CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Change Node Size
Jun 25, 2012I not remember where is that!
Would be nice able to change the color or shape too!
I not remember where is that!
Would be nice able to change the color or shape too!
I am currently preparing a brochure and need to have one page (of six) in DIN A3 instead of A4 like the others. But I find no possibility to change just the page I need into A3.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am making a booklet up. I have set the workspace paper size to A5 landscape. And set to booklet and facing pages, great, that is a whole lot of hassle dealt with.
I make up my design, looks good on the screen. Export to pdf and print it off and it is printing one page of my work on a single page of A4 paper full size. i.e. I need it printed onto A4 paper in landscape so that I have a left page and a right page, that I can fold in half. But it is just printing like normal.
What do I have to do to get it two print two pages of information onto a single A4 landscape rotated piece of paper?
I'm working on upgrading my Node Manipulator macro. I have already added a few cool new features and a completely new form that saves space.
Here's a quick sneak preview..
Recently upgraded from X3 to X6. Just discovered there is no place on the property bar to change the size by entering a percent of original size. It was located next to the actual size in inches.
I did Ctrl-J and tried to find it in the customization, but came up empty. Surely this feature still exists?
How can I change the default text size? I can set the size to 12 pt in three different places and choose "save settings as default", and when I place the text cursor on the page, it goes back to 24 pt. Very maddening...
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the size of the tool icons in CDR X6? They are too small for my eyes. I have looked everywhere.
View 8 Replies View Relatedin earlier versions of draw you could move one end of line with the pick tool by moving the cursor over the end node grabbing it and moving it where ever you wanted. With x5 it seems that you must go to the node editing tool to select the node. Is there a setting I'm missing that will allow the pick tool to select node?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI don't do a ton of node editing, but I've noticed that lately my node editing seems really jerky. I wrote it off as having large files utilizing lots of memory, but I don't think that's it. To test I closed Corel and all instances of it, restrated drew a rectangle and converted to curves. Then my node editing was smooth and fast. I doubled the nodes (now 8) and it was fine. doubled again(16 nodes) and that was the show stopper. I finally have it that at 9 nodes it is smooth mouse movements, at 10 it goes jerky. No big difference between 10 nodes and 3000 nodes. Same jerkyness when editing nodes.
I've turned off all "snap to" features.
I did recently change to using the HD output to my monitor, i haven't checked that as an issue. I'm using the video card on the motherboard (don't hate).
I went back to the default corel workspace and it's fine up to 1000s of nodes. I switched back and it's goes all haywire again.
I use the cross hair cursor I turned that off and WHAMO! it works now. (really it made that sound, trust me) When I go back to cross hair cursor it goes back to jerky. So verify that using the cross hair cursor screws up their node editing? Is there a way to use the cross hair for everything except node edits?
Machine info: windows XP All service packs X5 with all service packs. i3 cpu 3ghz with 3gb memory.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
Where do I find how to change the workspace border size and color? I see no such options in TOOLS >Options > etc.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am creating my files in 5x. The final product will be a printed 8.5 x 11 calendar. The company requires 300dpi resolution, and a bleed size of 1/16".
Product 8.5" x 11" Calendar
Final Size 8.5" x 11"
Bleed Size 1/16"
Resolution to Submit 8.627" x 11.127", 2588 x 3338 px, 300dpi
My page is letter size.The image is a bitmap composed of numerous photographs and vector graphics.
I have saved them to a CMYK BITMAP 300DPI.In Corel the image reads as 11.125" x 8.625"
When I export to a pdf or jpg the image size changes to 11.293" x 8.796" which will not work for the printer. It sets the design elements outside the 'safe zone'.
i am redrawing an image and used guidelines to insure straight lines. the problem i am having is when i try to put a node on the intersecting lines, it jumps away from where i have placed it. i do not have any of the snap items turned on and am not using a grid in the background. Why will the nodes not go where they are being place? i have been using corel for years and have not had this problem before.
View 8 Replies View RelatedUsing pen tool I have to press Alt + click again at the node while drawing to create a cusp node.
My method is - Select Pen tool - left click for first node and drag to achieve desired curved segment - release mouse button - press again left click for second node at desired position and drag control handle to create desired curve - then Alt click at second node for cusp node - continue in this fashion for rest of the curved segments as shown in my example.
Is it possible to draw and edit control points for a cusp, smooth or symmetric node simultaneously in a single stretch while drawing curved segments with some other shortkey combinations but without pressing again S for smooth/symmetric or Alt click node for a cusp or F10 for edit later?
I seem to vaguely recall a method from some vector drawing program where you can press or hold ctrl or alt or shift and change the next type of node you will draw while using the bezier tool, or the pen tool, or the multi-line tool.
Is there any way to do this in 12, or use VBA to make it happen. I really just need to switch back and fourth between cusp and symmetrical.
I have been using Corel for over 20 years, and have never needed support. I do most of my work editing nodes within a drawing for creating continuous line patterns that are repeatable.
For years I have simple "nudged" the first and last point of a complex curve to the appropriate position. Now I want to simplify that by entering in the coordinates for the node.
I have tried Object Coordinates, but it appears to do nothing after I change the node location, or radically change my design. There is no documentation for it. I have searched Customize for some sort of input field to add to the toolbar with no luck.
I always have to add the information on the coordinates of the selected note to the Status Bar, so I am surprised that I can't find an option for editing the position.
I am creating a object that will involve creating tangent lines between two circles. Then, I will need to cut out the curves of the circles so the end shape is like an eggshell or the travel of a rope between two pulleys.
What I am doing, is creating the tangent lines, coloring them green (so I can see the end of the tangent line), making sure the line is arranged on top. Then selecting the circle and the node edit and adding a node where the tangent line ends at extreme magnification. Delete the unneeded nodes on the circles so it forms the "end shape." Then I select both objects, then the node editing tool, select both nodes (end of tangent line and node on end of former circle), and join the curves with the option that joins the curve over the space (this is the part that bugs me).
When I do this, I still notice a slight space between the tangent line and where I added the node to cut the circle. Is there anyway normally with x6, or with a macro, that can place the new node accurately? For instance, wherever the center-lines of the curves/lines meet/intersect?
A few months ago I upgraded my aging office workstation to a powerful new system running Windows 8 Professional. CorelDRAW X5 refused to install under Win 8 Pro so I had to upgrade to CorelDRAW X6.
Here's the issue: for the longest time, at least through 10 or more versions of CorelDRAW, it was very easy to align nodes. Just use the shape tool, manually shift+click nodes into the selection and the last node selected would stay locked in place. The other nodes would use the last node selected as the point of reference and align to it.
That doesn't work anymore in CorelDRAW X6.
Now, it doesn't matter which points were clicked first or last. The alignment function always uses the earliest point created in the path as the reference point. And that's just downright useless. I'm forced to drag out guides and snap the points to them -like I'm using an app released in 1990. It makes tasks like technical drawing more time consuming.
Is there some setting buried in Preferences that can restore this very basic but extremely valuable function?
BTW, rival app Adobe Illustrator had finally added controlled anchor point alignment in version CS3 or CS4 (I forget which), but it was a kludge to use -it required extra clicks on anchor points and wouldn't work half the time. The feature seems to be gone in CS6.
Page No. font size change when save a cdr file from corel x6 to x5
see images
Download this image here [URL] ..........
this function is not functioning anymore. I may have done something to cause this but I don't recall.
Entering sizes in the text boxes does not change the object size anymore.
The only option right now is use the transform size docker...would rather not have to do that.
Also, would not like to hit F8...
Draw X5 sp2 (
I hate pressing F8 at startup!
How can I change the default point size of the numbers that the dimensioning tool generates? Right now it is defaulted at 24 pt. and i have to manually select and change to 10 pt all through my drawings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn X5 is there a way to change the size of the centre 'white' spot when using transparency or is it always proportional to the object size?
View 3 Replies View Related2commands.gif
vba code by combining these two commands (convert to curve & smooth node)
to put them in a VBA Code for a separate module and to assign a shortcut and use them
Export is weird, maintain size is checked but it dose not give the proper size. My page size is 922x1344, but the image exported is half that size.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a 900 x 500 px image in Adobe Illustrator, which overlaps a bit the canvas on the left side.
When I open this file with Corel, it adjusts my graphics so that it's centered on the screen. The AI file is centered on another point. Also, the canvas Corel creates is A4 sized. I always have to resize the canvas and then manually adjust the position of my graphics.
Question: How can I save an AI file so that when I open it at Corel, the position and size of the canvas will be exactly the same?
How on earth do you export bitmaps cropped to the size of the canvas? This seems like the simplest functionality ever but i can't get it to work. For example, I am designing an advert for use online. It needs to be 600px wide x 150px high. I may want to use a background image or a photo that when placed goes beyond the edge of the canvas. Logic dictates i would only want to export the canvas with a web image (otherwise why would i have set an exact number of pixels.) However, Corel insists on exporting everything on the canvas and desktop. Surely it should allow us to choose the bounding area of the exported bitmap.
Just to clarify what I mean, i've included a screen shot showing and example original graphic and the export result. I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this. If it's one like this i can crop it easily, but sometimes a print customer will ask me to send them, for example, a 32pp booklet we have designed for them with each page as a JPG and to crop each one manually is a right pain.
Im using draw x5 graphics software and want to know where to find useful for properly sizing web friendly graphics. I want to build a banner and an icon for my new site.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI receive an artwork from my customer to print a small label to cover some wrong printing.
The label is 110x160mm and the file size is 15MB.
So I intersect a small part of 4x40mm for the replacement label.When I save it as a new file, the filesize is 10MB!
I wonder why the small piece of artwork is so big, while it only contains a 4x40mm bitmap of 300dpi and the rest are vector.
I prepare an A0 size poster and with the vector graphics it is about 5 MB in size. When I started to insert a photos it reaches 50 MB. I carefully prepared my photos but for each 1.5 MB inserted image the size of the cdr file increases with about 7 MB.
You know, Corel hardly works with files bigger than 50 MB. I inserted 6 photographs 1.5 MB each of them but my cdr file became 50 MB and the program stopped working with it.
No matter what size doc I create when I go to print it only shows letter size. Tried re-saving, changed page layout, etc. with no luck. If I press print I get a page size missmatch error.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded to x5 and can no longer export a file as an eps and hold the custom page size. In x4 I could export as an eps to a custom page size of 2.5" by 2.5". Every time I try to upload the file it is seeing it as an 8.5' by 11". I am selecting page size in advanced tab
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have upgraded to X5 from X3 , and now when i Export EPS files, they are MASSIVE, I work in a company that does signs, and car vinyls and other graphics /vector related work, and It is important that i use EPS as file format for out " plotter" but a size of 800 mb and 2,2 GB now when it used to be 10 mb is insane.
I also use POSTSCRIPT 2, as 3, makes the file over 2 GBs.