Photoshop :: Cannot Move Any Layers As It Only Moves Bottom Square
Jun 6, 2012I cannot move any layers as it only moves the bottom square.
View 4 RepliesI cannot move any layers as it only moves the bottom square.
View 4 RepliesIs there a way to animate the title so it moves from the bottom of the screen to the top (similar to the opening credits of Star Wars)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI always paste an image on a layer then select the layer and use the Move Tool to move it around until it is placed where I want it. Now I paste the image, select the layer, choose the Move Tool and the layer selection jumps to another layer and that one gets moved. (CS5)?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I draw a square and then a line attached to the square and then try to move the line the line the square move with it. How can i avoid that
View 1 Replies View RelatedTry to move an object and it does not stay fixed to the move tool cursor, but instead it accelerates off in the direction I initially tried to move it..... but in a sliding inertia type multiplied movement. Have I selected a different mode for the move tool by mistake?
I've checked the pivot point of the object I was trying to move and it was located centrally, nothing strange there.
Also, after the object has wizzed off the screen, pressing undo or [ctrl+z] won't bring it back to it's original location. The undo option is greyed out in the edit menu, suggesting that nothing has been saved in maxs undo history.
System information: Win7 x64 / 3DSMax Design 2014 SP3 / AutoCad 2014 SP1 Lenovo E30 ThinkStation Xeon E31225 Quadcore @3.10Ghz PNY GTX760 XLR8 2GB (334.89 Driver) 24Gb Ram Corsair 650w PSU
Have used all sorts of queries but can't seem to locate how to:
Move the tool options from being displayed on the bottom of my workspace to the top (like a bar across the top).
I can't seem to find anything to "drag" it or move it.
Move the tool options from being displayed on the bottom of my workspace to the top (like a bar across the top).
I can't seem to find anything to "drag" it or move it.
Win 7 Elements 11
Is there an easy way to move the pivot on most bottom, most top, most left, most right center bottom, center top, center left, center right of the object ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two different macs, both intel with 4 gigs of ram. I open illustrator CC with a new clean document then just draw a square. When I try move the square to another spot the blue outline moves but the the square is still in the old spot. I have to click several times for the square to show up in the new spot even then it takes a few seconds for the square to move.
Also I can't close the window I am working on. When I click the red button in the upper left corner of the canvas the window won't close.
I can't quit illustrator CC either. I have to force quit it to close it.
This has baffled me that photoshop does not do this. But why can't I not ctrl+click on a layer and get to the layers underneath that layer? No matter how many times I ctrl+click the layer to select it, it just selects the same topmost layer.
It is interupting my workflow majorly and it is really frustrating when using a lot of texture overlays to have to hide them and then ctrl+click to find where the layer is that I want to work on. Right clicking on my document just brings up all layers in my document no matter where my mouse is.
This is what shows when I right click: [URL]....
I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.
When creating a new layer I usually just click new layer button on bottom of layers window. and the new layer appears as top layer . or just above the one I'm working on.But when I get into lots of layers it gets frustrating dragging it to the bottom, is there a command to locate layers to bottom when generating a new one?
View 6 Replies View RelatedA red box appears when i go to move a line. When the red box comes up on the line, the command box says 'Specify strech point or undo to cance'l. How do i put everything back to normak because i cant move any lines or resize them how i used to??!!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 and I am currently trying to move some square holes that I made (using extrusions). How can I move these around inside the main extrusion (called Extrusion 1 in the attached design) without changing any of the dimensions etc?
Is there a simple way of selecting them all and moving them, or do I have to do it one at a time?
I'm not sure exactly what I did to my photoshop. I'm use a MAC platform. This is what it looks like right now but I want to to go back to being like the image on the bottom. I think I turned on or off something but I have no clue what I did.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am working on a project where I am incorporating 3d text into a shot with an onscreen talent speaking to the camera. I am trying to get the text to only move when the camera moves such as a pan or a hand held shake, making it look like it's part of the environment. It will track with the camera and looks great until my talent /subject moves, then the text moves with the subject. What am I doing wrong in my tracking? I have looked up tutorials and articles searching for others who have had this problem and cannot find anything that replicates my issue. Every tutorial I've seen does the same thing with fantastic results but I can never get the text to not move with my subject.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been doing so much research trying to figure this out. Either im missing something or its not possible.29571-saving-layers-seperate-files-one-persistent-layer
I ran across that post on this forum and that is exactly what i want to do (at end of post)Ive tried the LayerSaver jsx but it only allows selected layers and top layer and bottom background.
my bottom has to be transparent. I have an icon set that has a bottom group (that i can merge to layer) and a top group (that i can also merge to layer) and the middle contains my icons.
I am using Illustrator CS4. When I move my selection tool to the white square on the bounding box for resizing, I am not getting the normal arrows that appear. When I click on the box and move the pointer the entire box and image move. This was working OK until about 5 hours ago.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWe have a title block wherein the Location attribute is normally a single line, but occasionally is two or more lines. Within the title block this attribute is surrounded by lines, left, right, top, bottom.
We would like the bottom line to move down when the user adds additional lines to the attribute.
Sometimes I'm getting photoshop files with hundreds of layers.
I'm really happy that I'm able to open them in Paint.NET.
But because of the amount of layers it is sometimes difficult to figure out which detail is on which layer.
And to switch off layers up to the point that only the layer in question is left is little bit painful.
Add an additional button at the bottom of the layers window.
If the button is selected then only the active layer is visible in the main window and not a merge of the visible layers.
You may then activate one layer after the other to check the content.
Maybe if the button is selected then this could overwrite the visiblity attribute of the layer temporary.
The bottom of my layers palette is below the visible part of my computer screen...becasue I am now working away from home on my laptop (and the layers palette is showing up the same size as it was when I last used Illustrator on my large monitor screen). How do I re-size it, so I can use the items at the bottom of the palette?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just finished designing my characters. Now I have to create my background. I figured to do this, I would simply have to create my background and hide the layers above so I can see what I'm doing. However the few lines that I've created in my background are overlaping the characters, how can I resolve this?
Also after doing a brush or creating a path in general, how do i I deselect it (instead of having to bring out the selection tool and clicking anywhere on the screen)
I jut remembered something else, if i want to select an object but the selection rectangle covers the perimeter of another object, how do I avoid selecting the other object aswell?
i have a big problem and i can't finish my project until i fix the bug.
The problem is .. when i click on layer ,the layer just stay brown and i can't move it ... when i try i move only the red background.If i want to move the layer i have to click 2 times on in and then the layer is blue and i can move is....
I am not able to move layers around on my layout once I have selected them. What could be wrong?
View 17 Replies View RelatedBeginner question: When I try to select a layer in my layers palette, I am unable to. Nothing happens.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a series of sheets, each with two viewports to show two plan views of a long road alignment. I arranged them to read bottom to top, as it goes up stationing, as we do with cross section sheets, but have been told by an outside reviewer that the sheets are confusing and should read top down.
How would you arrange them?
people want to move multiple layers together. I know how to do that. I want to move a selection in two (or more) layers together. I'd also love to know how to use the free transform tool on a selection box in multiple layers.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm creating a travel-brochure. Initially it was a tri-fold but now it turns out that I need more space hence, I need to go up to the four-fold which covers a legal-sized page of 8.5 x 14, as opposed to the standard 8.5 x 11.
However, the added three inches to the canvas size was added on either side of my project when I really want everything to the left margin with the 3 inches left over on the right, which would be characterized by an extra flap or fold.
Now I have a lot of layers and elements going on which have not been flattened. So I thought that if I highlighted everything by clicking on each layer with the control button depressed when upon finishing I could just drag the entire "project" to the left of center. NOPE.
A message states, " layers are locked and cannot blah blah" something to that effect.
I tried not pressing on the background layer and then clicking the rest becaue I did a test run in a new project by throwing up a bunch of layers and when I clicked on the four layers leaving the background layer not clicked, everything moved together.
So I tried that, but it still didn't work in my main one. A possible theory as to why it's not is that there are layers of my images that have that little spray can icon on the bottom right corner (AI) I believe? These are like jpegs, so when I want to manipulate them, I have to open them up in another project; cut up the image or whatever, then flatten, then cut and paste back into my main project.
So do I flatten my current project first, then move it over, then unflatten?
How can I shift my project to the left of center by still retaining the layers etc..
When I followed the step 2 from this tutorial:[URL] said Could not use the move tool because no layers are selected.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to create an action that will open a second document, select all of the layers (or layers within a group) and move/drag them back into my working document?
I have tried all kinds of combinations but only received the " not currently available" alert; somehow, move is not recorded.
I used the free select tool to free select an area of an image that is not a square (odd shape), how do I make that selection a perfect square if pasted to new image or new layer??? rectangular would be fine too...
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