CorelDRAW X6 :: Changing Multiple Object Parameters (Size Of All Circles)
Aug 22, 2013
Any way to change the size of the circles that I made so that they all enlarge yet keep their respected positions. So for the example below, I would like to just enlarge the circles and not the rest. If I select all the circles and drag them to enlarge, they lose their position. Is there a way to do this? This script [URL] ...... doesn't work for x6 but I think it is what I might need, correct?
I can no longer type in the size of an object. I draw a rectangle and then type in the correct size. Nothing happens. The size of the box does not change.
It's the same with text. If I type a name that needs to fit a certain area, I type in the size for the width and it doesn't change.
I'm not sure what I did to make this happen or how to change it back, but for some reason when I change the size of an object/line it changes the stroke weight as well. (For example, if I drew an ellipse with stroke weight 2 pt, and then increased the size the stroke weight would be 2.856 pt or some such number instead of 2 pt.) How to change this back?
On the bottom of this page, there is a script to select objects based on fill color.
so that it deselects the circles of 1mm in diameter?
I have a group of objects and 1mm circles and I wish to export all but those circles.So I select the group and then I need to start some script that will cyclethrough all selected objects, check if it is a circle of 1mm in diameter - and deselect it.
I'm currently sitting with the following problem in CorelDraw 11:
I have four circles, one inside the other, with the circles getting smaller towards the centre. I want the two outer circles to be joined and the two inner circles to be joined. Text will be placed on top of these circles and I want to cut out those sections of the circle which will be covered by the text. The circles will also be filled with different colours. Simply placing the text on top of the 'rings' is not an option as the there are also two logos on the right which cover part of the circle (the part which I want to 'cut' out).
I've tried Combine and the Knife tool but somehow I just don't seem to achieve my goal. This would be a lot easier to explain if I could upload a PDF of the image.
I am trying to figure out how I can rotate many different circles (could really be any shape) aound a single point? For example, say I have 10 identically sized circles and want to rotate each one tangent to a single point every 36 degrees. Hopefully I am making sense and explaining the situation correctly. Is there a quick method using CorelDraw's tools/features to accomplish this task?
Tricky one to add a title for but if I am resizing an object precisely using the W Value and H Value fields, for some reason the size I enter then changes. So, for example, I have an object that is 57.15mm wide. I then change that value to 57mm but when I click return it then changes back to the 57.15mm value. This appears for all other values. So if I change it to 60mm it then changes it to 59.972 mm
Not really sure what setting I have that's making it do this. My document is set up in mm.
I am having a problem with cutting the size of text that I want. On the main working screen I type in the specific dimensions of the text that I want to cut ( I have a graphtec cutter). When I pull up "Cut/Plot" in the dialog box under Job Size....the size is NEVER what I have specified. It is normally smaller.I will then type the dimensions into the Job Size field and cut the letter. BUT when I cut the is not the size I typed into the job size.
I'm trying to create a white ring that will move on top of a grey ring (for a video). However, even though I used the fixed aspect ratio, & copied the grey ring to make the white ring, with both in the same position; whenever I rotate the top (white) ring, it doesn't line up with the grey ring underneath at certain points, it seems to be not a perfect circle. So when I add the two images into a video editor & rotate the white ring, it doesn't line up with the grey ring below.
I have a palette provided by Roland for their digital printers to match their standard colors. In order for the colors to be recognized and converted by the RIP, they need to be set as spot colors in CorelDraw X5.
It would be nice if I could change the Treat As Process/Spot attribute for multiple colors at once in the palette editor.
I peeked at the CPL file--unfortunately it's not something easy to edit like XML, CSV or the like. Too bad that, too.
I'm using scatter brush to draw multiple lines with random size and angle(image 1.), and trying to increase only the horizontal size(image 2.), keeping the interval the same. But when I do, the interval is also increased since 'Spacing' option follows the size of the base object. I could adjust and decrease the spacing value, but the problem is, spacing option cannot go below 1%. So if want to increase the line size and maintain the interval, there's no way to do it. expending then scaling could work, but that's not what I want.
When importing .svg files into draw and illustrator the size of the objects is different. The svg files have been created with a dpi=72. Illustrator reads the file at that dpi so objects are the correct size. Draw appears to read the files with a dpi=96 which scales the objects down to 3/4 actual size.
Any SVG attribute that can set the dpi so that both programs import correctly Or is there a way to tell Draw to use a dpi=72?
A customer brought me some DWG plans, five files' worth. He wants pricing on cutting it out of wood. The cutting part won't take long, but fixing the file will. I could see that there were multiple lines because some lines were thicker.When I select one of the thicker lines and delete it, it's gone. So I knew there wasn't a second line below it. Then I tried Ctrl-K, to break apart the curve. Wow, some of the lines had 23 copies! So I would hold Ctrl, de-select one of the lines, then hit the Delete key to erase the other 22. This will take a lot of time to clean up like this. Do you know of an easier way to remove these excess curves?
I am creating an object that has four text boxes in an object that is about 2" x 4". When I do the merge, I end up with multiple pages, all 2" x 4". How can I now move those pages spaced about a larger page, say 11" x 17" so I can have positioned and print multiple 2" x 4" objects on the larger sheet?
change all circles of a certain diameter in a .dxf file to points. I received the following lisp file. For the last 10-12 years it has worked great. We create many custom sized parts that could be cut on a plasma (utilizing the circles for holes) or punched, assigning a crosshair tool to the point. Now we are switching to a laser, and want to etch a crosshair at this same location. Our solution has been to draw the crosshair and copy to each required location. Sometimes this may be 20 to 30 locations. Now I would like to know if there is a way to replace all of these circles with a crosshair. This could be a similar lisp file, or an easier manual operation. I know that I can select all of the circles using the filter command and specifying the radius. But I don't know how to assign the 'crosshair' to these locations. (defun c:ctopt ( / ename cnt ss) (setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "CIRCLE")))) (if ss (progn (setq cnt 0) (repeat (sslength ss) (setq ename (ssname ss cnt)) (if (equal (cdr (assoc 40 (entget ename))) 0.025 0.005) ;use this line for a radius 0.025 +/- 0.00015 ;(<= (cdr (assoc 40 (entget ename))) 0.05) ;use this line for a radius of 0.05 or less (progn (entmake (list '(0 . "POINT") (assoc 10 (entget ename))(assoc 8 (entget ename)))) (entdel ename) )) (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) ) ) ) (princ) )
My problem is when I insert an object like box and start to change the parameters values form modify menu. Whenever I change one of the parameters and click again on the other value to change it, it will change automatically and without entering any value once again double click on the widht value and all goes wrong same for the other parameters .
I am trying to create pre-determined sized round graphics for a project that wil be printed out as a sheet & cut for use.
I can get the images to the circle shape, no problem...but the issue is determining the correct size of the circles to be cut. Let's say that I need them to be exactly 1.25", 1"...etc.
Is there a way to create a template sheet of such sizes, then apply the images to be cropped to those pre-determined sizes?
Unfortunately I do not have Illustrator, but I suppose I could open the images in CorelDraw to accomplish this. Haven't tried it yet.
Just wondering if there is a way to do this in Photoshop!
I am trying to make 2 different size cirlces into to on Solid object. One circle is 20 in diameter and the other is 50 in diameter. I was wondering what the command was.
I am trying to use the tool for drawing a filled-in circle with a colored border to add a series of circles to a map for use in identifying specific stops on a tour. I cannot, to save my life, figure out how to designate the size of the circles. Instead, the only thing I can figure out to do is use my mouse to click, hold, and drag until the pixel dimensions on the screen show exactly the size I am aiming for.
The problem is that I am trying to hit exactly 30x30 pixels. Either my hand is not steady enough or the mouse is too sensitive, but it is taking forever to try to hit precisely the right size. Is there any way to simply click the point where I would normally begin dragging to draw the circle and then just type in the dimensions on my keyboard?
I wanted to know if there is a way to add points/nodes to all the centers of all the circles in my drawing with only a few steps, vs picking 700 circles one at a time using( _point) command.
There are two things going on in the origina: the S-shaped semi-transparent overlay, and a linear gradient that lightens on the top and bottom and darkens in the middle. Also, note the transparent space between the "outline shape" and the inner circles.
So - two things. 1) How do I apply a gradient to the entire shape, and 2) put the all-white overlay on top (overlay should be confined to the shape as well).
Working with scientific figures containing circles, squares, etc in CS4. How can I resize many circles to be 1.5 by 1.5 mm, for example, after they have been skewed a bit to make the entire graph the same size as adjacent figures? In other words, I import the graph from elsewhere and to touch it up I have to resize it a bit. Resizing the whole figure distorts the circle to an ellipse and I want to turn it back into a circle. Takes too long to select each shape and indicate the size.
In Autocad there are these parameters you can set, like HPDRAWORDER, HPNAME,..etc. Every time I open my autocad (2012), these values are set to default again. How do I manage to keep these variables registered so i don't need to change them every time I start up?
Scenario: You need to make a film strip with 30 stills from the same clip. Then you take a clip, creates 30 Mux nodes, freezes the frames that you need and feeds into Action.
Problem: You have to manually go into each Mux node and puts them to repeat the last frame.
Solution: It should be possible to select multiple equal nodes, and change any parameter contextually, all at once, like any other graphic soft that i know. Another thing, these values must accept simple mathematical functions, i.e. : +10, -15, * 20...