CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Node Jumps Away From Placement Position?
Aug 12, 2013
i am redrawing an image and used guidelines to insure straight lines. the problem i am having is when i try to put a node on the intersecting lines, it jumps away from where i have placed it. i do not have any of the snap items turned on and am not using a grid in the background. Why will the nodes not go where they are being place? i have been using corel for years and have not had this problem before.
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Jun 27, 2013
Bug in this file. Click the text in the dimensions. It jumps up a line.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have been using corel since version 3. Had every version up to 11. Just upgraded to x5 and noticed that when I wrap text to a curve I no longer have the 2 text options I am used to.
text orientation
text(or vertical) placement
All x5 seems to have is text orientation. I have looked everywhere for vertical placement. Is it in x5 or is it called something else now?
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Dec 27, 2012
I'm getting a weird underline placement on SuperScript text. It should be right up under the "99". Can't change it, even if I use the Node Edit tool.
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May 16, 2013
I'm working on upgrading my Node Manipulator macro. I have already added a few cool new features and a completely new form that saves space.
Here's a quick sneak preview..
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Apr 13, 2011
Is it possible in CorelDraw X5 shifting of multiple pages placement at once. For instance if we have a file of 50 pages (1-50) and we require shifting of page nos 41-48 with their contents after page no 8 than how should we proceed to get the resultant.
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Mar 11, 2011
in earlier versions of draw you could move one end of line with the pick tool by moving the cursor over the end node grabbing it and moving it where ever you wanted. With x5 it seems that you must go to the node editing tool to select the node. Is there a setting I'm missing that will allow the pick tool to select node?
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Jun 25, 2012
I not remember where is that!
Would be nice able to change the color or shape too!
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Sep 12, 2011
I don't do a ton of node editing, but I've noticed that lately my node editing seems really jerky. I wrote it off as having large files utilizing lots of memory, but I don't think that's it. To test I closed Corel and all instances of it, restrated drew a rectangle and converted to curves. Then my node editing was smooth and fast. I doubled the nodes (now 8) and it was fine. doubled again(16 nodes) and that was the show stopper. I finally have it that at 9 nodes it is smooth mouse movements, at 10 it goes jerky. No big difference between 10 nodes and 3000 nodes. Same jerkyness when editing nodes.
I've turned off all "snap to" features.
I did recently change to using the HD output to my monitor, i haven't checked that as an issue. I'm using the video card on the motherboard (don't hate).
I went back to the default corel workspace and it's fine up to 1000s of nodes. I switched back and it's goes all haywire again.
I use the cross hair cursor I turned that off and WHAMO! it works now. (really it made that sound, trust me) When I go back to cross hair cursor it goes back to jerky. So verify that using the cross hair cursor screws up their node editing? Is there a way to use the cross hair for everything except node edits?
Machine info: windows XP All service packs X5 with all service packs. i3 cpu 3ghz with 3gb memory.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
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Nov 11, 2012
Using pen tool I have to press Alt + click again at the node while drawing to create a cusp node.
My method is - Select Pen tool - left click for first node and drag to achieve desired curved segment - release mouse button - press again left click for second node at desired position and drag control handle to create desired curve - then Alt click at second node for cusp node - continue in this fashion for rest of the curved segments as shown in my example.
Is it possible to draw and edit control points for a cusp, smooth or symmetric node simultaneously in a single stretch while drawing curved segments with some other shortkey combinations but without pressing again S for smooth/symmetric or Alt click node for a cusp or F10 for edit later?
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Aug 24, 2011
I seem to vaguely recall a method from some vector drawing program where you can press or hold ctrl or alt or shift and change the next type of node you will draw while using the bezier tool, or the pen tool, or the multi-line tool.
Is there any way to do this in 12, or use VBA to make it happen. I really just need to switch back and fourth between cusp and symmetrical.
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Mar 20, 2013
I have been using Corel for over 20 years, and have never needed support. I do most of my work editing nodes within a drawing for creating continuous line patterns that are repeatable.
For years I have simple "nudged" the first and last point of a complex curve to the appropriate position. Now I want to simplify that by entering in the coordinates for the node.
I have tried Object Coordinates, but it appears to do nothing after I change the node location, or radically change my design. There is no documentation for it. I have searched Customize for some sort of input field to add to the toolbar with no luck.
I always have to add the information on the coordinates of the selected note to the Status Bar, so I am surprised that I can't find an option for editing the position.
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Nov 14, 2012
I am creating a object that will involve creating tangent lines between two circles. Then, I will need to cut out the curves of the circles so the end shape is like an eggshell or the travel of a rope between two pulleys.
What I am doing, is creating the tangent lines, coloring them green (so I can see the end of the tangent line), making sure the line is arranged on top. Then selecting the circle and the node edit and adding a node where the tangent line ends at extreme magnification. Delete the unneeded nodes on the circles so it forms the "end shape." Then I select both objects, then the node editing tool, select both nodes (end of tangent line and node on end of former circle), and join the curves with the option that joins the curve over the space (this is the part that bugs me).
When I do this, I still notice a slight space between the tangent line and where I added the node to cut the circle. Is there anyway normally with x6, or with a macro, that can place the new node accurately? For instance, wherever the center-lines of the curves/lines meet/intersect?
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May 16, 2013
A few months ago I upgraded my aging office workstation to a powerful new system running Windows 8 Professional. CorelDRAW X5 refused to install under Win 8 Pro so I had to upgrade to CorelDRAW X6.
Here's the issue: for the longest time, at least through 10 or more versions of CorelDRAW, it was very easy to align nodes. Just use the shape tool, manually shift+click nodes into the selection and the last node selected would stay locked in place. The other nodes would use the last node selected as the point of reference and align to it.
That doesn't work anymore in CorelDRAW X6.
Now, it doesn't matter which points were clicked first or last. The alignment function always uses the earliest point created in the path as the reference point. And that's just downright useless. I'm forced to drag out guides and snap the points to them -like I'm using an app released in 1990. It makes tasks like technical drawing more time consuming.
Is there some setting buried in Preferences that can restore this very basic but extremely valuable function?
BTW, rival app Adobe Illustrator had finally added controlled anchor point alignment in version CS3 or CS4 (I forget which), but it was a kludge to use -it required extra clicks on anchor points and wouldn't work half the time. The feature seems to be gone in CS6.
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Nov 9, 2011
I have a 900 x 500 px image in Adobe Illustrator, which overlaps a bit the canvas on the left side.
When I open this file with Corel, it adjusts my graphics so that it's centered on the screen. The AI file is centered on another point. Also, the canvas Corel creates is A4 sized. I always have to resize the canvas and then manually adjust the position of my graphics.
Question: How can I save an AI file so that when I open it at Corel, the position and size of the canvas will be exactly the same?
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Mar 9, 2011
vba code by combining these two commands (convert to curve & smooth node)
to put them in a VBA Code for a separate module and to assign a shortcut and use them
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Nov 21, 2011
Platform specifics: Windows Vista 64bit, Corel graphics Suite X4
Recently (for a month ?), when I open Corel Photo Paint (by any method), the window opens not in a maximized size, but almost, with the upper border just off screen and the right border barely visible on the far right side of the monitor screen. To relocate the PP window I have to place the cursor on the right window border, click (the cursor changes to the left/right cursor), and slide the window to the left . When I do this, the entire PP window "snaps"downward just enough for me to "grab" the upper right corner (the cursor changes to the diagonal arrows). This doesn't occur with the Draw program.
I have tried opening/closing, resizing with new files, no files, old files, from the Taskbar, from the "exe" program, Start menu, the Open with option, etc. Nothing I do will force the opening window to open in the size/location it was lastly closed in (as I remember it doing). Even using the Ctrl key/Exit, as suggested elsewhere here for another's problem.
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Jun 23, 2011
I am having trouble with the xy axis. They register 0 instead of the actual position of an object. Rulers are showing correctly, and guides show correctly. Recently re-installed X5 and Patches 1-3.
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Sep 8, 2011
I'm trying to write a script to put printing ticks around the selection. I can get the height and width of the selection, but I cant find anything like "position" or "location" in the methods to get the selections X and Y on the document.
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Apr 6, 2013
On my tool barin transformation bar i had position - absolute (coordinates) and size of a selected object.
i changed something and now i have position like 0.00 x 0.00 (i think its relative position) and when i write something in position it moves relative to previous.
when i press alt+f7 i can change position relative and absolute but toolbar don't change. How to set toolbar to show me always absolute position?
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Apr 21, 2013
Is there a way to be able to set the position of fountain fill to more than 100? Wasn't this possible in previous versions of Corel Draw?Anyways, I want to achieve the result as shown below. The logical way would be to set position to more than 100, and than to adjust the gradient colors manually to get the look with less curved arch as in gradient on the left side. I think it is obvious why this is very important. I know that there are multiple other ways to achieve this, as you can see that I did (converting to bitmap and crop in this situation in this case), but these are all limited workarounds, and the only "clean" way to do this is as I possible to adjust the gradient in toolbar to more than 100 by mouse dragging it, but it doesn't apply to the object.
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Dec 16, 2012
I need join open nodes in complex objects. (Import >mechanical design DXF file)
Function close curves work terribly .
I would have to manually select two open nodes on this same position and click "Join two nodes".I have 8000 nodes to join.
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Dec 12, 2012
In X5, I was able to edit the position of the line for underline text : Thickness and position, up or down in %
The last command for Characters Effect | Underline was « Modified... »
Cannot find it in X6 ! It's not available in the same menu !
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Dec 1, 2013
I have a document i am designing that has a front and a back to it, its not a business card.
How do i align/position the two sides so i get specific elements where i want them on the back side,
the problem is not with the front and i only need to position the back and specifically, i have checked out the print preview imposition tool and only seems to just print duplicate copies however many times need, unless i used it incorrectly,
I mean i could manually try to set them up and waste a lot of ink and paper positioning the two sides but i believe there is a faster/smarter method to accomplish this.
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Mar 18, 2012
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
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Dec 1, 2010
We are having a big problem with dropping lines of text or parts of graphics. It is happening on 3 different laser systems and 2 different printers.
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Sep 5, 2009
Often whatever I'm working on in X4 disappears off the document page when I zoom in or out. It's still there (I can see it in the print preview)and I can print it, but I can't see it no matter what view (e.g., normal, draft, etc.) I select. If I select the entire page I can see the graphic and text handles, but nothing else. The only way I can see my work again is to save it, close the program, and then re-open the file. My computer is a Dell Precision Work Station T3400 running Vista Ultimate with an Intel Core2 Quad CPU, 4GB RAM, and my graphics card is an NVIDIA Quadro FX 570 256MB. All my software and drivers are up to date. The problem occurs no matter what screen resolution or refresh rate I'm using.
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Jul 21, 2013
i´m using CRD since X3 so I think i´m quite experienced with all the crashes and uncompatibilities but now I have a problem which I can´t solve.
I made a graphic project which is quite large (2,6m x 2,0m @ 300dpi) and including raster grahics. The CDR file itself has about 400MB. When I tried to export this graphic to the png or jpg at the current size Corel X5 always crashes. I tried almost everything on many computers but always the same problem.
It looks like the project is too large for export. At this moment I desperately need to export the file to jpg or png at full resolution. Maybe X6 is more stable when exports or I have to simplify the project somehow but...
FILE IS UPLOADED here and I need to have it 2,6m x 2,0m: [URL]
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Jul 23, 2011
Entire Corel suite freezes on start up - I cannot do anything. Reinstalling also does not work - suddenly buttons on the installer dissapeared - there is no text on them and when I click them nothing happens.
A week ago I have installed service pack 3 and everything worked fine. It has all gone wrong again. And installation of the latest patches does not work anymore.
I am running Windows 7 64-bit and I've got a feeling that is must have something to do with system updates.
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Mar 14, 2011
I often create graphics in CorelDRAW export it and inserting it into my MS Word documents and finally convert my documents to pdf. When it is vector graphics, exporting as EPS works fine: The increase in file size is small and lines are displayed perfect independant of how much you zoom in the final pdf document. When I handle bitmaps, I usually export as JPG (or PNG), which works well too. My problem arise when I have a mixed vector and bitmap image. I have imported a bitmap into CorelDRAW and created some lines on top of it. I want to export it as a whole. If I export as EPS, the final result is fine, but filesize has increased considerable. If I choose to export as jpg, the filesize is fine, but the lines are getting slightly blurry. Is there a way to get the best of both Worlds - resonable filesize and perfect lines? Maybe settings in some dialog??
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Dec 1, 2011
How on earth do you export bitmaps cropped to the size of the canvas? This seems like the simplest functionality ever but i can't get it to work. For example, I am designing an advert for use online. It needs to be 600px wide x 150px high. I may want to use a background image or a photo that when placed goes beyond the edge of the canvas. Logic dictates i would only want to export the canvas with a web image (otherwise why would i have set an exact number of pixels.) However, Corel insists on exporting everything on the canvas and desktop. Surely it should allow us to choose the bounding area of the exported bitmap.
Just to clarify what I mean, i've included a screen shot showing and example original graphic and the export result. I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this. If it's one like this i can crop it easily, but sometimes a print customer will ask me to send them, for example, a 32pp booklet we have designed for them with each page as a JPG and to crop each one manually is a right pain.
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