How can I change the default text size? I can set the size to 12 pt in three different places and choose "save settings as default", and when I place the text cursor on the page, it goes back to 24 pt. Very maddening...
I am having trouble resizing text boxes with text in them, so that the text scales with the box.If I convert the text box the curves, it messes up the formatting when I add an outline to the curve because the text box itself is given a outline.
I have been trying to create artwork for university style hoodies, where text is created to form the shape of a number.
I have successfully converted a number into a text box for this purpose. The text is inside and looks great.
However, I need to convert this number / text box to curves in order to keep its appearance when e-mailing. When I convert it to curves, the text shifts its position to outside of the text box. The strangest part is that it only happens with numbers that have a gap in the middle (4, 6, 8, 9 and 0).
I need to hide the dotted boxes that are now showing in X3 around all paragraph text on maybe 1000 business slides I created 5 to 10 years ago and now want to update.
Changing to artistic text does make the dotted boxes go away but is there a master setting that would make them go away in paragraph text?
Five to ten years ago I created maybe 1000 busness slides in CorelDraw and then moved their images to Powerpoint. Versions used were 11 and X3.
Now when I want to dust them all off and freshen them I find dotted boxes around .
A colleague of mine has problems when moving a textbox.She grab the textbox with the mouse, the complete work area change to a white background, so she doesn't see, where she has to drop the mouse cursor. After she drop the mouse cursor, the background change to the graphic again.
The hardware she uses is new and included the following components:HP Z200 i7-870 Workstation2,93 GHz, 6 GB 1333MHz DDR3, ATI FirePro V3800 with 512MB RAM, Windows7 Prof 64bit
How can I stop new text boxes being rotated? When I make a new text box (or start typing artistic text) using the text tool, the box (or artistic text) is rotated 90° clockwise. The tabs also show on the left hand ruler instead of the top one. I have looked at all the options in the Tools menu but there does not seem to a way of changing this. I have attached a CorelDraw file as an example.
I am using CorelDraw from Graphics Suite 4. My PC is running Windows XP Pro, Service Pack build 2600.
through some difficulty I'm having in getting the leading (ie, line spacing) I want with artistic text, in CorelDraw 12? I have three lines of text, the first line of which has a font size of 20 pt, and the second and third lines having a font size of 13 pt. The default leading is greater between the first and second lines than between the second and third -- probably due to the font size difference. I would like to make the leading equal for all lines, regardless of font size, but can't figure out how to do that. "Format Text - Spacing - Lines" seems to offer leading only in relation to character height -- which automatically makes the leading between the first and second line larger (due to the larger font size used in the first line) than it is between the subsequent lines.
I'm using CorelDraw 12 to make mathematical drawings. Triangles, circles, tangent lines, perpendicular lines, etc... and that works really fine
But... I'm having a hard time entering mathematical equations, especially when using a lot of fractions and square-root-signs. Is there an "easy" way to do that?
I am currently preparing a brochure and need to have one page (of six) in DIN A3 instead of A4 like the others. But I find no possibility to change just the page I need into A3.
I am making a booklet up. I have set the workspace paper size to A5 landscape. And set to booklet and facing pages, great, that is a whole lot of hassle dealt with.
I make up my design, looks good on the screen. Export to pdf and print it off and it is printing one page of my work on a single page of A4 paper full size. i.e. I need it printed onto A4 paper in landscape so that I have a left page and a right page, that I can fold in half. But it is just printing like normal.
What do I have to do to get it two print two pages of information onto a single A4 landscape rotated piece of paper?
Recently upgraded from X3 to X6. Just discovered there is no place on the property bar to change the size by entering a percent of original size. It was located next to the actual size in inches.
I did Ctrl-J and tried to find it in the customization, but came up empty. Surely this feature still exists?
I am creating my files in 5x. The final product will be a printed 8.5 x 11 calendar. The company requires 300dpi resolution, and a bleed size of 1/16".
Product 8.5" x 11" Calendar
Final Size 8.5" x 11"
Bleed Size 1/16"
Resolution to Submit 8.627" x 11.127", 2588 x 3338 px, 300dpi
My page is letter size.The image is a bitmap composed of numerous photographs and vector graphics.
I have saved them to a CMYK BITMAP 300DPI.In Corel the image reads as 11.125" x 8.625"
When I export to a pdf or jpg the image size changes to 11.293" x 8.796" which will not work for the printer. It sets the design elements outside the 'safe zone'.
when I select an object there is a little x that shows the center of the object, useful when trying to locate an object in an exact spot. The x is black and sometimes it is difficult to see where it is on a dark background, so is there a way to change the color of this x?
I am having a problem with cutting the size of text that I want. On the main working screen I type in the specific dimensions of the text that I want to cut ( I have a graphtec cutter). When I pull up "Cut/Plot" in the dialog box under Job Size....the size is NEVER what I have specified. It is normally smaller.I will then type the dimensions into the Job Size field and cut the letter. BUT when I cut the is not the size I typed into the job size.
I wish to align a text like this at an oval shape. The field of the text body does align at all - which I can understand. Using the grafic text, it aligns directly on/ over the outline of the oval shape. But I won't have the whole text in a round - I just want to have the paragraph's left side to be aligned/ positioned at the outer shape of the oval.
When I try to convert any object to a bitmap, the resolution is highlighted but doesn't workif I want to change the existing resolution. I have to RESELECT the numbers to export to another resolution as if the resoltion WASN'T highlighted.
is this possible. A lot of programs auto-duplicate when you drag and press either the shift or ctrl or alt key. Its a habit ive gotten pretty into. Plus, its a little akward for me to go from a left click immeadeitaly into a right click with the mouse. I always feel like i've dragged the object a little bit when I switch fingers. it would be great to just add a hot key of shift+drag to this feature, wouldnt even have to turn off the standard right click option, I could deal with both being there.
not being able to change colors of an object while using the Interactive Fill Tool? That is, change an existing color or add/delect a color to the gradient. I have to delect and reselect the object to change colors. I have to do this each and every time want to make a color change. Without this functionality I am not sure what the point of the tool is.
I am doing a menu for a client and it seems that every time I put a specific font size such as 10pt. in a text changes to a size 11.3245pt. every time I open the file back up to work on it again.
How do I prevent this? Or is there something I am doing wrong in the text frame?
i need to type a text in corel of a specific size in millimeters. i know there is a setting in the corel options that allows sizing text directly in millimeters, instead of points. problem is that i need to type in romanian language, which has these points and marks above or bellow certain characters like A, T or S and the size in millimeters that i enter in the text size box will give that size to the "marked" characters, whereas i need only the pure, normal letter to be given that size. for example, an S with a comma under it.. i want just the S to be given a certain size and the comma scaled proportionally. furthermore, i would like to add an even spacing between all the letters that i type, also expressed in millimeters. i could only find a percent expressed setting in the text properties panel, i dont even know percents of what.
how can i do this in the fastest way possible, or automatically?
I am creating a template that will have four text boxes that I will populate from a merge document. I need to have the envelope feature applied to each of the text boxes so any long text will be compressed to fit in the designated text box.
I understand the basic function, input text, select text, select Envelope feature but that sets the envelope box to the size of the inputted text, where I need a fixed text input box size.
How can I change the default point size of the numbers that the dimensioning tool generates? Right now it is defaulted at 24 pt. and i have to manually select and change to 10 pt all through my drawings.
When setting a URL link to selected text in a text object, the link style (blue w/ underline) is not preserved after save, close & reopening. The url is still set if you select the same text.The biggest issue is when publishing to PDF, those links do not get published as it did in previous versions of CorelDRAW. This breaks thousands of our documents when publishing to pdf since we have upgraded from X3 to X6. This is a show stopper for us using X6.