Photoshop :: WACOM Pressure - How To Make Change Brush Flow / Not Size
Sep 12, 2012
Intuos5 pressure-sensitive tablet
Win7 64-bit
PS 5.5
In Photoshop 5, if I turn on the pressure sensitivity while using the Clone tool (and perhaps other tools as well...) I have to bear down very hard to make the pixels being cloned appear in the entire circle [brush] specified. The behavior I want is, instead, to be able to CHOOSE 1. pressure changes size of the flow within the brush [size]setting or 2. the full brush size places cloned pixels on the image at a rate of flow directly controlled by the pressure I exert on the pen nib.
There are some kinds of images that need to go back and forth easily between the two choices. Behavior now is just #1.
In Photoshop CS6 (64bit), when using the brush tool (with a brush with pressure sensitivity activated), I quite often get a line drawn at the max width selected, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. Everything goes back to normal after I start drawing another line, and happens again after a few lines. It's quite random. Â Â I don't have this problem in any other software (Illustrator CS6 64bit, Painter XII, Sketchbook Pro, Zbrush, ...). I have already checked and I've found some other users on other forums with the same problem.
One example, with a picture of the problem: [URL] Another one, exact same problem: [URL] Some of those users seem to have solved their problem by installing an old driver (6.1.5r3), but they had that problem with Intuos TABLETS in the first place, not a Cintiq 24HD... I have tried that, but unfortunately the driver is not compatible with the Cintiq 24HD. Â Â To test this out: I've been able to reproduce the problem 90% of the times I've tried. if I keep the pen at 1 inch from the display so that it's still recognized by the screen but it's not drawing, then wiggle it a bit, and then I slowly move to the screen and tap it (as if I was starting a line with very low pressure), the problem appears and it makes a large dot, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. As I said the test doesn't work every time, but almost. Â Â This is an image of what happens when I try and make dots in Photoshop. These are done trying to push the pen with the same (low) pressure. The big ones are from when the issue appears: [URL]Â Â I have tried the pressure test in the Wacom utility software and it seems to work fine, it never jump to full even when I try the method I've just described. In the diagnostic page of the Wacom utility software the pressure is always correct, even when in Photoshop there's the brush sensitivity issue. Â note: I've already tried to completely re-install my computer + the Adobe software + the lastest wacom driver for my Cintiq 24HD, and the problem is still the same.
So I'm attempting to draw in Photoshop, but every time I put the pen on the tablet, the slightest pressure opens the brush size menu off to the side of my pen. I can't figure out how to turn this off. I can't sketch at all .
So, I haven't been using Illustrator (CS5) for a two weeks and I always create calligraphy brushes on the go, so I don't save them. However, out of the blue, I can't change the brush diameter to change with pressure nor the other options because they're greyed out. Â Im using a Genius G-Pen M712X and mac osx 10.6.8..
I am using gimp in Lubuntu 12.04 (using gimp 2.8). The Wacom attached is a Splash.
When I select a brush/color besides the default, it automatically switches to the default/black when the pen gets close enough to be detected by the tablet.
I'm using CS2 and a Wacom pressure sensitive graphics tablet that's about ten years old. I've noticed that the pen's pressure sensitivity only works on brushes that have a hardness control slider. I would love to use the smudge tool with certain brushes but I can't because most of the brush shapes don't have pressure sensitivity with the Wacom pen, Is this normal? Is there any way to get all my brushes to have pressure sensitivity with my Wacom pen?
I am using illustrator for doing some calligraphy and I am not really experienced with this program. I am using a mouse pen with pressure to draw/write calligraphies. My question is, can I change the pressure amount after I drew lines using brush tool. Let’s say I drew a line, it is good but still not satisfactory. I just want to do a little change in pressure amount in some segments –not all the line- on line. Does illustrator give me this option?
Whilst drawing in either photshop or SAI, the pen pressure sensitivity would just randomly fail and draw solid thick lines as if drawn with the mouse.See image:
What I also learned, is that once the pressure sensitivity falls out, it doesn't recover until I lift the pen away from the tablet, and then back again, as seen in the following pic:Sometimes it would fail on the 2nd brush stroke, others on the 100th. It's completely random. Â What I have tried to fix the problem: Â Complete removal of drivers and Bamboo dock, then fresh install from the bundled disc. Complete removal of drivers and Bamboo dock, then fresh installation from the lates driver download (PenTablet_532-1) Updated nVidia drivers. Updated motherboard drivers. Tried differnet USB ports.
I just got the Intuos5 and it works well except for the pen pressure feature for varying brush size or opacity. I can't get either to work. I have the latest driver, I think (where is the driver located on the Mac in OSX 10.6.8?). The tablet is attached directly to my iMac. I've sent two message to Wacom tech support and they don't respond. how I can get this working?
I got this issue since I got my new windows system.  I do my daily Photoshop session with my Wacom Intuos 4, then randomly later, sensitivity of the pen turns off. The only way to recover the problem is to reboot Photoshop and sometime the whole system.  why it doing that?  I downloaded the latest Wacom drivers and Photoshop CS4 is up to date and the problem still persist.
Very light paint strokes on my Wacom Intuos 3 produce a full force stroke in CS4 every 3 to 15 strokes. Anybody else have this problem? This does not happen with CS2. Also, using the Wacom diagnostics, I can make endless light strokes and never see the pressure go above 16%. I'm using CS4 11.0.1, Wacom driver 6.1.1-3, Nvidia GeForce 6800 with drivers updated, Windows XP.
Ever since I upgraded Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 a few days ago, my pen pressure randomly changes to the default brush stroke in CS6 Extended. I am using a Wacom Intuous 5 Tablet with a wireless kit.
My pen pressure works perfectly fine in CS5, Paint Tool Sai, and Painter 12, but I am most comfortable with CS6 and really do not want to bounce between programs. Â Reset my Photoshop Preferences using ctrl+shift+alt
Completely uninstalled and reinstalled the newest driver (Driver 6.3.7-5) as well as tried using older drivers.
Unistalled everything relating to Wacom on my computer and reinstalling.
Tried disabling Mouse settings through Device Manager.
Turned off/on Windows Ink.
Changed pen nibs.
Changed USB ports.
Removed My and All User Preferences using the Tablet Preference Utility
Turned off Flicks and changed Double Tap and Press and Hold settings. Â I contacted Wacom and their response was:
"If the pressure sensitivity is just fine with the Tablet Diagnostics then you will need to contact Adobe." Â About the only thing I have not done is unistalled/reinstalled CS6, which I am nervous to do because I no longer have my physical copy and as far as I can tell, it is only available to download through CC.
I bought a Wacom cintiq 22hd online and before it arrived I imagined before it came that all I would have to do is plug it in and install the software and that would be it but no....Â
This turned out to be a real nightmare to use, first after I finished calibrating the tablet this annoying loading circle kept appearing around the point every time I tried to draw something, Then after I had been able to fix it from running around the internet looking for solutions the pressure sensitive feature stopped working I looked around again to find a solution and people were saying update the driver software and I did then after rebooting my machine it no longer works and every time i tried to view the tablet settings it kept saying "THE TABLET DRIVER WAS NOT FOUND"
I had to uninstall the driver and recalibrate it and the pressure sensitive feature still isn't working. Personally I think this is complete BS I can't understand why Wacom a highly regarded company would delibratelly make their tablets more complicated to use than they need to be, I really am clueless as to what I can do to fix this I don't think reinstalling the "WacomTablet_635-3" driver software. What I can do I am using Windows 7 64 bit
Well because i went to the wacom forum site to try and get some answers but when I went to go sign up for an account it kept saying that my criteria was invalid even though it wasn't another reason to loose faith in Wacom and their useless business structure and unuseful customer support.
I got Photoshop CS6 Extended recently, but the lines I draw in it aren't smooth, like they should be (example below). The tablet produces perfect lines in any other bit of software (Flash, ToonBoom, etc.), but not Photoshop.
I've tried lots of different solutions (uninstalling and reinstalling it, reverting back to an earlier driver, clearing preferences, etc.), to no avail. Oddly, my Intuos3 works fine in Photoshop, for a few minutes, before it crashes. If I try to adjust the Wacom Tablet Properties for CS6, it doesn't recognize any changes, but if I adjust the settings for Photoshop CS4, it does. All Wacom Drivers are up-to-date.
I am running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit and still have both CS5 and CS6 64 bit loaded. I have previously used my Graphire4 Pen Tablet with CS6 wihout any problems. All of a sudden it only works with Pen Pressure even though Pen Pressure is turned off. I am trying to use it like a mouse and frequently use shift/Click when editing a mask. I can no longer do this. If I run CS5 the Pen works as it should but not CS6. When I first open CS6 with the brush palette visible the brush shows a hard brush but when I open a file it changes to pressure sensitive without any action by me. I have reset the brushes, re-installed the driver and finally downloaded a more current driver but the problem still persists. Since it works fine in CS5 but not CS6 it has to be an Adobe problem. It is very frustrating. I am attaching a composite image showing what is happening in CS6. The right side shows what the brush palette looks like before I open a file. The left side shows what happens when I open a file.  Even if I don't open a file and make any change within the brush palette it immediately changes to pen pressure.
I have a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet, photoshop CS6 and Windows 7. The pressure sensitivity of my tablet won't work anymore. Roughly, it said to uninstall my wacom driver, unplug the tablet, reboot, install driver, plug in the tablet and reset my preferences in photoshop. I've done this last night and it worked, I was thrilled but it was late, was exhausted,When I turned it back on and went in photoshop this morning it didn't work anymore, pressure sensitivity was gone again. I get this little warning in my brush settings when I try to put it on Pen Pressure or tilt or other setting that requires pressure sensitivity, The only way I can get it to work is with the process I mentioned (uninstalling driver, unplugging tablet, rebooting etc...) but I'd need to do this every time I shut down my computer and that's a bit of a pain..I've also tried installing different drivers, the latest one first, when that didn't work I tried older ones to see if it would make a difference to no avail.
When working qith wacom tablet on a 32bit mode photoshop document and setting brush>transfer>flow jitter>pen pressure I get a very strange line: Filled with pulses/dots/spots/ in even distances, is if the brush was pulsing as it progressed. It does not happen if I work on a 16 bit document, but I cant work on 16 bit because in 16 bit the screen shows color banding in my gradients (I work with delicate gradients a lot, and I believe 16 bits doesn't handle them quite well)
My specs core i7 2.6ghz + 18GB RAM + ATI HD4800 1024MB running win7 64bit on 120GB SSD read/write speed ~500Mb/s/ planty of pagefile and photoshop is set with ample scratch disk and to utilize 100% resources.
The feature where you can quickly change a brush size/ diameter by pressing Alt + hold right click (for Windows) (In Mac, control + alt + left click) is neat but is there any way to change that shortcut to a different combination? I can't find it in the shortcuts list.
Is their a way to get the pressure sensitivity of my Wacom Bamboo Capture tablet working with GIMP. Is tablets pressure sensitivity still unavailable to GIMP 2.8.2 Mac OS X?
I Bought a Wacom Bamboo Tablet when I first discovered and then soon after they removed pressure sensitivity from the software. So now any plugin created for it so I can use my Tablet again.
I have my preferences set up for my cursor to show as brush size, but suddenly my brush shows up as a tiny dot no matter what size I change it to (I've gone all the way up to 5000 pixels with no effect when using the brush, healing brush, and clone tools). My image is 1402x996 pixels at 200ppi. I've tried zooming in with no effect. I'm probably missing something obvious, but I can't think what.
In CS 3 suddenly i cant change the size of my brushes anymore. Well i can from very tiny -when you only see a cross- to about 45 pixels (with a default brush) when i use the slider it can show 2500 pixels but its still the 45 pixels from before. I dont understand, everything worked fine, i was working already abour 45 minutes without any problems, and suddely this happens....can anyone tell me what could be wrong or what to do about this?
My Photoshop brush, pencil and Clone strokes are smaller than the cursor, which makes it very difficult for accuracy. Don't know what made them change, but want the cursor and stroke to be the same.Â
I've tried different settings in the brush dialog box, with difference tip settings, etc, with no results. Also, tried different settings in Preferences / Cursor setting.
setup PS so that the scroll wheel on your mouse changes the brush size? I use Aperture and this functionality is built in and I find it tremendously useful. When I export an image to PS I find it really annoying to have to reach up to the brackets to make that adjustment.Â
Photoshop CS5...For whatever reason the hotkeys for controling brush opacity and flow switch randomly, and its a bit frustrtating in my work flow.For the hotkey for Opacity will atlernate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9 Â The hokey for Flow will alternate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9 as wellOne project I will be used to useing shift + 0-9 to adjust the flow, but in the next document it will alter opacity instead.
How to make custom brushes flow in a curved line. For instance I created a thorn stem brush and it works if I use it in a straight line (A) but if I curve it, it goes out of shape (B)...