Ever since I started to take 2d personalised icons and create them in 3d, Ive only ever known of one method to do it:
1- create a work path in Photoshop or Illustrator
2- save it as a 'path to illustrator'
3- import this in to Maya
4- select the work path then go to surfaces> plane options box. In there, I would usually go for the poly option, with quads and create a count of the maximum faces (1000)
5- hit create and I would get what Maya's best results were and simply, tidy up and remodel the surface accordingly.
Then, a friend of mine said, why dont you use Cinema 4D to do that. He showed me the work flow, and its SO much easier. Not only does the work path import into Cinema 4D, with a perfect outline of the icon BUT you can also create a poly perfectly. With no tidying necessary.
Why cant Maya do that? Or can it, and Ive just not found the best method?
Ive attached an image. The icon to the furthest left is a FBX import(created in Cinema 4D)of a final version of the 3d icon. And the centre work path is an .ai file, created in photoshop and to the right of it, is the poly model with a plane surface on it.
I'm using the Morpheus rig (fantastic rig, by the way) in Maya 2014 and would like to select all of the control curve shapes so that I can place them in a display layer (an easy way to turn all the NURBS curves on the rig invisible without turning my parented props invisible, too!).
In order to do this, I cannot simply shift-click all of the control curves. I need to select all of these curves' shape nodes (which are appended with "_animShape"). I attempted to select them all by entering "*_animShape*" (without quotes, of course) into the Input Box, but I receive the "No object matches name" error. I also tried "select -r *_animShape*" in the Command Line, to no avail.
I do not want to have to spend 30 minutes to an hour scouring the Outliner for every single shape node (mind you, it's a very complex and sophisticated character rig!). Am I using wildcards incorrectly? how I can select all of these nodes at once?
I'm trying to mirror some geometry in my Maya model of Warrior.I do this by duplication special in X axis. I get the geometry duplicated..but it is also rotated around Z axis.
I don’t want this rotation. I had this problem also before on some other geometry...but I solved it with Freeze geometry. The problem was that the geometry axis system was rotated. I think this is caused whit Mudbox because I was using also Mudbox and I rotated the geometry there.
Now the Freeze function doesn’t work. The axis system is still shifted. How I can set this axis system to the one that is set in Maya? Or duplicate it whit the Axis system set in Maya ?
I am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM [URL]....
I'm pretty sure that 'Keep faces together' when extruding does not work correctly in 2012. Well not on my mac anyhow. If you wish to replicate my problem here is my workflow-
Create cube poly > make some subdivisions> select some faces> extrude with 'keep faces together" unchecked> Select a face and use move tool, notice that faces will move apart as they should> Now select some more faces> extrude with 'keep faces together' checked this time> select a face and use move tool> notice how face is still separate as it SHOULD NOT be.
If I create a polysphere and make a part of the sphere invisible via isolate select, the hidden faces are still selected if I try to select faces. They are activated as if they were visible. And the invisible faces are selected if I to a click for face selection.
I don't know what went wrong with that View. I can create polygon planes properly in all views but top view.What can I do to make it function again when I set up the Project.this problem occurs everytime when I set up Image Planes for the top, side and front view. URL...
after I combine a simple poly cube the smooth function does not work?I use merge edge and merge vertices but still cannot get a smooth object..I have tried saving and reopening but still cannot smooth.
Is there a non-destructive way to import a mesh and then work on it symmetrically in Max? I'm not having a ton of luck looking on the net (though it may well be my search criteria). I need to work on a symmetrical mesh that I've imported but the symmetry tools all seem to create geometry or require I cut mine in half. I'm missing something, right?
Usually, I chamfer a simple box by creating it, converting it to an editable poly, selecting the edges, and adding a chamfer in the 'Modify' tab. Now, my problem:
The Lego fan community has developed digital Lego parts [URL]..., which use the correct dimensions, but have unreastic chamfering and geometries (eg, an octagon is used to depict a circle. LDview, a program for viewing LDraw files is able to export these parts into .3ds (and .stl) files - links below. However, I am unable to chamfer or modify these parts using my usual method.
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
I typed the word "Ethos" and wanted to extend the bottom of the 't' to run along the underside of the word. To do this I created a new work path. I then manipulated the 't' to get it to the shape I wanted... what I'm struggling with now is how to apply this change in shape to the text.
At the moment I have my text that says Ethos, and I have my path that says Ethos but with the extended 't'. How do I apply the change in shape to the 't' to the actual text?
Has any body else noticed that if you create a work path, then create a shape layer (say a rectangle) and type some text on the rectangle (text on a path) that if you commit the type and switch to the Path Selection Tool to edit the path text (position of the starting or end points) photoshop cs6 replaces your previous workpath with a workpath of the shape layer you typed on?
Is photoshop cs6 supposed to work that way?
Windows 8 x64 and photoshop 13.01 new document a create a workpath create a rectangle shape layer and type on the rectangle shape layer path. The orginal workpath has been replaced by the rectangle shape layer path
Does the scissor tool NOT work on compound paths? I am guessing it does not being it does not work when I use it on them, but the Adobe help section didn't specify.
Also, sometimes when I am using the pen tool, I will place an anchor point but it shifts away from where I want to place it. For example, I will put it at x = 72 & y = 1000 and it will place it at x = 95 & y = 1050.
I thought maybe it was from something I accidentally selected like snap to grid or point, but changing the settings does not correct the issue. I have to close out of the program and restart to fix it.
Once i set up a motion path for my object to follow, it sets the object to follow it over the entire timeline. what if i just want to object to start later on? I want it to raise up, hover over to the path, and then be attached to it.
Regarding importing paths from Illustrator to PS as a shape layer - thus retaining the path info. I know theoretically one should be able to drag and drop (or cut & paste) a path based object from Ill to PS -
I'm told you should be presented with a dialogue box with 3 choices - pixels, paths and shape layer. But I get no such request! Simply copies as a rasterized shape - initially as a 'Transform' box, and on ENTER as a new layer..... but NOT as a shape layer, or path.
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
i had imported a few hundred Illustrator paths to After Effects, then used "Create shapes from vector layer" to make them editable Shape layer paths to then run scripts that equalize the number of vertices on each path.
After this i thought via online tutorial that Edit > Edit Original.. would replace or update the originating paths to same number of vertices back in Illustrator, but this was proven wrong.
1) how import AE Shape paths and their Fills to Illustrator?
I wish to create a testing surface for simulation from a DSM height data (under a college assignment). I downloaded a height data from [URL]........ in a .dwg file format and want to import in on maya and create a surface out of it.
Now the only thing I want to do is to cut out this:
I used the Extrude tool just for visualization. The problem is, working with booleans apparently doesn't work for such objects, it works for freshly created clean polygons, but not for this one, when I try to use "Boolean difference" both objects disappear.
Extruding doesn't work because the faces are still there and I cannot delete them for whatever reason:
My cursor is pointing on the little face, but both are being highlighted. Making a hole through the the "Make a hole" function doesn't work because it only deletes faces as it seems.
My model loses lambert on only certain faces every so often. Might be related to clicking on camera or trying to extrude certain edges. I want to delete the camera but this happens to the model every time i touch the camera. I can't reapply the lambert by pressing 6 or assigning new material. if you know what's happening.
Here is what I've tried so far in creating the pupil of the eyeball:
1. Right click - select isoparm - attempt to select. 2. Right click - select Surface Point - attempt to select. 3. Left clicking 4. Holding shift (and other keys) - attempt to select 5. Right clicking 6. Middle clicking 7. Marqueeing
When I right click - select surface point, I get something that looks like a selection, but it also has an isoparm dotted line.... when I attempt to DETACH I get an error.
I am attempting to import 3d models from a software called Daz studio into Maya. The models enter motionbuilder and 3ds Max with no problem. When I import them into Maya they come in as wireframe. I have been unable to take the wireframe off of the model. The file format I am using is FBX. wHEN I RENDER an image of the model i am able to see it in it's realistic form-but when i attempt to see it in the viewport it is wireframe.
Say I have a car engine that I created. to make it easier on myself I made it out of a bunch of separate pieces. then at the end I combined them into one. somewhere down the line I'll want to animate the pieces separately, but until then I dont want all that inner geometry rendering because it takes up unnecessary render time. is there a function in maya where I can delete all invisible mesh geometry? so then any faces inside the outermost shell will be deleted.
I'm new to Maya, and also new to 3d modeling/animation programs. how can i learn Maya 2011? there are not very good learning paths to find on the internet.