I want to remove the portrait images on this header and replace it with a new portrait but still want to have the "halo" (??) effect of the lighter blue surrounding the new portrait.
As you can see from the attached header image, the "halo" effect follows the shape of the woman's head....I want to be able to recreate the same look. How do I do that?
What is the best way to take the background out of a photo or a portrait and keep the photo? Also would like to be able to keep the edge nice so when am laser engraving it will look nice, and will be able to engrave well.
I want to be able to resize portrait images so they fit in a slideshow (same height) with landscape images. I believe the way to do this is to add padding to the portrait images. That's what I understand from this article. It's the plugin that I want to use on my website.
If this is the correct method, how do I add padding?
I guess I'm also having a hard time figuring out how to resize my portrait and landscape images to get them close to the same size, which seems to be another option according to the article.
I know large images first need to be resized for page loading speed. Normally, I resize from 4608x3072 to 1200x800. (Portrait 3072x4608 will resize to 800x1200). But, then do I resize again or crop?
I'm open for the simplest way for me to do this and remember the reasoning and methodology. I'm working on a work-related website, but I also want to build a separate personal website for my photography.
I want to merge (or whatever you guys call it in your graphical language) them all and create a single header for my new site. Giving it one color tone which is #456389.
For example i got the following header from a site and this guy has used 6-7 images to create one single header. Also see the images has one single color tone matching the color theme of that site.
how do I use the above 5 images to create one single header in Photoshop.
Trying to use Adobe Edge to get faded header images on my website. Was referred to Adobe Edge because it is supposed to be easy for beginners. I was able to upload my images, but then there was no instruction/direction on what to do next. Everything I clicked just brought me somewhere else. Every time I tried adding coding to my page, it messed it up.
So I want to to create an animated header like the one on the link below. I would prefer to use Paint.Net but I also have Photoshop if necessary. So my question is what would be the best route for creating this effect without the use of flash? (I expect that there is going to have to be code thats going to go into my website for this to happen whether that be html or javascript)
I have the 5 images and I want to merge (or whatever you guys call it in your graphical language) them all and create a single header for my new site. Giving it one color tone which is #456389.
For example i got the following header from a site and this guy has used 6-7 images to create one single header. Also see the images has one single color tone matching the color theme.
I wanting to fade all four edges on some photos for a blog header. When I select the photo and apply the fade edge to it, it will only fade on one side, either left or right. What has me confused is I am using the tool the same way I always have but all of a sudden its not working the way it used to.
I'm trying to center a logo for a website header. Unfortunately, the website builder I'm using won't let me center my image (or I can't figure it out).
The jpeg I want to center is 331x250. I need to center it in a 1000 pixel horizontal space and 331 vertical. I thought I could put the image on top of a white background/image at 1000x331px and center it.
Seems like Layers is what I need, but I can't seem to figure it out. I've watched the tutorial on Layers and am still lost.
I am really new to paint.net and any type of software like this. I am trying to create a custom header using paint.net. I have tried learning about it with youtube tutorials but the latest version seems to have changed a little bit. Especially inserting a text box into an existing object I created.
How would I stitch two images together that are in portrait orientation so they display nicely in a slideshow template. My landscape images are sized to 1200 x 800 pixels which works very well with the slideshow template. I have Photoshop CS6.
When making a video with just images set to music, I want to use the pan & zoom feature, but cannot figure a way to rotate frames for portrait orientation images.
Using LR v5.3. 6000 images on my HDD and in the LR catalog.
I wish to search for all images oriented in the portrait view. I've checked the metatdata search options, and think I've determined that there is no criteria for an image in the portait orientation orientation.
I make regular use of a Flash image gallery that requires me to provide small square 50 x 50px thumbnails whatever the shape of the original images. The only solution I have found so far is to first manually sort my original images into landscape and portrait folders and then run a different action on each folder to create the thumbnails.
Is there any way to design an action that would work equally well on both landscape and portrait images?
I scanned a old portrait (1920's - 30's) that somewhere along the line someone tried to "clean" and brought up some of the image. Is there a way in Paintshop Pro X5 to repair the digital image, and if so, how do I do it?
I am just learning paint.net and would like some pointers to prepare a photo of a persons face for tshirt print.
I was thinking of trying to transform a photo into a cartoon style ink drawing (i.e. outline only) but can quite get it (I have tried one or two plugins and the ink/ pencil tools).
Ideally I would like something like this the logo found here but without the fill (and obviously a little more facial detail as its taken from a photo). [URL] .....
Failing that, I could go with the classic Che Guevar style as found on countless tshirts, but not sure if its possible to easily create it. [URL] .......
I have tested this in both LR4 and 4.1RC2. 3.x versions and below I never seemed to have a problem. Using Windows 7 x64 SP1.If I have an export preset that adds a text watermark, it works fine in any image that is either already smaller than, or gets resized to 3118 pixels in height. If I tell it to resize to 3119 pixels, then the watermark is never added.
I usually crop all my images to 8x10 ratio. And then dont resize them at all, so they stay at their maximum resolution.The watermark is simply a TTF Font, set to show up proportionally in the lower right corner.
Here is the 3118 pixels tall image.And here is when it is resized to 3119 pixels tall:
i would love to be able to create a single photoshop action for adding a border, plus a signature in the bottom right corner, that works for both portrait and landscape images.
need i say more?
i already have an action that adds a signature in the centre of the border at the bottom of the image e.g. the image below. what i want though is for that signature to be on the RHS and for the same action to work for portrait images as well.
supplementary info: reason for this is that I want to be able to export 300 wedding images (mix of landscape and portrait images) from lightroom in my pre-selected order (meaning the files are labelled from 001 to 300, ordered according to how the wedding day unfolded) and then use PS to add the border and the signature, in the same place, and for it to work for both orientations.
i need this to work for full sized exported jpeg images, i.e. i want the files that i give on CD to my clients to include my signature in this manner. so I don't want to copy the initial layer and then reduce the second layer size to leave a border around the second layer.
i hope i've been clear I think that this sort of presentation makes such a difference to final printed image, and I DONT want to have to go to all 300 images picking out the landscape from portrait ones (although this may be what I have to do and wouldn't really take that long but surely there's a better way!!!!).
How do I paste a graphic over an existing graphic on a header? and how do I determine the amount of pixels to be covered and the amount of pixels in the graphic I am wanting to use?
I jsut got gimp, and I am using it to make wallpapers for myself and my family. I have a few pictures of my favorite baseball player and I would like to make myself a wall with them, but they all have a watermark on them. I would generally try and find pics without the watermark, but I can't find anything because he is not a big name. How to remove the watermark from the images.
1. How do I prevent it from downloading Flickr comments to Lightroom?
2. How do I remove images from the set to be republished? It keeps republishing images and deleting the text I've entered on Flickr. I want to decide if and when images are to be republished.
3. How do I remove images from the set to be deleted from Flickr? Trying to find a way to do #2, I checked "remove from collection" -- thinking it would remove the image from the to-be-republished set, and instead it put the image in the set to be deleted it from Flickr. I saw it sitting in that set and couldn't figure out how to prevent it.
In short, how do I manage the images that are pending for Flickr publishing?
Need better control AND better instructions on how to handle this functionality. It's nice to not have to publish to Flickr separately, but I'm about to give up on this -- the defaults are messing up my Flickr stream!
I would like to remove a very specific bold yellow from some images. I want to automate this by throwing this into photoshop's automate tool and running over hundreds and hundreds of images. I have no problem creating the macro, the problem is that my image doesn't contain this yellow color (some of them do not), the 'select' action doesn't work so any subsequent actions fail.
What I have tried:
* Select the color and fill with white. If the color doesn't exist, the entire image gets filled. * Select the color and cut, then replace background layer with plain white -- If the color doesn't exist, get error that 'cut' action isn't available. * Force a yellow stroke somewhere on the image to try and remove it later -- Can't record brush strokes with PS!!!
Are their 'conditional' actions? There must be a way to do this, but I can't bring up anything on the web.