After Effects :: How To Import Shape Paths And Their Fills To Illustrator
Mar 27, 2014
i had imported a few hundred Illustrator paths to After Effects, then used "Create shapes from vector layer" to make them editable Shape layer paths to then run scripts that equalize the number of vertices on each path.
After this i thought via online tutorial that Edit > Edit Original.. would replace or update the originating paths to same number of vertices back in Illustrator, but this was proven wrong.
1) how import AE Shape paths and their Fills to Illustrator?
I would like to divide the green leaves on the image below over the green object on the right so that the leaves create the shape of the lines. They have to fill the space of the green object at a similar shape as it is now.
I tried blend but since the leaves are grouped objects with gradient fills, but then this is the result.I need to divide the leaves along the green shape so they follow the shape.
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:
What does it mean when Illustrator v.15.1.0 ceases to contract a shape using offset paths and will only expand a shape? Seems like only yesterday I could render both ways. Wait a minute, it was only yesterday! Why would it suddenly stop funtioning?
I'm trying to take a shape from illustrator and have the iOS graphics engine draw it without having to import the file. In order to do this, I need to somehow get a text break down of all the bezier paths / curves / points that comprise the shape so I can tell the iOS graphics engine the points that need to be drawn. Is there anyway to get a list of these points from illustrator?
When I have made a logo and there's mutiple parts and I want to center it, it messes all the parts up. How do I center it while keeping the shape without combining it all? Example in photo: [URL]
In Photoshop, I realized that the shape tool is divided into three prefered styles - Shape, Path, and Pixels. In Shape, I have the option to to change the stroke and fill but not alias it. In Pixels, I have the option to alias it but not change both the fill and stroke. If I create a shape as one style, I cannot convert it to another. Is there a way to change both the fill and stroke of an aliased shape?
When converting a vector or Illustrator file (such as a logo) into a shape layer any gradient fill is lost. Is there no way to ensure the gradient fill is converted across or is this a matter for a future release of After Effects?
I'm on this project that i need to digitize an old artwork. It requires vector (AI) & shading (PS).
I have all line art done in AI. There's like 50 layers on it. The original artwork has "shading" and "highlight" on it used by Air brush.
I just want to import all the layers in photoshop at once. It will be time consuming if i do it one by one SO is there any way that I can transfer all the vector path from AI to PS?
I tried Meshtool and its hard to control. Unlike in Brush tool in PS, I got the freedom to adjust the opacity, softness, etc.
I'm trying to import some Adobe Illustrator files into After Effects so that I can animate them. As far as I understand, I need to import them as a composition so that the layers will remain separate from each other.
However whenever I try to do this, I go through the whole process- select the file, select composition, click OK, it does nothing. The file does not appear anywhere in my project, it's as if I haven't done anything.
when I import files from Illustrator, and import them as footage to preserve the layers, I get an object for every layer. However, when I move those layers into my comp, they are either moved by default into the center or wherever I drop them. How would I move them into the comp while preserving the position of the layers in my actual ai file?
If it´s possible to import vector graphic with fountain fills from AI (adobe illustrator) to CorelDraw x6 for further editing.
if i export from AI to eps or ai, and import to x6 the graphic with fountain fills becomes raster, if i export to pdf, the graphic is almost okay, but not as i wish to.
Motion Paths won't display. I'm using the latest updates for AE CS5 and nVidia. Motion Paths have never been visible in AE CS5 all the way back to nVidia driver version 178.x, in fact.
I sometimes like to add a little more depth into my drawings than having single paths be of a single fill. In the illustration below, for example, I have two balls drawn.
The first was made the way I was taught. A stroke and fill - all consisting of one path. The second, I tried something different to show more depth, but it consists of three paths. A black stroke with no fill, a dark red fill with no stroke, and a background red fill with no stroke. The first way was easier since I could add a stroke and fill to the same path, but I can't capture more details that way if extra colors touch the stroke. And if I were add paths on top of an object, then I would have to be too percise so they don't overlap the stroke. This second way, I at least have a stroke to draw behind.
Is this making sense to people? I want check here to see if there's an easier way to do this. Making an object that only consists of an outline and not a fills doesn't seem right if it is meant to include a fill.
Is there any "view" that enables you to see the path/shape lines (not the fill, just the lines) that you have done in different layers?
I hate to keep switching opacity on and off to see where the other lines end and stuff.. I know you can turn of and on the paths with CTRL ALT H, but that is only for one layer.. and I want to see them for all the layers while Im working on one.
I have an object with mulitple fills, gradients actually. I would like to use shift + eye dropper to select the color of another fill. Is there a way to do that? My eye dropper is checked for appearances.
when using my own brushes in Illustrator (which aren't very complictated, just "pressure-sensitive" as you can see in the example)...Illustrator fills the curves automatically.
Not, when I'm drawing large format, but once in a while I have to draw small vignettes or want to reduce the size. Small means: about a centimeter.
First I thought it might be a problem with the wacom tablet I got, but the support convinced me, that it had to be a problem with the software... I had the same problem already with CS3 and 4, now again with CS6.
I have encounter a huge problem with the exporting (rendering out) all contents of the Composition in After Effects CC.My workflow outline:
1) Created a Composition of 1920x1080 size.
2) Created a Solid Layer of 3840x2160 size.
4) Animated Scale and Position of the Solid Layer over duration of the Composition.
3) Created a Shape layer containing the Shape 1 using the Pen Tool. The Shape 1 is just an unclosed path from point A to point B with the Stroke of 20 px width and no Fill applied.
4) Made my Solid Layer as the Parent of the Shape Layer.
5) Added a Trim Paths to my Shape 1 in the Shape Layer (containing Stroke 1) and animated End over the Composition duration.I have also animated the Stroke Width from 20 to 30 px.
The Composition is playing back perfectly in Composition window inside After Effects CC:Animated Line is going from point A to B while the Solid Layer changing position and scale all right!
6) Rendered the Composition out (using Render Que as well as Media Encorder CC) into a movie file.
When I play the resulting file I cannot see my animated Shape 1 Stroke (Trim Paths) in the Exported (Rendered out) Movie file: no Animated Line is present while the Solid Layer changing position and scale.However I can see the Solid Layer animation (Scale and Position) in the Movie file.
Why the animation can be seen in the Composition playback inside the AE CC but I cannot export it?
Is there a way to kill all the blend modes in an illustration and convert them to just plane old fill colors? I'm exporting these things to HTML5 where blend modes aren't supported.
I'm trying to automatically create fill shapes out of a pattern I made with stokes. The pattern (see attached) is comprised of overlapping rows of lines. My goal is to make he inner triangle shapes different colours, but I will need an actual shape there before I can add colour.
I've tried playing with the pathfinder tools, but haven't had any luck.
I am an archaeologist working with survey equipment and Map3D for a few years but now I have the following problem.
When I import the shapefiles created in my leica/topcon equipment into Map3D (mapimport) there is the possibility to select which attributes are going to be imported with an import profile file (.ipf).
How do I create the above and save it so that I do not have to go through the same process again?
I thought that when you had the magic wand selected and you clicked on a fill, it selected all items that were that color, right? I thought I've been doing that for several years now. However, now, clicking the fill does nothing. Clicking the stroke selects things, but clicking the fill doesn't.
Either something got changed in my settings with the latest update, or something is broken in the update.
Using a Mac, running CC, latest update as of this posting.
I have a solid color and apply the water color effect, though it doesn't do anything to the solid fill? I am applying the effect that is under Photoshop filters. Is this only meant to be applied to bitmaps?
How to simulate the following hand-drawn picture with Illustrator brushes and fills?
The situation would be... somebody would create a new vector drawing (i.e. made from a photo reference) with outlines and fills. With some easy steps he should be able to turn it into a vector drawing that resembles this style. It should be easy to do... maybe 2 or 3 steps. It could also work with add-ons or plug-ins or something (should work with CS4 upwards).
Regarding importing paths from Illustrator to PS as a shape layer - thus retaining the path info. I know theoretically one should be able to drag and drop (or cut & paste) a path based object from Ill to PS -
I'm told you should be presented with a dialogue box with 3 choices - pixels, paths and shape layer. But I get no such request! Simply copies as a rasterized shape - initially as a 'Transform' box, and on ENTER as a new layer..... but NOT as a shape layer, or path.
I have purchased some clipart where the artist used Adobe Illustrator and it contained extensive Mesh Fills. The artist sent me the same artwork in pdf & eps but I am unable to open any of them with X5. Apparently it is a function of the mesh fills?
Ever since I started to take 2d personalised icons and create them in 3d, Ive only ever known of one method to do it:
1- create a work path in Photoshop or Illustrator 2- save it as a 'path to illustrator' 3- import this in to Maya 4- select the work path then go to surfaces> plane options box. In there, I would usually go for the poly option, with quads and create a count of the maximum faces (1000) 5- hit create and I would get what Maya's best results were and simply, tidy up and remodel the surface accordingly.
Then, a friend of mine said, why dont you use Cinema 4D to do that. He showed me the work flow, and its SO much easier. Not only does the work path import into Cinema 4D, with a perfect outline of the icon BUT you can also create a poly perfectly. With no tidying necessary.
Why cant Maya do that? Or can it, and Ive just not found the best method?
Ive attached an image. The icon to the furthest left is a FBX import(created in Cinema 4D)of a final version of the 3d icon. And the centre work path is an .ai file, created in photoshop and to the right of it, is the poly model with a plane surface on it.