3ds Max :: Do New 64bit Maxes Handle Thousands Of Objects In A Scene
Apr 19, 2012
I have one of the older 32 bit Maxes and wonder if the new 64 bit Maxes offer an improvement for speed when working with thousands of objects in a scene?
If I have a list of handles for Autocad Entities, how would I go about selecting these entities on screen so that the user could add to this selection or remove objects from the selection? I could go with object ids as well if needed.
I have been searching and searching and coming up empty handed or at least coming up with information that doesn't seem to do what I want.
I'm new to After Effects and struggling just a bit. I tried searching this forum but found no obvious reference to my question. I have figured out how 3d Tracking works for a single object, but don't know how to handle multiple tracked objects on the same video clip. How do I go about tracking more than one object or Text Object in the same clip?
I have about 13 different 3D objects, each on their own layer, and I want them to be able to cast shadows from lights all on the same ground plane. I know the setup for an individual object but when I go to set it up for each one they keep generating their own ground plane and the end result is no where close to where I want them. It's vital for this project I'm working on and I can't find any guide for the 3D features in the extended edition that is free.
I'm starting to get into video compositing a bit and I was wondering what your opinions are on the best program to use - 3ds Max or After Effects? Basically I'm shooting some live footage, solving for the camera motion in PFTrack, and I want to composite 3D objects/effects into my scene. Of course all of my modeling and animating will have to be done in Max, but which is the better program to use for actually Compositing it all together? Is it better to import the camera track into Max, set up the whole scene with lighting and cameras and everything, set the environment background as the original footage, and render it all in one shot? Or is it better to just render the models as an image sequence in Max (with alpha channel) and actually put the layers together in After Effects?
So far I've done a few test shots in 3ds Max alone, but it seems like most people prefer to composite in After Effects. What are the advantages/ disadvantages to each? It would be great to hear from people who have actually done this before.
how can i import anything into my scene without adding those suffex into each geometry or node existed in the imported scene..sometime i have to import scene which has alot of nodes any geometry into another one, but i'll fall in many troubles like renaming anyman more which is inconvenent at all.
I have included a xref scene in another file and but the xref when rendered does not respect hidden layers, hidden object OR "do not render' option set in layer manager. In other words all of the objects including the hidden ones are displayed. How I can leave my reference objects and layers in my original scene but not display them if I include the file as an xref scene.
My scene has about 10,000 objects in it, so it's tough to find that unnamed object...
It doesn't seem to matter much, but it's annoying- every time i render a frame I get: // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored // // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored // // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored // // Error: (Mayatomr.Geometry) : unnamed object is not a mesh, ignored //
Just installed CS6 on my new workstation and Photoshop; it freezes upon opening.Every other program I have installed has worked flawlessly, including the rest of the CS6 Suite and Lightroom 5.Both Windows and the Adobe Suite have all available updates already installed.Computer is a new HP Z420 Xeon Workstation, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, 16GB Ram.
In Photoshop CS6 (64bit), when using the brush tool (with a brush with pressure sensitivity activated), I quite often get a line drawn at the max width selected, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. Everything goes back to normal after I start drawing another line, and happens again after a few lines. It's quite random.
I don't have this problem in any other software (Illustrator CS6 64bit, Painter XII, Sketchbook Pro, Zbrush, ...). I have already checked and I've found some other users on other forums with the same problem.
One example, with a picture of the problem: [URL] Another one, exact same problem: [URL] Some of those users seem to have solved their problem by installing an old driver (6.1.5r3), but they had that problem with Intuos TABLETS in the first place, not a Cintiq 24HD... I have tried that, but unfortunately the driver is not compatible with the Cintiq 24HD.
To test this out: I've been able to reproduce the problem 90% of the times I've tried. if I keep the pen at 1 inch from the display so that it's still recognized by the screen but it's not drawing, then wiggle it a bit, and then I slowly move to the screen and tap it (as if I was starting a line with very low pressure), the problem appears and it makes a large dot, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. As I said the test doesn't work every time, but almost.
This is an image of what happens when I try and make dots in Photoshop. These are done trying to push the pen with the same (low) pressure. The big ones are from when the issue appears: [URL]
I have tried the pressure test in the Wacom utility software and it seems to work fine, it never jump to full even when I try the method I've just described. In the diagnostic page of the Wacom utility software the pressure is always correct, even when in Photoshop there's the brush sensitivity issue.
note: I've already tried to completely re-install my computer + the Adobe software + the lastest wacom driver for my Cintiq 24HD, and the problem is still the same.
Both are referencing cooltype.dll. I ran Font Doctor on all system and non-system fonts and found no errors. Booted without Extensis Suitcase loading. Nothing works. All 32 bit programs work fine.
I'm creating a large map from the thousands of small, 256x256 pixel maps from google maps. I have already written a script that downloaded all the images, and saved them with a name indicating where they ought to be on the map (say, 1-1.png is top, left hand corner).
I have to now piece all of these images together. There are about 1,800 images, so doing this by hand is a real pain (I actually have already done about 1/8th of the work, and it took 1.5 hours so far). So here's my question: is there a way in photoshop to automate this.
I know about droplets and batch things, etc. But I don't know how to make 'merge two images, with the second directly placed directly below the first in the new image.' If I knew how to do this, I could create ~60 columns with everything lined up.
I'm creating a large map from the thousands of small, 256x256 pixel maps from google maps. I have already written a script that downloaded all the images, and saved them with a name indicating where they ought to be on the map (say, 1-1.png is top, left hand corner).
Anyway, I have to now piece all of these images together. There are about 1,800 images, so doing this by hand is a real pain (I actually have already done about 1/8th of the work, and it took 1.5 hours so far). So here's my question: is there a way in photoshop to automate this.
I know about droplets and batch things, etc. But I don't know how to make 'merge two images, with the second directly placed directly below the first in the new image.' I could create ~60 columns with everything lined up.
I'm creating a large map from the thousands of small, 256x256 pixel maps from google maps. I have already written a script that downloaded all the images, and saved them with a name indicating where they ought to be on the map (say, 1-1.png is top, left hand corner).
Anyway, I have to now piece all of these images together. There are about 1,800 images, so doing this by hand is a real pain (I actually have already done about 1/8th of the work, and it took 1.5 hours so far). So here's my question: is there a way in photoshop to automate this.
I know about droplets and batch things, etc. But I don't know how to make 'merge two images, with the second directly placed directly below the first in the new image.' If I knew how to do this, I could create ~60 columns with everything lined up.
Ive started at a company where all of their parts and assemblies have all of the work planes, axis and points visible. Im getting bored of going view, object visibility, turn off all work features everytime i open a new model. Anything written that will turn off these features and only turn them back on when requested.
basically im looking for a shortcut, rather than opening every part and assembly and doing it manually.
I want to find a way to make a central locaton for thousands of images that I can tag to make them easy to find. For strictly this purpose and not editing, what is the difference between doing this in Lightroom vs. Bridge? It seems like they do the sam thing? I was also considering iPhoto for this purpose, how these programs differ for this purpose?
Instead of "removing" a folder with thousands of photos I went in to Windows Explorer deleted the catalog, the locked file and a few other folders. However, when I try to delete the folder with all the thousands of previews folders in it I get a message telling me that I can't delete them because they are being used by another program. I don't have Lightroom open when I try to do this so my question is: how can I simply delete those folders from my hard drive?
Do I have to un-install Lightroom to do this? Hopefully not.
I have an iLogic Form that I've created and implemented into our model template files. I am manually adding this Form to all existing files. It's a time consuming process of opening the files one by one and pasting in the same Form over and over.
Any way or program has created where it will take a Form opened in a model and paste that same Form into a selected group of files?
BTW I'm also having to do this to the Drawing Resources folder of Inventor IDW and DWG files as I have updated/modified our border design on the new templates. I want all of our existing drawing files to have the new border. So again I'm having to manually open each drawing file and paste in the Drawing Resources folder then clicking "Replace" any time it sees an existing name rather than click "New" as it would then give me duplicates of those names.
When downloading photos from I photo I mistakingly downloaded every image on my hard drive including numbers, symbols and things which I never saw before. How do I delete those images so that when I use illustrator I see only my photographs? There must be thousands of unwanted images.
I have to update a block in literally thousands of cad files. I have the book "AutoCAD Secrets Every User Should Know About" and the author gives examples of this by using a Batch File, Script File, and then Lisp Routine. Any easier way to do the following:
Insert "Gennnotes=" (updating the block) into any drawing that has this block in the drawing already, if not Quit.
Typically to do this I would open the drawing "insert" "gennotes=", then cancel the command and save the drawing. I have a lot of subfolders that also hold drawings so the command would have to search through each subfolder for dwgs.
Like I mentioned above, I tried to use the Batch File/Script Method but my batch file failed. It could find the folder Autocad 2012 - English. For some reason it was not seeing the spaces in between. Not sure. Here's the batch file portion of the routine:
Batch file:
For /r C:Sybex %%f in (c:sybex*.dwg) do start /wait C:ACAD2012Autocad 2012 - Englishacad.exe "%%f" /b C:gennotesupdate.scr
I have a lot of RAW+JPG pictures (shot as RAW+JPG or previously converted from RAW to JPG with other programs), when importing them to Lightroom, I can choose to treat them as the same picture or as separate pictures.
At first glance, they should of cause be treated as the same picture (because they are the same picture), and they do indeed appear as "RAW+JPG" in LR, but how do I:
- View the JPG? (not critical, but it would be nice to be able to compare the JPG with the LR results)- Add metadata (tags, title, caption, etc.) to the JPG file and not just the RAW file? (I have enabled "write metadata to file")
If treated as separate pictures, they behave as one would expect, but it is not that convenient to have two of the same pictures side-by-side.
- Can I auto-stack RAWs and JPGs?- Can I write metadata (tags, title, caption, etc.) to the entire stack in one go?
1. I need JPG versions of my pictures for e-mail, web, viewing on my TV etc.
2. I REALLY don't want to be dependent on LR in the future. If I have spend hours and hours fine tuning my pictures, and only have them saved as RAW, I would need LR till the day I die. And it doesn't end there, my kids, my grand kids and so on, would also need LR to view the pictures (at lease in the quality I would like them to be viewed).
I noticed that when I open a 16bit ppm in GIMP 2.8, the file opens without the 'gimp can't handle 16bit, it will loose data, etc...' notification. But if I open a tiff version of the very same raw file, the notification does pop up. My understanding is that current GIMP 2.8 can't handle 16bit, regardless of file format. Is that right?
I would like to paint on a clip I generated from a still. Now I can´t use the OnionSkins and if I paint my brushstroke ,is on the whole clip not only the first frame.
For editing a jpeg file (e.g., sharpening), first I create a duplicate layer. Now, I have two layers: Layer 1 and Background layers. Editing is done only on the duplicate layer. That's how I am able to keep the original jpeg file. When editing is completed on Layer 1, I got to save the edited image. Before saving it, what should I do with the Background layer? Should I delete it or merge/flatten with Layer 1?
I need to connect to specific instances of AutoCAD and Plant3D. The Running Object Table (ROT) only holds one instance so GetObject wont work.
I've tried getting the correct instance using the hwnd with the AccessibleObjectFromWindow function. I'am thinking the easiest way is to autoload a plugin to communicate with, maybe through a service.