Maya :: Import Objects Into Scene Without Suffix's?
Aug 14, 2011
how can i import anything into my scene without adding those suffex into each geometry or node existed in the imported scene..sometime i have to import scene which has alot of nodes any geometry into another one, but i'll fall in many troubles like renaming anyman more which is inconvenent at all.
I want to put multiple people in the scene. So I'm trying to import people.fbx into the scene. It succeed at the first time. I grouped the meshes and skeleton and name it in name people1. But I can't import the same people.fbx again. Is there any way to import one .fbx into the scene for multiple times?
My scene has about 10,000 objects in it, so it's tough to find that unnamed object...
It doesn't seem to matter much, but it's annoying- every time i render a frame I get: // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored // // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored // // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored // // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM [URL]....
I've been playing with Scene Referencing, and have a question about skinning. Is the ability to bind a mesh that is part of an Assembly Reference something that will be coming in a future release? I'd like to be able to bind both a high-poly and a low-poly mesh to one rig using scene assembly. That way I can swap armor parts, weapons, etc on one rig without cutting/pasting animation between rigs.
I've attached a picture of a sample of what I'm referring to. If that isn't workable, any other workflow that is comparable?
New user to Maya here. I recently have been working on some scenes at the office and found out afterward about Maya's Projects settings and auto creation... Needless to say, my current files are now not part of a Project.
Is there any way to take the currently open scene and export it as a new Project or Gather the files from a scene and build a new Project without having to do it manually?
Why the Plane disappear when open New Scene? I try to adjust the Near Clip under Camera, it works but what could have made this happen (I mean Plane/Grid suddenly disappear?)
Not sure if the following would be the reasons: Recently I have tried to open files related the Maya sample file (tutorial disk)but I can't open it directly from the CD. I noticed that there might be some tricks that I have to same the file as an ASCI file and the open in Wordpad, then I could successfully open that. So I try to copy the Tutorial files in the CD to my Harddrive. When I open that from Wordpad, it works!. I am not sure if that could be the causes of my proble (ie. Plane/Grid disappear), or I might have done something which I am not aware of? Also, those axis arrows seems so long and I need to adjust that (I mean the arrows extend outside the Plane/Grid).
We make a small Animation Movie and from time to time we stumble upon strange behaviours of the referencing pipeline.
There is a Kitchen that will be the scenery for the Movie Scene Set up: all models i.e the toaster, the fridge ansd so on are modeled and saved.then in the Kitchen File we have an empty scene where all the objects are referenced in. thats the "model master" we referenced the toaster_model into toaster_shaded, did all the shading and changed the references in the kitchen from toaster_model to toaster_shaded.
On some objects we noticed, that the updates made on the models for examlpe if we scale up the toaster on 2 and freeze transforms afterwards, the change is not updated in the Kitchen file. But after a few days the update works...
I'm new to Maya 2011 and simply put, I need to know the basics of animating a camera around a scene, along a path, slowing down and speeding up, how to move the point of interest, that type of thing.
New when it comes to any kind of environment modeling, but I'm trying to make a simple landscape with grass and trees for a project.
I've got a nice ground plane and a simple grass plane with a texture applied from Photoshop. I was wondering if there is a way to paint instances of my grass object without manually duplicating and placing each individual blade of grass?
In my scene i have a fully rigged character, with a walk cycle animation on him. what i would like to have is a row of characters walking around. (kind of like how you see military soldiers walk around while in group). The part that is giving me the most trouble with this is getting multiple copies of the same character into my scene.
What i have tried and failed with: Grouping my full rig and then duplicating. making instances of my character and messing around with particles. i have made multiple attempts at trying to use duplicate special.
the only thing that seems to kind of work is making a scene with just one character and importing it into my main scene and changing a bunch of stuff around. with the amount of copies i need this workflow just feels really degrading and tiresome.
I have about 13 different 3D objects, each on their own layer, and I want them to be able to cast shadows from lights all on the same ground plane. I know the setup for an individual object but when I go to set it up for each one they keep generating their own ground plane and the end result is no where close to where I want them. It's vital for this project I'm working on and I can't find any guide for the 3D features in the extended edition that is free.
I have a hard time copying/pasting graph editor curves from a scene to another, since it`s only a specific part of the timeline, is there some basic rules that are to be observed for things to work properly? Yes after a thousand tries i`m going to have to edit every darn ecking curves accordingly to those i wanted to copy.
I'm starting to get into video compositing a bit and I was wondering what your opinions are on the best program to use - 3ds Max or After Effects? Basically I'm shooting some live footage, solving for the camera motion in PFTrack, and I want to composite 3D objects/effects into my scene. Of course all of my modeling and animating will have to be done in Max, but which is the better program to use for actually Compositing it all together? Is it better to import the camera track into Max, set up the whole scene with lighting and cameras and everything, set the environment background as the original footage, and render it all in one shot? Or is it better to just render the models as an image sequence in Max (with alpha channel) and actually put the layers together in After Effects?
So far I've done a few test shots in 3ds Max alone, but it seems like most people prefer to composite in After Effects. What are the advantages/ disadvantages to each? It would be great to hear from people who have actually done this before.
I have one of the older 32 bit Maxes and wonder if the new 64 bit Maxes offer an improvement for speed when working with thousands of objects in a scene?
When I merge geometry into a scene that is already using the same materials, it prompts me what I want to do. I always select "Use scene materials"...however, whenever I look at the slate, it shows duplicates all over the place. To keep mat library optimized becomes a task when you are dealing with a lot of materials.
Why does MAX not listen to me when I tell it to use the scene materials that have matching names?
I have included a xref scene in another file and but the xref when rendered does not respect hidden layers, hidden object OR "do not render' option set in layer manager. In other words all of the objects including the hidden ones are displayed. How I can leave my reference objects and layers in my original scene but not display them if I include the file as an xref scene.
I am having a problem with merging a pre-textured object into my current scene. The object initially is successful however when it comes to rendering I get an error stating that the textures cannot be located.
I have download building model in 3ds format, when i import the model into scene. the polygons of the model colliding each. what may be the problem. they have used very low mesh with lot of Boolean. how to recover this model or i have to create new? . i have attached the screen shot also.
i got a problem that my imported objects and after I combine them with new objects together then I saved them, later on I opened my scene, my objects are gone.
i'm trying to close a gap between 2 objects to prepair it for 3d printing (a halo ODST recon helmet for halloween). i had found a bunch of papercraft models but those won't print properly as they are on my replicator so i'm trying to make the pieces thicker so they have real substance. i've attached what i've got so far.
as you can see, there is a gap between the inside and outside of the object that needs to be closed.
i've tried "fill hole" but that fills the entire space which is unacceptable. bridging is no better.
i've never taken classes for maya and don't have much money for books. What is the procedure to properly close that gap,
I'm trying to import a part from solidworks. I've tried opening the .SLDPRT file, converting to IGES (203 and 214), and STEP. All give the same result.
See below pictures - the Maya import has "dingleberries" where there should be a flat surface (i.e. some of the tubes extend when they shouldn't). I know imports are rarely perfect, and that's OK as long as I know how to clean things up. How can I trim off the extra surfaces that appeared after the import? I'd just use an extruded cut in SolidWorks, but I'm in a strange land with Maya.
I recently upgraded to Maya 2013, and have lost my Right click menu. I get an error message along the lines of "Wrong number of arguments on call to buildBakingMenus" - I'm at work right now, away from Maya, so I do not recall the error #.
When I right click objects, and certain nodes in the hypershade, it does not work. Right clicking does work when holding alt - to zoom and such.
I made a Robotic arm whose function was to pick a dropper from a beaker and pour the droplets in another beaker from the dropper and then place the dropper back into the first beaker.
I used combine to attach the dropper with the robotic arm; everything worked well but when i placed the dropper back into the first beaker and rotated the arm back to its original position all the groupped objects got scattered ...