I have an avatar which is positioned correctly in PS & in Preview. When I insert that in my Avatar on this forum, it is rotated 90 deg clockwise! ? When I rotate it in PS and load as an avatar, it appears the way it is rotated. ? Very perplexing.
How can I stop new text boxes being rotated? When I make a new text box (or start typing artistic text) using the text tool, the box (or artistic text) is rotated 90° clockwise. The tabs also show on the left hand ruler instead of the top one. I have looked at all the options in the Tools menu but there does not seem to a way of changing this. I have attached a CorelDraw file as an example.
I am using CorelDraw from Graphics Suite 4. My PC is running Windows XP Pro, Service Pack build 2600.
How can i test a polyline if its clockwise or counterclockwise? I have a routine that gets the area of polylines then if clockwise,the area is positive and negative if not. But I dont want to get the area just to test if its clockwise or not.
I have some closed polyline in a rectangular area like below screen shot. I want numbering these polylines counter clockwise or clockwise by selecting a reference polyline. In the below screen shot , I have highlighted a polyline (red marked). So , first I select that polyline and ask to numbering other polylines in couter clockwise.
The result of my requirement should be like below screen shot. how to do that? sample code in VB
Deriving “counter clockwise” azimuth from “clockwise,I’m wondering if there is a technique to automatically derive the counter clockwise azimuth from the clockwise or vice versa.
I am trying to set up the bulge for a polyline, in order to set up the bulge currecty I need to know if the polyline was created clockwise or counterclockwise.
When I open any image, photoshop rotates the image 90 clockwise by itself. All the other programs (even windows imageview) dont do that. Only photoshop does that. I can open the photo in any other application and they are fine, but when I open them in Photoshop CS5, they get rotated.
I'm using the liquify tool to fit a fake tattoo to a face, and I want to twist part of the tattoo to adjust for perspective. Unfortunately, the twirl tool in liquify is in fact a "Twirl Clockwise" tool- Counter Clockwise doesn't seem to be an option!
Had a little fiddle with PS this morning, and came up with this .. nothing exciting I'm afraid.
Just wanted an XILE avatar, something to show who I am ... for the time being, until I can come up with something more extravagant like many of the ones.
how to make an avatar smaller that 16kb. When i go to cs2 and make a brand new file 60 x60 pixels it is allreay at 20 kb. Too large to post for an avatar. I know how to save with less quality but it still will not get any smaller.
I created a rollover avatar 50X50 in Image Ready basically by accident but now I think I can do it. How do I save it and send it to a friend? I can preview it in Explorer and I get all this HTML also. What do I do with it!
I have an image, and I want to add some text along a curved path beneath it. Imagine the motto beneath a coat of arms, or a product or company name beneath a logo.
Now, I tried using the text tool to add the text along a path, and I think that I now understand how that works.
Now it turns out that there is a feature missing that I would like to see, which is that text justification should make the text conform to the ends or centre of the path... by this, I mean that if I draw a path and the text is too short to fill the whole of the path, I should be able to centre the text along the path.
The way around this that came to mind is that if the path is a circle then I can place my text starting anywhere, and then rotate that layer to centre the text beneath the image.
So I make a circle selection, and convert the selection to a path... but the path seems to start at the top of the circle (I don't now what you want to call it: 0°, 12 o'clock, top dead centre, North?) and go clockwise... meaning that if I rotate my text to be below the image it will be upside down.
My work-round is to create a temporary layer and draw a circle on it, then use that as a guide to create a path along part of the circle in an anti-clockwise direction.
But I thought that there might be a mechanism for easily swapping the start and end positions of a path,another, better way if placing text below an image,a way of centring text along a path.
When using 3D pattern, and specifying a negative angle for counter clockwise, with an angle less than 360 degrees ( eg, 90 degrees ) the pattern will be spread over 360 degrees anyway.
Also, the directions in the application are wrong. negative angles are for counterclockwise, not clockwise.
Workaround: Make all patterns clockwise, and reverse the direction of the axis around which it rotates. This will achieve the desired outcome.
Matrix3d cur = ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem; Vector3d x = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0); Vector3d y = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0); Point3d o = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); [Code] .....
Code is rotating well my model, but it's zooming to bad point. I want to zoom to the point from previous view, so I'm transforming it by new UCS - unfortunately something is going wrong (it's not this point what I want).
How to design an avatar picture? I play a game, and they are going to have an avatar dress up contest soon...I'm trying to make it a Saint Patty's Day theme....
I made my first avatar for xats chatbox online using paint.net, it's beautiful and worked great, but my slides were moving too fast, i couldnt really see my letters...is there anyway to slow my slides down?
How to duplicate their avatar/signature and now I can't find it. It looked like black water with red and yellow flames rising up out of the water. I think the technique used to create the avatar is talked about ofter.
I tried to add a custom avatar to my profile. The setup says to add an image to go to your "My Images" page (the link is on your profile page). I could not find the "My Images" page. I am attaching my avatar here.
I just upgraded from PS 7 to CS2 and found something very strange. Normally I rotate my images in ACDC. When I brought up CS2 in a folder that had images correctly oriented, I found that the entire folder was landscape instead of portrait. They look fine in PS 7.
I'm trying to create a white ring that will move on top of a grey ring (for a video). However, even though I used the fixed aspect ratio, & copied the grey ring to make the white ring, with both in the same position; whenever I rotate the top (white) ring, it doesn't line up with the grey ring underneath at certain points, it seems to be not a perfect circle. So when I add the two images into a video editor & rotate the white ring, it doesn't line up with the grey ring below.