Illustrator :: Making Gradient To Follow Curves Of Path
Oct 29, 2013How do I make a gradient follow the curves of a path in a fairly simple manner? Like this image here:
View 7 RepliesHow do I make a gradient follow the curves of a path in a fairly simple manner? Like this image here:
View 7 Repliesi have been using the drivenTime node to create walkcycles that follow motion path curves where the out time is connected to some attribute via a unitToTimeCOnversion previous version of Maya.
When i try to connect anything to the Out Time of new drivenTime node the connection never works, not even keyframes?
is there a fix or workaround for this?
I need to have a regular (linear) gradient but instead of going along a straight line, it should go along a custom made, freehand bezier path, observing all the turns or angles on that path.Is it possible in PS?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to have a gradient follow a certain path or curve?
It seems the gradient tool will only go in a straigt line.
I know Xara provides a range a built in gradient fills (e.g. linear, spherical etc), but does it have the ability to have a gradient follow the edge of an object?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to assemble a roller to follow the path as shown in the attached file. I am able to make it follow one path, i.e. around the bend, but then how do I make it continue along the straight section and not continue around the circular path?
I eventually intend to use the dynamic simulator tool to animate my full model. Is there a way to use the connection parameters in this environment to enable the roller to follow the correct path.
For a school project I was to render an everyday object and I chose a pepper. I created the pepper with the mesh tool and also rendered it with the gradient mesh, now my instructor says that I need to have really smooth curves but I have way too many anchor points so I don't know how to fix the curves.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm used to photoshop and understand illustrator works on different principals, but I can't get a white to clear gradient or a gradient that has white on either end, or a graident in color..I've tried making a new gradient swatch like in InDesign and have tried loading various default graidents but can't get what I wNt I want to do this:
View 34 Replies View RelatedThe letter "A" on the left is filled with a radial gradient. The letter "A" on the right is the same except I used offset path to expand the shape of the letter "A" but the gradient doesn't keep it's original coordinates and the outside shape of the offset "A" does not match the gradient of the original inside "A". I need the gradient to expand out with the same center coordinates as the gradient inside the original "A". I can't just scale the "A". I need both shapes of the "A" but filled with the same gradient.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt seems that gradient stroke only works as 'within stroke' for calligraphic brushes... and it's frustrating. I'm using CS6.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use the gradient annotator on a compound path. Moving the sliders and rotating the annotator works fine, but if I double click a slider and change the color the annotator disappears and the color of the slider stays the same. It works fine on non compound paths.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a fast and simple way to make a straight path curved? I'm a FreeHand convert, and with it you could hold down the option key, click and drag the straight path (line) into a curve and control it fairly well.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am trying to cut holes permanently out of an solid oblong and although I have made a compound path I need to make this permanent
View 5 Replies View Relatedputting a crescent shape on a spiral path and applying a rainbow gradient?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm working with CS3 and came across this perdicument! Does Anyone know how to get an object to follow a custom shape path?? Is this possible in CS3?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have an arrow following a circle spline using Path Deform Binding (WSM). I want a light to be placed just ahead of the arrow and follow the same circle so it lights anything in front of it (Which is what a light usually does) but I can't fugure out how to do it. I tried the same Path Deform Binding modifier, and I tried the select and link to the arrow, but nothing works.
Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000
I have a path shape that curves through the property, and I would like the hatch (which are just 60x60cm squares) follow the curve of the path instead of being applied like a pattern (just orthogonally).
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was trying to draw the enlacements of a wire rope by applying the hatch command but when I facing curves, the hatch needs to rotate somehow. Is it that possible?
I manage to do it by using "measure" command and then with a use of a block, align it to path and then enter the segment length. (Attached image)
But I was wondering if there is a way to do it with hatch command or any other method.
So, I use many of the same brushes. If I copy a path from a file that uses a certian brush to another file that uses the same brush, I get a duplicate of the brush in the brush panel.
Can I stop this from happening?
I'm trying to set up a script that will grab a group of objects and turn them into a compound path, then apply a clipping mask to the compound path and the next group in the layer.
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow can i make this text to "follow" the yellow line ?
without loosing much quality :P
Im having issues with cs4. When i use a tool (paintbrush, eraser), it randomly applies it somewhere else. For instance when trying to paint precise lines while following and edge the brush will apply itself randomly somewhere else. It always happens when i release the mouse button and then press it to start using again. I could be painting a horizontal line, let off the mouse button, repress it and all of a sudden the brush paints a vertical line 3 inches away!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have seen tuts on making cracks. I was wondering if there was an easier way.I want to make a crack that stays in the middle of a letter (even around the bends in the letter), and has branches. The cracks I draw always seem manufactured. I am looking for a cracked earth type of crack. If you have any idea on how to accomplish this could you provide an example picture?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do I make CC Particle World follow a path I create with the pen tool in AE CS6?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if you could draw a motion path for objects to follow. I have multiple objects(12) that all need to follow on the same path. Do I have to animate all of them individually, or can I draw a path? These objects are NOT masks. They are text imported from Illustrator(CS6).
If Microsoft Powerpoint can do it, then surely Adobe can...
How do you most easily do a sheet metal plate that needs to follow a surface?
L1 is less than L2, and a radius of the plate?
In Inventor 2012
For some reason I am unable to create text to follow a curved path. For example, I created a simple curved line using the shape editor tool. After selecting the completed line I select the main text tool (the other text tool, fit text to curve, is grayed out and not selectable). However, wherever I insert the cursor along the curved line I still end up with a straight line of text. After much experimentation I still cannot figure it out. I know I am leaving out a simple step.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to animate a car to follow a circular path thus performing a burnout.
The problem that I'm having is:
1) when I push the car along the "Y axis" it's good up until the very end of the bend (after the first quarter of the first circle), then it just stops. and when I use the green, blue, red gizmo to get it around the bend, it pretty much skips to the overlapping path so it doesn't actually drive along the path.
2) I can make the back tyres rotate faster than the front tyres, however I'd like to keyframe the tyre rotation so it looks like a proper acceleration and burnout. How do I achieve this? The tyres rotation parameters' are wired up to the percentage of the path constraint of the position of the car rig (which is linked up to follow the path). So if it's possible I'd like to pretty much keyframe in different amounts of rotation ratio with some biezer effect so that the tyres can look like it accelerates into the burnout and then as it comes out of the burnout it gains grip again and goes back to having the same rotation speed as the front tyres. (once I learn how to achieve this to the front tyres then I could essentially apply the same effect to the front ones to make the animation look more realistic.
Is there a way to create a walk cycle for your model and have it follow a path instead of animating each step? It seems like an incredible waste of time to sit and try to animate every single step the model takes. Also, I want the steps to be persistent. I don't want some to be larger and some to be smaller. I feel like there should be a better way of getting my character across the screen, I just don't know how to do it.
View 4 Replies View Related have number of curved objects which makes a design but goes in straight way. what i want is to follow that grouped objects to a curve .
Power Clip option is not suitable for me as it reposition its original state. is there any other option which can make it in better way.
Is it possible to fill a shape with texts or have text follow a curved path?
I know you can do these things in photoshop and illustrator but am not sure if they can be done in GIMP!