AutoCAD Civil 3D :: SAC Using Target Parameters
Dec 16, 2013I am building sub-assembly, I just want to know if there is any example or tutorial on how to add target parameters to sub-assemblies.
View 6 RepliesI am building sub-assembly, I just want to know if there is any example or tutorial on how to add target parameters to sub-assemblies.
View 6 RepliesI am using OffsetTaget.isValid in my subassembly.But i realize that when i put this formula it checks the whole drawing for that target and if the target polyline exist even a piece of polyline in the drawing then C3D considers it for all sample lines.Is ıt possible to be able to check each single sample line if it is going to intersect that target polyline or not?
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
i have just spent 8 hours today trying to find a link that will vary target a poly line that i have set. i cant seem to find the link that will do what i need as per the attachemnt. the section between the edge of the foot path and the start of the fill/cut slope needs to be variable
i know how to set all the targets but this link seems to be a fixed length.
I want to programmatically assign Targets to subassembly of baseline Regions but I could not Success in that here it is the code
Corridor corridor = ts.GetObject(icor.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Corridor; foreach (Baseline b in corridor.Baselines) { al = ts.GetObject(b.AlignmentId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Alignment; foreach (BaselineRegion br in b.BaselineRegions) { double st = [code]........
What i want to do is ; i have a corridor with both right/left sides ending with linktosurface with fixed slope.In some sections my existing surface is not wide enough to get intersection with link to surface with fixed slope. So i want to use this "conditional horizontal target " if my surface is not enough wide for intersection then just intersect or go to the edge of my existing surface. But i learned that surfaces cannot be used as an offset target with that subassembly.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI created a custom assembly that has an offset target. Is it possible to program my subassembly to target only on the side of my subassembly (and not criss-cross onto itself it the target is on the other side)?
View 9 Replies View RelatedLet's say I have an assembly called Original, as shown below with a 6m wide lane. Now I want to target it to 8m wide for some road widening. Now, will it stretch along the slope of the subassembly (Case 1) until 8m width, or will it just shift laterally to 8m (Case 2)?
I know that we can set the default slope of it, but I'm not sure if it gets overriden due to the Target-width process.
In particular, I am attempting the infamous task of creating driveway openings using a horizontal target with my sub-assemblies. I referred to the AU 2010 video tutorial that gets passed around here on the boards, and for the most part, it works with ONE tiny exception.
Like in the AU video, I set my conditional target to look for a particular layer, and I first attempted the exercise by placing ONE polyline (i.e. driveway opening) on the layer, and set set conditional "found" and "not found" targets to find this pline. The target found the pline on the layer on the right side of the road where I drew it, and created the opening as hoped, but it created an opening on the LEFT side of the road as well!
What do I have to do to prevent the conditional horizontal targets from ignoring the exact opposite side of the road? In my assembly, the left conditions are set to LEFT, and the right conditions are set to RIGHT, but when the corridor gets modeled, BOTH sides of the road will show an opening even if there is only one pline drawn.
I have a variable sidewalk width and would like my corridor to follow sidewalk as defined by Target Alignment for Sidewalk width (polyline). My sidewalk is merging at ends with roadway however my corridor feature lines presenting sidewalk is not following/merging with target. In all other locations, it follows the target width however where sidewalk merges with road, feature line goes straight.
Attached PDF should hopefully explain what I want to say. Could not attached dwg due to size issue.
I am using Basic Curb and Urban sidewalk assembly wherein my Blvd targets are set to 0 (none).
How can I make my corridor follow sidewalk width target exactly.
I am using C3D 2010 , Win 7 Pro.
I can import my SA fine, but the problem is that the top of it needs to be cut off 1 m above the existing ground (which is already a surface in civil 3d). How do I setup the target surface so that when I import the SA into my drawing, I can link it to that surface and have it cut off 1 m above the surface?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAm struggling to pull off some corridor but the standard daylight subassembly is letting me down. It mulfunctions when I connect it to the Generic Linktoslope subassembly. In some Areas it works fine but in others it doesn't. My plan is to apply a ditch at the point where the LinktoSlope meets the ground level and to have this ditch again daylight back to the target surface.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just installed Civil 3D 2012.
For all previous versions I was able to change the default Profile <<C3D_Metric>> in the Shortcut Target to my custom Profile with no load errors.
When I do this in 2012, I receive a rash of errors upon load(see below), wich results in an incomplete program.
c:program filesautodeskautocad civil 3d 2012acmapworkspace.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs.
c:program filesautodeskautocad civil 3d 2012acmapdwfapi.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs.
AcMapWorkspace.arx Load Failed
Unable to access Shared Pipe Catalog folder.
Please verify configuration.
Run 'setNetworkCatalog' to reset.
c:program filesautodeskautocad civil 3d 2012acmaploader.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs.
c:program filesautodeskautocad civil 3d 2012aeccuimodel.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs.
How can I set things up so that it will load with my settings?
Windows 7 64 Bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7
860 @ 2.8 GHz
8 GB Ram
how to create corridor, and I have a question about assembly elevation targets.
When creating a corridor, the profile is required as dependent object, which gives the elevation of the centerline of the road. Based on the definition of assembly, the elevation of the corridor at the offset targets can be determined by the profile. My question is if the assembly elevation target specifies the elevation at the offset target too? If so, why both profile and assembly elevation target are required?
I've to make a tunnel on my project. I get some subassembly on web but all the tunnel subassemblies have the target point on Width or Offset Target and Slop or Elevation Target. I don't know whats happens but only my region that owns the tunnel subassembly isn't recognizing on corridor, and isn't drawing on my sections too.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis is my first corridor and I've been slowly working my way through it, but just seem to be running into problems left and right. My latest problem is the following;
I have my Corridor's Subassembly Daylighting set to target my Left side 33' R/W offset alignment. For 90% of my alignment everything is working fine or at least appears to, but I have 3 different areas where the Corridor refuses to daylight from the bottom of the 1' ditch out to said left alignment target even though the ditch is well below existing grade. I've attached 2 screen grabs.
Windows 7 Prof w/ SP1, 64bit, Xeon 3Ghz, 16GB
Civil 3D 2013
How to create multiple offset target. It mean lane, median, sidewalk extra. I have attached exactly what i expect.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created an assembly with a broken back subassembly. I moved it to a 40cm horizontal offset away from the axis. I attached it to a corridor using two polylines as targets. One for the broken back and one for the outside lane. In civil 2011 everything works fine.
In civil 2012 the ETW is offseted by the same value i moved the subassembly away from the axis! If i change the subassembly offset to eg 1m then when rebuilding corridor the ETW moves to 1m away from the target polyline!
Same strange behavior using subassembly R2011 or R2012.
See the attached dwg.
When trying to make an existing features corridor when I select Target to set the existing surface I get an error
"No target found in the scripts."
I have attached a word file with the error as it appears on the screen.
if i want to target the existing surface beyond the edges of my road/sidewalk, should i use the link slope to surface subassembly at both ends? i want the model to test if in a cut or fill situation, and then target.
Civil 3D 2013 SP1, Win 7-64 bit
When I run my corridor I get an error message that says "Failed Target Not Found" it is for the subassembly provided by WisDOT called UrbMedian.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to model a DOT project in a fashion that allows a corridor surface creation for not only the finished surface, but also the datum surface. This is a machine control project currently under construction. One of the DOT's typical sections includes a shoulder subassembly with a grade break in it. This particular assembly varies in width at the grade break. I would like to have the option for a target width alignment at the grade break.
See attached sketch.
It happens when I try to use the "back" button on the web page when reading posts.
I am using Google Chrome.
AutoCAD Expert Elite
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 Certified Professional
C3D 2014 (SP1)
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
I am currently using Civil 3D 2011 and 2012 but soon making the jump to 2013.In my project I want to able to present a 3D-object from Civil 3D 2011 to Navisworks, eg the body of a road. I am doing this currently with the add-on program from Autodesk Labs named Corridor Solids. The several different 3D-objects that represent the different layers of the road body needs to have a certain set of parameters. For instance, Name, Dimensions, Material and so forth.
Currently, the only thing that I can present in Navisworks is the layer name that I associate to that object when I export it from Civil 3D with Corridor Solids.Is there a way, in vanilla Civil 3D or perhaps an add-on program that I can use to associate more parameters to a solid?
I am trying to overlay a large area,I have a design profile grade that I must use. I need the new edge of the overlay pavement to be 2" above the existing as long as the pavement cross slope is between 1% to 1.5% . If the slope goes above or below the min or max I need it to take the min or max. If I use the overlaymillandlevel2 I am unable to get it to use the overlay thickness since i am using a profile.
civil 3d 2011 with all service packs, Window 7
Intel E5630 @ 2.53GHz 2.53GHz
8 Gig Ram
Is there a way to change a RAW description such as EC12 +, or EC11 -, to say SWP12 +, SWP11 -
I'm not having much luck using the parameter settings. 1$
I tried Code = EC*, format=SWP1$
That didn't work... I got literally SWP1$ instead of SWP12 +
Is it a space thing? Do I have to rename all the descriptions to have a space before the parameter?
i.e. EC 12 +
I'm hoping this isn't the case and some form of wildcard can be use.
What is the best way to edit the parameters of a pipe (slope, ie, size) once you have it drawn?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using one assembly for this project and of course the existing surface does not always work well with one assembly so I have been using the corridor section editor to adjust each station individually. Attached is a picture of my first station, I started with a 3:1 fore slope (left side) and have changed it to a 2:1 slope. However, my ditch line elevation did not adjust and my parameter editor will not let me adjust the beginning elevation for the ditch line. I am curious as to what the simple solution is for this so my ditchline and back slope or slope to surface will be portrayed correctly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAny way to create multiple lines in the full description so that i can display multiple parameters in the label?
i.e. instead of Cottonwood 48" Live
i want Cottonwood
Is there a way to change programmatically parameters of applied subassembly?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI set my des. key up like this: However this produces one single line of text with the description "span 0 dia. 0.0 Ht. 0" I want them on 3 separate lines, like the above picture.So I set up a label style With this component...So how I get the parameters $1 $2 $3 to go in the correct label component?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need to scale the trunk and canopy on importing of a points file. I can scale one parameter through the description keys (So i have been doing the canopy) but would like to do both. My code is Tree 0.5 10. Parameter one being the trunk diameter and parameter two being the canopy size.
View 4 Replies View Related