say objectA and objectB are both Parent constraining objectC. how would I remove the constraint of say, objectB? because in the outliner it only shows up as 1 constraint that has 2 W values.
I am animating a character for a game. The biped has a sword in his left hand. I constrained a locator to the wrist control, then constrained the sword to the locator, and on the sword's control added an attribute called "Connect". Obviously, 0 kills the weight of the connection, 1 keeps it as is. So, when the character needs to let go of the sword I set the Connect attribute to 0. Works perfect.
except, that when I set the Connect attribute to 0 (subsequently killing the constraint weight) the sword controller snaps back to bind pose. I'd love to maintain the offset, so if I kill the locator weight the sword will no longer follow the wrist control but at least stay where it is instead of snapping back to T-Pose/Bind.
Is it possible to make an object, say a NurbsSphere to always be on top of the geometry in the viewport, like x-ray on joints. That way, I could use a small sphere in say the Elbow as a controller, and it could be inside the mesh but not hidden. Much like what you see here:
i created a sphere that will control the rotation of the fingers. i align the sphere to the bone so it has the same angles. the bone angle is 0,0,0 but the sphere is (15, 10.23, 2)if i freeze the sphere, the angle get 0,0,0 but they get align with the world axis as X Y Z, how can i 0,0,0 and maintain the align rotation of the bone?
in Softimage there is something call set neutral pose, only change the angle displays to zero so the animator dont have a hard time.
I have setup everything for my charecter painted weights, so im now ready to animate but now i watched that my charecters eyes are not a newbie so i've struggling here....i like to combine the eyes to face..i dont animate eyes..
I imported a character model that I downloaded off of the internet into maya, and I have run into a snag as I'm rigging, skin binding, etc. The model has a main body, but its armor is actually separate geometry. My problem is that the shoulder pads and leg armor are mirrored, so that when one moves, the other one does as well, which is a big problem when I want to animate the model. Is there a simple way to split the pieces up so that they are not mirroring each other? My guess is that they were originally created that way so that each side didn't have to be individually worked on.
I have an animated character from which at a certain point i need an object to be 'detached' from the character and animated on its own, problem is as soon as i want to manipulate that part of the character i get this gray manipulator tool that tells me nothing will move, should i give up my whole dream upon this? Maybe i should have visibility turned and switch to a duplicate up to that point in the timeline, problem is i havent been able to move a duplicate either so far, back to hell.
I have this minecraft rig which I downloaded from Shrogg2. I have added a few of my own features but wanted to add things to the facial rig. How the facial rig has been made but I have this plane which has stubble on it. I want it to be fixed in one location but follow the deformation of the jaw when it moves. The controller which is used to move the jaw down is already there, I just need to get it to deform this plane.
When I assign an object to a path using the default setting the object sits nicely on the first point of the cv curve in the path. And moves fine going in one direction but as it goes around a corner it is offset from the curve but continues along with this new offset until the end.
I have an object that I want to rotate different.... not sure how to explain, it, but you can tell what I want by looking at the screenshot attached. I want the rotate to align with the cylinder. I've tried reset transformations, and the home key to move the pivot. I've also tried the different settings for the rotate settings and nothing is changing this angle. Is there a way to manually set this?
I am trying to attach an object to a motion path but when i do the object goes to the beginning of the path but when i move the time slider nothing happens and when i move the object it isn't attached to the path.
I'm having a deformation problem with clusters. Basically, the clusters are deforming the object which they are parented to. I've checked "relative" for each cluster under the attribute editor.
Regarding hierarchies, the above is the last iteration I have tried. Before that, I tried parenting the clusters to curves first then parenting the curves to a master control. The object was also parented to the master control.
I've tried maya default of grouping individual clusters first then parenting them to either the object or the master control, but the same results are achieved.
Please see the video below.
At one point the clusters were behaving as required, but I can't reproduce the results. I was going to animate the CVs, but parenting the curve to geometry or control presents problems of its own.
I am busy working on rigging a character ( See attachment) to the best of my abilities and am running into some issues:
I have made a nurbs curve object which I intend to use as a controller in my rig, I have however modeled my character with his arms in a 45 degree angle so I snapped this particular object to the wrist and aligned it with the comes the fun part , because it is a controller I wanted to have a clean channelbox zo I froze transformations which neatly sets every channel to 0, it also snaps the local axis to a world pivot orientation....
I went in componentmode pressed the question mark thingy and thought it was working..but it still alters the values in the channelbox.
I basically want the same rotation axes editing capabilities as I have with joints, I will try fiddling with that next, but I can't believe that this can't be solved any simpler.
imagine you have a HumanIK character and a vehicle like motorbike or similar, and you want the character to drive the vehicle. Ok then: Parent the reference node (your_character_name:Reference) into your vehicle root. Ok, works fine but now you need to constrain or parent the control of the hands to the handlebar.With maya constrains not work fine and don’t know why.
i need to create a Auxiliary Node in the Character Controls?I’m trying with Parent Constrain, Orient, Aim.. and don’t work properly: Position (tx,ty,tz) work’s fine but X-axis of rotations are inverted… when turn the handlebar to left, rotation turn to right.i trying with offsets or any parameter in the constrain but nothing..
how to switch a texture at certain keys, or Keyframe a file texture on a shader at one key and then change the file texture to something else on a later frame, on the same polygon face. Like this...
How to switch or change these two images at different textures at different frames.
Click animation. Here I just keyframed and switched two poly planes. But I want to swap out the textures by keyframing them instead.
How would I find the translation of an object in world space? according to the documentation, translate is not -queryable... once I freeze transformation of a sphere theres no way for me to find its world space, but it still Has a world space because its at a location in the scene.
I am doing some animations involving sine waves, and I can make an expression that controls the translation of an object such that it travels along the path of a sine wave, but I can't figure out how to dynamically create an editable sine wave curve.
Is there a way to have Maya generate a curve based upon the path that an object travels upon?
For instance I have a sphere that is moving along the X axis with time, and also moving up and down on the Z axis back and forth. I would like to make an editable curve object of this path of motion.
I can see in Maya 2012 we will have motion trails where we can see the actual path an object is moving along, and that we will be able to interact with this path to alter the animation, but what if we could take that path and make it an actual curve or NURBS object?
I have a box with a logo on it. I need it to float in the middle of the screen and slowly rotate in random directions on a continuous loop. I'm not good at scripting, but I know there must be an easy way to do this.
I am trying to rig a HumanIK character so that both of his hands will stay attached to an object (gun, sword, bat, golf club, etc.). I can get the object parented to one of the hands and it follows along as expected, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the other hand to automatically stay attached to the object or follow it.
I've tried parent, point, orientation, etc., constraints using locators, the IK effector itself (wrist) and a few other things. It seems the HumanIK programming keeps a firm hold on the effectors and won't let anything other than the software drive them.
My HumanIK rig is properly setup and its definition locked. Using Maya 2013.
Once i set up a motion path for my object to follow, it sets the object to follow it over the entire timeline. what if i just want to object to start later on? I want it to raise up, hover over to the path, and then be attached to it.
I've a character writing on something (it could be paper, wall, etc). Now I'm looking for a way that attaches brush to his hand for interactive writing on that object.
Don't say I have to sync it manually! it's a close up shot and motion captured movement. Indeed it's really complex movement! Imagine you are painting on a sphere with Maya's texture paint tool.
My current goal is to specify the rotation and translation of an object using a text file full of numbers. I have been told that I should import a "move" file. However, I can't seem to find any kind of reference about the move file format or how to use it. I see in the import dialog box that there is a file type called "move" but I don't know how to format the data that I put into the "move" file.
Also, I tried to export a "move" file so I could take a look at what Maya generates, but I keep getting the error "// Error: Could not save file "C:/My Documents/maya/projects/body_in_ocean/scenes/".
I created a group with my object in one file, referenced it in my working file, moved the group around and set some keys in the working file, but I can't seem to export any move data. How to get this to work?
Any way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.
I have a little animation of molecules forming and breaking down in cycle. The animation is keyframed but there are also Linked Constraints involved with no keyframes.
How can I bundle up or group this animation and objects including the linked constraint timings and clone it so I can then scale up and down the animation time and keep everything in working order?
Basically, How can I include the Linked Constraints in my bundle?
Win7 Pro 64bit I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling ASUS P9X79 32 GB DDR3 NVidia Quadro 5000 3TB WD
I have rigged a character and made it into a character set in which i have locked the scaling attribute , I have then saved this file. I have then referenced this file and and have done a walk cycle animation and saved this file. I have then realised that I needed the scaling attribute when I have added other parts of my scene. Is there a way to unlock the scaling attribute in my walk cycle animation file or will i have to go back and change it in the rigged file, create a new character set and do the walk cycle animation again?
My current scene has 10 animation layers for a character, and seeing every f-curve from all layers, although grey and locked, when I only need to see the f-curves in layer I'm working on is really cluttering the graph editor. My current work around is selecting my active layer in the Layer Editor every time I select a rig control. Simple enough, but a pretty inefficient way of working. I can't seem to find a setting that allows me to just see ONLY the fcurves in the active layer. I imagine some of you out there may have hundreds of animations for a single game character.