Maya :: Import Object Won't Work

Nov 6, 2013

Everytime I import a model it doesn't work.

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Maya Modeling :: Import Accurate Work Paths

Sep 21, 2012

Ever since I started to take 2d personalised icons and create them in 3d, Ive only ever known of one method to do it:

1- create a work path in Photoshop or Illustrator
2- save it as a 'path to illustrator'
3- import this in to Maya
4- select the work path then go to surfaces> plane options box. In there, I would usually go for the poly option, with quads and create a count of the maximum faces (1000)
5- hit create and I would get what Maya's best results were and simply, tidy up and remodel the surface accordingly.

Then, a friend of mine said, why dont you use Cinema 4D to do that. He showed me the work flow, and its SO much easier. Not only does the work path import into Cinema 4D, with a perfect outline of the icon BUT you can also create a poly perfectly. With no tidying necessary.

Why cant Maya do that? Or can it, and Ive just not found the best method?

Ive attached an image. The icon to the furthest left is a FBX import(created in Cinema 4D)of a final version of the 3d icon. And the centre work path is an .ai file, created in photoshop and to the right of it, is the poly model with a plane surface on it.

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Maya :: Windows 8 OS Work With 2013?

Feb 19, 2013

I'm considering a purchase of the Autodesk Creative Suite (specifically for Maya), and purchasing new hardware in conjuction. Does Maya 2013 work with Windows 8, or do I need to purchase Win7 or lower?

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Maya :: Will 2009 Work In Windows 7

Oct 12, 2011

I have Maya 2009 running on a Vista machine and wanted to upgrade to Windows 7.

Will I be be able to run Maya 2009 on Windows 7?

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Maya :: 2013 - Right Click Objects Does Not Work

Aug 15, 2013

I recently upgraded to Maya 2013, and have lost my Right click menu. I get an error message along the lines of "Wrong number of arguments on call to buildBakingMenus"   - I'm at work right now, away from Maya, so I do not recall the error #.
When I right click objects, and certain nodes in the hypershade, it does not work.  Right clicking does work when holding alt - to zoom and such.

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Maya :: How To Undo Dark Work Area(s)

Jul 19, 2010

I was going through an exercise and tried to use one of the listed shortcuts to viewing (Alt+LMB+click) and it made the Maya workarea screens dark grey. My attempted efforts to find out how to undo this failed.

Not sure if I mis-typed the above or what. Only the work areas are dark gray.

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Maya Modeling :: Selecting By Name With Wildcards Does Not Work

Nov 20, 2013

I'm using the Morpheus rig (fantastic rig, by the way) in Maya 2014 and would like to select all of the control curve shapes so that I can place them in a display layer (an easy way to turn all the NURBS curves on the rig invisible without turning my parented props invisible, too!). 

In order to do this, I cannot simply shift-click all of the control curves.  I need to select all of these curves' shape nodes (which are appended with "_animShape").  I attempted to select them all by entering "*_animShape*" (without quotes, of course) into the Input Box, but I receive the "No object matches name" error.  I also tried "select -r *_animShape*" in the Command Line, to no avail.

I do not want to have to spend 30 minutes to an hour scouring the Outliner for every single shape node (mind you, it's a very complex and sophisticated character rig!).  Am I using wildcards incorrectly?  how I can select all of these nodes at once?

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Maya Modeling :: Freeze Function Doesn’t Work

Dec 5, 2011

I'm trying to mirror some geometry in my Maya model of Warrior.I do this by duplication special in X axis. I get the geometry duplicated..but it is also rotated around Z axis.

I don’t want this rotation. I had this problem also before on some other geometry...but I solved it with Freeze geometry. The problem was that the geometry axis system was rotated. I think this is caused whit Mudbox because I was using also Mudbox and I rotated the geometry there.

Now the Freeze function doesn’t work. The axis system is still shifted. How I can set this axis system to the one that is set in Maya? Or duplicate it whit the Axis system set in Maya ?

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Maya Animation :: Custom Rig To Work With HumanIK System

Oct 13, 2012

Custom rig to work with the HumanIK system in Maya 2013. Im currently trying to map my custom skeleton and get the mocap data to retarget but the skeleton freaks out when I try to change the source.

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Maya Animation :: Automatic Rotating Wheels Only Work On 1 Axel

Jan 9, 2013

I am making a cart that whenever you move it, it should rotate the wheels automatic. I did this using expressions. At this moment I have a code what makes the wheels spin when the cart is moved on the Z-Axel but now I want to have it work on the X-Axel as well so the cart can make turns.

This is the code I'm using on the wheels: frontwheels.rotateX = cart.translateZ*40;

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Maya Modeling :: Keep Faces Together When Extruding Doesn't Work Correctly

Feb 2, 2012

I'm pretty sure that 'Keep faces together' when extruding does not work correctly in 2012. Well not on my mac anyhow. If you wish to replicate my problem here is my workflow-

Create cube poly > make some subdivisions> select some faces> extrude with 'keep faces together" unchecked> Select a face and use move tool, notice that faces will move apart as they should> Now select some more faces> extrude with 'keep faces together' checked this time> select a face and use move tool> notice how face is still separate as it SHOULD NOT be.

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Maya Modeling :: 2014 Isolate Select For Polyfaces Does Not Work?

Mar 6, 2014

If I create a polysphere and make a part of the sphere invisible via isolate select, the hidden faces are still selected if I try to select faces. They are activated as if they were visible. And the invisible faces are selected if I to a click for face selection.
Windows XP, Win 7, Maya2014 SAP SP1.

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Maya :: Add Menu Item To Shelf Hotkey Doesn't Work

Aug 22, 2011

I've had this problem in 2011 and 2012 on 2 different machines, but haven't seen it on the bug list, and have seen a post saying the hotkey combo for 'add menu item to shelf' is the same it's always been - Ctrl-Shift-Alt, then selecting menu item.

But when I press that, the menu item executes, but no shelf button appears.

I use this combo - a lot- to make custom shelves per project or need. Frustrated it no longer seems to work.

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Maya Animation :: 2014 - Joints Only Work On Viewport Grid

Aug 20, 2013

I can only make joints for Maya muscle on the default grid, they seem to snap on grid.

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Maya :: STP Import Not Working

Jan 23, 2012

The last time I imported an object that had the .stp format everything worked fine. But now I get an error message. I tried Maya 2011 with out success. It did work on another machine with Maya 2010.

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Maya :: FBX Import Error

Jan 23, 2012

I am getting some crazy normals when I try to import an FBX file. The meshes I'm trying to bring in end up looking disjointed. I can go through and manually delete each polygon and then fill in the hole, and it looks fine, but I certainly don't want to have to do that for thousands of polygons in each model. I've had this happen with every FBX I've tried to import. How I can make these look smooth again? I've attached a picture to show what I mean.

I've tried re-creating the UVs with planar and automatic mapping, but it didn't work.

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Maya Modeling :: Creating Planes In TopView Doesn't Work Properly

Jul 31, 2012

I don't know what went wrong with that View. I can create polygon planes properly in all views but top view.What can I do to make it function again when I set up the Project.this problem occurs everytime when I set up Image Planes for the top, side and front view. URL...

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Maya Modeling :: How To Import All The Objects

Feb 20, 2011

I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.

I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.

Is this possible in maya?

3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010
NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM

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Maya :: Import Bezier Curve From PSD

Feb 15, 2014

I have created a test bezier curve in Adobe Photoshop, saved it as a .ai file for import into Maya, and imported the curve successfully.  However when I try to revolve it to create a sculpture, it revolves around a pivot point which is in the middle of the scene.  Is this error because of the .ai file format? I don't have Illustrator as such, just using a .ai export from PSD so I can use PSD which I know better - to get the curve in the first place.  Is there a way to look at the curve in an editor of some sort and precicesly locate the pivor point, reset it etc?  The file is also not yet in a default project, as I'm just testing first.  I am a rank beginner, having used Maya for 4 months, 8 years ago, and now need to learn the program for work.

Additional notes: I did get the revolve to work by manually moving the pivot point but it wasn't very precise, and I'd like to know how to do this ahead of time as I have to make quite a lot of these... 

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Maya :: Unable To Import STP Files

Nov 29, 2012

I was able to import .stp files in Maya 2010, but I just get an error message now in 2012. I must be doing something wrong but can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I looked for a plugin with no luck.

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Maya :: How To Import Collada Files

Sep 20, 2011

how to import .dae collada files ?

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Maya :: How To Import Models To AR Project

Oct 24, 2011

Suitable software to import maya models to an AR project??

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Maya :: Cannot Import Dpx File As ImagePlane

Feb 1, 2012

// Error: Unable to load the image file, 'imagetemplate.1001.dpx', for imagePlane1...Is there anyway to make this work?

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Mudbox :: How To Import Curves From Maya

Oct 26, 2012

i'm desperately trying to export some curves from maya and import them in mudbox, but i can't get it working. i tried exporting .iges files from maya, because they are supposed to support curves, but mudbox won't import this kind of file. .fbx files don't work, because they do no support curves. How i could achieve importing curves to mudbox?

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Maya :: FBX Import Only Partially Visible

May 15, 2011

I would be able to export an FBX file from Revit directly into Maya (I work for an architecture firm and we exclusively use Maya), especially since none of us have 3ds Max... I am aware of materials and RPC conflicts and have tried every way I know how to to simply export basic architectural models so that they open in Maya (I'm fine with adding shaders in Maya)... So I've tried everything I know to modify the file but no matter what I do I seem to have this gray shade that blacks out the model if I try to zoom out (in Maya). I even downloaded a trial of 3ds to try it through there with no luck. Same problem... I can tell the model is there and complete but like I said, blackout whenever I rotate and zoom.

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Maya :: Missing Object In Top Wiewport?

Apr 3, 2013

i have a problem on one of my wiewports (top)i dont see an object but on the rest of them i see ,

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Maya Animation :: 2 Constraints On 1 Object?

Jun 25, 2011

say objectA and objectB are both Parent constraining objectC. how would I remove the constraint of say, objectB? because in the outliner it only shows up as 1 constraint that has 2 W values.

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Maya Animation :: Object X-ray As Joints

May 3, 2011

Is it possible to make an object, say a NurbsSphere to always be on top of the geometry in the viewport, like x-ray on joints. That way, I could use a small sphere in say the Elbow as a controller, and it could be inside the mesh but not hidden. Much like what you see here:


Is that really not possible?

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Maya :: Error / Object Name Is Not Unique

Oct 16, 2011

I seem to be having many, many problems in Maya 2012.Simple things like opening the plugin manager window, changing the camera, opening hypershade, and assigning materials seem torefuse to work, and give me errors such as

// Error: initializePlugin function failed (stereoCamera)
// .
Error: Object's name 'PluginRowColLyt1' is not unique

This is a clean install of Maya 2012 on Windows 7 64-bit, with no previous versions having ever been installed on here.

I've tried reinstalling it multiple times, and the issues still persist. I've also tried reinstalling Python multiple times.

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Maya :: Hypershade Error / Line 631 / Designated Work Area Graph Tab Not Found

Sep 20, 2012

I've just installed Maya 2013 and when i try to run hypershade i get this message: line 631: Designated Work Area graph tab not found!

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Maya Modeling :: Simple Poly Cube Smooth Function Doesn't Work?

Jun 1, 2012

after I combine a simple poly cube the smooth function does not work?I use merge edge and merge vertices but still cannot get a smooth object..I have tried saving and reopening but still cannot smooth.

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