CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Business Card - How To Align / Position Two Sides
Dec 1, 2013
I have a document i am designing that has a front and a back to it, its not a business card.
How do i align/position the two sides so i get specific elements where i want them on the back side,
the problem is not with the front and i only need to position the back and specifically, i have checked out the print preview imposition tool and only seems to just print duplicate copies however many times need, unless i used it incorrectly,
I mean i could manually try to set them up and waste a lot of ink and paper positioning the two sides but i believe there is a faster/smarter method to accomplish this.
I have CorelDraw Graphics Suite X6. I have created what I want in the end to be a double sided business card. However, when printing I am unable to get what will be the back design to align with the front design. Does Coreldraw have a option of sort to make this happen automatically? Or is there a technique to make this happen?
To print business cards, I selected Label AVERY 5371 - 2X 3.5 BusCr. Print preview looks good. There is no any visible alignment problems.
When printing is completed (Linen paper AVERY 5371), there is about 2 millimeters alignment problem for each card. I created my own template and the print is with the same results. The printer I use is Canon MP830 ink jet.
I am making new business cards using CorelDraw. When I save the business card to a PDF file and download it to Vistaprint, the text does not look sharp as it does in CorelDraw. Is there a way to download without being blurry?
I have a 900 x 500 px image in Adobe Illustrator, which overlaps a bit the canvas on the left side.
When I open this file with Corel, it adjusts my graphics so that it's centered on the screen. The AI file is centered on another point. Also, the canvas Corel creates is A4 sized. I always have to resize the canvas and then manually adjust the position of my graphics.
Question: How can I save an AI file so that when I open it at Corel, the position and size of the canvas will be exactly the same?
I have a design on one layer, and a boundary line around the design on another layer. visually on the screen they both line up . However, when I print the images, they do not line up - they are significantly out of line with each other. It is as if they have been printed to different paper settings., for example the registration marks are not line up.
When using both align and distribute at once, all the items selected bunch up and do not space evenly. When using just align center, it works fine. When using distribute evenly (vertically), it works fine. But when using both, that's when the problem occurs.
Platform specifics: Windows Vista 64bit, Corel graphics Suite X4
Recently (for a month ?), when I open Corel Photo Paint (by any method), the window opens not in a maximized size, but almost, with the upper border just off screen and the right border barely visible on the far right side of the monitor screen. To relocate the PP window I have to place the cursor on the right window border, click (the cursor changes to the left/right cursor), and slide the window to the left . When I do this, the entire PP window "snaps"downward just enough for me to "grab" the upper right corner (the cursor changes to the diagonal arrows). This doesn't occur with the Draw program.
I have tried opening/closing, resizing with new files, no files, old files, from the Taskbar, from the "exe" program, Start menu, the Open with option, etc. Nothing I do will force the opening window to open in the size/location it was lastly closed in (as I remember it doing). Even using the Ctrl key/Exit, as suggested elsewhere here for another's problem.
Question: How do I join triangles and squares so that they are symmetrical?
I have a customer for whom I am designing a business card. I am having to reset the business card from a scanned image.
The business card has got angles and triangles on it. Some of the angles have fills. Others do not.
I can use the Shape tool and trace the scanned image of my customer's business card. However, some of the angles are mirrored on either end of the business card. If I trace the scanned image it would be hard to get the angles right.
Basically, how, to work with triangles? I need to join triangles together at angles and so forth so that the business card looks symmetrical.
I am having trouble with the xy axis. They register 0 instead of the actual position of an object. Rulers are showing correctly, and guides show correctly. Recently re-installed X5 and Patches 1-3.
I'm trying to write a script to put printing ticks around the selection. I can get the height and width of the selection, but I cant find anything like "position" or "location" in the methods to get the selections X and Y on the document.
On my tool barin transformation bar i had position - absolute (coordinates) and size of a selected object.
i changed something and now i have position like 0.00 x 0.00 (i think its relative position) and when i write something in position it moves relative to previous.
when i press alt+f7 i can change position relative and absolute but toolbar don't change. How to set toolbar to show me always absolute position?
i am redrawing an image and used guidelines to insure straight lines. the problem i am having is when i try to put a node on the intersecting lines, it jumps away from where i have placed it. i do not have any of the snap items turned on and am not using a grid in the background. Why will the nodes not go where they are being place? i have been using corel for years and have not had this problem before.
Is there a way to be able to set the position of fountain fill to more than 100? Wasn't this possible in previous versions of Corel Draw?Anyways, I want to achieve the result as shown below. The logical way would be to set position to more than 100, and than to adjust the gradient colors manually to get the look with less curved arch as in gradient on the left side. I think it is obvious why this is very important. I know that there are multiple other ways to achieve this, as you can see that I did (converting to bitmap and crop in this situation in this case), but these are all limited workarounds, and the only "clean" way to do this is as I possible to adjust the gradient in toolbar to more than 100 by mouse dragging it, but it doesn't apply to the object.
This does not occur when aligning objects, nor text with an object.This only occurs (as far as I can tell) when aligning two or more sets of text alone.
When I enter the align and distribute window the vertical align checkboxes are greyed out with "Top" selected.
It is not possible to uncheck or select any other vertical align option. It is possible to "force" the window to deselect it by selecting "top" in the distribute tab, but this does not make the align options selectable again.
You can workaround this by creating a temporary object to align with your text.
I'm creating a logo that consists of the word DIFFERENT in text and a shape, a dot (an ellipse) that I want to appear above the I and be vertically aligned with I.
How can I do this?The problem is that I can't see how to identify the point in the text - the centre of the I - to act as the target. I can't seem to get any of the Snap to Object tools to work.
I feel that I should be able to mark a specific point anywhere on a shape or an object and use those points to align.
I suspect that I could achieve the effect that I want by splitting the text characters up into individual objects, than I can align them more obviously but then I set up some other issues with kerning.
I am probably not posting in a right forum. Not sure where it should go.
What should a business card definitely include? What kind of info? Name of company?
Do I need to put my name also? Or just the name of the company is enough? Do I need to put my address? Or is my phone number and email address enough? What about website address is it necessary?
how can i make a business card in 3D like the one below with Photoshop?
I can make the round rectangle, and put some bevel and shadow, but the problem is that this card has the right-side of it aparently more higher than the left side... how can i do that?
I just purchased the Adobe Design Suite 5.5 Creative Premium.
I have an old two sided business card stored to JPEG. Its two sided, so I have a jpeg of the front of the card and a separate jpeg of the back of the card. The card is full of graphics so I was hoping to not have to edit the card at all - and just print it in photoshop or illustrator.
I'm doing a business card for my friend in photoshop (can't use japanese in illustrator), and he uses this specific company color. I switched the image to greyscale and used tritones for the pantone spot colors. However, it seems these pantone colors don't cover every color in the spectrum. Can I just choose the color I want using the hex code? also, I added bleeds to my card. When I am done, what file should I send to the printer? .tif? or the photoshop file? and also, how will they know where the bleeds start and where it ends? should I draw lines on the picture to show them? Last thing, why is it when you save a file in cmyk, the color gets so distorted?
My experience with CS3 is with photos and not creating images starting with a blank I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to copy/paste the image I made (using brushes and text only)from a blank canvas on to a template for a business card...
I'm working on a business card but every time I try to upload it to vista print the design is blurry. I can't figure out why. It looks fine on my computer. I'm also using their custom design template so the dimensions and stuff are fine. I would try the psd but the psd file is too big. Anyway to shrink it? I've tried JPEG, png, and eps so far.