop :: Human Body

Jul 2, 2004

Im interested in learning how to draw and color the human body so that is looks real. My work so far can be seen in my deviant art account . But I still cant acheive the realistic look. I'm better doing faces, but when it comes to the body i can shade well. I use the gaussian blur too much, but I dont know what other techniques i cold use. Code:

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Maya Modeling :: Created A Polygone Shape Using Mesh

Dec 12, 2011

I am stumbling through the lessons and am stuck on Lesson #1.For those who do not know, it is to model a helmet similar to a dirt bike helmet. I have created a smoothed poly, removed much of it to create the top portion of the helmet (or cap).

I have created a poly shape using the Mesh >> Create Poly command. I have extruded said poly 3 times to shape the front facial guard.

The next step tells me to use the bridge border edges command. My problem is only my "cap" is showing a border edge. The facial shield poly has no border and I cant figure out why?

I have tried Display >> Polygons >> Border Edges and it doesn't make a difference on the facial shield.how do i view the border edges on said poly?

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Photoshop :: Image Of Human Body Anatomy - Rendering Muscle Fibers

Oct 25, 2012

I'm basically trying to create an image of the human body anatomy with all the muscles and the fibers. How to create these fibers. I have already created the shapes of some of the muscles but now when it comes to creating these fibers, I can't think of what to do. I've already tried the filters > fiber but the result wasn't what I required.

Below is an image similar to what i'm trying to recreate.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Programmatically Add Geometry To Duct Fitting?

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to add geometry programatically to a duct fitting.  This is because the content builder is incapable of correctly building some types of fittings.  I found some old code from an Autodesk University class that shows how to add geometry to a AEC object.  I have modified it a little to be able to work with a duct fitting but it does not work.  The code compiles fine and runs fine without any errors.  The geometry is just not added.
[CommandMethod("ACAClassCode", "ExModelerModifyBody", CommandFlags.Modal)] public void ModifyBody() { Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; Editor ed =


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Merits Of Layout Modeling Or Multi-Body Part Modeling?

Nov 16, 2012

As CAD administrator at my company, which is in the process of implementing Inventor/Vault, I am quite sold on the Layout Modeling/Multi-body part modeling functionality that Inventor supports.  Among other things I believe there is a large payoff in assembly stability and simplicity.  However, this workflow is very different from the conventional methods of modeling individual parts and manually constraining assemblies. URLs....

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Illustrator :: Padding When Fitting Artboard To A Shape?

Nov 4, 2013

I could have sworn a while back that I had stumbled across an option within Illustrator (I'm currently using CC) to specify a certain amount of "padding" to leave around an object when cropping it. I can't recall if I saw this in the Artboard settings, in the Save For Web settings or somewhere else - if at all. Is this possible within Illustrator. In other words, if I draw a shape and want to crop the artboard to fit the dimensions of the shape, plus leave an extra 25px of padding around the shape.

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Illustrator :: Fitting Text Inside Shape

Sep 26, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to fit a text inside a shape and to align it exactly to the shape borders, I was trying to play with the justification panel under the paragraph link but couldn't make it work,

I was trying to fit my text inside a shape look like the number 7 so eventually when a viewer see it they can recognize the number 7 without a stroke - only by the text insize the shape, above is an example of what happe when I try the same with a circular shape - I would like the test to fit in nicely filling the entire circle.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scale Mesh Appearance On Part Body?

Dec 5, 2012

How can I scale the mesh appearance on a part body. The holes are appearing too big.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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Photoshop :: Replace Human Skin With Another Human...

Jul 8, 2009

How can i take a sample of human skin on an image and give a different image the extact same skin, i know you can replace the colour, andr HSL, but the skin never looks like the skin does on the other image, you dont get the shaes and blemishes etc.

If i cut out a sample of the skin and overlay it on the image, again this just seems to lightnen the image.   Is there some kind of plugin that will sample the skin on an image and strech it onto another image and hence give some image the extact same skin as from where the skin sample was taken?

Say i wanted to give nicole kidman, britney spears face skin what most advanced, realistic way of doing this, without just trying to matching one colour and replace the whole skin with one colour?

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Maya :: Convert NParticles To Mesh And Export As Geometry

Sep 28, 2011

I created nParticles, than converted to mesh...how can I export this mesh as a Geometry sequance???

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Maya Animation :: Binding Geometry Before Or After Smoothing Its Mesh?

Jan 19, 2011

i modeled a geometry now i wanna to bind it to a skeleton, But i got a little bit doubt about smoothing its mesh before or after binding?

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Maya Modeling :: Connect Face With The Body

Jun 1, 2011

I have modeled a face and body of a character separately. I want to join both of them but the border edges are not the same . so whats the method to join both of them together .

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3ds Max Modeling :: Smooth Vertices Of Outfit Along The Body

Feb 22, 2013

I am creating a outfit around a basic female model but i was wondering if it is possible to smooth the vertices of the outfit along the body like contouring it to the body instead if selecting every vertices and pushing them in?

3Ds Max 2011

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3ds Max :: Boolean Shape From Body Object

Feb 16, 2011

I have a body object from Inventor. I need to create a rendering showing the inside of the unit. I created a spline, and extruded it as my "cutting object". When I try Boolean or ProBoolean, it doesn't look right.

ProBoolean makes it disappear and Boolean creates gaps in the geometry.

I would attempt to re-model this in MAX but it is far beyond my abilities right now.


Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000

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3ds Max Modeling :: Add One Geometry To Another?

Jan 2, 2013

I've recently imported a corrugated iron geometry that I need for my roof. My question is how do I get that imported geometry onto my roof geometry that I've modeled.

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Photoshop :: How To Change Face Shape And Body Structure In CS5

Dec 5, 2011

What are the steps to change face shape or body structure in Photoshop CS5?

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Use Specific Shape To Carve Out Primary Shape

Feb 25, 2012

Here when ever i click on the editable poly modifier again this happens, now im pretty sure this is not supposed to happen,

i tried searching the internet and several forums but no results (maybe im just missing some 3dsmax vocabulary so i didnt coin the term for it)

How do i use a specific shape to carve out a primary shape

e.g. putting a sphere inside a box (sphere is protruding from all 6 faces) and carving out the box

Edit: changed the image to a link and added the scene file as an attachmentbutcher_knife.zip

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AutoCad 3D :: Modeling Operation Error / Inconsistent Face-body Relationships

Aug 7, 2012

I tried to slice a solid after a quite complex surface and received this error.

"The Boolean operation on solid and/or surface bodies failed.Modeling Operation Error: Inconsistent face-body relationships.SLICE failed for selected solid."

What I have tried:I up-scaled the surface-solid ensemble by 10x but it didn't work(same error)

I extruded that complex,multi-plane surface and then sliced it with a horizontal plane and got the desired solid BUT:I would like to know what the cause of that problem was and how it can be solved so that I can slice that solid following that surface.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Cutting Geometry Using Texture Map?

May 1, 2012

I was wondering if there is a way to cut out geometry using a texture map.

So lets say you have a quad thats uv mapped. you apply a black texture with a white dot in the middle. Is there a way to cut that circle out using a method that just aproximates the shape?

I would be using this for complex stuff. I understand its a crazy question but I figured no harm in asking. The only thing I know to do is to apply the texture and then in the viewport just hand cut. But its a lot of stuff to cut so i'm open to any shortcuts and tips.

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Maya Modeling :: Hiding Inner Geometry?

Jul 24, 2011

Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Can Separate The Geometry For Texturing

Apr 10, 2011

as you see in the pic, top is blue and bottom is gray.I approached this by applying texture to selected polygons.I don't want to detach the mesh.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Modeling A Shape From Sphere To A Rectangle

Nov 19, 2013

The best that work out was giving it a path constrain to a sphere changing to a rectangle and making some snapshot which it does not give me the specific control I need.

See image to see what I am trying to model, image is from NADAA, and am trying to do something similar to this but I can't. 

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Clean Up Mesh

Feb 16, 2014

Is there an easy ways to clean up a mesh so that its easy to skin ? i am working with the mvu default mesh.  someone told i have to remake my own body then redo the uvw map to match.  Unfortunately i don't have the skills to do that currently. 
My end goal is to increase the poly count so that my clothing look smooth and still be able to skin it easily. Mesh smooth just causes more problems. 

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Maya Modeling :: Shading Geometry Suddenly Disappears

Apr 22, 2011

I has finished my model and mirror it to different axis and save my project, than closing my maya to go to sleep,Today, i'd like to re-modeling some shape in my dinosaurus eyes.So i would like to delete all the faces in the left side (axis -x ) and re-mirroring again after finishing the reshaping in dinosaurus eyes.

When i delete all the face (axis -x)The shading geometry in the Interior of dinosaurus mouth suddenly Dissapears. (and leaving only the Wireframe !)Whereas in the other parts , the shading was work perfectly.I Tried to Redo, but it still happens.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Instanced Geometry In Hair And Fur Is Scaling Wrong?

Oct 4, 2013

When I select instanced geometry in the Hair and Fur modifier, the individual strands are appearing much too thin. I had to go back to the instanced model and non-uniform scale it to make it really fat to compensate for this, but this is not ideal. How do I get it to represent the instanced geometry at its correct scale? Also, how do I get the default hair scale to start out longer so that I don't hit the 100% limit. It looks like I will have to style the hair guides individually to get them to be longer.

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Maya Modeling :: How To Make Geometry Like A Fever Chart

Apr 18, 2012

I'm working on a project that needs to make a renderable shape off a curve, the curve points are based on a random set of data - so basically I'm making a fever chart. I need the curve to go exactly along with the points, so I used bezier curve. The curve looks like pic-01

Since curve doesn't show up in render, so i'm trying to make a tube shape.
1) a polygon plane, then go edit mesh - extrude. like pic-02. The extrude division is the same amount of points
2) a nurbs circle, then go surface - extrude. like pic-03 and pic-04.

As you all can see, none of these two look good. I can understand that this is because the turns are too dramatic, but I wonder if there is a way to get around the limit and generate a graph like pic-05 in 3d.

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Maya Modeling :: Don't Highlight Edges Of Selected Geometry?

Jan 6, 2014

So, in max there is a way to turn this off.  So that when you select an object the edges are not visible.  That way, when you select and object and have a look at it, you do not have to be distracted by the wire frame.

 Is there a way to do this is Maya?  I'd lke the geo to appear as flat shading without the wireframe visible even when I select it.The reason is, I want to select it, and work on the UV mapping.  I'd like to make some changes to the map, and see how they look on the model without having to deselect the mesh each time I make a change and what to see it without the wireframe.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Making Poly Star With Lots Of Geometry

Jun 28, 2013

I would like to make a star shape - but I need lots of verts and faces - I know how to make one with splines but when I extrude it there is not enough geometry in the face to do what I need to. Basically I'm wanting to create a rather beat up/bent in places sheet metal star.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Turn Dummy Objects Into Geometry Instances

Oct 13, 2012

I have some architectural scenes that i'm bringing into max from Softimage. I'm using FBX. When I export, the instances come across as dummy objects, so it appears that instances are not support with FBX.

When i'm in Max, is there any way for me to tell Max that these dummies should be instances of another object?

Work Computer - Max 2012, Core i7 3.6, 6GB RAM, ATI FireGL V7700 512MB, Windows 7 64bit
Home Computer -BBC Electron with tape player and a copy of creepy cave

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Maya Modeling :: Create Geometry On Surface Of An Object

Jun 21, 2013

I have used Quad Draw to create geometry on the surface of an object, this geometry and its pivot can be seen in picture 1.I then try to mirror this geometry to the other side of the object's surface using the settings shown in picture 2

I get a mirror, but not based on the pivot, but it seems the mirrored geometry wants to be attached to the original drawn polys as shown on picture 3. Could it be a bug or is this how Quad Drawn objects are intended to behave?

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