Illustrator :: Website Logo Needs To Sit On Top Of Background Image With No Box
Jun 13, 2013
I am trying to create a logo with a transparent background for my website, so my logo can sit on top of background images. I have created different file, png, gif, eps all with transparent backgrounds but every time I upload it to my website builder (wix) it has either a grey or white background. How I would achieve the correct file?
I'm a coder and I don't have much experience yet with photoshop but I'm trying to build a website with a nice top image containing my website's logo and I would love to have it in some sort of 3d effect where the text is like carved into background of the image.
making an image that has only text and a transparent background. I want to use this as a banner/logo for my website and would like the "text" to sit on top of my site background.
I have tried several things that I know of in PS CC, but when I upload it to my website I get the text siting on a white background, thus my site background does not show through.
I'm trying to create a very high quality crips website logo using Photoshop or Illustrator, but everytime I export the design into PNG, the text borders are not as crip compared with Google logo. How do I create a very crips and sharp logo using Adobe software? What software, how to export, what the size of the document should be, what resolution, any detailed tricks, designs and pointers..I know I can create a logo, but it is blurry and it shows. When I put my logo on a gray background for instance, the text becomes more blurrier.
I just learnt to use Adobe Illustrator , the basics anyway. I am able to manipulate the size of the logo to almost scale in Illustrator. However, when I save the logo in JPEG/PNG for the web its always coming out smaller than i would like it to and i cant seem to get it to the size i want.
1. MOST IMPORTANT: How would you go about creating the cloudlike heavenlies that surround the main rectangle. Obviously there are more clouds behind the Obama logo to create more contrast...but how do you get that heavenly light effect...Everything I have tried with cloud textures and pattern overlays has produced a very 'cottony' effect --- not a heavenly one.
2. How do you think they accomplished the center image white blown out effect? It seems inverted and then washed out -- but each thing I try creates basically a less opaque version not a less saturated white image? Please advise.
3. How do you think they created the Light Rays coming out of the center image...all tutorials I have found produced an effect that doesn't match up with the background image. I assume once I answer number 1 above I will be able to accomplish this --- but still how would you do it?
If you could modify attached background image so it would be more suitable for a repeating background image for a website? I have been already trying to do that by myself for hours (duplicating layers, flipping them horizontally/vertically, offset...), but how to realize that well. The main problem is that gradients and textures on borders are way to rough and it is really noticeable when so small background gets repeated for many times. On top of that, corners have dark shadows which make everything even more noticeable. Please note that attached image should be resized for about 3 times, I'm just posting original image which I have to work with.
A logo file was sent over to me with a white background. I am very new to Illustrator so I do not know how to change this. I checked the layers and it only shows 1 layer and an image file. I tried saving for the web, but there is no transparency area there either.
I have seen that there are several posts regarding "transparent backgrounds," but but they're difficult to follow.
I'm using AI within CS5.5 but new to it. I am importing/converting a JPG file to vector format. The image is a logo with a large black circle boundry and a white opaque background. The background elements inside the boundry circle are also opaque white, and I wish to leave that as is. The edges of the circle touch the boundries of the JPG file tangentially by about 100px or so on each side when the JPG is viewed at original size.
My objective is to make everything outside the boundry circle a "transparent" background. What would be the best/easiest way to do this within AI? Is there, for example, a tool that will draw a circle that I can expand to get on the edge of the black boundry circle, and then make everything outside it transparent?
Im working in Illustrator CS5 and I've designed a logo for a client and want to send a version that is in color, a version that's black, and a version that's white. The color and black are fine since they already stand out on the default white/transparent background. But i want to put the white design on a background that will make it visible. Is there a way to set up the document so that the background is a color so that you can see the white design, but when it's place into another document it's just the design and dosen't include the backgound?
I have a logo on a website that I'm doing that looks like crap on the blue background I have. I have to keep the logo (as it is on every truck in the company), but I'm hoping I can clean it up a little. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I'm trying to have a logo that goes with the site name Perhaps a mac logo twisted or even something that does not go with the name but sticks out and looks good. Just don't want something that looks thrown together which is pretty much what all my attempts have looked like
I have tried but having the simple logo I have now was the best looking thing I could make.
If someone can help and your a Mac user, I have a few application licenses from my site sponsors that I have to hand out and can give a few apps out in return. Doesn't matter to me. Would just be great to get something better looking.
I am working on an extracted image that contains a logo and a transparent background. I cannot figure out how to change the background of the extracted image leaving the logo with the same colour. I will also like to learn how to change the colour of the logo.
I am working with a vector file that was created by someone else and am unable to get a hold of that person. It is of a logo and when I applied a colored background to the logo or import it into another file, the color of some objects of the log becomes very pale and "desaturated."
Actually i need to change my website's logo and make it transparent more in background format. actually i tried to create but i get blackish and whitish background on my blog when i upload it. My elements aren't working for it. the top logo on
as you can see is blackish and creating slug and havoc on it .
I have two psd files. One with my logo and another with my web page template. I want to add my logo to the web page template without having to recreate it. I have been able to add the layers of my logo to the web page template following some advice I have found on this site (using duplicate layers and selecting the web page file.), but the logo is too big.
I have chained the layers of my logo together but now I need to scale it down, move it, then add some layer effects such as inside beveling etc. How do I scale just the logo layers down so they will fit correctly with the rest of the page?
I'm trying to center a logo for a website header. Unfortunately, the website builder I'm using won't let me center my image (or I can't figure it out).
The jpeg I want to center is 331x250. I need to center it in a 1000 pixel horizontal space and 331 vertical. I thought I could put the image on top of a white background/image at 1000x331px and center it.
Seems like Layers is what I need, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've watched the tutorial on Layers and am still lost.
I am a hardcore Photoshop nut lol but I have recently approached learning how to use 'AI' to create my company Logo so that It can be Vector based and therefore Re-size it according to web and print as needed.
You've properly encountered this problem lots of times and i'm properly being really silly, but I am having major problems re-sizing and it, causing pixelisation on my Image, esp when going to 'Save for web and Devices'.
I did have 'drop down shadow effects' on the Logo but I believe I have deleted all of that in Appearences, Incase it is the raster effects causing the problems... but even back at its seemingly basics, I'm still having the same problems.
I tried making the Image smaller using the 'scale' & 'transform' tool before taking it into 'Save for Web and Devices' and even on my artboard it now looks pixelated..
My Artboard size is 1200 x 1200 and in 'Save for Web and Devices' it says the Original Image size is 800 x 600 (which I believe is the size of the document I chose when starting my project)...
I tried Playing with the PPI in the 'Document Raster Effects' settings, this doesn't seem to be making a difference.. Infact I'm sure playing with all the settings has almost caused my edges already to not be as sharp in view: 100% (RGB/Overprint preview) as they once were and I don't think I have the original document to go back too, due to thinking the Logo was fine, before relizing I had a problem in resizing & saving.
I have tried all of the save options in 'Save for Web and Devices' but still the Image looks pixelized, even when ignoring previewer and going ahead to re-opening the saved Image.
I've spent hours trawling the web tirelessly without any result and after being so happy with the Logo, it would be such a shame to have to delete it and try and start all over again either in Illustrator or back in Photoshop (where I know the quality won't be as good)..
I've created a logo, and I'd like to use it in some PDF documents. I've tried several different methods for converting it into an image, but the image quality really degrades when I do. Maybe I'm expecting too much - since the vector image is essentially perfect - but it seems like there should be a way to come up with a decent looking image. Is there a "best practice" for this process?
I was asked to cut out the background from a logo to make it transparent so the logo would look nice on a variety of backgrounds. I've been given a good quality jpeg file.
What I did was I selected (by colour) the background (white), inverted the selection, copied it and pasted as a new image.
It's all fine (the logo itself doesn't have any other elements) but there's still some whiteish/greyish outline around certain elements of the logo.
If I were to do it manually, it'd probably take ages. What would be the best way to accomplish it?
Is the image trace feature any better at tracing scanned business cars and newsprint ads in order to extract a logo? Clients never seem to have clean copy to supply me with.
I have created a moving background and I am rendering it in PHOTO JPEG format but when I convert it to .GIF to post it on my website, it takes away all the high quality. It is a moving background, what is the best format to render it in to post it as the website's background?
I have recently purchased Website Creator X5 and am a little challenged on how to set a picture for a web page background. When I insert the image (jpg or gif) as the background, it only shows part of the image. I assume I need to reduce the resolution of the picture down quite a bit to have the complete picture used as the web page background. If that is correct. What resolution do I need to go to? If not correct. How do I make my web page background use the image I want?
PNG with transparent background that appears white when uploaded on the web.This is how I do the PNG : Once I have the image with the transparent background with the white and grey checks, I go to save for web and devices, putting PNG 24 at preset and the bar under it, transparency checked, and then save. When I preview the image, the background is transparent. Also when I open the image with Windows image viewer, the image also has the transparent background. However, when I upload the image to the website, the background turns white.
I'm using CS4. I put here a link to the psd file in case. URL.... and the image URL...
i used photoshop to design the website sliced it with image ready and imported as html..but then i check out the website some of the image is can i fix view it as the same thing as i see it in photoshop while designing?