With the demise of my beloved Fireworks, I am giving Illustrator CC a try. Right off the bat it is unusable due to the microscopic font sizes in the UI, panels in particular. Is there any way to make the UI more readable?
I have been using PSE since the early days. MY sight has limitations and I need to know if there is a way to increase font sise in program windows? Otherwise it will be useless to me.
I'd have thought (since this has been a problem since 9 and that HD displays are fairly common now) it would have been addressed. I still can't find a way to increase the font size in PE 11, though. Am I missing something? It seems the menu fonts have increased in size in proportion to what Windows font size I'm using, but all the other fonts in PE 11 are still too tiny to read meaning (unless I am missing something) the software is still unusable (unless I sacrifice resolution).
I would like to increase the font size in many text layers at a time by selecting them in the layers panel. The font increases, but the text boxes don't expand to fit the increased size text. So I am having to make each box bigger manually. Is there a way to have the boxes expand to fit bigger text automatically through the layers panel?
i have illustrator cs6. i can no longer increase size of object. i do not get a box when selecting object with pointer to stretch and when using the object/scale i get a reading that it would make the object too large
When I do double click to open a file of Illustrator, the application starts with a little interface and then a dialog box that says "Not enough space for the window, increase the size of the document and try again" appears.
I have never used crop marks before. I am trying to do an Illustrator tutorial intended for CS3. The instructions say:
"Select the square, and in the Menu go Filter > Create > Crop Marks. Increase the square size to 4.125in by 3.875in. This square will be the size of our image, which is 1/8in larger than the crop marks. This ensures no white-space when you or the printers cut these labels out."
I found a way to make crop marks in CS6 using effect>cropmarks. The problem is when I increase the size of the square it also increases the crop marks. But it says in the square will be 1/8in larger than the crop marks. What am I doing wrong?
I’m a PS user new to Illustrator (CS6). In PS, using the bracket keys [] to increase/decrease brush point size will simultaneously update the data displayed in the tool panel at the top.
While I can use the bracket keys in Illustrator to change the appearance of the brush stroke, it is not being updated in the tool panel input or in the stroke window…so I can essentially have (2) 3 pt strokes created with the same brush that don’t visually match but whose display properties DO match. Because I will be doing lots of editing I certainly don’t want to work this way.
I find myself in the unfortunate position of having to resize a lot of text by one point size. So I wanted to find the key command for decreasing the text size by 1 point. I found several things online that worked... except they decrease it by TWO points. Not one. They are:
Command Shift <
Command Shift .
Both work... except they decrease the font by 2 point sizes. How can I make it go down only ONE point size?
PS I'm using CS4. And I can't select all the text because I need some of it to stay as is... while reducing the size of other text. Oh, and I'm on an iMac.
I have lot of various fonts and various size of font used in a particular illustration. Can i able to know all the fonts and its size used in a single shot. Instead of going and checking one by one.
how to auto fit overset text in a fixed text frame?
I import many languages into fixed text frames and it is a pain to keep resizing or scaling manually.
As of yet I've been unable to source any javascript or applescript that can do it. The closest has been "JET_AutoFitVertical.jsx" but this resizes the text frames.
I find the default interface in CS6 difficult to read as the menu/tool labels seem very small to me. I can manipulate via Windows, but then the fonts in the windows of all my other apps are too big.
Is there a way to change the size of the fonts in labels in the user interface within Illustrator itself? I thought there used to be a way in preferences some where, but that was a long time ago - maybe even pre-CS?
I saw scripts that adapt a box to the amount of text, but i'am looking for a script that does it the other way around. I have a amount of text that has to fit in a predefined box for example 50 x 30 mm.
The script has to solve the text overflow issue by adapting the fontsize. Is this possible?
Is it possible to automate the rounding of font sizes if they are in decimal form? I have a few thousand files I have to prepare for upload and they can't have font sizes such as 8.214 which several do. With AppleScript would it be possible to identify and then round up or down such font sizes?
you probably heard this many times but i got a picture and would like to resize an object in the image. for example a car and i would like to make the rims bigger, how would i do that.
I want to print the photo above on canvas. I know that when I send it to my local printshop about 2 or 3 cm will be printed on the side off the frame. As you can see the butterfly is almost on the top of my photo. I want to prevent that part of the butterfly will come on the side of the frame.
I need to increase a few images that are low MB (they vary from 2.51KB to. 4.78KB) to between 1 to 30 MB. Is this possible from this program ? How would do this?
I got a tremendous amount of assistance from Rich 2005 about increasing the size of a particular image last week. I applied the same technique to another image with poor results. (Much loss of clarity, worsened by sharpening.) I imagine there are several ways to increase image size. Is there a way to increase this one without losing clarity?The first image is the original, the second is increased 100 percent, without sharpening.