Photoshop :: Saving Layers As Separate PNGs With Persistent Top / Bottom Layer
Jun 28, 2013
I have been doing so much research trying to figure this out. Either im missing something or its not possible.29571-saving-layers-seperate-files-one-persistent-layer
I ran across that post on this forum and that is exactly what i want to do (at end of post)Ive tried the LayerSaver jsx but it only allows selected layers and top layer and bottom background.
my bottom has to be transparent. I have an icon set that has a bottom group (that i can merge to layer) and a top group (that i can also merge to layer) and the middle contains my icons.
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Mar 30, 2011
I have a few layers and one overlay. I would like to be able to export all the layers to separate png's however can I do that with one persistent layer that is saved with every other one?
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Jul 28, 2004
way to save out all the layers in my document (the .psd I mean) to tiff files each with either a number or the name of the layer.
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Mar 18, 2013
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
looks very different from....
Layer 2: a layer style
Layer 1: a filter effect
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Jun 24, 2013
I am trying to save all the layers I have in my PSD file as separate layers in a folder that I created. I trying to do this by going to File- Scripts- Export Layers to Files but when I set it up and do this I get an error message saying:
"General Photoshop error occured. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop. -The command "Duplicate" is not currently available."
I am not sure why this is saying "this version" considering I installed it not too long ago and the document has been made a few days ago meaning I never even used another version of photoshop. I have all the layers visible too and even selected them. I am using Photoshop CS6 by the way.
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Oct 2, 2012
This has baffled me that photoshop does not do this. But why can't I not ctrl+click on a layer and get to the layers underneath that layer? No matter how many times I ctrl+click the layer to select it, it just selects the same topmost layer.
It is interupting my workflow majorly and it is really frustrating when using a lot of texture overlays to have to hide them and then ctrl+click to find where the layer is that I want to work on. Right clicking on my document just brings up all layers in my document no matter where my mouse is.
This is what shows when I right click: [URL]....
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Dec 14, 2012
I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.
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Jan 3, 2013
I am wondering if there is a way to create an adjustment layer that only affects two layers that are spread apart. What I'd like to be able to do is change the color of both layers at the same time.
The problem is, I can't group the layers together and add an adjustment to the group because one of the layers (Number Color Flare) has to stay on top of the rest.
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Nov 7, 2013
I have just finished designing my characters. Now I have to create my background. I figured to do this, I would simply have to create my background and hide the layers above so I can see what I'm doing. However the few lines that I've created in my background are overlaping the characters, how can I resolve this?
Also after doing a brush or creating a path in general, how do i I deselect it (instead of having to bring out the selection tool and clicking anywhere on the screen)
I jut remembered something else, if i want to select an object but the selection rectangle covers the perimeter of another object, how do I avoid selecting the other object aswell?
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Mar 24, 2014
can you export layers with the layer names to separate jpeg files?
I have a photoshop psd file with many layers that I want to export to separate files with the new name of the files being the same as their layer name. I have the following programs:
Using Photoshop CS4?
Using Photoshop Elements 7?
Using Photoshop Elements 12 (Trial)
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Nov 14, 2013
My team and I have been having issues with generate image assets not saving png files correctly. Photoshop has been saving them with the png extension, but the file has a white background like a jpg. Has there been in recent updates that may be causing this?
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Sep 15, 2012
When I save my .PSD files as .JPEGS the colour of the images change drastically.
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Mar 14, 2013
There is a bug in CS6 layer comps that does not save the appearance of layers which have had their layer style cleared.
Steps to recreate.
1. Create a black square in a new photoshop document.
2. Create a layer style on the black square and set the over layer color to red.
3. Create a layer comp and turn on "Appearance" tracking, then update the layer comp.
4. Clear the layer style for the square, it should now be black again.
5. Create a second layer comp also with "Appearance" tracking on, and update it.
6. Go back and forth between the layer comps, the layer should turn from red to black, and the layer style should disappear and reappear on the layer, in the layers panel.
7. Save and close the file.
8. Re-open the file
9. Go back and forth through the layer comps, both will show a red square. The layer style never gets cleared.
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Jun 24, 2013
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
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Jul 8, 2005
I've been stuck with the task of creating textures for the people's clothes and etc. He sends me the main templates which are 24 bit pngs . and I have to edit them and then save them as 32 bit png . everytime I save them as pngs though they default to 24 bit is there anyway to change them to 32 bit ?
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Aug 5, 2013
I have a large psd. The bottom most Layer can be a background layer is it possible to flatten just this layer to make is a background layer as this may make the file size smaller. Im working in PH5 on a Mac.
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Feb 4, 2013
How do I make the edges of the top layer blend in with the bottom layer so you cannot tell that there is a line??? I want to make it look like a heart but I don't know how to smoothen the edges to make it look like it is part of the bottom layer so when I merge the layers there is no goofy lines looking like someone cropped another fire picture out...
fire3.xcf (Size: 489.68 KB / Downloads: 38)
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Dec 7, 2013
I have two objects intersecting each other on different layers. The object on the top layer I reduced the opacity for and the bottom layer which was previously hidden now is shining through. I do not want this to happen. I want the bottom layer to remain hidden beneath the top layer despite the lowered opacity. How would I accompish this simply? I have CS2.
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Oct 26, 2013
I'm putting some images together and when I put one layer on top of the other, the bottom image bleeds thru. The top layer shows 100% opacity but still see thru it.
I've been working at removing the white background from the image and replacing it with an alpha channel. What can I do to make the top image solid?
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Jun 6, 2012
I cannot move any layers as it only moves the bottom square.
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Feb 27, 2011
When creating a new layer I usually just click new layer button on bottom of layers window. and the new layer appears as top layer . or just above the one I'm working on.But when I get into lots of layers it gets frustrating dragging it to the bottom, is there a command to locate layers to bottom when generating a new one?
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Dec 1, 2011
I have several icons that I would like to recolor. My thought was to figure out how to normalize and image colors (based around your 9 basic colors, black, white, red, green, orange, blue, yellow, purple, brown). Then I want to separate those colors into their own layer. I would prefer to doe this in an action as well.
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Jul 31, 2006
I try to use the circle, rectangle or line tool, it forms a new layer wich cannot be edited directly. I found a way to get around the "not being able to edit directly" part (by rasterizing the layer) but I don't know how to get all the shapes into one layer.
For example, when I draw a rectangle, it forms a new layer which I have to rasterize. Then when I draw lines in rectangle, it is part of a new layer, which once again, I have to rasterize. Now that I have these lines in a rectangle, I tried coloring 1/3 of the rectangle blue using the first line as a closing line. It ended up coloring my whole screen. I tried grouping the layers and then coloring.
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Sep 24, 2012
I'm not sure exactly what I did to my photoshop. I'm use a MAC platform. This is what it looks like right now but I want to to go back to being like the image on the bottom. I think I turned on or off something but I have no clue what I did.
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Nov 11, 2013
I have an image that I've made in illustrator / Photoshop and I noticed that when I save the image as a JPEG out of Photoshop after it is finished it looks way different that it does while in Photoshop.
I merged the layers just out of curiosity and it looks that way after all of the layers are merged. Why it is doing that. Is there something I can do to change this? it is just happened to one of my images. I have multiple pieces in this style and it hasn't happened to any of the other ones.
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Jul 2, 2013
how to merge objects in the paths tab. Here is an example: [URL].....
I have created different areas of outlines of a picture and placed them in separate paths. I would like to know how to either merge the paths (so that the 'banner' path is on top of the others), or how to move them into the 'Layers' tab.
I would like to view all these paths/outlines at once, as of now it doesn't let me while in the Paths tab - It only lets me view one path at a time.
I am using Windows 7, Photoshop Version 12.0 x32
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Jan 10, 2013
I'm attempting to migrate from Fireworks to PS so I can access and learn more features and tools. One of the reasons I like FW is that simple things like aligning objects and layers, for example, to the center, top or bottom of the page is easy. I can't seem to achieve this very simple task in my version of PS CS5. For instance, to center a layer, I'm supposed to select another layer to reference it to? However, when I do this, the align function realigns the other layer I'm using as a reference too. I keep reading that the align tool can't affect a single layer. If this is the case, why have an alignment tool at all? It's a very confusing feature!
My question is this: can photoshop align seperate layers individually? Or should I continue to do that work, layout and design, in Fireworks and then save and import as a .psd file to finish my work in PS? (I know that PS is a great photo editing tool but I'm not sure if it is optimized for graphic design work like Fireworks is.)
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Jun 28, 2013
By default Adobe Photoshop creates new layers on top of the current layer. In the Western languages we read from top to bottom and left to right. So when I start creating a web site in Photoshop I start from top to bottom as well. However Photoshop creates the new layer above the current, which is the opposite of what I would like to do. I need Photoshop to create new layers below the current layer. I know by holding CTRL/COMMAND and clicking the NEW LAYER icon, will do what I need. However if I do CTRL+J to jump/duplicate the current layer, or select a layer and ALT+DRAG again to duplicate it, again it puts the new layers in top. Is there a way to reverse the default order Photoshop places layers? If not, I suggest that to Adobe implement an option in the general settings for Photoshop. Flash for example had similar option to read/place layers from top to bottom or bottom to top.
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Feb 26, 2012
I'm scanning old photos from a photo album. There are a lot of these pages, so taking the pictures out and scanning them would be a huge hassle. The photos are too close on most pages for the scanning software to recognize them as separate images and save them as such.
I'd like to save them as individual pictures, both because that's neater and because some require color corrections.
I'd be able to open up the scanned image, select or outline the picture, and have some script save that selection as an individual file. Super ideally the name would be automatically generated, typing in "1" "2" "3" etc gets old, and I obviously don't want to overwrite. And if I could get automatic color correction before saving or in a batch, that would also be great.
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Aug 22, 2013
For theoretical purposes, let's say that I am building an animation and that I have 10 layers in this animation thus far. Now, let's say that I would like a watermark to be overlay on every single one of these individual layers.
The only way that I would know how to do this would be to make a layer with the watermark, duplicate it nine times so that there were a total of ten layers with the watermark and then painstakingly go about the process of merging one layer of the animation with with one layer of the watermark and then repeat this process nine more times.
Whenever this situation comes up, whether it is a watermark or a correction of some sort that belongs on ALL LAYERS and I do this the only way that I know how, I think to myself that with something as powerful as CS 5, there has GOT to be an more automated and easier way of going about this.
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Nov 23, 2008
Can somebody tell me the method of separating a shadow from a layer where you added that shadow ?
I haven't use this technique in years, but wanted to try this, and now cannot seem to do it. I remember way back, there was a simple command to accomplish this, and it seems to no longer exist.
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