CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: How To Stop New Text Boxes Being Rotated 90° Clockwise
Apr 7, 2011
Rotated text.cdr
How can I stop new text boxes being rotated? When I make a new text box (or start typing artistic text) using the text tool, the box (or artistic text) is rotated 90° clockwise. The tabs also show on the left hand ruler instead of the top one. I have looked at all the options in the Tools menu but there does not seem to a way of changing this. I have attached a CorelDraw file as an example.
I am using CorelDraw from Graphics Suite 4. My PC is running Windows XP Pro, Service Pack build 2600.
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Feb 20, 2013
I am having trouble resizing text boxes with text in them, so that the text scales with the box.If I convert the text box the curves, it messes up the formatting when I add an outline to the curve because the text box itself is given a outline.
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Jun 20, 2013
I have been trying to create artwork for university style hoodies, where text is created to form the shape of a number.
I have successfully converted a number into a text box for this purpose. The text is inside and looks great.
However, I need to convert this number / text box to curves in order to keep its appearance when e-mailing. When I convert it to curves, the text shifts its position to outside of the text box. The strangest part is that it only happens with numbers that have a gap in the middle (4, 6, 8, 9 and 0).
Can any body explain why this is happening?
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Aug 10, 2011
I need to hide the dotted boxes that are now showing in X3 around all paragraph text on maybe 1000 business slides I created 5 to 10 years ago and now want to update.
Changing to artistic text does make the dotted boxes go away but is there a master setting that would make them go away in paragraph text?
Five to ten years ago I created maybe 1000 busness slides in CorelDraw and then moved their images to Powerpoint. Versions used were 11 and X3.
Now when I want to dust them all off and freshen them I find dotted boxes around .
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May 20, 2011
A colleague of mine has problems when moving a textbox.She grab the textbox with the mouse, the complete work area change to a white background, so she doesn't see, where she has to drop the mouse cursor. After she drop the mouse cursor, the background change to the graphic again.
The hardware she uses is new and included the following components:HP Z200 i7-870 Workstation2,93 GHz, 6 GB 1333MHz DDR3, ATI FirePro V3800 with 512MB RAM, Windows7 Prof 64bit
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Aug 23, 2011
UA problem.cdr
Sometimes when I try to copy and paste a logo, that has text around the outside of it, the text will move from its original location. How do I get this to stop? I have attached a file that is currently doing this.
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Apr 4, 2011
this function is not functioning anymore. I may have done something to cause this but I don't recall.
Entering sizes in the text boxes does not change the object size anymore.
The only option right now is use the transform size docker...would rather not have to do that.
Also, would not like to hit F8...
Draw X5 sp2 (
I hate pressing F8 at startup!
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Apr 24, 2011
Is it possible to add up/down arrow beside the text boxes (spinner) to adjust the height and width of an object by clicking with a mouse?
I hate pressing F8 at startup!
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Aug 5, 2011
Noticed the mis-alignment that occurs in some of Corel's dialog boxes? For example in the New Document dislogs (both Draw and Photo Paint). The Draw dialog looks like this on my machine:
Notice how the labels are out of line with the dialog controls - e.g. the label "Preview Mode" is much higher than the drop-down list it belongs to - way out of alignment. Also, notice how the 'Height' and 'Width' spinners cut off the second 'm'. It's the same situation with Photo Paint too.I mention this because in the Scott Georgeson Video Tutorials, his New Document dialog boxes are not misaligned
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Apr 7, 2012
currently getting by with v11 on winXP..Having a recent problem which I hope one of you can identify. I undoubtedly caused this problem myself by while trying to set up multiple monitors with different screen resolutions, dpi's, font viewing sizes, etc... but now I don't know exactly what setting caused it or how to get back to normal.
Here's the problem - two dialog boxes are displaying very skewed as shown in the screen-shots below. It's only these two dialogs I seem to have trouble with. It's like their popup windows are wrong proportions. No settings I change in my monitor setups seem to correct the situation.
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Jan 21, 2013
What I do not like is that I draw a rectangle and then add the radius corners and it is fine.
If I then drag the box taller or wider the radius of the corner changes too. But also I have noticed that it does this even if you drag the box to size first then add the radius corners.
example: I make up a rectangle and add start adding text. Then I have to make the box bigger so I do that, finish adding my text. Now go to add in the radius corner and they are all skewed out of shape. This seems to be because I have dragged that rectangle bigger that what it was when I first dragged it into place.
Is there a way around this so that I can make my rectangle say 250 wide by 50 tall. Then later on change it's size and add radius corners and make it so the corners are all even and not all out of proportions?
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Jul 3, 2013
Every time I double click on a bitmap in Corel Draw, it opens up Photo Paint. How can I disable this option? I never use it and its a waste of my time because it takes too long to load up! I don't know if my mouse has a problem, but sometimes I can just click once on a bitmap and it triggers the photo paint to open.
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Jul 13, 2013
I have an avatar which is positioned correctly in PS & in Preview. When I insert that in my Avatar on this forum, it is rotated 90 deg clockwise! ? When I rotate it in PS and load as an avatar, it appears the way it is rotated. ? Very perplexing.
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Mar 27, 2009
I remember back in 8 or 9 when you could use the scroll mouse to "scroll". But in 11 or 12 it changed to "zoom".there is a way to change it back to scroll?
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Jul 17, 2013
I am using CorelDraw Suite X5 on a Windows 7, 64-bit operating system. I always used x,y coordinates for positioning objects. Last week that option suddenly stopped working. Now when an object is highlighted the x,y coordinates always registers 0,0. If I try to re-position an object by putting in new coordinates, objects are placed way off the page. My inputs are not held and the coordinates are back to 0,0.
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Mar 18, 2012
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
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Dec 1, 2010
We are having a big problem with dropping lines of text or parts of graphics. It is happening on 3 different laser systems and 2 different printers.
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Sep 5, 2009
Often whatever I'm working on in X4 disappears off the document page when I zoom in or out. It's still there (I can see it in the print preview)and I can print it, but I can't see it no matter what view (e.g., normal, draft, etc.) I select. If I select the entire page I can see the graphic and text handles, but nothing else. The only way I can see my work again is to save it, close the program, and then re-open the file. My computer is a Dell Precision Work Station T3400 running Vista Ultimate with an Intel Core2 Quad CPU, 4GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVIDIA Quadro FX 570 256MB. All my software and drivers are up to date. The problem occurs no matter what screen resolution or refresh rate I'm using.
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May 9, 2011
X5 Recently have begun missing parts of print out. Tried to duplicate but appears completely random.
Output to both Full colour laser and Wide Format printers will miss either text or part of objects. Today printed the text but not the text effects. Initially closed and reopened, rebooted, However this has become a now daily feature so regardless tried reprint from the same screen so next print has everything included.
Very costly and time consuming - print preview shows all correct but output is not the same.
Running Win 7 64bit 8GB Ram
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Jan 2, 2013
Blank Blocks behind text and graphics
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Jul 14, 2013
I had several CorelDraw documents that crashes on me, and the auto-backup did not work.
In all these documents, if I open the text paragraph window and typed on it, the entire program will crash if I exit that window after finishing.
I discovered that if I typed directly on the text paragraph, it will not crash. That means do not open the text paragraph window to do editing. But this makes editing very slow since it seems to be more memory intensive.
Strange the auto-backup directory/folder always do not have my backup files too.
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Nov 20, 2013
A client sent me their logo where the name is straight across. They would now like to wrap it around the circle in their logo... They do not know the name of the font, what the font couldn't id it, not much response on their forum...
Is there a way to fit text to path, where the text has already been converted to curves?
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Jul 29, 2011
I removed text from a rectangle and that message keep displaying in that rectangle.
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
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Apr 5, 2011
Is there a way of unlinking the text frames so that you can move the text independently from the others?
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Nov 16, 2012
Is there a setting to change the text frame size when pasting a block of text?
For example if text is pasted into a blank page with the either the pick or text tool active the text frame on each page is 8.3"x10.8" on a 8.5"x11" page. the same on each succeeding page until the text is less than a full page.
I would like to set the text frame at 7.5"x10" for pasting in text when the text will need unknown number of pages.
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Nov 16, 2012
Is there a setting to change the text frame size when pasting a block of text?
For example if text is pasted into a blank page with the either the pick or text tool active the text frame on each page is 8.3"x10.8" on a 8.5"x11" page. the same on each succeeding page until the text is less than a full page.
I would like to set the text frame at 7.5"x10" for pasting in text when the text will need unknown number of pages.
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Dec 3, 2013
Is it possible to lock a text box to prevent it from moving but still be able to input & edit text?I want to make a drawing template in CorelDraw x6 using text boxes for "non Corel friendly" people to use but need the actual text boxes to stay in the same place all the time!?
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Apr 28, 2011
how to curve text within a shape, as paragraph text, not artistic text? (See my attached image.)
I have drawn the shape, inserted the text as paragraph text, but the text always wants to sit straight. I am so frustrated as I can find a workaround in either Corel or Adobe CS products. I have tried using artistic text in Corel, but have to do it line by line - and this brings other problems, such as I cant justify each line with each other, and sometimes a character jumps up relative to the other characters and the entire paragraph does not taper this is not a solution, apart from the fact it will take me FOREVER to insert line by line....I would like to treat the text as a multiple line paragraph, and follow the shape.
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Mar 15, 2012
I am using Corel for driving a fiber laser through a dedicated Net connection not available to the rest of the network and it and my computer are right next to the switch.
My problem is that when I send a job from the PC to the laser it works fine. If I make a small change on the graphics, I save it and send a new job to the laser. Quite often, some part of my grapics is left off the plot even though I didn't touch that graphic or mod it. So I send the job over again and now somewhere else is missing some of the graphic word...usually a word or a letter or number. I usually turn off the computer or get out of Corel and come back in and it is fixed. That doesn't sound like a network dropped or corrupted graphic. I have tried turning off the laser with Corel still up and it doesn't fix the problem when I bring the laser on line again.
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Jun 4, 2012
In the last 2 days Corel has decided to start changing Artistic Text to Paragraph Text when I copy & paste it across documents, completely changing the font, size & colour of what I am copying.
I've just done a factory reset & it's still doing it.
I don't recall doing anything that would change a setting.
The text I am copy & pasting are disclaimers that are all set on 1 document & I copy & paste them to a proof as needed.
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Sep 9, 2011
I'm making tickets and i need to add tickets numbers, from 1 to 1000. Print & Merge doesn't fit for me.So I want to change text tag for example: "<text>" to text which will be different (1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ...) Wagenaar where the code finds word "Andorra" and change it to "Andorre".
Public Function FindReplace(ByVal str As String, ByVal toFind As String, ByVal toReplace As String) As String Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(str) If Mid(str, i, Len(toFind)) = toFind Then ' does the string match? FindReplace = FindReplace & toReplace ' add the new replacement to the final result i = i + (Len(toFind) - 1) ' move to the character after the toFind Else FindReplace = FindReplace & Mid(str, i, 1) ' add a character End If Next iEnd Function.
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