Photoshop :: Can't Drag Out Bottom Right Corner Of Image To Resize
Mar 4, 2012
I'm running PS CS3 on Mac iBook with 10.5.8
I've been using this setup for years & have always been able to drag out the right bottom corner to increase the grey space round an image so i can transform better or what ever. But now when I try to drag out that corner the image window flinches slightly & a line appears around the image which disapears when I let go.Also when I try to expand the layers palette down by dragging it's lower right cornes so I can see more layers nothing happens, there is no stripey corner marks on that corner & when i try click & try to drag nothing happens.
Why is it when i drag one image from the bottom panel over to another picture(solid color) i will only get 50% of the image and not the full image. Same thing when i copy and paste that image over the gray solid colored image also i will get only 50% of the image. The original image of the cat(full view) is about 24.79% and picture is 11.733 x 15.644 in size. the other image (solid color) is at 43.63% or 6.667 x 8.889". size is in inches. Do i have to resize the images and if so how as i am a stupie in this matter. The images are aligned side by side on the main panel or display.I am trying to place the cat over the gray background image and with a layer mask delete the present baackground of the cat to uncover the gray of the bottom layer.
It has come to my attention that the new drag-resize feature only changes the master diameter of the brush but leaves the dual-brush diameter intact. It is the only shortcut that does this resizing improperly.
I would like to know if everyone else experiences the same problem. Is it a bug or is this way of resizing intended?
I mainly do digital paintings and this small bug makes the feature useless for me. I hope that it will be fixed at least in cs5.
Yesterday, I went into my presets folder because I was searching for a particular brush, and I noticed a little grey overlay icon with a white line in a 45 degree angle. The little icons sit on top of the presets icons, and they are located to the bottom left hand corner. I tried to search what that means, with no luck. Just in case, I even checked everything with my antivirus, but it doesn't seem to be a virus. What is that? (I'm running Adobe CS6, in a Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit pc)
My work bought me a huge new Thunderbolt monitor yesterday, so I took advantage of the real estate and expanded my Layers palette to be very tall, and along with several other adjustments, saved this out as a custom workspace. Today though I am working only on a laptop offsite with no Thunderbolt and the bottom of the Layers palette is offscreen where I can't get to it. I know if I change workspaces to one of the Adobe presets it will give me a standard size Layers palette, but if possible I would like to work within my custom workspace and just change the height of the palette.
I have to make it possible to insert table by choosing any of it's corners. I cannot get it to work with choosing bottom corners - I can't get the exact height of the table.
Now... I'm trying to make 1-row table width the height 4. I should set tb.Position by just subtracting 4 from the Y-value of the clicked point... NOT.
tb.Height gives me 4. But I get the table with height 5.667. And I can't just use that value for subtracting, because even then, bottom-right corner is about 0.2 above or below clicked point... (X-value is correct and equals the clicked point's X-value.)
The same thing happens when I insert a table with the number of rows depending on the number of the records selected from DB. The same thing happens, when I use obsolete .NumRows and .NumColumns. What am I missing?
Normally, when you select an object or a group of objects and you go to copy it/them with Ctrl+V (NOT Ctrl+Shift+V), AutoCAN'T will use the bottom left extents of the object(s) as the base point for what you are pasting. For whatever reason, when I select+copy+paste an object, the base point/origin/whatever you want to call it, is way off and not even near any of the objects.
Trying to draw a titleblock for a college assignment and its supposed to start at 5,5 but that is in the middle of the paper (A3 setup). 0,0 is somewhere in the middle too - how do i get 0,0 to be the bottom left corner of the paper in paperspace??
Is there a way for the elevation of surface to be shown in the bottom left corner along with the easting and northing as the cursor tracks over the surface? currently only the easting and northing track with the cursor the elevation remains 0.00
(XDPX9) - Can't seem to get it to react. I followed both variations of how it's done...
1. Drag the adjoining X & Y at the top left corner of the ruler.... dragged down. Nothing.
2. Page properties - Grid and ruler tab... changed the Y Coordinate. Nothing again.
Made sure 'page' is not 'locked'. All pages same size. Been at it for over an hour and have decided I'm either missing something or maybe I found a bit of a bug?
I lost the text window that is normally docked on the bottom of the AC screen. I searched and found that F2 brings it up, but I can't find how to have it permanently docked in the bottom left hand corner, where it normally resides. I'm using AutoCad 2002.
In Photoshop CS6, when you drag and drop an image you can drag the corners to resize. once you place it, this menu dissapears, i was wondering if there is anyway to get this menu back up without bringing the picture again?
The new CS4 feature that allows a mouse drag-resize of a brush size or hardness is useful but for some reason I have lost the red overlay. It worked once but nothing I do - reset preferences, change brush preview colour, restart Ps or computer - brings this visual preview back.
What happened and how do I get it back? Without the colour preview a brush drag-resize is a guessing game.
I have blocks forming a column, and I need to allow the user to select the top block of the column but return the bottom left corner of bounding box of the bottom block in the column.
(DEFUN NXT-INSPNT (/ BLKLST CURENT CUROBJ IDX IPNT MCMD NENT SEL SS VENT) (PROMPT " >> Pick the Category HEADER to add note:") (SETQss nilss (SSGET ":E:S" (LIST (CONS 0 "INSERT"))) ) (IF ss (PROGN (SETQ sel (ENTGET (SSNAME ss 0)) iPnt (CDR (ASSOC 10 sel)) ) (princ iPNT) (setvar "attreq" 0) (VL-CMDF "-INSERT" "LEG-NOTE" "S" 1 iPnt 0 PAUSE)
[Code] ....
I'm not exactly sure where my code is failing but I get the following error.
Besides using the bracket keys to resize brushes, you are supposed to be able to hold down the Alt and Control key to drag sideways to make a brush larger or up and down to make it softer. This is on Windows.
For some reason, when I do this command, my cursor changes to moving a selection and leaving a copy.
When I hold down just the Alt key, I get the eye dropper tool and when I hold down just the Control Key, I get the move - four way arrow.
I must have changed something in the keyboard shortcuts, but I don't see the option to change that command back. My Brush Resize shortcuts still work the the two bracket keys.
In CS4 the drag-to-resize brush option should display as red (the brush preview default color) but no color shows up. Nor with the drag-to-set-hardness shortcut either. Both shortcuts work. I cannot see the hardness change on screen but a quick check of the brushes indicates that it did indeed work. Just no color indicator for either shortcut.
Vista 32 Ultimate SP1, Dell M1210 laptop with 4 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400, 320 GB drive.
The bottom of my layers palette is below the visible part of my computer screen...becasue I am now working away from home on my laptop (and the layers palette is showing up the same size as it was when I last used Illustrator on my large monitor screen). How do I re-size it, so I can use the items at the bottom of the palette?
I must have hit something by mistake but I can no longer drag the corner of a graphic to resize. The selection dots on the corners are now solid blue rather than white which they were when it worked.
Working with layers in Paintshop Pro X6 instruction # eight says: To resize (the layer that I just placed on my background image) click on one of the corner nodes and drag outward. But no corners or nodes are showing for me to drag the layer to where I want to position it. It seems like a step is missing from the instructions.
So as it stands, I can get my layer onto the background image but I can't resize or reposition it at all.
In previous versions I have been able to resize the canvas and then resize the image. For example resize the canvas to 250px x 250 px. Then resize the image to the same.
Here is the process I am using:
Duplicate the layer and then hide it. Resize the canvas (Image > Canvas Size) to 250px x 250 px. Un-hide the layer and then resize the image (Image > Image Size). When I go into Image>Image Size it says that the image is already 250px x 250px. However if I try to transform the scale the image is the original size and not 250px x 250px
The reason for needing this is I resize image size (in bulk) and the canvas size using the batch process (file>automate>batch) and actions. I loaded the actions file I used in previous versions, but that did not work correctly. I then went in to do this manually and got the same results.
Sometimes when I drag a new symbol instance to my artboard and resize it, the instance looses it alignement with the pixel grid.
This happens despite the fact that...
I checked the box for pixel grid alignement when I created the documentthe symbol option is set for align to pixel gridthe original shape in the symbol is aligned to pixel grindthe original shape has the align to pixel grid check box in the transform panel checked So why when I resize the symbol instance does it break the pixel grid alignmnet and result in a blurred 1px stroke?
The first instruction is .. "Make a 10 pixel selection as shown in figure 2 - it needs to be a perfect selection, exactly on the top left corner of the tab". I did that ..
The next instruction is,
"Now select:
(Need a 10 pixel radius corner.)"
His image then looks like this ..So how do I do it?
The course is at [URL] and I want to make the navigation tabs.
I have a banner heading that is more or less outlined text. I want to give all the corners a rounded corner and at the moment would just do it all by hand, one at a time. So I want to go from a to b:
But I would like to find an easy way to make all corners the same diameter regardless of the angle too.
If i zoom in image so it's bigger than "Fit on Screen" then if open/create or go to other opened image and return to 'zoomed' one, PS reposition area i see to right upper corner.
Selecting (in grid view) dragging and dropping image to a new folder copies, not moves image. I want image gone from first folder. It works like that sometimes, but not all athe time.