Photoshop :: Wacom Cintiq 24HD / CS6 64bit (Windows 7 64bit) Brush Pressure Sensitivity Often Fails
Jul 11, 2012
In Photoshop CS6 (64bit), when using the brush tool (with a brush with pressure sensitivity activated), I quite often get a line drawn at the max width selected, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. Everything goes back to normal after I start drawing another line, and happens again after a few lines. It's quite random. Â
I don't have this problem in any other software (Illustrator CS6 64bit, Painter XII, Sketchbook Pro, Zbrush, ...). I have already checked and I've found some other users on other forums with the same problem.
One example, with a picture of the problem: [URL] Another one, exact same problem: [URL] Some of those users seem to have solved their problem by installing an old driver (6.1.5r3), but they had that problem with Intuos TABLETS in the first place, not a Cintiq 24HD... I have tried that, but unfortunately the driver is not compatible with the Cintiq 24HD.
To test this out: I've been able to reproduce the problem 90% of the times I've tried. if I keep the pen at 1 inch from the display so that it's still recognized by the screen but it's not drawing, then wiggle it a bit, and then I slowly move to the screen and tap it (as if I was starting a line with very low pressure), the problem appears and it makes a large dot, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. As I said the test doesn't work every time, but almost.
This is an image of what happens when I try and make dots in Photoshop. These are done trying to push the pen with the same (low) pressure. The big ones are from when the issue appears: [URL]Â
I have tried the pressure test in the Wacom utility software and it seems to work fine, it never jump to full even when I try the method I've just described. In the diagnostic page of the Wacom utility software the pressure is always correct, even when in Photoshop there's the brush sensitivity issue.
note: I've already tried to completely re-install my computer + the Adobe software + the lastest wacom driver for my Cintiq 24HD, and the problem is still the same.
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Mar 25, 2013
I bought a Wacom cintiq 22hd online and before it arrived I imagined before it came that all I would have to do is plug it in and install the software and that would be it but no....Â
This turned out to be a real nightmare to use, first after I finished calibrating the tablet this annoying loading circle kept appearing around the point every time I tried to draw something, Then after I had been able to fix it from running around the internet looking for solutions the pressure sensitive feature stopped working I looked around again to find a solution and people were saying update the driver software and I did then after rebooting my machine it no longer works and every time i tried to view the tablet settings it kept saying "THE TABLET DRIVER WAS NOT FOUND"
I had to uninstall the driver and recalibrate it and the pressure sensitive feature still isn't working. Personally I think this is complete BS I can't understand why Wacom a highly regarded company would delibratelly make their tablets more complicated to use than they need to be, I really am clueless as to what I can do to fix this I don't think reinstalling the "WacomTablet_635-3" driver software. What I can do I am using Windows 7 64 bit
Well because i went to the wacom forum site to try and get some answers but when I went to go sign up for an account it kept saying that my criteria was invalid even though it wasn't another reason to loose faith in Wacom and their useless business structure and unuseful customer support.
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Jan 31, 2013
I have upgraded to Windows 8 using Adobe Photoshop CS6 (latest Dec update). I have the latest Wacom drivers installed (Nov1) and Photoshop does not respond to pinch to zoom and rotate and it recognizes my hand touching the screen as pen input when using the pen at the same time. Even without the pen I can draw with my finger. Others have reported this under Windows 7 as well. I have an iPad, I don't need this 4K screen to work like an iPad!Â
This did not happen with older wacom drivers and Windows 7. I need to know how long I am going to have to wait before Adobe acknowledges the problem and when to expect a fix for this. All of us with Photoshop and Wacom Cintiq 24 HD Touch are screwed at the moment. Most other programs are working correctly with both touch and pen (i.e. Painter 12.2, Sketchbook Pro, etc). Most users are resorting all the way back to CS3 with older drivers or turning off Touch input all together to get the pen to work.Â
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Mar 20, 2012
Is it possible to use a laptop with a Wacom Cintiq 24HD as a dual monitor setup for Photoshop.....?
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Dec 25, 2013
I have it enabled in the tablet properties. Windows 7 64bit.
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Jul 14, 2013
Just installed CS6 on my new workstation and Photoshop; it freezes upon opening.Every other program I have installed has worked flawlessly, including the rest of the CS6 Suite and Lightroom 5.Both Windows and the Adobe Suite have all available updates already installed.Computer is a new HP Z420 Xeon Workstation, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, 16GB Ram.
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Dec 23, 2008
Moving to a Windows 2008 Server x64 desktop and notice that when Lightroom is installed it's the 32bit version. On Vista x64 the installer automatically installs Lightroom 64bit. Is there a way to manually select the 64 bit version for install ?
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Nov 28, 2013
I have the Adobe Creative Suite 3 and I use Photoshop to create comics and complete drawings. Lately, I have been having a serious trouble with brush lag. The more I draw and color, the farther behind the brush gets from the curser. It doesn't matter what input device I use (Intuos 3 pen or USB mouse), I still have the same issue. I don't really know how to fix it. I know it is not my computer's performance; I have Windows 64 bit, a Sandy Bridge i7, 16 gigs of ram, and a Radeon HD6850.
I've tried:Restarting my computer before opening Photoshop - Didn't workChecking for Adobe updates - Didn't workUpdating my graphics drivers - Didn't workÂ
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Jul 18, 2013
I got this issue since I got my new windows system.Â
I do my daily Photoshop session with my Wacom Intuos 4, then randomly later, sensitivity of the pen turns off. The only way to recover the problem is to reboot Photoshop and sometime the whole system.Â
why it doing that?
I downloaded the latest Wacom drivers and Photoshop CS4 is up to date and the problem still persist.
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Feb 13, 2013
I have a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet, photoshop CS6 and Windows 7. The pressure sensitivity of my tablet won't work anymore. Roughly, it said to uninstall my wacom driver, unplug the tablet, reboot, install driver, plug in the tablet and reset my preferences in photoshop. I've done this last night and it worked, I was thrilled but it was late, was exhausted,When I turned it back on and went in photoshop this morning it didn't work anymore, pressure sensitivity was gone again. I get this little warning in my brush settings when I try to put it on Pen Pressure or tilt or other setting that requires pressure sensitivity, The only way I can get it to work is with the process I mentioned (uninstalling driver, unplugging tablet, rebooting etc...) but I'd need to do this every time I shut down my computer and that's a bit of a pain..I've also tried installing different drivers, the latest one first, when that didn't work I tried older ones to see if it would make a difference to no avail.
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Sep 17, 2012
Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?
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Feb 23, 2011
I Bought a Wacom Bamboo Tablet when I first discovered and then soon after they removed pressure sensitivity from the software. So now any plugin created for it so I can use my Tablet again.
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Mar 13, 2012
Photomerge has been failing on this system. I at first thought it was down to insufficient registration with the images, but I realised it fails every time, so tried with 32bit PS and all worked OK. It loads the RAW files and builds the layer stack, and usually shows the 'Aligning files' message. Then the files disappear from the screen leaving Photoshop still running.
I don't think it has ever worked with this particular installation on this machine.
Win7 64bit Pro
3930K @ an easy 4Ghz
32Mb RAM (70% assigned for PS)
To recap, it works OK with PS 32 bit. I have tried starting from Bridge > Tools > Photoshop > Photomerge and directly from Photoshop File > Automate > Photomerge using open files.
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Apr 10, 2008
I'm using a Cintiq 18sx, and its pressure sensitivity is working great in programs such as Flash, but when it comes to photoshop, there is absolutely no brush sensitivity.
I have gone into the brush shape dynamics settings and set it to pen pressure, but finds nothing. I'm not exactly sure what to do now.
This has been a problem since I began using CS3.
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Mar 17, 2012
Both Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit) and Premiere Pro (64 Bit) Crash on Start up. 32 bit version of Photoshop works fine.
Here is the problem signature when they crash.
Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:         APPCRASH
 Application Name:         Photoshop.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp:         4bbc5b10
 Fault Module Name:         CoolType.dll
 Fault Module Version:
 Fault Module Timestamp:         4b980c97
Both are referencing cooltype.dll. I ran Font Doctor on all system and non-system fonts and found no errors. Booted without Extensis Suitcase loading. Nothing works. All 32 bit programs work fine.
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Mar 18, 2013
My Brush opacity reponds to pen pressure of my wacom tablet even if it is deactivated in the Transfer dynamics control
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Jun 14, 2013
Setup: Windows 7, CS5, CIntiq 24HD
I just bought a Cintiq 24HD and tested it in Photoshop CS5. Unfortunately the lines are jagged. (I'm using the brushtool and on my wacom intous 3 everything was fine.) This only appears in PS, Painttool Sai is fine and has great line quality.
At first I thought it might be the second monitor, as this was mentioned in forums, but I moved and unplugged it and nothing happend. I tried other solutions as well like unabeling windows tablet components etc.
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Feb 9, 2013
I have just purchased a Microsoft Surface Pro in anticipation of running Photoshop on it. I installed Photoshop and tried to do some sketches. I created a new file and started sketching. I Immediately felt like something was wrong. I checked my brush settings and saw the pressure sensitivity was not available. Everytine I tried to turn it on it was marked with an exclamation point.Â
Does Adobe is supporting the new pressure sensitive pen from microsoft, or if there is some sort of setting that I am missing? I have tried sketchbook pro 2011, and that works amazingly well with the pen.Â
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Jan 3, 2013
In Illustrator CS6 demo, is the blob brush's pressure sensitivity disabled? Pressure isn't selectable and I don't know why.
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May 16, 2009
*all* of my cs4 master suite works great - no issues on any app - except the 64bit version of photoshop... it wont launch at all - and yes i have the 11.0.1 update (adobe updater says everything is current and file properties verify new version on both 32 and 64bit exes) running as administrator doesnt help either. also problem occurs when win7 boots in safe mode. i'm running build 7100 of win7 64bit and have 6gig ram on an i7 system with a gtx 285 so i'd love to utilize the benefits of 64bit.... when i attempt to launch the 64bit exe i get an alert dialog error saying "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."Â and that's it. never makes it to the splash screen or begins loading any dll, it's immediate error.... and like i said, 32bit version works fine from doing cursory google searches and whatnot, i am led to believe it may be a memory addressing issue which i've been unable to investigate or that perhaps my .net framework was out of date? but i checked the framework issue and win7 includes the newest version...
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Jan 22, 2013
I work as a graphic designer and illustrator. As such, most of what I do with Photoshop is drawing, using my Wacom tablet and the brush. So I purchased the cloud services a few days ago to be up to speed and have the newest updates and everything.But when I started working with CS6 64bit I noticed how after some minutes working on a file there's just an INCREDIBLE lag on the brush. (usually if I beforehand do several zooms in and out and skip through the history) But I don't mean a little lag, like if I use a special brush with special attributes and it's really huge. I use the standart round brush, not even that big in diameter, (5px) draw, and have to wait several seconds for a simple line to materialize.It's like working in slow motion.
I tried drawing without the tablet to make sure it's got nothing to do with the Wacom Plugin, but no. Even if I use the mouse, it's like this.
It doesn't matter if I restart the system and photoshop just before. Some files I open, and it's lagtime.So now I have to use PS CS6 32bit, because there it's possible to work without the lag. But for some reason the programm crashes from time to time.
These are my systems specifics:
Intel Xeon CPU E31225
3.10GHz 3.10 GHz
64 Bit System
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Nov 20, 2013
Ever since I upgraded Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 a few days ago, my pen pressure randomly changes to the default brush stroke in CS6 Extended. I am using a Wacom Intuous 5 Tablet with a wireless kit.
My pen pressure works perfectly fine in CS5, Paint Tool Sai, and Painter 12, but I am most comfortable with CS6 and really do not want to bounce between programs.
Reset my Photoshop Preferences using ctrl+shift+alt
Completely uninstalled and reinstalled the newest driver (Driver 6.3.7-5) as well as tried using older drivers.
Unistalled everything relating to Wacom on my computer and reinstalling.
Tried disabling Mouse settings through Device Manager.
Turned off/on Windows Ink.
Changed pen nibs.
Changed USB ports.
Removed My and All User Preferences using the Tablet Preference Utility
Turned off Flicks and changed Double Tap and Press and Hold settings.
I contacted Wacom and their response was:
"If the pressure sensitivity is just fine with the Tablet Diagnostics then you will need to contact Adobe."
About the only thing I have not done is unistalled/reinstalled CS6, which I am nervous to do because I no longer have my physical copy and as far as I can tell, it is only available to download through CC.
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Dec 2, 2013
Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
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Aug 21, 2012
installing Photoshop 7.0 on Windows 7 64bit with success?
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Sep 23, 2013
I just purchased a new PC (with budget limitations) with the following configuration:
8 GB RAM DDR3 (1600 Mhz)
1 HD 1TB 7200 RPM (WD)
i5 processor 3.00Ghz
After reading a lot of material on the web, about using a few physical hard drives for using Photoshop CS5 (I am working on lrage files, 300-800MB), I am wondering if my current conifguration with only 1 HD (1TB) is "strong" enough for my needs ?
How many partitions and size should I prepare when setting my PC ?
If I was able to squeeze another 100$ what should I get ? Another HD for Photoshop scratch disk ? or maybe an SSD ?
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Apr 15, 2012
When I open the HDR toning filter the top of the HDR controls window is always hidden under the top edge of the screen. I can't reposition the window. This is in CS5 64bit. When I make the same actions in CS5 32bit and in CS6, the whole of the HDR filter window is visible in the normal way.
How can I get to see the whole HDR controls window again in CS5 64bit?
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Jun 28, 2013
Creative Cloud downloaded and installed PS CC on my win 64 bit system, but it installed the 32 bit version. Is it possible to install the 64bit version instead? If yes, how does one do it?
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Sep 12, 2012
Intuos5 pressure-sensitive tablet
Win7 64-bit
PS 5.5
In Photoshop 5, if I turn on the pressure sensitivity while using the Clone tool (and perhaps other tools as well...) I have to bear down very hard to make the pixels being cloned appear in the entire circle [brush] specified. The behavior I want is, instead, to be able to CHOOSE 1. pressure changes size of the flow within the brush [size]setting or 2. the full brush size places cloned pixels on the image at a rate of flow directly controlled by the pressure I exert on the pen nib.
There are some kinds of images that need to go back and forth easily between the two choices. Behavior now is just #1.
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Jun 15, 2013
when trying to update PS CS 6 the following Error-Code occurs:
- 0 fatal error(s), 1 error(s)
06/10/13 20:42:04:681 | [INFO] |Â | OOBE | DE |Â |Â |Â | 6128 | Win OS version: 64 bit Type: 1
06/10/13 20:42:04:681 | [INFO] |Â | OOBE | DE |Â |Â |Â | 6128 |
When i try to install the update manually, for some reasons it shows not in PS. Starting Extension Manager I still have to update PS.
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Nov 23, 2013
Why does nothing tally in photoshop? The tutorials always differ to the text in photoshop? why is there no preference editing for windows 7 64 bit?
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Aug 14, 2013
Intermittently save for web and other function (usually related to saving) crash. I'm running a brand new Win7 64bit box with latest version of CC - Photoshop CC 14. It's crash list thing since I first got Photoshop - so it's not something new, it's been doing this since I have installed the software. I have no 3rd party plugins installed and Photoshop doesn't give me a crash report when it does crash.
System Info:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.0 (14.0 20130423.r.221 2013/04/23:23:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:13, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 6
Logical processor count: 12
Processor speed: 3500 MHz
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