Illustrator :: Rotate Object Without Effects Angle Changing?
Feb 22, 2014
How do I rotate an object in Illustrator without chaging the angle of my drop shadow? I have a design that I want to place 2 up on a page and then print. When turn and stack them the shadow has changed its angel in relation to the artwork. I don't see where to lock the drop shadow to the object. Or is it secified a different way?
I want to rotate object along circle with special step angle. If i choose TRANSFORM i don't type special angle, but i can choose pivot point. I don't know how name this point, i name this pivot point, the point concerning which object rotates. And if i choose TRANSFORM OPTION i can type special angle, but i can't choose pivot point. More precisely, i don't know how do that. I choose object, then transform, set pivot and then open pivot option, type angle but object rotate around own pivot!!!
Is there a quick way to rotate an object to match an angle without knowing what the angle is? I am using AutoCAD 2011 now. I was using 2007 and I had an add on command the would rotate an object using a base point and picking the two lines that make up the angle, and it would match the angle you wanted. I can not get that command to load in 2011.
when i change the angle of an object it effects the whole project, so if i have selected an circle and put the angle of a drop shadow to 90 degrees then i selected a recltangle and set drop shadow angle tp 120 degrees the circle will change to also be 120, does it always do this or am i just doing something wrong?
Suppose I have an object filled with a linear gradient. This object is the only selected. I just would like to change the angle of the gradient to 25 degrees. So I think I could do:
var doc = app.activeDocument alert(doc.selection[0].fillColor.angle) // the result is the exact angle of the gradient fill of the selected object. Suppose 12 degrees.
//now the try to change: doc.selection[0].fillColor.angle = 25.0
No errors are found by the Extended Script does not change anything. As Illustrator reference manual does not say this property is read only, I think I could write.
I'm not sure what I did to make this happen or how to change it back, but for some reason when I change the size of an object/line it changes the stroke weight as well. (For example, if I drew an ellipse with stroke weight 2 pt, and then increased the size the stroke weight would be 2.856 pt or some such number instead of 2 pt.) How to change this back?
Illustrator CS6, menu object, transform, move: when I move an object using orizzontal value and vertical value (example 10 mm from X and 10 mm from Y) the value in distance and angle is correct (14,1421 of distance and -45° angle) but, when I want to use distance and the angle for drawing in isometric way (example: 10 mm distance and 30° angle) the orizzontal and vertical value is not correct as you can see in the attached file below
I am using Illustrator CS6. When I select an object and open the Move window (either by pressing the Enter key or selecting Object>Transform>Move), I try and move the object at a given angle and a given distance. I leave the Horizontal & Vertical dialogs blank and just fill in the information for the Distance and Angle. When I press OK (or Copy), nothing happens. In all previous versions of Illustrator, this feature worked perfectly. I can not get it to work in CS6.
I have a group of 3D objects using the revolve command (object on the left). Now I want to put the object on it's side. i.e. rotate it by 90 degrees exactly as it is but the 3D revolve is distorting it to look like the object on the right. How do I prevent this?
I'm trying to create a border similar to what you see here:
But I need it to be oval shaped. I tried using the blend tool, which works great around a circle but on an oval, the objects get scrunched together at the peak of the oval. How do you rotate and evenly space the objects around an oval?
I have an object with a drop shadow. I want to rotate the object and the drop shadow 90 degrees. But when I rotate the object, the drop shadow does not rotate along with the object.
How to lock the drop shadow so that it will rotate with the object. p.s. I already know how to change the angle of the drop shadow.
Almost every time I add a linear gradient to an object I want to change the angle from 0 to 90 degrees.
Is there a script that I could use for this, so that I could assign a keyboard shortcut and press that instead of clicking the box & typing 90 all the time? (i.e. select an object, run a script & it would apply the standard black to white linear gradient at 90 degrees instead of 0.)
I have a grouped object with a line in it. I want to rotate the grouped object so, that the line in the object is horizontal or vertical. Now I do it by hand, this takes a lot of time.
Is it possible to rotate a viewport to an angle other than 90 degrees. I am trying to rotate a viewport 11 degrees counter clockwise. I cannot rotate the model.
In Graphics Editing software like Photoshop you can rotate an image ever so slightly to the left or to the right. I'm trying to super-impose a png of a head onto something and I would like to match the angle of the original head.
Matrix3d cur = ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem; Vector3d x = new Vector3d(1, 0, 0); Vector3d y = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0); Point3d o = new Point3d(0, 0, 0); [Code] .....
Code is rotating well my model, but it's zooming to bad point. I want to zoom to the point from previous view, so I'm transforming it by new UCS - unfortunately something is going wrong (it's not this point what I want).
I'm making this diagram of the load condition acting on tunnels to explain a Japanese set of equations that are used for the structural analysis for tunnels:
load condition for EEM.jpg
But, there is one problem I have. I'm trying to set up the text for the dimension between the water table and the tunnel "Ha" to look horizontal.
However, if I click on the properties box and write 90 in the rotation box right next to where it says "text rotation," the dimension text does not rotate 90 degrees; if instead I try to rotate it 180° then it only rotates 90° (and in the opposite direction) instead of 180°. It doesn't matter how many degrees I choose, it won't rotate my dimension "Ha" to desired angle to make it look horizontal.
OK I know it's hard to explain my problem with just writing, so I've posted a few pictures:
In this one, the dimension is at 0°; I've only opened the properties box to attempt and rotate it: no rotation.jpg
Now I write 90 in properties box but the dimension text does not rotate at all; it remains at 0 as it is shown in the following image: 90 & no rotation.jpg
Next I try to rotate 180, just to see what happens; and it does rotate (only 90 degrees!): 180 rotates 90.jpg
I finally try to rotate the text 270 just to see if it rotates to desired angle and it does rotate (180 degrees from original position). As shown below:
270 last try.jpg
It doesn't matter how many degrees I choose, I cannot make it look horizontal.
How can I set up my dimension text "Ha" to look horizontal?
I'd like to orient a picture of a book so that it's on a 45 degree angle and then "cut out" the area around the "book" to that when you view the picture is looks like a book on a 45 degree angle with no area around it. I'm sure GIMP can do that but the question is whether I can put that same photo on a website and have it look like it's a book on a45 degree angle.
In CS6, when you apply an effect that somehow expands the appearance of an object, for example by making multiple clones, all of these clones become selectable. If you click on or drag-box an area that includes these clones, the original object will be selected.
is there a way to make CS6 only select an object if I click on the original vectors?
I'm looking for a lisp routine that allow me to select a text object that is rotated to anything other than zero, and it will change the text object to zero rotation and while still in the command allow me to place the text object on the screen.
I have a routine that is similiar called RT180 but it just rotates whatever text object you select 180 degrees from its current rotation, but I can not figure out how to modify it to rotate to zero rotation angle. What I like about RT180 is that you select your text it rotates it on the spot and then lets you pick a spot to place it.
Tricky one to add a title for but if I am resizing an object precisely using the W Value and H Value fields, for some reason the size I enter then changes. So, for example, I have an object that is 57.15mm wide. I then change that value to 57mm but when I click return it then changes back to the 57.15mm value. This appears for all other values. So if I change it to 60mm it then changes it to 59.972 mm
Not really sure what setting I have that's making it do this. My document is set up in mm.
I'm sure this is mind-numbingly obvious and I am overlooking it, but when I go to use the rotate tool, the center point of the rotation is defaulting to the center of the artboard, not the selected group of objects. How do I change that to default to rotating on the selection center by default?
PS. This is Illustrator CC (17.0.2) on a Mac running 10.9, if that is relevant.
How can the default angle setting for global light be changed, in Photoshop CS4?
I do not like the 30' but prefer 120' to have the light from top left and shadows bottome right. However, saving as a style does not save the angle, just all the other settings.
I would be grateful for help as I have lots of images I need to prepare for a website that uses my preference in lighting, so would like it to match. At the moment,
I've been using Corel Draw! 8 for years and my favorite tool was the angle of rotation. For example, I would select an object, usually a rectangle that has the point of rotation at end of the narrow rectangle. As I rotated it, I could see how much the angle of rotation in degrees is. Therefore I could type a value in the box and the rectangle would rotate some many degrees. Fast forward to my Corel Draw 12. Now when I click on the same object, the box will display what the angle is in degrees already based on the circular angle startingaat the nine o'clock position. I need it to say ZERO and I can't find the setting to set it at zero
what I am drawing is I rotate a narrow rectange and basically creating a dial face for instruments.
I've been trying in vain to change the projection type in my styles editor to 3rd angle and keeping it like that for all future drawings.
It's easy enough to change projection type for an individual drawing by going through Manage > Styles editor > View Preferences, but I'd like all drawings in future to default to 3rd angle. I've tried saving the file as a new template (many times) in Templates > Metric but they always default back to 1st angle projection.