3ds Max Modeling :: Can Separate The Geometry For Texturing

Apr 10, 2011

as you see in the pic, top is blue and bottom is gray.I approached this by applying texture to selected polygons.I don't want to detach the mesh.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Texturing And Rendering?

Jun 14, 2013

how to texture and render like how they did in the movie: OnePiece 3D Mugiwara chase, here is the link: URL.... If you'll notice the textures aren't that detailed and the characters seem to have a black outline in most places, which changes as they pose differently, also the eyes aren't exactly a seperate 3d object which has been placed in the eye socket, the eyes are somehow just placed in their respective locations and animate as the characters look somewhere else.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Add One Geometry To Another?

Jan 2, 2013

I've recently imported a corrugated iron geometry that I need for my roof. My question is how do I get that imported geometry onto my roof geometry that I've modeled.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Cutting Geometry Using Texture Map?

May 1, 2012

I was wondering if there is a way to cut out geometry using a texture map.

So lets say you have a quad thats uv mapped. you apply a black texture with a white dot in the middle. Is there a way to cut that circle out using a method that just aproximates the shape?

I would be using this for complex stuff. I understand its a crazy question but I figured no harm in asking. The only thing I know to do is to apply the texture and then in the viewport just hand cut. But its a lot of stuff to cut so i'm open to any shortcuts and tips.

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Maya Modeling :: Hiding Inner Geometry?

Jul 24, 2011

Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.

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Maya Modeling :: Shading Geometry Suddenly Disappears

Apr 22, 2011

I has finished my model and mirror it to different axis and save my project, than closing my maya to go to sleep,Today, i'd like to re-modeling some shape in my dinosaurus eyes.So i would like to delete all the faces in the left side (axis -x ) and re-mirroring again after finishing the reshaping in dinosaurus eyes.

When i delete all the face (axis -x)The shading geometry in the Interior of dinosaurus mouth suddenly Dissapears. (and leaving only the Wireframe !)Whereas in the other parts , the shading was work perfectly.I Tried to Redo, but it still happens.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Instanced Geometry In Hair And Fur Is Scaling Wrong?

Oct 4, 2013

When I select instanced geometry in the Hair and Fur modifier, the individual strands are appearing much too thin. I had to go back to the instanced model and non-uniform scale it to make it really fat to compensate for this, but this is not ideal. How do I get it to represent the instanced geometry at its correct scale? Also, how do I get the default hair scale to start out longer so that I don't hit the 100% limit. It looks like I will have to style the hair guides individually to get them to be longer.

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Maya Modeling :: How To Make Geometry Like A Fever Chart

Apr 18, 2012

I'm working on a project that needs to make a renderable shape off a curve, the curve points are based on a random set of data - so basically I'm making a fever chart. I need the curve to go exactly along with the points, so I used bezier curve. The curve looks like pic-01

Since curve doesn't show up in render, so i'm trying to make a tube shape.
1) a polygon plane, then go edit mesh - extrude. like pic-02. The extrude division is the same amount of points
2) a nurbs circle, then go surface - extrude. like pic-03 and pic-04.

As you all can see, none of these two look good. I can understand that this is because the turns are too dramatic, but I wonder if there is a way to get around the limit and generate a graph like pic-05 in 3d.

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Maya Modeling :: Don't Highlight Edges Of Selected Geometry?

Jan 6, 2014

So, in max there is a way to turn this off.  So that when you select an object the edges are not visible.  That way, when you select and object and have a look at it, you do not have to be distracted by the wire frame.

 Is there a way to do this is Maya?  I'd lke the geo to appear as flat shading without the wireframe visible even when I select it.The reason is, I want to select it, and work on the UV mapping.  I'd like to make some changes to the map, and see how they look on the model without having to deselect the mesh each time I make a change and what to see it without the wireframe.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Making Poly Star With Lots Of Geometry

Jun 28, 2013

I would like to make a star shape - but I need lots of verts and faces - I know how to make one with splines but when I extrude it there is not enough geometry in the face to do what I need to. Basically I'm wanting to create a rather beat up/bent in places sheet metal star.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Turn Dummy Objects Into Geometry Instances

Oct 13, 2012

I have some architectural scenes that i'm bringing into max from Softimage. I'm using FBX. When I export, the instances come across as dummy objects, so it appears that instances are not support with FBX.

When i'm in Max, is there any way for me to tell Max that these dummies should be instances of another object?

Work Computer - Max 2012, Core i7 3.6, 6GB RAM, ATI FireGL V7700 512MB, Windows 7 64bit
Home Computer -BBC Electron with tape player and a copy of creepy cave

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Maya Modeling :: Create Geometry On Surface Of An Object

Jun 21, 2013

I have used Quad Draw to create geometry on the surface of an object, this geometry and its pivot can be seen in picture 1.I then try to mirror this geometry to the other side of the object's surface using the settings shown in picture 2

I get a mirror, but not based on the pivot, but it seems the mirrored geometry wants to be attached to the original drawn polys as shown on picture 3. Could it be a bug or is this how Quad Drawn objects are intended to behave?

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Separate Poly From Object

Jul 21, 2012

I'm new to 3DS Max and am coming from C4D. How do I separate a poly from an object into its own object?

I have a box which I want to convert all 6 sides/polys to their own object.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Separate Out Different Parts For Textures

May 14, 2013

I was given a model and I've decided to try and texture it. The problem I have is that I'd like to try to procedurally texture it first in Max. The object is all one group and I need to somehow separate out different parts for different textures. I thought I would select polys and try grouping them but that doesn't seem to work. The option to group polys is greyed out. So I figure I have to convert selected polys to objects first? I'm not sure of the difference between elements and objects either and I read something about layering...but I'm not sure of terminology or the best place to start.

I did have the idea to uv unwrap, create masks to mask out different areas in Photoshop, and use that in the slate editor as a mask input node, but I really want to keep things within Max if I could.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Fitting Geometry Shape Into Human Body Mesh

Dec 13, 2013

I'm physiotherapist and researcher interested in human body posture analysis. Goal of my researches are to make 3d  digital model of human posture. Right now I'm using Microsoft kinect to build a human body model, but it's difficult to do automatic analysis on that mesh.  In our team we create an algorithm which analysis posture, right now we base on points located on the body, for that is necessary to manually locate that point's which is inaccurate and time consuming. Our idea is to use divide human body into segments and then fit in those segments some geometry figures ( cylinders , bal, ), next step is to calculate center of masses of those figures, so we simplify the posture to 20-40 points , and calculation of those points can be made automatic. 

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Maya Modeling :: Mirror Geometry Creates Collapsed Vertex At Zero

Jul 31, 2013

I'm using Maya 2010.  why this is happening, and how to fix it?  I have a piece of polygonal geometry.  I have confirmed all the culprit vertices are on the zero X axis.
But when I mirror it (-X), it collapses the 5 vertices at zero to a single vertex at the center, as shown in the "after" image:

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Maya Modeling :: Convert Instanced Particles To Regular Geometry

Oct 20, 2011

I have some particles that i've used the Instancer (Replacement) on to turn into a mesh that I have modeled and place throughout the scene. Now I want to convert the instanced particles to regular geometry.

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Maya Modeling :: How To Extrude To A Separate Object

Jan 15, 2012

I have built a polygon mesh of an alien and I would like to cover him in armour plating. To do this I selected various faces and extruded them outwards (see picture).

However I would like to be able to select this extrude as a separate object (because I want to texture it differently later on). Is there any way I can extrude to a separate object?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Shrink Wrap / Root Geometry Influenced By Rock Form

Jan 14, 2011

I am trying to model roots from a tree going over some rocks. Is there a way to shrink wrap or have the root geometry be influenced by the rock's form?

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Maya Modeling :: Merge CV Created Curve Geometry Into Solid Piece?

Sep 15, 2011

I have traced out this piece of geometry using CV curve and then used loft to convert the Curves into actual geometry. I need to have one solid piece of geometry to project an image onto, how can I convert this to one solid piece? I have attached my .mb file.horro_chair.mb.zip

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Maya Modeling :: How To Join Edges Of Two Separate Polygons

Jul 1, 2011

I'm brand new to Maya just started last night. I'm trying to join two edges of two seperate polygons to achieve one nice smooth edge. I select the merge edge tool and select one edge - its all good - then I try to click another and nothing happens; and ofcourse when I hit enter it says select more than one edge .

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Maya Modeling :: Separate The Edges At These Two Vertexs (red Circles)?

Jun 11, 2011

How do I seperate the edges at these two vertexs (red circles) and connect them together (green line)

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Maya Modeling :: Reset Transforms Of Object Moves Geometry To Frozen Position

Oct 15, 2013

So, when I reset the transforms of an object, it moves the geometry back to the frozen position but the pivot point gets places at the world origin.
That can't possibly be what is supposed to happen, is it?

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Maya Modeling :: How To Open Image File For Reference In Separate Window

Nov 3, 2012

I’m a 3DS Max transfer. In 3DS Max there is an option to open an image file for modeling reference in a separate window within Max which always stays on top. This is NOT an image plane to model off of but an IMAGE FILE, a picture i can get the details from that don’t show in a drawing or plane. Currently I open images or groups of images(NOT SEQUENCES) in the default OS file viewer program. This is fine with a dual monitor setup, where I throw the reference images to the other screen. But what about when I’m on my laptop on the go or have no other monitor? Currently I’d have to open the same program, have it underneath MAYA and flip back and forth, which is a very big hassle over time. I’d like to be able to open a small, resizable window WITHIN maya and view the image file(or files!) there so I can move it around my workspace and glance over to it in an instant.

I still want my four panels or all of my panel space to work with. With it being resizable i can even shrink it down to get the gist in the upper right corner where no icons are even zoom in on parts with such a small window.

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Photoshop :: 3D-texturing

Jun 29, 2005

if it's possible to do kind of 3D-texturing in photoshop.

The grid looks very ugly as it's just a flat pattern on top of the model. I'd imagine photoshop could somehow do 3D-texturing based on the bevel blending I´ve used in the model.

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Photoshop :: Texturing DVD

Apr 16, 2007

Anyone used/bought this DVD ?

It sounds like it would be interesting, but I don't think I want to spend that much on it unless I had some reliable information.

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Photoshop :: Texturing A Photo

Jan 25, 2007

I have a high resolution image for an event we're promoting. The theme/title is "Breaking the Mold" I had a hard time thinking of a concept to go with and have sketched a few things out.

But I really want this to look like a movie poster or a game cover. Anyway the conference is, from what I'm told is to deal with leadership and breaking the way things are normally done.

So I figured I'd try something like a guy kneeling or standing in a business suit, tearing his coat off, like a Superman type deal, but have only half of the image as a statue, while the top half is the man breaking out of the mold (so to speak).

So my question is, once I find a suitable image, how can I take a textured image or background and lay it over the man's body to make it look like he's in the mold itself.

I have thought about creating a brush with the texture and painting over the man and setting layer effects to "pin light" and setting opacity. While this works with paint pretty well, I figured it might work with texture.

But how do I create the brush with the texture for a high resolution image?

Now after I crop the man out of whatever background he's in, and I take a complete huge picture of a statue, plaster, broken concrete, can I just lay it over the man. Because I've tried it with a quick sample I had as a test and set the layer settings to all the ones on there, but the concrete would not wrap around the shadows, and highlights well. The texture would remain flat and not have depth of the man's body.

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3ds Max :: How To Unwrap Weapon For Texturing

Mar 16, 2012

I am currently trying to unwrap a weapon for texturing and some of the faces are flipped only in the UV Editor. I have the option under xView Flipped UVW Faces checked on and they only pop up when I have the Unwrap UVW Modifier highlighted and in use. I've tried to flip them or mirror them under the editor but it doesn't seem to work. Under Edit Poly, Flipped UVW Faces isn't applicable. I even tried deleting a polygon and creating a new one in its place but I get the same result. I also reset x form just to see what would occur and they are still there. I'm to the point that I think it isn't as big a deal as I'm making it out to be but want to get a second opinion before I move on to unwrapping.

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3ds Max :: Texturing Faces Of Same Polygon

Mar 29, 2012

I have made a cube, and given a basic cube UV map. The material I want is a standard 2D map (say noise). The problem is that each face gets the same pattern of noise. I would have the same result if I had a basic bitmap as the material.

My solution has been to make a Multi-Sub material, and then use a different noise seed for each side of the cube. This works fine, but it makes it time consuming to do something like change the color of the cube (as I would have to edit 5/6 materials).

So, I am asking, is there a way to either make the UV behave as if each face was part of the same "thing" (spread one noise map over the image/stretch the bitmap). Perhaps make an object use multiple materials (or something like that), so that I can have a Multi-Sub for a greyscale noise, and then a basic color that I can change to effect all of the sides at once.

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3ds Max :: Texturing Using Viewport Canvas

Mar 9, 2011

I am having a problem when texturing using the viewport canvas. Whenever I activate the brush tool, the light on the texture seems to change. The first image shows what the texture should look like. The 2nd image shows what happens when the brush tool is active. The texture for the body gets washed out. I have my viewport settings on default lights and hardware shading turned off. I've deleted all my lights in the scene but it doesnt seem to matter.

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3ds Max :: Texturing Individual Polygons?

Jan 10, 2012

I started University a few months back and we are currently doing an assignment with Max. Now we arent allowed to use Unwrap UVWs cos apparently thats too above us at the moment so we have to apply a texture, and then apply a UVW map. However, I know it is possible to apply a texture to selected Polygons but how do I actually go about doing this as every time I try, it just applies the texture to the whole object.

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