I've created a logo, and I'd like to use it in some PDF documents. I've tried several different methods for converting it into an image, but the image quality really degrades when I do. Maybe I'm expecting too much - since the vector image is essentially perfect - but it seems like there should be a way to come up with a decent looking image. Is there a "best practice" for this process?
I'm having trouble getting an image successfully into my vinyl cutting program. I open a black and white image into illustrator, I trace it, I paint a few more black lines that I need and then save it into svg or pdf. Once I import the image into my software it show all the brush strokes that I painted making it impossible to cut. Is there a way to make the image in illustrator all one image once painting it and making it decal cuttable?
I am a hardcore Photoshop nut lol but I have recently approached learning how to use 'AI' to create my company Logo so that It can be Vector based and therefore Re-size it according to web and print as needed.
You've properly encountered this problem lots of times and i'm properly being really silly, but I am having major problems re-sizing and it, causing pixelisation on my Image, esp when going to 'Save for web and Devices'.
I did have 'drop down shadow effects' on the Logo but I believe I have deleted all of that in Appearences, Incase it is the raster effects causing the problems... but even back at its seemingly basics, I'm still having the same problems.
I tried making the Image smaller using the 'scale' & 'transform' tool before taking it into 'Save for Web and Devices' and even on my artboard it now looks pixelated..
My Artboard size is 1200 x 1200 and in 'Save for Web and Devices' it says the Original Image size is 800 x 600 (which I believe is the size of the document I chose when starting my project)...
I tried Playing with the PPI in the 'Document Raster Effects' settings, this doesn't seem to be making a difference.. Infact I'm sure playing with all the settings has almost caused my edges already to not be as sharp in view: 100% (RGB/Overprint preview) as they once were and I don't think I have the original document to go back too, due to thinking the Logo was fine, before relizing I had a problem in resizing & saving.
I have tried all of the save options in 'Save for Web and Devices' but still the Image looks pixelized, even when ignoring previewer and going ahead to re-opening the saved Image.
I've spent hours trawling the web tirelessly without any result and after being so happy with the Logo, it would be such a shame to have to delete it and try and start all over again either in Illustrator or back in Photoshop (where I know the quality won't be as good)..
I am trying to create a logo with a transparent background for my website, so my logo can sit on top of background images. I have created different file, png, gif, eps all with transparent backgrounds but every time I upload it to my website builder (wix) it has either a grey or white background. How I would achieve the correct file?
new to illustrator and im trying to convert a digitally generated pdf. into a vector format/file without the pixel data. I have drawn up a logo/font (in autocad as thats what i know) and made a pdf from it to send to a printing company that only deals in vector format. i can import the image and get a trace of it but the frames add radii to corners and im having trouble isolating the vector/trace result to make a seperate file from (to send off)
so, its there an easier way to get a vector file from my pdf image
Last night I created a quick little logo to watermark some pictures with; however, after alot of trying I have been unsuccessful at creating a scalable path around everything in such a way that it doesn't blur the edges. I am trying to do what is found at the link below so that I can later automate the process of inserting the watermarks:
The logo design (see below) is made from a capital letter 'D' and a lower case letter 'm' sharing vertical starting strokes with another font. I am thinking that since the two letters ('D' and 'm') are no longer text that this may not be do able. I couldn't figure out how to delete part of the 'D' and 'm' but still make it possible to 'Create Work Path'. I hope I explained this correctly...I am pretty new to photoshop. Is it possible to take what I have (the .psd version doesn't have the white background) and use it to do what they did on the link?
I have a designer that created this beautiful (but complicated) design in illustrator and now we're trying to get it exported to html. The thing is, most of the images that are in tds we want to be background images so that we can put stuff on top of it. So we need the exported html to generate the image size correctly. For example, I don't want
The problem is that illustrator for whatever reason is generating the images slightly too small (I guess to make the image size smaller?), then is stretching them using width and height attributes. As I'm sure you guys are aware of, the background attribute has no way of specifying a width and height.
Ever wondered how to perfectly fill an outline with touching circles? I did -- after seeing the example image in Solving design effect - image made of perfectly arranged circles.
It took me a while to get the proper calculations, but -- Here It Is! A Javascript, written for Illustrator CS4 (it might work on other versions as well), that fills a selected outline with circles. Download zipped script from my site: [URL] ...., unpack if necessary, and put it in your Illustrator Scripts folder to make it available the next time you run Illy, or anywhere else (you have to browse for it each time).
Select any path -- but no live text; you have to convert it to outlines and select each character in turn. Then run the script.
It displays a simple dialog, where you can set a maximum and minimum circle size as a percentage of the selected object size. In addition, you can select either a plain basic color, or select any of your current Swatch Groups; in that case, each of the circles are filled with a random color from that group.
The script may take a while to run. Usually, only a couple of seconds for a simple rectangle, but it may run into minutes for objects with lots of curves and/or holes. I didn't have the guts to run it on a vectorized world map, to recreate Mario "Quasimondo" Klingemann's Foam World Map; but, in theory? Possible.
Completely new to graphic designs, how to properly use CorelDRAW for anything. I am attempting for the first time to convert a bitmap logo to a vector image.
I am able to upload the image into CorelDraw X5, but after that I am just guessing along as what to do and ultimately accomplishing nothing more than frustration.
I have a logo that was scanned from a letterhead , and I want to be able to trace it using photoshop and convert it to a vector image. Whats the best way?
I just designed this logo for an all-female gaming clan called "Femme Fearless".
She wanted to be "bad ass" but still "inviting". She also wanted some kind of icon to represent girl gamers, so this is what I came up with and I would really love your feedback.
I want to create a logo. The word I am creating is going to be Foxx. I want the backside of the F to have a fox's head coming out of it. I want the appearance of the Fox's had to be growing from the back side of the F. I am capable of pulling this off. I am more interested in the techniques that some of you would use to acheive this task.
1.What I would do is find a picture of a fox's face in this case a profile shot.
2.I'd then import that pic and extract the head from the fox (only in the picture PETA )
3.I'd then use my combination of the pen tool, shape tool, and direct selection tool to trace the fox's face.
4.Finally I'd design the F to match the fox's face.
My design was originally created as a CMYK. Now, it needs to be converted to a Black + one PMS. Using channels, then copying and pasting portions into a new PMS channel, I thought I had it. However, two portions of the design are not looking right, and they were grayscale from the get-go!:
1) The grayscale photo I placed in the design is very washed out and I don't know why. It almost appears like it has hard light on it.
2) The grayscale illy design that I placed in this Photoshop design is also washed out.
It's almost as if the mid-range color (albeit grayscale) has been lost.
Thanks in advance for any advice. I'm placing the design into an InDesign piece, and have half a mind to just delete the photo and graphic from Photoshop, and then bring them in straight into ID.....
I'm trying to print colour to my epsom inkjet but for some reason Illustrator keeps converting my colour image to greyscale.
Now I've been using Illustrator for years and this is a new problem I've not come across before. Is there something I can do to stop it doing it - maybe there's a setting that has accidentally switched on that converts all to greyscale.
If not then I suppose I'll have to revert to "turning it on and off again"!
how i should convert a hand drawing in photoshop to be print-ready for a t-shirt image. i have a friend who is an artist with impeccable talent and i would like to get some of his designs on a few shirts i plan on making.
here's the deal: he can draw the image with shading or he can create it without (sort of like a vector graphic) but what is the normal procedure as far as getting a hand drawing ready for a shirt image? i haven't had him start yet because i wanted to instruct him first on which route to take. obviously, we don't want the pencil color to show but more of a bold darkened look so can i just simply darken the piece in photoshop or do i need to make adjustments in illustrator?
Is the image trace feature any better at tracing scanned business cars and newsprint ads in order to extract a logo? Clients never seem to have clean copy to supply me with.
I have an image with our company logo on it that I need to single out so that I can use it on other documents. How would I extract the "Inverness Landing" logo from this image?
i have a client who has asked me to include her company logo, along with text, on a digital photograph which i then will have printed. writing text on a photo in photoshop is simple enough, but i don't know how to drop the logo (i've been sent two copies, jpg and tif) onto the photo.
I keep loosing the company logo (JPG image) on my title box when drawings are sent our to clients in DWG format, is there a way to resolve this? Currently i have moved a copy of the image into the folder containing the drawings i am working on, still have problems has it wont even copy to another drawing.
I have got this globe from 3dmax and I have got the nice gray swirl effect from the lighting in 3dsm. Thing is, how can I continue the swirls to create a nice banner for a webpage in photoshop?