Maya Modeling :: 2014 Isolate Select For Polyfaces Does Not Work?
Mar 6, 2014
If I create a polysphere and make a part of the sphere invisible via isolate select, the hidden faces are still selected if I try to select faces. They are activated as if they were visible. And the invisible faces are selected if I to a click for face selection.
I know about F3 and F4, but usually when i used maya and 3ds max 2014, i could see edges when i select an i cant. When i go into edge mode, i cant even see edges at all unless i blindly select them. This image i show has a box of 2 segments and i selected the middle edges....can only see what i selected in red.
I'm having a problem with Maya's vertex/point snapping function. This is a simple thing to do normally but in the 2014 student version (which is full functionality other than having a prompt saying it is a student version upon saving the file), it isn't working.
Basically the process is making a selection of vertices and with the transform tool active, MMB dragging the manipulator to snap the selection to a destination vertex. The pivot point/manipulator of the selection is moving and snapping to the destination vertex on it's own when I hold 'V' and MMB drag, rather than the whole selection moving with the transform manipulator and snapping to the destination vertex. This problem is also happening with the modelling toolkit which is really annoying. I have checked that i'm not in edit pivot mode etc.
The point snapping is working however for objects, but not in component mode as above.
i'm using 3ds max 2014, i'd recently installed it, and i've problems with the "conform" tool in the graphite modelling tools. i select the mesh i want to draw on, but the tool doesn't fit my mesh how i want, it just move it around the viewport with no sense. Iwas working in 3ds 2012, and it never happend
Here is what I've tried so far in creating the pupil of the eyeball:
1. Right click - select isoparm - attempt to select. 2. Right click - select Surface Point - attempt to select. 3. Left clicking 4. Holding shift (and other keys) - attempt to select 5. Right clicking 6. Middle clicking 7. Marqueeing
When I right click - select surface point, I get something that looks like a selection, but it also has an isoparm dotted line.... when I attempt to DETACH I get an error.
i can´t let just one vertex, i must always let 3 vertex at last, otherwise it won´t delete, i have even problems when extruding, when I select 1 vertex, instead of extruding just 1, it will create 2 or 3 vertex, probably to make a face.
First of all I am new to Maya, only 4-5 hours of playing through the menu and I've stumbled upon a big issue for me. I can't select polygons after I've deselected them, I can only right click- select all but that's useless when I want to work on just 1 polygon. How to select a polygon?
With NURBS, the "Select Tool" works just fine, but with Poly, nothing happens.
I select a UV on my polygon and it gives me two corresponding uvs in the texture editor, i`ve tried sew uvs and merge uvs in the texture editor but it doesn`t seem to work, is there something i should know?
I am currently following the getting started guide for Maya 2011 and I have come to a portion where it is required to use the Extrude tool to extend a part of the helmet.(page 100 : Polygonal Modeling / Lesson 1 / Extruding polygon components)
Everything is fine up to this instruction 5 Click the large circle that surrounds the manipulator to display the rotate manipulators and then drag the green circular manipulator to rotate the angle of the extrusion to match the angle in the reference sketch (see image) and then drag the arrow manipulator a second time to extrude a second section of mesh.
The actual problem: On my scene, when I click the circle that surrounds the manipulator, the 3 axis' rotate handles appear,but they disappear as soon as I release the mouse button (It is the same behavior if I move and if I do *not* move the mouse before releasing).
My Windows 7 system is using the latest graphics drivers for Intel 965 Express Chipset.
** When i select an object Maya tends to ignore the foreground object you'd intuitively think it should select and instead selects the bottom-most / farthest back object (eg. instead of selecting the foreground sphere it selects the flat plane the sphere sits on top of).
I've updated my graphics driver to the latest available and yet still the nuisance occurs. I am able to select any desired object however i must rotate the view so that the object has no other items behind it (eg. the viewport is tilted towards the empty sky).
Is this some useless setting in Maya that happened to activate? I've already used Preferences to reset to defaults but no good.
i am modeling a cello.... the forward edge of the body frame is a single face. in order to bevel it, i have to select all the edges... there are lots. for reasons that surpass understanding, MAYA does not recognize the edges of a 'corner' to be an edge loop. nor will it retain the selection with a selection mode change as some apps will (ie: select face, change to 'edge select' and have all the edges selected).
is there some simple way to select ALL the edges of a face?
I have attached a picture of what it continues to do when I attempt to select a face of this polygon I revolved from a cv curve tool line. Accidentally copied dual screen. I have been running into countless problems while trying to manipulate this revolved surface like a polygon but there is something stopping me. How do I just select an edge or a face without the entire thing lighting up with yellow dots and not actually selecting anything! I try to hold shift and click other faces but that doesn't work either!
If I could somehow delete the action of revolving a line to treat the independent tessellations as one uniform polygon. I am very new to this program and I don't know where history might be.
I'm using the Morpheus rig (fantastic rig, by the way) in Maya 2014 and would like to select all of the control curve shapes so that I can place them in a display layer (an easy way to turn all the NURBS curves on the rig invisible without turning my parented props invisible, too!).
In order to do this, I cannot simply shift-click all of the control curves. I need to select all of these curves' shape nodes (which are appended with "_animShape"). I attempted to select them all by entering "*_animShape*" (without quotes, of course) into the Input Box, but I receive the "No object matches name" error. I also tried "select -r *_animShape*" in the Command Line, to no avail.
I do not want to have to spend 30 minutes to an hour scouring the Outliner for every single shape node (mind you, it's a very complex and sophisticated character rig!). Am I using wildcards incorrectly? how I can select all of these nodes at once?
i'm having a lot of troubles with a free rig i downloaded at creativecrash [URL]. I'll keep it short as i have quite a lot of things to explain: I animated my shot, and everything was ok. Now i have to shade/light/render my shot using vray, trying to create brand new vray materials; I started from my robot-character. Here comes the problems: - I can't select the polygon geometry(i asked the rigger, and he said the geometry were imported as references at rigging time). There are no geometry layers in reference or template, then there must be somthing else causing me the problem. I can access to the object via hypershade, i can click on the shape node and i can see the geometry selected, but then, when i try to access faces, i can't select them!in no way. This means i can't create selections for materials, and so i can't shade as i liked. I tried to selecte faces using the select by materials feature in the hypershade (as the character has some pre created basic materials)but again, i'm not free to assign materials where i want, and i just can use the pre-existing face selections and work on those, but it's not enough for me. [URL]
I'm trying to mirror some geometry in my Maya model of Warrior.I do this by duplication special in X axis. I get the geometry duplicated..but it is also rotated around Z axis.
I don’t want this rotation. I had this problem also before on some other geometry...but I solved it with Freeze geometry. The problem was that the geometry axis system was rotated. I think this is caused whit Mudbox because I was using also Mudbox and I rotated the geometry there.
Now the Freeze function doesn’t work. The axis system is still shifted. How I can set this axis system to the one that is set in Maya? Or duplicate it whit the Axis system set in Maya ?
Ever since I started to take 2d personalised icons and create them in 3d, Ive only ever known of one method to do it:
1- create a work path in Photoshop or Illustrator 2- save it as a 'path to illustrator' 3- import this in to Maya 4- select the work path then go to surfaces> plane options box. In there, I would usually go for the poly option, with quads and create a count of the maximum faces (1000) 5- hit create and I would get what Maya's best results were and simply, tidy up and remodel the surface accordingly.
Then, a friend of mine said, why dont you use Cinema 4D to do that. He showed me the work flow, and its SO much easier. Not only does the work path import into Cinema 4D, with a perfect outline of the icon BUT you can also create a poly perfectly. With no tidying necessary.
Why cant Maya do that? Or can it, and Ive just not found the best method?
Ive attached an image. The icon to the furthest left is a FBX import(created in Cinema 4D)of a final version of the 3d icon. And the centre work path is an .ai file, created in photoshop and to the right of it, is the poly model with a plane surface on it.
I'm having a problem with being able to select inputs in the Chanel box / layer editor ! I am using maya 2012 on a MacBook pro , for instance if I create a cylinder ,when it's created I bring up the Chanel box , I have : pCylinder1 then the boxes for adjusting the xyz axis etc , then shapes / pCylinderShape1 , and that's it ! I have no inputs tab to adjust sub-divisions etc ?? Have I not got something selected
I'm new to Maya, so this is likely something I'm just missing or that I've done without realizing it, however...
I've created a scene with a few polygonal objects. As an example, imagine a house with plants around it and a cloud above. The plants are spaced evenly along a curve, and the cloud is also made using a Paint Effect with a Modifier around it to control it's shape using slight forces, etc.
However, when it's done and I select the entire group of objects to drag to a different position, weird things happen. The plants seem to move much more quickly in that direction, so that soon they're no longer positioned where they should be at the base of the house, and the clouds move in the opposite direction from where I'm dragging (i.e. down not up). What I'll call the 'normal' polygonal objects (e.g. the house, car, etc.) all move fine, but I cannot figure out how to fix the other items so everything maintains its relative position, or lock the whole scene together to move as a group.
I've tried to combine them, and even 'parent' everything to the house, but I suspect I've changed something like a control handle position or rotated something that now moves opposite the normal xyz directions.
unable to select objects after creating them in view port ..i am not able to select them in view port i can only select them either by SELECT ALL or from outliner or Hierarcy
I'm pretty sure that 'Keep faces together' when extruding does not work correctly in 2012. Well not on my mac anyhow. If you wish to replicate my problem here is my workflow-
Create cube poly > make some subdivisions> select some faces> extrude with 'keep faces together" unchecked> Select a face and use move tool, notice that faces will move apart as they should> Now select some more faces> extrude with 'keep faces together' checked this time> select a face and use move tool> notice how face is still separate as it SHOULD NOT be.
I am a newbie, and doing the helmet tutorial. It is asking me to go to the edit mesh menu and select the split polygon tool. It isn't there. where is it.
I don't know what went wrong with that View. I can create polygon planes properly in all views but top view.What can I do to make it function again when I set up the Project.this problem occurs everytime when I set up Image Planes for the top, side and front view. URL...
after I combine a simple poly cube the smooth function does not work?I use merge edge and merge vertices but still cannot get a smooth object..I have tried saving and reopening but still cannot smooth.
In attempting to follow a YouTube tutorial, working on a cone shape in vertex mode, when I select a single or row of vertexes, all vertexes get selected. When this happens, I note the coloring ranges from yellow at the selection point(s) graduating to black furthest away.
From this, I assume I have some other parameter/ mode invoked which I am unaware of.