Photoshop :: Why Doesn't Rotation Stick In CS6

Feb 1, 2013

I just tried to rotate an image, pressing "R" for the rotate tool, getting the compass rose over the image, and then rotated the image by dragging 90 degrees. So far so good. Then, I wanted to crop the image into a panorama proportion, by pressing "C" for crop tool - and voilá, the image jumps back into the original rotation, just like that. I have tried to press the Enter key after rotating, I have tried to save, I have tried to change to other tools in between, I have looked into the toolbar for clues but found none - I just can't understand what it is that I'm supposed to do to make the rotation stick.
I'll just add that I managed to solve this temporarily by selecting rotate 90 degrees from the menu and then cropping - why I can't do this visually by using the "R" command and dragging visually, then changing to the crop tool. It's just fortunate that there's often several ways to accomplish the same things in PS. So, I managed to work around it - but I'm still wondering why I couldn't make the rotation stick by using the method above. If I'd like to make a more arbitrary rotation then that seems like the way to do it - if it would stick.

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Lightroom :: Crop Doesn't Stick To Its Ratio

Apr 22, 2013

I normally crop to ratio 4:3 (8x6) for printing,but just very recently the crop does not stick to it's ratio when reaching the outer borders.(especially if changing orientation from Landscape to portrait).If pulled It just keeps expanding to almost a square ratio before it stops.Obviously the padlock is locked and it is something that never used to happen.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shortcut Key For Macro Doesn't Stick

Dec 9, 2011

I use this macro to toggle my browser from Model to Vault, and have since IV2009, and I have always used a shortcut key combination to access it.  Now that I have installed 2012, the keyboard shortcut doesn't stick.  Every time I close Inventor and re-open it, I have to reassign the key combination to this macro. This equals annoying! Maybe I didn't properly implement the macro in VB? 

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Illustrator :: Changing Size Of Object Doesn't Stick?

Aug 23, 2013

Tricky one to add a title for but if I am resizing an object precisely using the W Value and H Value fields, for some reason the size I enter then changes. So, for example, I have an object that is 57.15mm wide. I then change that value to 57mm but when I click return it then changes back to the 57.15mm value. This appears for all other values. So if I change it to 60mm it then changes it to 59.972 mm
Not really sure what setting I have that's making it do this. My document is set up in mm.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Default Label Style Doesn't Stick

Jan 4, 2012

Civil 3D 2011, updates installed - I have a user who is manually importing points into his drawing.  He has set the default label style in his command settings to a specific style, but no matter what he does the points come in with the previously set default style (the out-of-the-box label style).  We've tested this in a new drawing with the same results.  We've tested this on several computers with the same results. 

My initial thought was that something on the network was holding this setting somehow.  We disconnected his computer from the network with the same results. 

What could be causing this label style to stick? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mouse Click Doesn't Stick After Initializing Command

Aug 27, 2012

This is happening on all my Autodesk software (AutoCAD, Map 3D, and Civil 3D)(2012 and 2013). . .

I initiate a command (say LINE), I pick my first point to draw the line and nothing happens.  I must click it again to get it ot work.  It only happens when I'm working fast.  For instance:
L (for line)right-click (for ENTER)immdediately try to click the first point of the linenothing happens and I must re-pick the firtst point again

E (for erase)right-click (for ENTER)immediately try to pick a corner for your boxnothing happens and I must re-create my selection box However, if I go slow it works fine.  For instance, after initating the command simply wait about 2 or 3 seconds and then try to click.  It all works fine there, but waiting becomes annoying now. 

The mouse clicks work fine in all my other software (Excel, MS Word, etc.).  I am having another (maybe totally unrealated issue) with my keyboard.  While typing, my cursor will magically move somewhere else on the screen. I'm using a laptop and have made sure I'm not touching the touch pad.  This may be a completely unrelated issue to the mouse clicks, but I thought I'd inform you just in case the two go hand in had. by the way. . .dynamic mode is disabled, PICKFIRST is set correctly, and I've messed with the 3D Config options.

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Photoshop :: Wacom Art Pen Barrel Rotation Doesn't Work

Nov 9, 2013

I'm running Photoshop CS3. I recently got a Wacom Cintiq 22HD Touch with an Art Pen. The Art Pen supposed to give me that 6th rotation(barrel rotation). But when I tried it, it doesn't rotate any of my custom brushes.

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Maya Animation :: Animating Rotation Of IBL Dome Doesn't Render

Apr 22, 2011

When I set up the Image based lighting in Mental Ray, and key the dome that is created to rotate in a animation, it is clearly rotating in the viewport, and when I render individual frames, it works, but when I batch render (confirming that the render range is set correctly) it renders each frame with the dome in the same position.

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AutoCad :: Rotation Angle Doesn't Match Angle Inquiry

Jul 25, 2012

I have a property line that is N 36d19'52" E but needs to be N 12d52'18" E. The obvious and calculated rotation angle would be 23d27'34" but when I rotate the line by the calculated angle it doesn't rotate to the right angle. It's off by 0d11'10"!? When I draw a line by bearing at N12d52'18" E and inquiry the angle between the property line and the drawn line the angle difference is in fact 23d27'34".

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Maya Animation :: Control Curves Rotation Axis Coinciding With Joint Rotation?

Jul 15, 2011

When setting up a simple FK control curve on say the wrist for example, many times the control curve isn't exactly perpendicular to the local rotation axis of the joint movement, so when we position the control curve to be perpendicular to the joint - it has a rotational value added, but the rotational handles are lines up with the rotational handles of the joint that we want to move.

Freeze Transformations: then the control curves rotational handle go back to being skewed (out of alignment with the joints)

We want to Freeze transformations before constraining the curve, but we'd really to keep those rotations control handles to remain aligned with the joints rotational handles. This will make it an exact control when animating - grab the rotational handle of the curve, rotate it, and the joint will move exactly in the proper direction.

how to get the rotational handle of any control curve to run perpendicular to the shape after freezing transformations?

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AutoCad :: North Arrow Rotation In Title Block With Rotation Property Editable In SSM

Jul 27, 2012

I am making a template file having title block with fields. I use this template for creating layouts and sheets using Sheet Set Manager and the fields will be updated from the data of SSM. Now i would like to add a dynamic north block to my template. The block could be rotated (i have this block in file itself) and rotation angle could be inserted. Now how can i add a custom field to SSM so that i could set a rotation angle for the project and thus every new layout or sheet created using the template has the north block rotated with the angle mentioned in SSM.

Here is the file...........

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Illustrator :: Path Resets Rotation Of Gradient To Its Original Degree Of Rotation

Jan 13, 2014

To summarize: It seems that compounding a path resets the rotation of the gradient to it's original degree of rotation.
Detailed version:

1. Create a shape.
2. Add a gradient fill. Note it's degree of rotation. Let's say it's set at 10°.
3. Now rotate the shape by any means (transform or rotate tool). Note the gradient degree of rotation has shifted the same amount as the shape was rotated (if it was rotated 50°, the gradient will show at 60°).
4. Make it a compound path.
5. Instantly the gradient shifts back to it's original degree of rotation of 10°.
It appears that when rotating a shape with a gradient, the rotation of the gradient is locked to the rotation of the shape. But when making it a compound shape it releases that lock and "remembers" it's original state. But that is only true as soon as you make it a compound path, but if you no go ahead and rotate it just a bit using the cursor (as opposed to selecting transform > rotate), the gradient will switch back to how you would expect it to rotate in the first place...
Workaround would be to make it a compound path before rotating the shape at all.

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AutoCad :: Rotation Of Drawings In Viewport Without Model Rotation

Sep 21, 2011

I want to rotate a drawing in my paper space, but without rotating it in model space. So that I still can work on it easily in model space.

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AutoCad :: Rotation 1 Automatically Triggers Rotation 2?

May 15, 2007

I have a North Arrow that I would love to make into a dynamic block. I would like to be able to rotate the N that represents where the north direction is. But while rotating the N around the center of a circle I would like the letter itself to stay un-rotated. It seems simple, if I rotate the letter around the axis of a circle 90 deg, I would like the letter itself to rotate -90 deg on it's own axis. Of course this is easy to do manualy, but how do i do it so that rotation 1 automaticaly triggers rotation 2?

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AutoCad :: Global Edit / Block Attributes Rotation BACK To Match Block Rotation

Dec 13, 2012

using AutoCAD 2009 (vanilla)

I got too smart for myself today in bringing an old drawing up to current standards...Everyone seems to want their block attributes to be zero - I have blocks where the attributes are best when they match the rotations of each blocks.

I have an old drawing that was rotated (as it should be) at approx 2deg.

I used a lisp routine to global edit all the blocks that needed to be at zero. BUT for some reason (and after hundreds of blocks were corrected), I noticed I now have two blocks that should NOT have been in the set have had their attributes rotated to zero....and the attributes should be at the same rotation as their block's rotation.

Because those two blocks have a fixed tic mark, I can click on the mark to see what the block rotation is, then rotate its attribute to that rotation, but I have hundreds of blocks! One-at-a-time sucks....

Any chance there is a GLOBAL way to edit an attribute rotation to match its own block's rotation?

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Photoshop :: Can't Get Preferences To Stick

Oct 8, 2013

So I've had this problem for awhile, and thinking that everything would be repaired upon switching to an SSD and clean installing Adobe, my dang preferences REFUSE to save. I set them, restart, check, nothing. I've gone in and deleted my photoshop preference files hoping it would just create a new com.adobe.blah, but no, my program has a mind of its own.
I haven't noticed this problem within any other CC app I use, just Photoshop.It annoys me so much because I hate the application frame with a passion. It's an OCD thing.

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Photoshop :: Adjustments Won't Stick

Aug 6, 2008

Suddenly I am no longer able to make any adjustments to images. When I try altering the curves, or levels, it looks like a change is happening,(shows up in preview)but when we hit OK, the change I made completely disappears and the image looks the same as before I tried to apply the adjustment.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Extended / Adjustments Won't Stick

Mar 23, 2012

[URL] Namely, when using Adjustments > Curves, the changes appear in the preview mode but don't stick when I press OK.
I'm using Photoshop CS3 Extended 10.0 under Windows 7.0.  I received some black and white drawings from two artists.  They're TIFFs, converted to CMYK/8, with only one background layer.  My goal is to darken the black lines in selected sections using the Curves function.
I've used Curves successfully with the images from Artist A but not Artist B, so I don't think it's a problem with my technique or my Photoshop installation.  It must be something specific to Artist B's files.
1) Deleted the preferences file and let Photoshop create a new one.  No change.
2) Viewed the image at 100% rather than, say, 33.3%.  Actually, that's worse.  The changes are visible in the preview mode at 33.3% but NOT at 100%.
3) Created a duplicate layer with CTRL-J and tried Curves on it.  No change.
4) Double-clicked on the Background layer to create a Layer 0 and tried Curves on it.  No change.
* The Curves preview mode shows the changes when I lighten the sections, but there's no perceptible change when I darken the sections.  Again, the changes don't stick when I press OK.
* I tried the Brightness/Contrast function to see what would happen.  Nothing.  The images don't change even in the preview mode.
But when I clicked the Use Legacy box in Brightness/Contrast, the function worked and the changes stuck.  What does that mean?  That the files are saved in an old format that version 10.0 can't modify?  I thought a TIFF was a TIFF.
To address the last point, I saved the file under another name and tried Curves on that file.  I tried the four suggestions above as well.  Again, the changes in the preview mode were visible at a lower magnification but not at 100%.  The only difference is that, unlike before, darkening the image produced noticeable changes.  But the changes still didn't stick when I pressed OK.

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Photoshop :: Making Things Not Stick

Sep 16, 2002

How do you make objects in PS6 and PS7 not automatically hug or stick to walls?

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Photoshop :: Layer Comp Updates Sometimes Don't Stick

Oct 12, 2012

I'm finding a really strange and inconsistent bug when managing my Layer Comps.  I am dependent on Layer Comps, they're behaving inconsistently in CS6. 
When manoeuvering between Layer Comps, the updates I'm making to save a Layer Comp and move on to another are SOMETIMES not working.  I set a comp, move to another, go BACK to the original one and it's messed up.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Epson Page Settings Do Not Stick

May 24, 2012

I am using Photoshop Extended CS6 on a Mac with OS 10.7.4 and the latest driver for an Epson 7800 just downloaded from the Epson site. In the Print Settings dialogue "Page Setup" defaults to "Roll Paper - Banner" and any other selection such as sheet does not stick when saving a printing preset. Once selected, it appears to stay for one print, but returns to roll paper so that it needs to be reset with every print.

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Photoshop :: Installing Camera Raw Presets From USB Stick

May 7, 2012

installing Camera raw presets from USB Stick. I am attempting to install the Camera Raw Presets. It says to put them into User Name/ Library/Application Support/ Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings...When I get to CameraRaw the ONLY folders in there are Camera Profiles & Lens Profiles. I have searched everywhere looking for a CameraRaw-Settings folder and cannot find one. I have latest version of Camera Raw installed and still no settings folder.  I even attempted to find it by looking in camera raw where it has saved the custom settings I made as presets and it shows that they are saved but will not show me where.  I am using CS5 specifically Photoshop v12.0.4 and Bridge. I have Lightroom 4. I have iMac OS  10.7.3...Do I need to reinstall Camera Raw and how do you do that? Will I then lose my presets that I made in CameraRaw?  

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Photoshop :: How To Automatically Stick Images Together Without Merging

Apr 23, 2012

I have to make an animation for a game, and I have to put a large number of images exactly next to each other in a line. This takes a lot of time to do by hand. Is there a way (or software) to do this automatically?

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Photoshop Elements :: Transfer Album In 12 To USB Stick?

Feb 3, 2014

How do I transfer an album in photoshop elements 12 to a USB stick so I can show them on a television, I am using a Mac computer.

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Photoshop :: Make Text Stick To A Path While Reshape It?

Jul 25, 2012

If I type text along the edge of a circle, how do I make the text "stick" to the circle and move with it when I resize that circle? The same would go for any shape.

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Photoshop :: Dust And Scrathes Shortcut Wont Stick

Jul 5, 2006

the shortcut I use for dust and scratches filter, command, option, shift, control, D, just wont stick. other shortcut I use for other filters stay, but this one keep going away.

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Photoshop :: Can't Make Transparent With Magic Erase-stick Like Did With Gold And Bronze?

Oct 13, 2013

I make some medals for my game site. And now I've got a problem with my silver medal. I cant make it transparant with the magic erasestick like I did with gold and bronze.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Can't Get Settings To Stick

Aug 29, 2011

Just upgraded to Map 2012, and want to use the map classic workspace.  I spend time setting up all the various toolbars where I want them, and then, when I exit and come back in, either the toolbars are no longer there and I have to insert them again, or it has switched me back to the default worspace. 

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GIMP :: How To Stick One Image On Another

Oct 5, 2013

I have 2 images : one is the image of a country. I would like to copy paste the second image onto the image of the country and crop it so that it follows the country boundaries. once done, basically, if i took the second image alone, it would overlap exactly the image of the country I bet there is an easy way to do that

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Paint.NET :: Get Image To Stick Out Of Canvas?

Oct 7, 2011

How do u get an image to stick out of the sig or canvas? i know how to paste and render inside of the sig/canvas.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: How To Force PhotoPaint To Stick To Same Window

Feb 15, 2013

I've got this huge project - a printed catalog - that involves hundreds of product photos, of which the originals are scattered all over the place in different directories, etc.  Nobody knows where a photo might be hiding. However, luckily, this is an update of an earlier catalog of the same type, so most of the photos are already there. Unfortunately, many of them need to be "photoshopped" in some way, adding pigtail connectors in place of terminal blocks etc., which is fine.

But, when I try  to use the edit bitmap function in DRAW, the photo always opens in a new copy of PhotoPaint, forcing me to then save it separately, adding a name instead of "Bitmap in..." which would be all the 100 or so photos that I will have to work on.  I don't have any need to have the bitmap saved separately except that I need to have the various photos that I'm disecting in the same copy of PhotoPaint, so that means I have to jump though all these hoops.

Q:  Is there a way to force the Edit Bitmap to open everything in the same copy of PhotoPaint?  So that I can simply cut and paste pieces, etc.

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