Photoshop :: How To Add Logo/filename To The Image, As A Separate Layer
Aug 30, 2006
way to automate the process of adding my company name and most important file name to the image. What I want to do is, before sending a preview to the client, to put my company logo and name of the file directly on the image, let's say in the right and left lower corner of the image. My clients usually want to print the images and have the file name right in front of them so that after they choose the image they can tell me which of the versions/files they like, without going back to computer and looking for the file name there.
I am using Creative Suite 5.5 on my MacBook Pro...and today had issues demonstrating the simple process of dragging one person/image onto another, applying a quick mask to do some simple morphing., I couldn't drag the image from the internet and drop onto the project, but had to go to Edit and copy, then create a new file and hit paste. Placing one image side by side to another...I was not able to drag the image of one person to drop onto the other. I either had to use the marquee tool, drag around the image, copy and paste or...found I could drag the image from its layer in the layer's palette and drop onto the project.
More frustrating was that once I had both images in the same project, I was not able to move the new person/image added to locate in right position over the background person/image. I would drag it to that new location, and it would snap back to the original location. Obviously the need to take any image added and move it around to orchestrate your image is important.
I have asked a number of artist friends, checked the mode (both images are RGB) and both images at 8 bits...
I presume it is a simple command that will release the image to stay where located using the Move tool...but am not familiar enough with Suite 5.5 obviously.
I have a PNG image and like to edit the alpha mask. As there's no separate alpha layer inside the PNG image, but all pixels have a certain alpha value, I'd like to extract that with Photoshop. How can I do that?
I'm given a one-color logo with a white background on a single layer (this is the only layer in the photoshop file), how do i isolate the logo from the white background?
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
My client has sent me a high resolution JPEG which is a monogram of his initial ("C") on top of a complex filigree. It's all one color. He wants the letter "C" to be a different color than the filigree pattern. The goal is to create a logo for his website and business cards.
How should I separate the C from the rest of the monogram? I've done an Image Trace which resulted in a perfect rendition of the entire artwork. But how to I separate the C? Any Illustrator experts out there?
Here's a lo-res version of the artwork he sent. I've already managed to eliminate the grays and turn this into a two-color (black and white) image. What next?
Lightroom / rightclick / Edit With / Edit in Photoshop...
This renders the image in LR and then opens it in photoshop, which is fine, how it flattens the image to a locked "Background" named layer. I'd much prefer the file name to be with the document in Photoshop.
Mostly because having file names is important for retouching or various other types of compositing.
When you open mulitple files into Layers from LR, each layer retains the file name.
I would like to open a single image and have it retain the file name.
OR PERHAPS... include a command that opens an image from lightroom and puts it into the current active Photoshop document, which would be a great way to add additional images to a comp
Can somebody tell me the method of separating a shadow from a layer where you added that shadow ?
I haven't use this technique in years, but wanted to try this, and now cannot seem to do it. I remember way back, there was a simple command to accomplish this, and it seems to no longer exist.
Is there any way to record a Photoshop maneuver like airbrushing onto an otherwise transparent layer so the end result is an animation?The real world equivalent of what I'm trying to do would be to have a video camera behind glass and a spray can spraying the glass from the other side.
I know there are programs that record what's on screen but I don't think they allow you to have a transparent layer. I may be able to use one of those programs and key out the non airbrush background. I'd like to be able to import the animation into Premiere so it looks like paint has been sprayed over whatever clip is underneath the airbrushing frames.
Im trying to copy a channel as a separate layer Im not sure how to word this right. I wanna keep the red channel cause like it as a starting point but i also want to keep the RGB to add some of the original color on parts of the red channel
I am wondering if there is a way to create an adjustment layer that only affects two layers that are spread apart. What I'd like to be able to do is change the color of both layers at the same time.
The problem is, I can't group the layers together and add an adjustment to the group because one of the layers (Number Color Flare) has to stay on top of the rest.
I'm using elements 11. I'm trying to separate shadow into a new layer to work it. When I copy and past layer style into new layer, FX icon appears next to new layer, but no shadow. My settings are visable. I can see the shadow in the original image, just can't separate it into new layer. It seems like I'm missing something simple. Is this possible in Elements 11?
When using the Healing Brush tool in Normal mode, the opacity of the cloned pixels when painted onto the same layer as the source pixels will usually be decreased to blend better, BUT if the cloned pixels are painted onto a separate layer (to work non-destructively) the tool will NOT decrease opacity and the Healing Brush will work more like (if not exactly like) the Clone Stamp - true??
I have a few layers and one overlay. I would like to be able to export all the layers to separate png's however can I do that with one persistent layer that is saved with every other one?
I need to process multiple photos every day in the same way and am trying to minimize the effort needed by automating Gimp with Scrip-fu, which seems to be kind of limited. My plan was to save the files in specified folders and using incron (an inotify service) to open them in Gimp; do a manual perspective backward transformation by hand and start a script would, resize them and based on their filename and what directory they came from, save them to the correct folders for display on web pages.
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the filename and directory which the images came from.
I have a document with several artboards. In each artboard is a different linked image. Is there a way to add the linked filename to the bottom of each artboard?
I have been doing so much research trying to figure this out. Either im missing something or its not possible.29571-saving-layers-seperate-files-one-persistent-layer
I ran across that post on this forum and that is exactly what i want to do (at end of post)Ive tried the LayerSaver jsx but it only allows selected layers and top layer and bottom background.
my bottom has to be transparent. I have an icon set that has a bottom group (that i can merge to layer) and a top group (that i can also merge to layer) and the middle contains my icons.
I am familiar with art explosion. Anyway, I recently had someone design a logo and I wanted to edit a few things on it. My problem is I downloaded that free trial of photoshop cs5 and the logo is showing up on one layer. I've tried everything to get it ungrouped or unlocked. Every tutorial just mentions unlocking the background but doesn't say anything if you have multiple objects in one layer. It has three oval shapes and the words for the business on it and another image. I'm hoping to ungroup it all but I've tried to do that and I am not able to choose ungroup or unlock because it won't let you. What are the steps for someone who doesn't really know this program to get all of the components of the logo separated. The guy apparently designed it in photoshop so I would think it would be a no brainer and I'm surprised I'm having to struggle this much to get it undone. It's a psd file.
I have a very simple PSD, so i'll try to explain this super simply..
one transparent layer, with just a pair or eyebrows, with the only added blend effect as 'multiply'
one background with a face, no eyebrows.
the layer blends the eyebrows in to the background face perfectly.
i want to save the layer as a separate file keeping the tranparency and including the result of the multiply effect, without the background.
the reason why i want to do this may confuse things, but basically i want several different eyebrow colours to be interchangeable over this face in an application that doesn't recognise the blending link with the background, so i want to save it in PS !
can you export layers with the layer names to separate jpeg files?
I have a photoshop psd file with many layers that I want to export to separate files with the new name of the files being the same as their layer name. I have the following programs:
Using Photoshop CS4? Using Photoshop Elements 7? Using Photoshop Elements 12 (Trial)
I would like to change the default filename for the HTML pages produced by Lightroom 3 in the web gallery. Specifically, I would like to remove the string "_large" from the HTML filename, so it corresponds exactly to the image filename.
Specifically, the URL by default is like this: [URL] ....
and I would like it to be like this: [URL] ....
I assume there is some way to make this change using the template editors, but I can't figure it out.
Is there a way to have separate objects in 1 layer, what i mean is that if you paste something, that i want it to show up as a objects in de layer, like in photoshop, so i can still drag it around.
but the way it is now, is just if you paste something that it REALLY pastes it on the images, you can't move it around after you deselected it.
I'm working in Magi-cad, and have received a file from a colleague that has quit the office... Somehow he seems to have been able to switch the line-color within the same system and layer without using the normal line color / layer interface. So I was wondering if there are any other ways to separate color in the same layer and system?