Is there a way to have separate objects in 1 layer, what i mean is that if you paste something, that i want it to show up as a objects in de layer, like in photoshop, so i can still drag it around.
but the way it is now, is just if you paste something that it REALLY pastes it on the images, you can't move it around after you deselected it.
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
how to edit revit objects in 3dsMax. How do I separate objects to make them individual objects? In other words, when I try to select the roof, I get ALL objects that are "dimensional lumber" i.e. I joists, roof, fascia, etc.
I tried selecting a roof polygon and making a copy and editing it but still when I apply materials to this polygon they apply to all of the dimensional lumber. Probably because I made a copy as a clone but it didn't give me the "copy" option.
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
Fro example when i release to layers in illustrator i than can use separete objects in after effects to animate it. In xara i find one option is to export separate layers as png. Is kind a way to go but not when i have my entire document with hundreds of objects on one layer.
On illustrator cs6, I have a complex shaped with a gradient fill. when I go to expand there is an option that says Expand Gradient and you select the amount of objects. so I selected 6 objects, and the expand tool did what I expected, my object got divided into 6 objects with fill colors relative to the gradient.
so I hit undo, and I moved a stop on my gradient slightly to affect the results a bit, and now it wont expand the same way. my gradient stays a gradient. I tried drawing new shapes with gradients and the gradient wont expand.
I have an object with several animation layers. When I clone(copy) it, the new object also has the same animation layers. That should be OK.
The weird thing is, when I start to mess with the animation layers of the second object. If I disable, lets say, layer02 on the second object, it affects(disables) layer02 on the first one. Somehow the objects are connected through the animation layers.
Is this the normal behavior of the animation layers? And if it is, how can I make two separate copies of the animated objects?
I came across this site a few weeks ago and was happy to see that a community like this existed. I am new to CorelDraw and have been playing around with it because my friend just bought a Roland GX-24 vinyl cutter and I wanted to make some designs for it. I, however, am overly experienced with Photoshop and not enough with CorelDraw, but would like to balance that out.
I came across my recent predicament when I exported my CorelDraw image into Roland CutStudio and it wanted to cut all the underlying curves from each layer, instead of the black and white image as it appeared. I wasn't surprised this happened because I couldn't figure a way to join/ merge the curves before I exported, but I was still hopeful that it might cut the image as it appeared.
This first object is a blade layer and as you can see from the picture, when selected, its curve goes right through the other spiral object. How can I merge these curves? As it stands right now, I can't even figure out a way to select the two of them at the same time, let alone join the curves.
....and vice versa in this picture, the spiral object when selected goes right through the blade
....and in the foremost layer of the image when selected, the curves also continue through the spiral
Here is a picture of the current layers for this whole image. The front layer I paint bucket filled numerous portions of it with white so it stuck out above the bottom two other layers, so all the fills make it a group of 161 objects, and the next layer is a group of 2 objects which are the spiral and the blade from the first 2 pictures.
My question is how can I merge or join all the curves in the entire image, essentially flattening the whole image as it appears?
I have a block which represents a piece of equipment on a factory floor. It has two subcomponents which are blocked with the main equipment. Consider a rectangle and two smaller circles blocked together. Each of the subcomponents (circles) has a point parameter and a move feature so that the components can be moved independently from each other and from the main equipment.
Here's the issue: If a user accidentaly (or purposely) places the grip from one of the subcomponents snapped to the grip of the other subcomponent, then the two seem forever attached; when I try to grab the grip of one of the subcomponents to separate them, both grips get selected and both components move together. At this point the two components appear to be inseparable with the grips permanently joined.
Here's the question: Is there a way to separate the two components once their grips are made coincedent? Or is this a case of "just don't snap the grips together"? I'd like there to be a way to pull the components apart.
I have created custom text, so that each letter in my 3 letter word is a separate compound object.
Now I have made a filled (with gradient) ellipse and rectangle behind the text to create a clipping mask with all 3 text objects. (see image1) However, when I select all the objects and select: object>clipping mask >make, it only mask the one letter, which is the one on top. (see image 2)
However, when I group the 3 letters together, it does not create a clipping mask at all, it shows nothing... (see image 3)
Can somebody tell me the method of separating a shadow from a layer where you added that shadow ?
I haven't use this technique in years, but wanted to try this, and now cannot seem to do it. I remember way back, there was a simple command to accomplish this, and it seems to no longer exist.
Is there any way to record a Photoshop maneuver like airbrushing onto an otherwise transparent layer so the end result is an animation?The real world equivalent of what I'm trying to do would be to have a video camera behind glass and a spray can spraying the glass from the other side.
I know there are programs that record what's on screen but I don't think they allow you to have a transparent layer. I may be able to use one of those programs and key out the non airbrush background. I'd like to be able to import the animation into Premiere so it looks like paint has been sprayed over whatever clip is underneath the airbrushing frames.
Im trying to copy a channel as a separate layer Im not sure how to word this right. I wanna keep the red channel cause like it as a starting point but i also want to keep the RGB to add some of the original color on parts of the red channel
I'm working in Magi-cad, and have received a file from a colleague that has quit the office... Somehow he seems to have been able to switch the line-color within the same system and layer without using the normal line color / layer interface. So I was wondering if there are any other ways to separate color in the same layer and system?
I have several .dwg files that I use as templates. I run find and replace VBA routines on the template .dwg files, ie find $Flavor$ and replace it with "Grape", and then I save the .dwg to another directory with a new name.
These VBA routines work well for acdbText and acdbMText objects, but I have a bunch of AcdbAttributeDefinition objects in the .dwg templates as well.
After much research about the AutoCAD object model (I'm mostly a Microsoft Access VBA programmer), I have come to understand that these AcdbAttributeDefinition objects are actually "remnants" of a block that no longer exists in the drawing.
Anyway, I'd like to convert all of these orphaned AcdbAttributeDefinition objects to acdbText objects in the templates and then delete the AcdbAttributeDefinition objects. I have some code that does just that.
However, the issue that I am having with the code is that the newly created acdbText objects are not on the same layer that the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects were on. I don't know the syntax to identify what layer the AcdbAttributeDefinition object is on or how to specify what layer on which the acdbText object is created.
how to keep the acdbText objects on the same layers as the original AcdbAttributeDefinition objects during the conversion and deletion process?
Here is the code I am using currently:
Sub AttConvert(dwg as string)Dim oDocument as AcadDocumentDim ent as AcadEntityDim aa as objectset oDocument = For Each ent In oDocument.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then' DO SOMETHING TO IDENTIFY WHAT LAYER THE ACDBATTRIBUTEDEFINITION OBJECT IS ON ' DO SOMETHING TO SPECIFY THAT THAT IS THE LAYER TO CREATE THE ACDBTEXT OBJECT ON Set aa = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(ent.TagString, ent.InsertionPoint, ent.Height) End If Next ent For Each ent In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace If ent.ObjectName = "AcDbAttributeDefinition" Then ent.Delete End If Next ent End Sub
I am using Creative Suite 5.5 on my MacBook Pro...and today had issues demonstrating the simple process of dragging one person/image onto another, applying a quick mask to do some simple morphing., I couldn't drag the image from the internet and drop onto the project, but had to go to Edit and copy, then create a new file and hit paste. Placing one image side by side to another...I was not able to drag the image of one person to drop onto the other. I either had to use the marquee tool, drag around the image, copy and paste or...found I could drag the image from its layer in the layer's palette and drop onto the project.
More frustrating was that once I had both images in the same project, I was not able to move the new person/image added to locate in right position over the background person/image. I would drag it to that new location, and it would snap back to the original location. Obviously the need to take any image added and move it around to orchestrate your image is important.
I have asked a number of artist friends, checked the mode (both images are RGB) and both images at 8 bits...
I presume it is a simple command that will release the image to stay where located using the Move tool...but am not familiar enough with Suite 5.5 obviously.
I am wondering if there is a way to create an adjustment layer that only affects two layers that are spread apart. What I'd like to be able to do is change the color of both layers at the same time.
The problem is, I can't group the layers together and add an adjustment to the group because one of the layers (Number Color Flare) has to stay on top of the rest.
way to automate the process of adding my company name and most important file name to the image. What I want to do is, before sending a preview to the client, to put my company logo and name of the file directly on the image, let's say in the right and left lower corner of the image. My clients usually want to print the images and have the file name right in front of them so that after they choose the image they can tell me which of the versions/files they like, without going back to computer and looking for the file name there.
what is the best proper way to exclude a layer and save it in a separate file. The think is that if i freeze the other layers the new file still keeps the other layers. This creates a problem in a conversion process to shp, that i need to do.
I'm using elements 11. I'm trying to separate shadow into a new layer to work it. When I copy and past layer style into new layer, FX icon appears next to new layer, but no shadow. My settings are visable. I can see the shadow in the original image, just can't separate it into new layer. It seems like I'm missing something simple. Is this possible in Elements 11?
When using the Healing Brush tool in Normal mode, the opacity of the cloned pixels when painted onto the same layer as the source pixels will usually be decreased to blend better, BUT if the cloned pixels are painted onto a separate layer (to work non-destructively) the tool will NOT decrease opacity and the Healing Brush will work more like (if not exactly like) the Clone Stamp - true??
I have a few layers and one overlay. I would like to be able to export all the layers to separate png's however can I do that with one persistent layer that is saved with every other one?
I have a PNG image and like to edit the alpha mask. As there's no separate alpha layer inside the PNG image, but all pixels have a certain alpha value, I'd like to extract that with Photoshop. How can I do that?
Is it possible to assign viewports in paper space to a separate layer?
Explanation: I have a paper space with one singular viewport. On the same paper space I added three other viewports that I scaled in but only need for one thing. Can I assign these viewports to a layer and apply them when I need them or do I have to make a seperate paper space for each task.