Paint.NET :: How To Center JPEG (Logo For Website Header)
Nov 3, 2012
I'm trying to center a logo for a website header. Unfortunately, the website builder I'm using won't let me center my image (or I can't figure it out).
The jpeg I want to center is 331x250. I need to center it in a 1000 pixel horizontal space and 331 vertical. I thought I could put the image on top of a white background/image at 1000x331px and center it.
Seems like Layers is what I need, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've watched the tutorial on Layers and am still lost.
Trying to use Adobe Edge to get faded header images on my website. Was referred to Adobe Edge because it is supposed to be easy for beginners. I was able to upload my images, but then there was no instruction/direction on what to do next. Everything I clicked just brought me somewhere else. Every time I tried adding coding to my page, it messed it up.
using Gimp to create a website header that includes image mapping. I figured out how (Filters > Web > Image Map). I just can't figure out how to save it in a format that I can then upload to a Bandcamp website.
I can open a graphic in Gimp that I made in Powerpoint. A second window opens with the same graphic and that is where I add the image mapping. So now how do I save it so that when I upload it the tags are there? Or am I supposed to copy all the tags and then paste that code? I can find the place in Bandcamp where the code gets pasted - but I haven't yet figured out how to copy the code.
I'm a new user of PhotoShop (v6.0.1) and I'm trying to add a photo (.gif) to a header (.psd) I've started & will use in WordPress.
I cannot seem to click & drag the logo to the header. It does not come out of the window or space that it is in. I think this can be done because I have seen it done in a tutorial video. I see the logo layer has a lock on it, is that possible the problem? I cannot seem to figure out how to unlock it.
I have a logo on a website that I'm doing that looks like crap on the blue background I have. I have to keep the logo (as it is on every truck in the company), but I'm hoping I can clean it up a little. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I'm trying to have a logo that goes with the site name Perhaps a mac logo twisted or even something that does not go with the name but sticks out and looks good. Just don't want something that looks thrown together which is pretty much what all my attempts have looked like
I have tried but having the simple logo I have now was the best looking thing I could make.
If someone can help and your a Mac user, I have a few application licenses from my site sponsors that I have to hand out and can give a few apps out in return. Doesn't matter to me. Would just be great to get something better looking.
Actually i need to change my website's logo and make it transparent more in background format. actually i tried to create but i get blackish and whitish background on my blog when i upload it. My elements aren't working for it. the top logo on
as you can see is blackish and creating slug and havoc on it .
I have two psd files. One with my logo and another with my web page template. I want to add my logo to the web page template without having to recreate it. I have been able to add the layers of my logo to the web page template following some advice I have found on this site (using duplicate layers and selecting the web page file.), but the logo is too big.
I have chained the layers of my logo together but now I need to scale it down, move it, then add some layer effects such as inside beveling etc. How do I scale just the logo layers down so they will fit correctly with the rest of the page?
I'm a coder and I don't have much experience yet with photoshop but I'm trying to build a website with a nice top image containing my website's logo and I would love to have it in some sort of 3d effect where the text is like carved into background of the image.
I am trying to create a logo with a transparent background for my website, so my logo can sit on top of background images. I have created different file, png, gif, eps all with transparent backgrounds but every time I upload it to my website builder (wix) it has either a grey or white background. How I would achieve the correct file?
Im taking my first crack at using DRAW to design a web site, instead of html.
I like the overall look of what I created, but when I export, the drawing is left aligned in the browser window. How do I get it to center?, or do I have to go in and edit the html/css later on?
can I set the drawing to dynamically grow shrink to fit the user's browser? so far my web page is static. How do I change that?
making an image that has only text and a transparent background. I want to use this as a banner/logo for my website and would like the "text" to sit on top of my site background.
I have tried several things that I know of in PS CC, but when I upload it to my website I get the text siting on a white background, thus my site background does not show through.
I'm trying to create a very high quality crips website logo using Photoshop or Illustrator, but everytime I export the design into PNG, the text borders are not as crip compared with Google logo. How do I create a very crips and sharp logo using Adobe software? What software, how to export, what the size of the document should be, what resolution, any detailed tricks, designs and pointers..I know I can create a logo, but it is blurry and it shows. When I put my logo on a gray background for instance, the text becomes more blurrier.
I just learnt to use Adobe Illustrator , the basics anyway. I am able to manipulate the size of the logo to almost scale in Illustrator. However, when I save the logo in JPEG/PNG for the web its always coming out smaller than i would like it to and i cant seem to get it to the size i want.
I am finally getting used to the operation of CWC and find it usable, but one thing bothers me. The page layout only fills the center one-third of the screen.
So I want to to create an animated header like the one on the link below. I would prefer to use Paint.Net but I also have Photoshop if necessary. So my question is what would be the best route for creating this effect without the use of flash? (I expect that there is going to have to be code thats going to go into my website for this to happen whether that be html or javascript)
I want to remove the portrait images on this header and replace it with a new portrait but still want to have the "halo" (??) effect of the lighter blue surrounding the new portrait.
As you can see from the attached header image, the "halo" effect follows the shape of the woman's head....I want to be able to recreate the same look. How do I do that?
I wanting to fade all four edges on some photos for a blog header. When I select the photo and apply the fade edge to it, it will only fade on one side, either left or right. What has me confused is I am using the tool the same way I always have but all of a sudden its not working the way it used to.
I am putting a logo on top of a background. Is there a quick keystoke or shift or alt option to use if I want to center the logo in the image? It's mostly a square image 170x151px.
I am really new to and any type of software like this. I am trying to create a custom header using I have tried learning about it with youtube tutorials but the latest version seems to have changed a little bit. Especially inserting a text box into an existing object I created.
I have a logo that I created in PS that I now want to overlay on top of a .jpg that I have.
I am guessing that I need to open the PS file with the logo, create a new layer, put the .jpg on that layer and put it behind the logo. But I can't seem to get it to happen.
i know how to attach a jpeg to my autocad drawning but that is not doing the job, i have to re-attach the jpeg every time I re-open the file. So my question is how do I insert it to my dwg? Is it the same method as pdf (attachpdf)?
In 3D drawing, how can I bring (or paste) a logo (JPEG format) on equipment . For instance logo of a company on a machine. How to do that in AutoCAD not Inventor.
My client has sent me a high resolution JPEG which is a monogram of his initial ("C") on top of a complex filigree. It's all one color. He wants the letter "C" to be a different color than the filigree pattern. The goal is to create a logo for his website and business cards.
How should I separate the C from the rest of the monogram? I've done an Image Trace which resulted in a perfect rendition of the entire artwork. But how to I separate the C? Any Illustrator experts out there?
Here's a lo-res version of the artwork he sent. I've already managed to eliminate the grays and turn this into a two-color (black and white) image. What next?
I'm a Liverpool Football Club supporter and I'm not going to go into details, but we are making a new supporters group and we need a logo to go with our group.
Had an idea for a logo, take this Soviet badge: Keep the gold around the bottom and sides, have 'The Red Faction' along the bottom, retain the Red star and replace the hammer & sickle with a gold Liverbird. I would need this as a PNG graphical/logo image not simply using the current JPEG and editing it if that makes sense?