Paint.NET :: Custom Header - Inserting Text Box Into Existing Object
Nov 3, 2011
I am really new to and any type of software like this. I am trying to create a custom header using I have tried learning about it with youtube tutorials but the latest version seems to have changed a little bit. Especially inserting a text box into an existing object I created.
How do I paste a graphic over an existing graphic on a header? and how do I determine the amount of pixels to be covered and the amount of pixels in the graphic I am wanting to use?
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 and our client doesn't want/like sheet sets.
One item I'd love to have is the pg. number automated. In the current title block it's just text not an attribute. Is there a way I can take only a part of the file name and insert it as a field?
For example, the file name is DW_12321_12.dwg the last part of the name is the sheet number. Can I exclude everything but the 12 and insert just that into the field?
I've wrriten a script that will create custom annotative scales and a new text style. (It works fine up to that point) The next steps I'm trying to add to the script is to select a text object, set it to the new style, make it annotative and add all of the annotative scales to that text object. CHPROP allows me to make the text object annotaive but I haven't found a command that will let me change the style or add annotative scales to the text object. Any commands I can use in a script to do this ? (or know if this is even possible)? I have 2000+ drawings I need to run this one, I hope I can find the commands to script this with.
When I drag a previous custom command into an existing custom tool bar and edit the custom command (then rename the command in the Name and Command Name) it also changes the previous custom command that I originally drug into the toolbar. What am I doing wrong?
When you make a custom table in, adding in the Row Height property in the custom table create line only changes the data cell row heights, not the title cells or the header cell. How do yo do set the title/header cell row heights ?
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2013 and I'm having problems inserting .dwg and .dxf files into an existing open dwg. I have previously done this successfully on this computer so I'm pretty sure that I am doing it correctly. What happens is this: I go to insert the file, select it and it shows the correct image in the preview window, but when the actual file inserts into the drawing, it's a completely different file all together. The funny thing is, I have restarted my computer and the program several times, and each time it inserts a different drawing. I have tried inserting a .dwg and .dxf and they both insert the wrong one. I tested it by xrefing the document that I want to put in and it shows up correctly when I xref. I've also tried saving it as a block with the WBLOCK command, and still the wrong thing inserts.
I downloaded the service pack for AutoCAD LT 2013 and nothing has changed.
When I create drawings, I generally have quite a few layout tabs. Also, thse tabs are numbered 1 through to N. On many occasions, a revision or addition may be necessary and it may have to be inserted in between two existing tabs. Doing so is not a problem, however, keeping the numbering sequence in order without having to rename every tab in that file is a problem.
So I want to to create an animated header like the one on the link below. I would prefer to use Paint.Net but I also have Photoshop if necessary. So my question is what would be the best route for creating this effect without the use of flash? (I expect that there is going to have to be code thats going to go into my website for this to happen whether that be html or javascript)
Presently if I insert a block into my drawing - and a block with the same name exists - the newly inserted block takes on the definition which exists in the receiving drawing . How do I reverse this i.e. I want to be able to overwrite the existing block definition by inserting the new wblock version.
I want to remove the portrait images on this header and replace it with a new portrait but still want to have the "halo" (??) effect of the lighter blue surrounding the new portrait.
As you can see from the attached header image, the "halo" effect follows the shape of the woman's head....I want to be able to recreate the same look. How do I do that?
I have a long document with text variable running headers along page edges. Behind each running header on the Master Pages, there is a black band. I want the color black to change to several different fill colors, when the running header changes, to define different "sections."
It's one document, no separate chapters or sections, at this point. See attached image.
Is there a way to tie the fill color of these colored bands to the running header so that it changes when the running header does? I think what I'm looking for is a way to make a variable object style (fill) to be triggered by the running header change. I have no experience writing scripts, but am willing to try. Plan B will be to unlink the master items and manually recolor on each page.
I wanting to fade all four edges on some photos for a blog header. When I select the photo and apply the fade edge to it, it will only fade on one side, either left or right. What has me confused is I am using the tool the same way I always have but all of a sudden its not working the way it used to.
I'm trying to center a logo for a website header. Unfortunately, the website builder I'm using won't let me center my image (or I can't figure it out).
The jpeg I want to center is 331x250. I need to center it in a 1000 pixel horizontal space and 331 vertical. I thought I could put the image on top of a white background/image at 1000x331px and center it.
Seems like Layers is what I need, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've watched the tutorial on Layers and am still lost.
I just purchased a plr blog and I cannot figure out how to edit the header text. I want to change the text to match my domain name. The file is a psd but I believe gimp can edit psd? The header is:
I have a logo that I am working with and I need to make it a 3D object for what I'm doing in After Effects. I am trying to make it 3D so I can edit it in repousse because all I really need to do is extrude it.
I've tried the different options in the 3D drop down menu but none of them bring me to edit in repousse.
Also, I know that I can make it 3D in After Effects my making multiples of it and what not but I don't want to go about it that way. Also, I'm working with CS5.5 and the 3D renderer plugin in After Effects is only available in CS6.
I have created a small arrow graphic matching the color theme of the website i am working on.
How do I insert the custom arrow graphic so that it appears when I create a bulleted list, instead of the standard bullet point, which appears by default?
I recently got a new drafting job for a chemical plant. The issue that I am having is that they are using AutoCAD 2004. That version came out when I was a freshman in high school and I am lost. I am trying to insert the custom blocks that pertain to our design standards, but I am getting nowhere.
I have the blocks in a separate folder. I am getting to the customize tool palette option, but every time I try and import these files the folders show up empty. Admittedly, I am not the greatest with the complexities of AutoCAD because I picked it up on the job and never had any "official" training; however, it has also been two years since I've had to do this and I am a little rusty... I'd like to think it's just that because they are using decade old software.
I have been unable to rotate the header text in a parts list. I created a new text style that is rotated 90 deg, a new part list style that specifies to use that text style in the header. Everything else about the text in the header displays correctly (i.e. font, size, colour, etc) but not the rotation when I insert the parts list in a drawing using the correct standard. When I apply this same standard to a regular text line on the drawing it will rotate the 90 degs but not in the part list.
aIs there a way to Format the Column Header to wrap text & rotate text if necessary? I would prefer if I could only Format the QTY Column Headers, but leave the others s is.
My ultimate goal is to have a virtual human model that I can re-size parametrically to reflect real-world measurements. I've used MAX to make architectural models and scenes so I know how to manipulate basic shapes in MAX.
how to make some sort of basic-custom geometric shape and control that shape parametrically, like the built-in "Box", "Sphere" and "Cylinder" objects.
When I'm saving my file as PSD I have strange error with "nice" description.The only way to avoid it is search and delete design elements - I found that its caused by one text object.
The question is what can be wrong with text object to generate this error. I can edit text and do everything with it but I cant save it as PSD. Its hard to find it in big complicated designs. I think similiar problem was in Corel Photopaint X3. Seems like it left to X6 version.Bug exists in all files with text objects.
system configuration:Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives.
Im trying to insert an image into 3Ds max. I selected my object I want it pasted onto, I then opened up my materials editor, under maps and then standard I selected Bitmap and selected my image. The image bitmap is showing up in the materials editor viewport but I cant apply it any objects (Assign material to selection icon is unavailable).
I am currently working on creating a bedroom just for fun. I wanted to know what is the best way, without using the boolean tool, to create a cylindrical hole in a box.The plan is so I can insert a screw into a piece of wood