Illustrator :: CS6 - Expanding Gradient To Separate Objects

Jun 7, 2013

On illustrator cs6, I have a complex shaped with a gradient fill. when I go to expand there is an option that says Expand Gradient and you select the amount of objects. so I selected 6 objects, and the expand tool did what I expected, my object got divided into 6 objects with fill colors relative to the gradient.
so I hit undo, and I moved a stop on my gradient slightly to affect the results a bit, and now it wont expand the same way. my gradient stays a gradient. I tried drawing new shapes with gradients and the gradient wont expand.

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Illustrator :: Expanding Objects With A Filling?

Jul 23, 2013

I wonder of there is a way to expand objects with a filling, without creating the outside lines of the swatches you made to create an filling.

 I add a printscreen... The first F is the filling, the second is an outline view of the expanded filling and the last one i wanna create. The way i create is, deleting the squares and use pathfinder but it take a lot time to do.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Create Clipping Mask On 3 Separate Text Objects

Jan 9, 2013

I have created custom text, so that each letter in my 3 letter word is a separate compound object.
Now I have made a filled (with gradient) ellipse and rectangle behind the text to create a clipping mask with all 3 text objects. (see image1) However, when I select all the objects and select: object>clipping mask >make, it only mask the one letter, which is the one on top. (see image 2)
However, when I group the 3 letters together, it does not create a clipping mask at all, it shows nothing... (see image 3)
How do I ake all 3 letters be in the mask?

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Illustrator :: How To Select All Gradient Objects In One Click

Sep 7, 2012

In my illustration I have like 300 objects and 100 of them are gradient objects. The gradient colors all different. How to select all gradient objects in one click? Is there any plug in ore some trick?

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Illustrator :: Merge Objects And Apply Gradient To Them?

Jan 22, 2013

I'm working on a logo and I need to merge three objects into one and then apply a gradient. I have a circle, a ring around it and a line that connects the circle and the ring. How do I merge these three objects? I've been looking around the intenet but not found out how to do it..

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Illustrator :: Transparent Gradient On A Group Of Objects?

Oct 30, 2012

I've created a heart using many strokes (like a child would do with crayons). So it's made up of many lines grouped together. I've expaned the stroked lines, so they are now a group of objects in a heart shape. I need to fade them from 100% red to 100% transparent. I don't know how to do this with a group of items.

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Illustrator :: Flow Gradient Through Non-touching Objects Such As Text?

Mar 31, 2013

I am new to Illustrator having had to switch from FreeHand recently and can't figure out how to get gradients to flow through non-touching objects. The "merge" option here treats things differently than FreeHand did and only works with paths that overlap.

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Illustrator :: Procedural Objects Resize By Transparency Or Gradient

Nov 3, 2013

Is it possible to resize objects by a mask transparency or using another object as a guide that has a black-white gradient?

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Illustrator :: Cannot Copy Objects - At Least On Patch Of The Gradient Mesh Must Be Selected

Nov 3, 2013

I have problem with illustrator CC v17 ..
Please Watch This Video And Check My Problem ! [URL]

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Illustrator :: Make Objects With Gradient Into Stroke Style For Frames

Jan 22, 2014

I need the frame of the image below as a stroke style (or at least I prefer that above having to copy-paste the elements of the sides 100 times along a frame in my design )
The thing is: it contains gradients. How do I get the frame to a stroke style so I can easily use it in Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Apply One Gradient Across Multiple Live Paint Objects?

Aug 9, 2013

I need to apply a single gradient acros a number of live paint objects but am finding it annoyingly hard to find a way.  I know that normally, to apply a gradient across multiple objects, you would need to make them all into one compound path but does this apply to live paint groups in any way??  Can what i need to achieve actually be done?

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3ds Max :: Separate Objects To Make Them Individual Objects?

Apr 28, 2013

how to edit revit objects in 3dsMax. How do I separate objects to make them individual objects? In other words, when I try to select the roof, I get ALL objects that are "dimensional lumber" i.e. I joists, roof, fascia, etc.

I tried selecting a roof polygon and making a copy and editing it but still when I apply materials to this polygon they apply to all of the dimensional lumber. Probably because I made a copy as a clone but it didn't give me the "copy" option.

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Illustrator :: Expanding The Radius Of A Group?

Mar 4, 2014

I made a circle. Moved it up about 300px then used the rotation tool to > move the center point to intersect with the art board's center point > alt clicked and set a 45* rotation. Then duplicated around.
I moved to AE and created a simple rotation animation. However, I need to exspand the the radius of those objects or create more space between them.
Is this possible without rebuilding it from scratch in Ai CS5? Is there a way of exspanding the radius in Ai?

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Illustrator :: Expanding Graphs In CS3 13.0.2 - Disabled

Mar 2, 2008

Doesn't seem to be possible. "Expand..." does absolutely nothing, and "Expand Appearance" is disabled.

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Illustrator :: CS5 - Live Paint After Tracing / Before Expanding?

Sep 22, 2012

In CS5 there was an option to use the Live Paint Bucket on a newly traced image and there were also gap options to close gaps when doing this. I do not see these options in CS6. Where are they?

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Illustrator :: Expanding Blend Mysteriously Changes Shape?

May 1, 2013

I've used the blend tool to make a series of lines between two other lines; I need to expand everything so that the whole thing becomes a fill-only object (no strokes):
- I expand it (Object > Expand; Object box checked, Fill box checked, Stroke box checked) and the object becomes strokes-only (no fill at all)
- I expand it again (Object > Expand; Object box greyed out, Fill box checked, Stroke box checked) and the object becomes fill-only (yay!) except the shape of the lines has changed (boo!). Unchecking the stroke box and leaving only the Fill box checked seems to have no effect, the object remains stroke-only).

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Illustrator :: Uniformly Expanding Artboard From Center?

Dec 7, 2012

Is there any way to uniformly expand the Artboard from the center of the artboard? I like the way my current page is setup, but I just need more border all the way around.

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Illustrator :: Layer Status Keeps Expanding When Symbol Is Selected?

Jul 26, 2012

I am using CS5 and was forced into a workflow where everyone is using icons from the symbol library (web symbols to be exact). They are not being used as "symbols" per se, just icons. The standard procedure is to drag a symbol to the artboard and then "break link" with the button.
This sounds fine in theory but now everytime I click on this icon, my layer status is expanded (totally annoying).
This is completely recreatable from machine to machine.
why unlinked sybols would cause the layer dropdown to expand? (or how to avoid it)

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Illustrator :: Unwanted Transparent Shapes After Expanding Trace Using Pathfinder

Jan 29, 2014

In illustrator, I have placed an image that I created in photoshop.  Once I trace and expand it, with the option to ignore white selected, there are still transparent shapes that I have to manually delete.  For what I am doing now, it is way too tedious to have to do that.  Why, if I'm 'ignoring white' so that I simply get a black/transparent vector image, are these transparent shapes showing up?

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3ds Max :: Morphing 2 Separate Objects From One To Another

Jul 6, 2012

Is there a way to morph 2 separate objects from one to another?

So far all I've found is morphing 2 objects who have the same root-object

Is it possible to morph 2 totally different objects without any root-relation?

Intel 7 - 2.8Ghz
NVidia Quadro 4000 2Gb GDDR5
3D Studio Max Design 2013 x64
Windows 7 x64

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Xara :: Exporting Separate Objects

Feb 18, 2014

Fro example when i release to layers in illustrator i than can use separete objects in after effects to animate it. In xara i find one option is to export separate layers as png. Is kind a way to go but not when i have my entire document with hundreds of objects on one layer.

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Paint.NET :: Separate Objects In A Layer

Oct 26, 2011

Is there a way to have separate objects in 1 layer, what i mean is that if you paste something, that i want it to show up as a objects in de layer, like in photoshop, so i can still drag it around.

but the way it is now, is just if you paste something that it REALLY pastes it on the images, you can't move it around after you deselected it.

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Illustrator :: Create Multiple Expanding Outlines With All Points Equal Distance To Original Shape?

Feb 21, 2013

Here's an extremely simple example.. It works with a circle or a square, obviously because it has the same height and width. The problem is when you have irregular shapes, (or in this case, an oval). I know I've seen solutions to this in the past, but I just can't think of how to word this question and find them again.
I know you can create multiple strokes for an object in the appearance palette, but I'm looking for something more effective than just having colored stroke > white stroke > colored stroke> white stroke > etc.
Here's a couple examples of the kind of effect I'm looking for.

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3ds Max Animation :: Weight Painting On Separate Objects?

Feb 21, 2014

I'm asking specifically about rigging a gun, where there are about 3 moving parts.
I'm not able to paint weights when it's all put together, so need them separate, and need to assign bones exclusively to each moving part. 

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3ds Max Animation :: How To Make Two Separate Copies Of Animated Objects

Apr 19, 2012

I have an object with several animation layers. When I clone(copy) it, the new object also has the same animation layers. That should be OK.

The weird thing is, when I start to mess with the animation layers of the second object. If I disable, lets say, layer02 on the second object, it affects(disables) layer02 on the first one. Somehow the objects are connected through the animation layers.

Is this the normal behavior of the animation layers? And if it is, how can I make two separate copies of the animated objects?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: How To Merge / Flatten / Join Separate Layers (objects)

May 6, 2012

I came across this site a few weeks ago and was happy to see that a community like this existed. I am new to CorelDraw and have been playing around with it because my friend just bought a Roland GX-24 vinyl cutter and I wanted to make some designs for it. I, however, am overly experienced with Photoshop and not enough with CorelDraw, but would like to balance that out.

I came across my recent predicament when I exported my CorelDraw image into Roland CutStudio and it wanted to cut all the underlying curves from each layer, instead of the black and white image as it appeared. I wasn't surprised this happened because I couldn't figure a way to join/ merge the curves before I exported, but I was still hopeful that it might cut the image as it appeared.

This first object is a blade layer and as you can see from the picture, when selected, its curve goes right through the other spiral object. How can I merge these curves? As it stands right now, I can't even figure out a way to select the two of them at the same time, let alone join the curves.

....and vice versa in this picture, the spiral object when selected goes right through the blade

....and in the foremost layer of the image when selected, the curves also continue through the spiral

Here is a picture of the current layers for this whole image. The front layer I paint bucket filled numerous portions of it with white so it stuck out above the bottom two other layers, so all the fills make it a group of 161 objects, and the next layer is a group of 2 objects which are the spiral and the blade from the first 2 pictures.

My question is how can I merge or join all the curves in the entire image, essentially flattening the whole image as it appears?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: How To Separate Objects With Coincident Grips

May 26, 2011

I have a block which represents a piece of equipment on a factory floor.  It has two subcomponents which are blocked with the main equipment.  Consider a rectangle and two smaller circles blocked together.  Each of the subcomponents (circles) has a point parameter and a move feature so that the components can be moved independently from each other and from the main equipment. 

Here's the issue: If a user accidentaly (or purposely) places the grip from one of the subcomponents snapped to the grip of the other subcomponent, then the two seem forever attached; when I try to grab the grip of one of the subcomponents to separate them, both grips get selected and both components move together.  At this point the two components appear to be inseparable with the grips permanently joined.

Here's the question: Is there a way to separate the two components once their grips are made coincedent?  Or is this a case of "just don't snap the grips together"?  I'd like there to be a way to pull the components apart.

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AutoCad 2D :: Convert 250 Single Line Text Objects To Separate MLtext?

Jan 22, 2013

Is this possible? The problem with the express tools is that they place these single line text objects into one MLtext which is not what I want.

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Illustrator :: How To Keep Layers From Auto-expanding In Layers Palette

Jun 21, 2013

I'm working on a rather complex piece of artwork in Illustrator CC with the latest Mac OS, with several objects on each layer.
Whenever I click an object, its layer in the Layers palette auto-expands, pushing all of the main layers off of the edge of the palette. I then have to click the little arrow to collapse the layer so I can see all of the other layers and (quickly?) get to the one I need.
I am using a Magic Trackpad (don't ask) so this task is particularly arduous, as the cursor is often somewhat difficult to maneuver when attempting to target small UI elements. My display height is only 1050 px, so naturally I would rather not make the layer thumbnails any smaller (25 px.)
Is it possible to disable or defeat the auto-expanding behavior? Placed in bold

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Gradient Fill In Curved Objects

May 14, 2013

How to get that blue & white fill to follow that "S".  I've tried to go by the article but am lost.  I've used Corel Draw since version 8 but have not gotten in as deep as I need to get.  That "S" fill by Sally is awesome!. 

Windows 7 64 bit, Intel Xeon 3.30GHz, 32GB memory, ATI FirePro V4800, (1)10,000 Velosirapptor internal HD, (1) internal 1TB HD, (1) 500GB external HD (2) external 3TB HDs, (2) HP z6200 printers, (1) OKI 9650 printer (1) Roland Camm1 Pro vinyl cutter

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Photoshop :: Plugin / Action To Separate Multiple Objects On Single Layer Into Multiple Layers

Jun 24, 2013

Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?

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