Illustrator :: Can No Longer Increase Size Of Object
Nov 1, 2013
i have illustrator cs6. i can no longer increase size of object. i do not get a box when selecting object with pointer to stretch and when using the object/scale i get a reading that it would make the object too large
With the demise of my beloved Fireworks, I am giving Illustrator CC a try. Right off the bat it is unusable due to the microscopic font sizes in the UI, panels in particular. Is there any way to make the UI more readable?
When I do double click to open a file of Illustrator, the application starts with a little interface and then a dialog box that says "Not enough space for the window, increase the size of the document and try again" appears.
I have never used crop marks before. I am trying to do an Illustrator tutorial intended for CS3. The instructions say:
"Select the square, and in the Menu go Filter > Create > Crop Marks. Increase the square size to 4.125in by 3.875in. This square will be the size of our image, which is 1/8in larger than the crop marks. This ensures no white-space when you or the printers cut these labels out."
I found a way to make crop marks in CS6 using effect>cropmarks. The problem is when I increase the size of the square it also increases the crop marks. But it says in the square will be 1/8in larger than the crop marks. What am I doing wrong?
As I recall, you used to be able to change the artboard size when you first hit shift + O. There was a window for it at the top of the screen. Now,..for some reason that option is not there. It only gives me the ability to change the x and y coordinates. I have to double click the artboard tool to change the size of the artboard(s). How do I get back that ability?
I recently upgraded to Illustrator CS6, and suddenly clients have been remarking that the file sizes are wrong or there's "a ton of white space around the logo." I checked it out, and sure enough, it appears that whenever I export a file, it does not crop it to the image boundary like it used to, even if I had manually adjusted the artboard to fit closely around it. After a bit of trial and error, I discovered that I have to click "Use Artboards" on the Export dialog each time. The super annoying part is that it doesn't STAY checked, AND it adds a number to the end of the file name. So I often forget to check it (not used to the extra step in workflow), and if I make a modification to the file, I can't just export over the previous version. It requires me to export it, go find it in finder, and manually delete the extra number off the file name. The extra steps are adding way too much time when I'm saving out many files. I'm about ready to go back to my previous version just from this alone.
Is there an easier way to do this? It seems like the addition of this feature would only cause extra problems...
I’m a PS user new to Illustrator (CS6). In PS, using the bracket keys [] to increase/decrease brush point size will simultaneously update the data displayed in the tool panel at the top.
While I can use the bracket keys in Illustrator to change the appearance of the brush stroke, it is not being updated in the tool panel input or in the stroke window…so I can essentially have (2) 3 pt strokes created with the same brush that don’t visually match but whose display properties DO match. Because I will be doing lots of editing I certainly don’t want to work this way.
you probably heard this many times but i got a picture and would like to resize an object in the image. for example a car and i would like to make the rims bigger, how would i do that.
I have a 100mm x 100mm grid set up with 10mm divisions. I draw a box 100mm x 100mm and snap to the grid. I then put a stroke of 1mm on the box and want to resize to 120mm x 120mm. The box will not snap to the grid accurately because the box is now 118.811mm and does not know whether to snap to the top or bottom of the box. This makes for horrendous mistakes in my artwork. I need to view the size of the box as 120mm x 120mm irrespective of the stroke width. I'm on CS5.5 but have CS6 here and will install it if it's the only way to solve it.
I want to print the photo above on canvas. I know that when I send it to my local printshop about 2 or 3 cm will be printed on the side off the frame. As you can see the butterfly is almost on the top of my photo. I want to prevent that part of the butterfly will come on the side of the frame.
I need to increase a few images that are low MB (they vary from 2.51KB to. 4.78KB) to between 1 to 30 MB. Is this possible from this program ? How would do this?
I got a tremendous amount of assistance from Rich 2005 about increasing the size of a particular image last week. I applied the same technique to another image with poor results. (Much loss of clarity, worsened by sharpening.) I imagine there are several ways to increase image size. Is there a way to increase this one without losing clarity?The first image is the original, the second is increased 100 percent, without sharpening.
I have started using paint today , how I can increase the pixel size when printing for a better quality impression?
I have started scanning photos and directly loaded photos onto my computer, but can only print "600 pixels, not good quality. My printer generally photocopies and prints good quality photos.
Tricky one to add a title for but if I am resizing an object precisely using the W Value and H Value fields, for some reason the size I enter then changes. So, for example, I have an object that is 57.15mm wide. I then change that value to 57mm but when I click return it then changes back to the 57.15mm value. This appears for all other values. So if I change it to 60mm it then changes it to 59.972 mm
Not really sure what setting I have that's making it do this. My document is set up in mm.
I would like to lock the size of an object regardless of the zoom percentage. When I am zooming in on a vector map (main layer) the objects (on different layers) becomes very big. So I should be able to zoom in/out on the vector map, but the objects shall keep the same size. How can I do this?
trying to make an object the exact size of the artboard. This is something I do on a daily basis for several different reasons and it would be very useful if this can happen automatically for whatever size the artboard may be. As I understand it the only way is with a script but I have no experience with making illustrator scripts, im definately no programmer. I have set up quickkeys in the past to copy from the artboard inputs when you are on the artboard tool but these round to the nearest .01 and this is not accurate enough for what I am working with. Also if I do this with multiple pages open illustrator is very slow to respond to the artboard tool.
Below is a script that I saw on here that I believe may contain what I need but now knowing programming. Where to start on editing. All I need is the part where an object is placed on the artboard that is the exact same size as the artboard.
#target illustrator function main() { if (app.documents.length == 0) { alert('Open a document before running this script'); return; // Stop script here no doc open… } else { var docRef = app.activeDocument; with (docRef) { if (selection.length == 0)
I have a jpeg of an image that I will have to increase roughly 140% for a final print size of 16"x20". I am creating the final design in InDesign, but am editing the image in Photoshop first. My question is what's the best way to increase the size of the jpeg first in Photoshop (I assume) so that when I bring it into InDesign it is maximized in terms of resolution but not so large that the file size prohibitive for sending.
I've already cropped the image, but haven't adjusted any of the sizes. The dimensions are currently: 3233 pixels x 2586 pixels, and 10.777 in x 8.62 in at 300 pixels per inch.
Do I bring it into InDesign this way or increase the document size first in Photoshop?If I increase the size in Photoshop, I assume I should resample the image. If I do, that increases the pixel dimensions and file size to over 82.4M. Is there a way to keep the 300 ppi resolution while reducing the file size?
Be there a way to increase the length of the lines in the center mark so that they do go out to at least the diameter of the circle, so that these lines can be used to trim parts of the circle?