AutoCad 2D :: Set Parameters Changing All The Time
Jan 20, 2012
In Autocad there are these parameters you can set, like HPDRAWORDER, HPNAME,..etc. Every time I open my autocad (2012), these values are set to default again. How do I manage to keep these variables registered so i don't need to change them every time I start up?
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Aug 7, 2012
How do i move a keyframe in time without changing any of its x,y,z parameters?
and Can i have different interpolations for individual keyframes on the same parameter? (so i can ramp a move into a keyframe, then continue out at a linear interpolation)?
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Jun 12, 2013
Is there a standard command or command sequence that allows for the changing of a parameter, say length, of a component from within an assembly. I'm looking to compile a code that allows for a template to be created, then that template will do changes based on text box input and then save out the modified parts with new part numbers.
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Mar 14, 2012
Currently, when adding a parameter in the text dialog box, the parameter displays as a decimal (0.50). Is there a way to change this to display as fractional (1/2).
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Jan 27, 2012
linked Excel file to Inventor 12 file parameters. Windows 7, Excel MS office professional '10. Linked excel file, here dimensions are driven by parameters which are driven by excel. toggled 'immediate update' Still - i have to open the sketch - it shows the updated number from Excel, but only on opening the sketch will it change the model to use the new dimension value.
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Mar 10, 2013
I’m wondering if there is a way to fill the values of all parameters of a title block for ALL sheets at a time. Are we supposed to fill out these parameters for each single sheet manually despite that fact that they are similar?Surely, I’m not taking here about the sort of information that differs from sheet to another like the “sheet name”
Why ALL the parameters of the title block are not shown in the properties dialogue box?
How to change the order of the sheets? Is there a way to move the sheet up and down?
Is there an automated way to re-numbering the sheets based on a given start value say A001?
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Jun 18, 2013
My problem is when I insert an object like box and start to change the parameters values form modify menu. Whenever I change one of the parameters and click again on the other value to change it, it will change automatically and without entering any value once again double click on the widht value and all goes wrong same for the other parameters .
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Apr 12, 2013
Scenario: You need to make a film strip with 30 stills from the same clip. Then you take a clip, creates 30 Mux nodes, freezes the frames that you need and feeds into Action.
Problem: You have to manually go into each Mux node and puts them to repeat the last frame.
Solution: It should be possible to select multiple equal nodes, and change any parameter contextually, all at once, like any other graphic soft that i know. Another thing, these values must accept simple mathematical functions, i.e. : +10, -15, * 20...
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Jan 7, 2013
I'm trying to automate something that takes a lot of time at my company.We got a lot of P&ID drawings full of tags. I want to automate the modification of tags according to an excel table.
I got something working but it's not reliable. It often doesn't work and it's very slow. I'm no programmer besides some programming classes back in school.It's function is to let the user pick which P&ID's should be put in the modification loop.It's just a listbox (filenames), a textbox (for the file location) and a button.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim vtPid As VariantReDim vtPid(0)Dim i As Integer, j As Integer j = 0 For i = 0 To lstPid.ListCount - 1 If lstPid.Selected(i) = True Then ReDim Preserve vtPid(j) vtPid(j) = lstPid.List(i) j = j + 1 End If NextfrmPidTag.HideCall Modifie_PIDTag(vtPid, txtLocation.Text)End Sub
The code is in my module.First I open the excel (table with 2 columns, old and new tag) and put the table in an array.The array is then used cycle through al entities.
[b] I'm trying to change certain text located in the layer "instrumentation".[/b] It's just text strings, no blocks or anything.
I'd like to use another method to get only the entities with possible matches but this seems to be the only reliable method. Only cycling textstrings would be better.
Sub Modifie_PIDTag(ByVal vtPid As Variant, ByVal varLocation As String)' Create the Excel objectDim oExcel As Excel.ApplicationDim oBook As Excel.WorkbookDim oSheet As Excel.WorksheetDim aryPID()Dim LastRow As IntegerDim LastColumn As Integer' Open existing workbookSet oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(varLocation & "EXCELDrawingData.xlsx")'Set oExcel = New Excel.ApplicationoExcel.Visible = False ' Open worksheetSet oSheet = oBook.Worksheets("PIDtag")oSheet.Activate' Read ExcelLastColumn = oSheet.Cells(1, oSheet.Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).ColumnLastRow = oSheet.Cells(oSheet.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).RowReDim aryPID(1 To LastRow, 1.
The get/create autocad object may seem out of place there but it was the only way to solve an error.Calling the subroutine from a form gave me automation errors.
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Dec 7, 2011
I have no problem adding a shared parameter, but if I assign it the wrong type and it appears impossible to change it without adding a new parameter under a different name. I then deleted the old one, but Revit doesn't like that. They appear difficult to purge or delete without a hiccup relating to the original label the parameter was assigned to.
Example: I made a parameter for my clients occupied area (Footprint) and used the integer type by mistake. Apparently integers are only supposed to go up to 999. It refused to recognize the "Digital Grouping" so I had to convert over to the Area type.
If I try to change the type the field is grayed out.
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Aug 22, 2013
Any way to change the size of the circles that I made so that they all enlarge yet keep their respected positions. So for the example below, I would like to just enlarge the circles and not the rest. If I select all the circles and drag them to enlarge, they lose their position. Is there a way to do this? This script [URL] ...... doesn't work for x6 but I think it is what I might need, correct?
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Apr 30, 2012
I only do programming when absolutely needed so it usually only happens every couple years. I wrote this routine to count nested blocks inside of dynamic blocks to count parking spaces. The routine worked fine but was relying on the ltscale to scale a block containing an attribute for the total number of spaces. I want to update the routine to use an annotative block so the scale doesn't have to be set. I changed my block containing the attribute but now when I run my routine, the attribute height gets changed each time the routine is run. The text just gets larger and larger. Here is the portion of the routine where the attribute info is gathered and updated with the new value for that attribute. If you need the entire routine, I can post it with a slight modification so it will work outside our network.
(defun updateattrib ()
(setq CNT 0) ; sets count to 0
(while (< CNT (sslength ss)) ; starts loop while CNT is less than the number of objects in the group
I am running this in Civil 3D 2010 but will want it to work in 2013 so if the solution will only work in 2013, that is fine with me.
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Apr 19, 2014
i need to change time of a clip that strat at 00:00:00:00 to 01:00:00:00 how can i do it?
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Mar 15, 2013
I recently had to reload PSE9 on my Vista 64-bit machine after a motherboard/hard drive failure (yes, supposedly both components failed). I edited a few images tonight and noticed that the time-stamp metadata on the imported images does not match the metadata on the originals--everything is an hour off. I made the original purchase of the product a few years ago and it was fixed by a later update. If it matters, the images are RAW format images and I was using the full edit functions of the software.
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Feb 27, 2012
The problem I have is that my cameras internal clock drifted out and I need to adjust the capture time of a number of images by an odd amount i.e not an integer number of hours.
That is alter the capture time on multiple images by an amount such as -1h 25m 35s and they are RAW image files.
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Feb 9, 2014
For some reason the time ruler is displaying frames and not seconds. I have tried cycling through the various time modes by ctrl clicking it as well as modifyign it in file->project settings, yet seconds will not show up on the time ruler. Please view the image below. I have also tried resetting the work space to standard default with no result.
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Aug 3, 2011
How can you access user-defined parameters/function defined in the Parameters Manager dialog?
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Sep 21, 2011
Im wondering if its possible to link either a constraint dimension to an action parameter or vice versa. Or using a linear parameter's value in an user parameter formula.
Its a 2D cylinder, for winding purposes we just have a rectangle, with a distance from the Y axis for radial.
Parametric dimensions: B=thickness, C=Lenght, R=radius
User parameter: A=Diameter (R*2), Mass in kg ((((pi*(c*b))*(A+B))*1.25)/1000)/1000
For the BOM, i need A, B, C & mass
For drawing references for peoples on the floor, to distinquish a cylinder from a stick, we put lines at the top and bottom of the cylinder, 1mm distance inbetween them.
I figured that making a linear parameter + stretch on the thickness to replace the B parametric dimension, allowed me to make an array of that line, with increments of 1mm as i stretch the cylinder. The thing is that the mass formula cant take the value of action parameters....
Other alternative is to keep the B parametric dimension, and add a linear parameter as above for the array. But then i have 2 places to adjust, and from a test i made, if i change the R dimension, the linear one does not follow. Its very frustrating.
What i was hoping autocad would be able to do is distance1 for array to be same as B dimension, but it does not allow me to do that, unless im missing something.
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Apr 1, 2011
I have a patern, I need to move, I know in advanced I can more it with Origin, but I have to close and open the window.
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
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Jan 16, 2012
Ok some times when I go to run details it pops up that it can not load the component database AecDtlComponents (US).mdb file. I go to options and can not do anything there. So I have to close it all down and hope when I reload AA it works. 9 out of 10 times it does. But this is a pain to do when ever you need to add detail stuff. Oh also this happens on more then one computer in the office. running 2012 with sp and all updates on windows 7
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Aug 2, 2011
I note that from time to time I can't see the counter and this is quite an annoyance. When the invisible pointer hover over or passes over an object, the latter will highlight as usual. I have to close and restart the drawing each time due to this issue. Is there an explanation for it, even a solution to prevent this from happening?
NOTE : This is limited to the drawing area only. I can see the pointer in the menu/toolbar area and outside autocad but not in the drawing area.
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Feb 2, 2014
I'm trying to change "capture time" of multiple photos to a specific time.
I know that there is "Edit Capture Time" feature under Metadata. But when I try to edit multiple photos, it says that "Modify the capture time stored in the selected photos by entering the correct time adjustment for the photo displayed to the left. Other photos (but not vidieos) will be adjusted by the same amount of time". And it really does.
For example,
If A file's capture time is 1/11/2011
B file's capture time is 1/11/2012
C file's capture time is 1/11/2013
I would like to change their capture time to 1/11/2014. All the three files.
But the current "Edit Capture Time" feature of Lightroom just adds three years to each file like this:
A file's capture time -> 1/11/2014
B file -> 1/11/2015
C file -> 1/11/2016
So their capture times remain as different ones. And this is not I want...
I've googled a lot and tried several programs other than lightroom as well, but the "Capture time" recognized by lightroom could not be changed by other programs.
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Mar 25, 2013
I am updating capture time based on GPS Time (a bit OCD, I know) but when I change Capture Time the Date Time Digitized value does not change. This in in LR 4.3 and is not affected by whether on not the Catalog is set to 'Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files'.
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Jul 27, 2013
I have been trying to figure out if I can make capture time changes to adjust for time zone errors or the daylight saving time mistakes where the capture time in the Metadata panel is off by 1 hour or so, and then have these adjustments saved permanently to the original files (master photos). This works for JPEG files and it also works for DNG files (after converting from CR2 to DNG). But it doesn't seem to work for CR2 files directly. If I used the "Save Metadata to file" option from the Metadata menu I might just get sidecar XMP files.
Then I found this option "write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" in the Catalog Settings. This seems about right. But what does it do? I tried enabling that, created a new catalog and then imported some new CR2 files. I then changed the captured time and tried the Save Metadata to file option. It still spits out these sidecar files. It doesn't actually write this to the CR2 files.
Or does it? Perhaps I am not seeing it in Windows Explorer? Like IPTC vs. EXIF? I'm not sure Windows reads both. These are like different types or sections of metadata information about a file. So I just wonder what the benefit or consequence is of having this option enabled? Whatever it is, it is not very apparent. And as you can see from the screenshots above the capture time has not changed (not been saved) when you look at the file in Windows Explorer. Any changes are held in the XMP sidecar. Even thou I have enabled this EXIF option in Catalog Settings.
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Jan 26, 2013
I want to add a watermark to a photo which encompasses a progress time or finish time of a sports event. For example, if an event starts at 7.00 am, photos taken at 8.05 am, in the watermark I want to display 1:05 hr (or 65 mins).
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May 9, 2013
The attached files are two sprockets. The original part has 30 teeth. I need 34 teeth.
The MODIFIED part has one of my attempts at making 34 teeth. I have tried the following with the same error dialog box (see below):
1. Edit Sketch_6 (associated with Extrusion1) by deleting all but one of the teeth lines (2 arcs and 2 lines that make up a tooth) and making a circular pattern of 34.
2. Same circular pattern, except this time I "Close the Loop" (right-click on one of the teeth line segments > Close Loop > click on all the segments until the loop is closed).
3. Same circular pattern, except this time change the resulting patterned lines into construction lines, trace these lines with arcs and lines of my own (not construction lines), and close the loop on my own lines.
When each of the 3 attempts failed, I tried deleting Extrusion1 and making a new Extrusion feature from Sketch_6. I cannot select what I want in Sketch_6 in order to make the teeth.
I'm at the point where I'm just going to take the dimensions from the circular pattern sketch of 34 teeth, delete Extrusion1 and Sketch_6, and make my own sketch and extrusion.
For the future, I really would like to know - why is it so difficult to alter features like this? Yes, I understand that Sketch_6 is not fully constrained, and on top of this I am not privy to how it was generated in the first place (this is a part file from a vendor). But it does not strike me as something overly complicated for the Extrusion feature to recognize a change in its associated sketch. This is not the first time I have encountered something like this.
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Jan 6, 2013
I have a Canon S100 and just started importing photos and video into my LR 4.3 catalog. I convert RAW to DNG, and the Capture Time on the photos in LR is correct. However, the video Capture Time is shifted forward exactly 8 hours. I know how to correct the video Capture Time, but is there anything I can do to stop this from happening in the first place? I looked at what the metadata looks like in Bridge.
Date Created = Correct Capture Time
Date File Modified = The time I imported the file into LR.
Date Created = Capture Time + 8 hours
Date File Modified = Correct Capture Time
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Apr 11, 2011
How do I control time without using the Time Configuration Dialog box?
Also on a side note; what's the difference between the Dope Sheet and the Curve Editor?
3DS Max 2011
Windows Vista 32 Bit
Dell XPS M1530
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5550 1.83 GHz
2 GB of Ram
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Jun 29, 2013
How can we get the parameters of a inventoer object using
I have 3 parameters named d1,d2,d3 .I want to get these three parameters name and value using API programing using
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Mar 20, 2013
I'm not sure what I did to make this happen or how to change it back, but for some reason when I change the size of an object/line it changes the stroke weight as well. (For example, if I drew an ellipse with stroke weight 2 pt, and then increased the size the stroke weight would be 2.856 pt or some such number instead of 2 pt.) How to change this back?
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Dec 16, 2013
I am building sub-assembly, I just want to know if there is any example or tutorial on how to add target parameters to sub-assemblies.
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