Illustrator :: Changing Size Of Object Doesn't Stick?
Aug 23, 2013
Tricky one to add a title for but if I am resizing an object precisely using the W Value and H Value fields, for some reason the size I enter then changes. So, for example, I have an object that is 57.15mm wide. I then change that value to 57mm but when I click return it then changes back to the 57.15mm value. This appears for all other values. So if I change it to 60mm it then changes it to 59.972 mm
Not really sure what setting I have that's making it do this. My document is set up in mm.
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Mar 20, 2013
I'm not sure what I did to make this happen or how to change it back, but for some reason when I change the size of an object/line it changes the stroke weight as well. (For example, if I drew an ellipse with stroke weight 2 pt, and then increased the size the stroke weight would be 2.856 pt or some such number instead of 2 pt.) How to change this back?
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Feb 1, 2013
I just tried to rotate an image, pressing "R" for the rotate tool, getting the compass rose over the image, and then rotated the image by dragging 90 degrees. So far so good. Then, I wanted to crop the image into a panorama proportion, by pressing "C" for crop tool - and voilá, the image jumps back into the original rotation, just like that. I have tried to press the Enter key after rotating, I have tried to save, I have tried to change to other tools in between, I have looked into the toolbar for clues but found none - I just can't understand what it is that I'm supposed to do to make the rotation stick.
I'll just add that I managed to solve this temporarily by selecting rotate 90 degrees from the menu and then cropping - why I can't do this visually by using the "R" command and dragging visually, then changing to the crop tool. It's just fortunate that there's often several ways to accomplish the same things in PS. So, I managed to work around it - but I'm still wondering why I couldn't make the rotation stick by using the method above. If I'd like to make a more arbitrary rotation then that seems like the way to do it - if it would stick.
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Jul 14, 2013
I am having some trouble with a file in Illustrator CS6. Within a layer, when I add a fill to an object, the fill doesn't block out the object paths beneath. For instance, say I have a square object overlapping a circle object in Layer 1. The square object is above the circle in the layer. When I add a fill to the square, the circle stroke still shows through the square even though the overlapped part should be blocked out by the fill. The square is set to normal visibility, and I have made sure that there are no duplicate paths that would account for what I am seeing. (I.e., it's not a case where there's a second identical circle path that is on top of the square, so that it remains visible in spite of the fill.)
Other details:
- I'm mainly working with a white fill, but the problem is the same with fills of any color
- When there's a fill color in the circle path as well, the circle's fill color *is* blocked out—just not its stroke.
- I have restarted Illustrator and restarted my computer and these have not changed anything.
- There are other layers within the same document where the normal layering rules work.
- I tried copy/pasting some of the problem objects into a new document, and in the new document, the fill works properly.
- If I move the problem objects to another layer, then the fill works as it should. But as I'm dealing with a number of paths, it doesn't make sense to create a layer for each to solve the problem.
I can't tell if it's a matter of working in too large or complex a file.
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Apr 22, 2013
I normally crop to ratio 4:3 (8x6) for printing,but just very recently the crop does not stick to it's ratio when reaching the outer borders.(especially if changing orientation from Landscape to portrait).If pulled It just keeps expanding to almost a square ratio before it stops.Obviously the padlock is locked and it is something that never used to happen.
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Jun 18, 2012
I can no longer type in the size of an object. I draw a rectangle and then type in the correct size. Nothing happens. The size of the box does not change.
It's the same with text. If I type a name that needs to fit a certain area, I type in the size for the width and it doesn't change.
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Mar 15, 2013
A coworker brought this to my attention and I was also immediately able to reproduce this. We use content center C channels and other common beams a lot. After inserting one into an assembly if you right click and select change size and edit the length it typically doesn't update to the correct length.
Insert a 10" Ansi MC/C channel any size
right click and select change size
add +.0625 to the existing length and hit apply
measure it at 10.06252 in
repeat change size and type in 10.0625
measure it at 10.0625
repeat change size and type in 10 + .0625
and measure at 10.06252 in
It seems to mess up more when you do math but it also screws up entering a simple number
10.000325 usually ends up as 10.000315 in for me.
Editing the part directly from it's parameter dialog doesn't yield anything like this.
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Dec 9, 2011
I use this macro to toggle my browser from Model to Vault, and have since IV2009, and I have always used a shortcut key combination to access it. Now that I have installed 2012, the keyboard shortcut doesn't stick. Every time I close Inventor and re-open it, I have to reassign the key combination to this macro. This equals annoying! Maybe I didn't properly implement the macro in VB?
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Jan 4, 2012
Civil 3D 2011, updates installed - I have a user who is manually importing points into his drawing. He has set the default label style in his command settings to a specific style, but no matter what he does the points come in with the previously set default style (the out-of-the-box label style). We've tested this in a new drawing with the same results. We've tested this on several computers with the same results.
My initial thought was that something on the network was holding this setting somehow. We disconnected his computer from the network with the same results.
What could be causing this label style to stick?
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Aug 22, 2013
Any way to change the size of the circles that I made so that they all enlarge yet keep their respected positions. So for the example below, I would like to just enlarge the circles and not the rest. If I select all the circles and drag them to enlarge, they lose their position. Is there a way to do this? This script [URL] ...... doesn't work for x6 but I think it is what I might need, correct?
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Aug 27, 2012
This is happening on all my Autodesk software (AutoCAD, Map 3D, and Civil 3D)(2012 and 2013). . .
I initiate a command (say LINE), I pick my first point to draw the line and nothing happens. I must click it again to get it ot work. It only happens when I'm working fast. For instance:
L (for line)right-click (for ENTER)immdediately try to click the first point of the linenothing happens and I must re-pick the firtst point again
E (for erase)right-click (for ENTER)immediately try to pick a corner for your boxnothing happens and I must re-create my selection box However, if I go slow it works fine. For instance, after initating the command simply wait about 2 or 3 seconds and then try to click. It all works fine there, but waiting becomes annoying now.
The mouse clicks work fine in all my other software (Excel, MS Word, etc.). I am having another (maybe totally unrealated issue) with my keyboard. While typing, my cursor will magically move somewhere else on the screen. I'm using a laptop and have made sure I'm not touching the touch pad. This may be a completely unrelated issue to the mouse clicks, but I thought I'd inform you just in case the two go hand in had. by the way. . .dynamic mode is disabled, PICKFIRST is set correctly, and I've messed with the 3D Config options.
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Dec 16, 2012
I have keyframed some ojects. I then set up a camera projection texture at keyframe 179
Is it possible to create a Texture Reference Object from keyframe 179 so this texture will stick to the geometry throughout the sequence?
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Feb 17, 2014
I scan my pieces in. Trace them with the pencil (love the new version) save my file. Than I save as a svg file. But in some cases it changes the size of these objects and in others it does not. So some place something is different. How do I stop this?
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Oct 19, 2013
I used to use illustrator on windows and i had sized 0.1 and 0.35 available. Now that i've transfered to mac I only have 0.25, 0.5 and upwards.
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Oct 9, 2013
So I have this multipage document I am working on and I needed more pages so I added the artboards I need however then now go beyond the clip board size (see picture below), how do I change that?
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Jun 12, 2013
how can i resize an object (with the aid of paths) WITHOUT change the gradient? (ps, my default is right at scale strokes & effects)
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Jul 22, 2013
How do I fix gradients within an object so that they remain where they are when the object is cut using the intersect paths tool, instead of the gradient fill being redistributed to the new object?
Also, how do I use the colour picker tool to pick a discrete colour within an object filled within a gradient, rather than it selecting the whole gradient swatch?
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May 22, 2013
I am trying to create text along a spiral path, and I need the text to get smaller as the spiral gets smaller towards the center. Something like this...
I have read that there has been a script called "ChangeSizesOfTextSelection.js" but it's for a much older version of Illustrator.
I am currently on CS6.
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Apr 15, 2013
When I choose "New Document" in Illustrator CS4 and try to change the document size the "custom" option isn´t available. The only available options are standar sizes.
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Feb 22, 2014
How do I rotate an object in Illustrator without chaging the angle of my drop shadow? I have a design that I want to place 2 up on a page and then print. When turn and stack them the shadow has changed its angel in relation to the artwork. I don't see where to lock the drop shadow to the object. Or is it secified a different way?
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Oct 23, 2013
Im brand spanking new to Illistrator, andfor my first project decided to re-make my logo for my small minecraft server, since my origional was such poor to make what I wanted, the problem im having is when I change the size of my grouped image it creates grey lines between the rectangle shapes, There is no gaps, if you zoom in as far as you can they disappear.I exported the image as PNG and they still percist, attatched (Top right finished origional size I made it)
I found out I could "rasterize" my selected content like in video editing "render", I had to do this to "finish" a vector image, any more information on a better workflow.
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Feb 21, 2014
I created a closed object that had a Bezier curve as part of it's definition. I wanted to scale it by 110% and then use this second enlarged object to create a sort of a background underneath the first object to create a sort of a shadow effect. But rather than the second object being uniformly larger than the first it intersects the original object in ways that don't make sense to me.
Is there an easier/differnt way to create an effect like this? I can do it but have to manually adjust a lot of points in the new object so that they create a uniformly larger version of the original object but it's a lot of effort for something that works fine for normal polygons with straight lines (e.g. a star with 5 points).
i've attached an image of what I get with this technique of creating two examples of two objects one a 110% scale version of the other. The first star shows the effect I'm trying to get and the second shows the problem (the red border does not surround the black object uniformly around the perimeter)
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Jul 12, 2013
I have a 100mm x 100mm grid set up with 10mm divisions. I draw a box 100mm x 100mm and snap to the grid. I then put a stroke of 1mm on the box and want to resize to 120mm x 120mm. The box will not snap to the grid accurately because the box is now 118.811mm and does not know whether to snap to the top or bottom of the box. This makes for horrendous mistakes in my artwork. I need to view the size of the box as 120mm x 120mm irrespective of the stroke width. I'm on CS5.5 but have CS6 here and will install it if it's the only way to solve it.
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Nov 1, 2013
i have illustrator cs6. i can no longer increase size of object. i do not get a box when selecting object with pointer to stretch and when using the object/scale i get a reading that it would make the object too large
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Apr 16, 2013
As the topic says, I need to make 2 points in two different objects to stick to eachother, so for example when I rotate a line which is "connected" to a square object in one end, the line will rotate around that point.
Also, if I have lets say two square objects and I "connect" one of the corners of one square object to another corner of another square object, where the points are located exactly on the same location, I need to be able to rotate any of the square objects around the point which is connected to the other square.
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Jan 29, 2014
I would like to lock the size of an object regardless of the zoom percentage. When I am zooming in on a vector map (main layer) the objects (on different layers) becomes very big. So I should be able to zoom in/out on the vector map, but the objects shall keep the same size. How can I do this?
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Jan 24, 2012
trying to make an object the exact size of the artboard. This is something I do on a daily basis for several different reasons and it would be very useful if this can happen automatically for whatever size the artboard may be. As I understand it the only way is with a script but I have no experience with making illustrator scripts, im definately no programmer. I have set up quickkeys in the past to copy from the artboard inputs when you are on the artboard tool but these round to the nearest .01 and this is not accurate enough for what I am working with. Also if I do this with multiple pages open illustrator is very slow to respond to the artboard tool.
Below is a script that I saw on here that I believe may contain what I need but now knowing programming. Where to start on editing. All I need is the part where an object is placed on the artboard that is the exact same size as the artboard.
#target illustrator function main() { if (app.documents.length == 0) { alert('Open a document before running this script'); return; // Stop script here no doc open… } else { var docRef = app.activeDocument; with (docRef) { if (selection.length == 0)
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Jul 17, 2012
I am working on a scatter chart in Illustrator. We would like to use circles instead of the default square. I have figured out how to create and use a custom graphic for this. However, no matter what size circle I create, it seems to default back to the size of what the square was.
Is there any way to customize the size of the graphic objects used in the scatter chart?
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Mar 17, 2013
I want to change the size of the image in Gimp to 3957x4429 px (67x75 cm) at a 150dpi (the image we have has a 300 dpi.) When i do this in image - print size it keeps changing the width.
The system is not allowing me to get the picture a few cm larger. Is there any way I can overwrite this?
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Aug 28, 2007
i currently have a logo that is 460X440 pixels and 12.17cmsX11.69cms and the resolution is 96 pixels per inch.
i am wanting to change it into a 2cm X 2cm avatar that is less than 6K in size,
how do i do this? everything i try makes the output file about 24k in size.
the reason i am doing this is the forum i regularly post on has a max avatar size of 6k.
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Mar 24, 2009
Is there a way to change the leader arrowhead size without changing the dimension arrow/tick size?
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