Illustrator :: How To Resize Layers Palette When Bottom Not Visible
Dec 23, 2012
The bottom of my layers palette is below the visible part of my computer screen...becasue I am now working away from home on my laptop (and the layers palette is showing up the same size as it was when I last used Illustrator on my large monitor screen). How do I re-size it, so I can use the items at the bottom of the palette?
I'm working on a rather complex piece of artwork in Illustrator CC with the latest Mac OS, with several objects on each layer.
Whenever I click an object, its layer in the Layers palette auto-expands, pushing all of the main layers off of the edge of the palette. I then have to click the little arrow to collapse the layer so I can see all of the other layers and (quickly?) get to the one I need.
I am using a Magic Trackpad (don't ask) so this task is particularly arduous, as the cursor is often somewhat difficult to maneuver when attempting to target small UI elements. My display height is only 1050 px, so naturally I would rather not make the layer thumbnails any smaller (25 px.)
Is it possible to disable or defeat the auto-expanding behavior? Placed in bold
I have just finished designing my characters. Now I have to create my background. I figured to do this, I would simply have to create my background and hide the layers above so I can see what I'm doing. However the few lines that I've created in my background are overlaping the characters, how can I resolve this?
Also after doing a brush or creating a path in general, how do i I deselect it (instead of having to bring out the selection tool and clicking anywhere on the screen)
I jut remembered something else, if i want to select an object but the selection rectangle covers the perimeter of another object, how do I avoid selecting the other object aswell?
I have several documents with what I call "reference layers" in them that I turn off when making a PDF. When I view the PDF on a Windows based machine, it is fine in both FireFox and IE. When viewing the PDF on a Mac product (iPad, iPhone, Mac desktop), the layers I have turned off are showing up in the PDF.
I want to select all text frames on all visible layers. The script below will select all text frames even in groups but when a layer with text on it is invisible the script will error.(target layer cannot be modified)
if (app.documents.length > 0 ) { var doc = app.activeDocument; var numTextFrames = 0; for ( i = 0; i < doc.textFrames.length; i++ ) { textArtRange = doc.textFrames[i]; textArtRange.selected = true; } }
So I made this script to select text frames on only the visible layers but it now misses text that is in a group.
var layerCount = activeDocument.layers.length; var docSelected = activeDocument.selection; for (i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
[Code] .....
Why it does not selected textframes in a group when done this way and is there a way to get all textframes selected on all visible layers?
Seen this bug before on Mac OSX 10.6.8..CS6 Illustrator 16.0.3 Missing thumbnails and labels in the layers palette.Also note missing selections at the bottom of the palette.
I have CS6 and I can not see the names, eyeball icons, lock icons and arrow icons in the Layers Palette. I see that the layers are there and when I hover my mouse over the layers the names and icon show up but they disappear once I click off the layers palette.
If I click on an eye symbol the symbol disappears, but not the elements on the screen like you should expect. There's also a weird behavior with the lock symbols. If I lock a layer, I can click the paths anyway. The lock symbols doesn't work anymore. The whole layers palette is useless now. I tried to remove the whole "Adobe Illustrator 17 Settings" folder, but that had no positive effect.
I have two layers. Upper most with text is locked.Bottom layer is an image I have applied a transparency/gradient mask for the raster image. Now, seems my layers palette is stuck in a mode called 'Layers (Opacity Mask)'.Not seen this before, but this is CS6. How do I get out to the main, root level of the layers palette?
I have a client who has a set of .ai files they need resized to meet various epub layout specs. Apple and Kindle both are different sizes so I need to know the best way to resize an .ai file 11.25 x 5.65 inches into a smaller dimension in pixels while retaining the layers.
I've been using this setup for years & have always been able to drag out the right bottom corner to increase the grey space round an image so i can transform better or what ever. But now when I try to drag out that corner the image window flinches slightly & a line appears around the image which disapears when I let go.Also when I try to expand the layers palette down by dragging it's lower right cornes so I can see more layers nothing happens, there is no stripey corner marks on that corner & when i try click & try to drag nothing happens.
My work bought me a huge new Thunderbolt monitor yesterday, so I took advantage of the real estate and expanded my Layers palette to be very tall, and along with several other adjustments, saved this out as a custom workspace. Today though I am working only on a laptop offsite with no Thunderbolt and the bottom of the Layers palette is offscreen where I can't get to it. I know if I change workspaces to one of the Adobe presets it will give me a standard size Layers palette, but if possible I would like to work within my custom workspace and just change the height of the palette.
I noticed that the history brush screenshot taken from the fly-out menu (instead of from the camera icon at the bottom of palette) doesn't work. History brush only works if you use the camera icon at the bottom of the history pallette and then select "current layer" for your snapshot from the drop down menu which shows up after you press the camera icon.
I often will copy a layer in the layers palette via option drag. If the original layer is linked to another, the new layer is also linked to the orginal layer I copied as well as any other layers that original was linked to.
Is there anyway to option drag to copy a layer in the layers palette without the new layer being linked?
This has baffled me that photoshop does not do this. But why can't I not ctrl+click on a layer and get to the layers underneath that layer? No matter how many times I ctrl+click the layer to select it, it just selects the same topmost layer.
It is interupting my workflow majorly and it is really frustrating when using a lot of texture overlays to have to hide them and then ctrl+click to find where the layer is that I want to work on. Right clicking on my document just brings up all layers in my document no matter where my mouse is.
I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.
When creating a new layer I usually just click new layer button on bottom of layers window. and the new layer appears as top layer . or just above the one I'm working on.But when I get into lots of layers it gets frustrating dragging it to the bottom, is there a command to locate layers to bottom when generating a new one?
I'm not sure exactly what I did to my photoshop. I'm use a MAC platform. This is what it looks like right now but I want to to go back to being like the image on the bottom. I think I turned on or off something but I have no clue what I did.
I have been doing so much research trying to figure this out. Either im missing something or its not possible.29571-saving-layers-seperate-files-one-persistent-layer
I ran across that post on this forum and that is exactly what i want to do (at end of post)Ive tried the LayerSaver jsx but it only allows selected layers and top layer and bottom background.
my bottom has to be transparent. I have an icon set that has a bottom group (that i can merge to layer) and a top group (that i can also merge to layer) and the middle contains my icons.
I have a PSD with about 100 layers. When I use the select tool and press while holding CTRL (to activate "auto select layer") I sometimes select invisible layers.
So whenever I open up Gimp and then a new image, the layer for the background don't show up. > [URL]..
I've this window with all the tabs for the brushes, patterns etc and when I want to make the layers visible, I've to drag the layers window to the tabs and then drag it back to where it first was.. (it's quite hard to explain )
so basically, the layers don't show unless i do something what can i do about this?
Build a model, position it, turn on or off layers you want or don't want to be seen, create a new layout. then reposition, change layers and so on, create a new layout, maybe zoom in on a detail, create another layout and then export all to a PDF.
my problem is if you change layer visibility it affects all layouts , not what I would expect. Or if you zoom in, it still bases the layout on extent , all though display type does seem to hold on the layout it was set for.
so what would be the proper way of showing only relevant information on several different sheets.
Previously, I was able to view all layers marked as visible at once when editing photos. Now, for some reason, only the top layer is visible, and will not show the editing done in the layers below.
i was doing a frame by frame animation. i already have over 100 drawn out and everything was going fine till i don't know what i did. so here is my current state .the frame still look the same, if i select a frame it shows the currect layer configuration on the canvas, but the layer pallette shows all my my layers as visible. selecting other frames does not change the layer palette even though the frame changes.also, i cannot edit any of the layers. i don't get any errors but nothing happens. if i start a new layer i can't draw on it either. this is cs5 on mac.