CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: How To Restore Color Eyedropper Tool At The Bottom Left Corner
Jan 8, 2013how to restore the Color Eyedropper tool at the bottom left corner for some reason it completely disappeared.
View 8 Replieshow to restore the Color Eyedropper tool at the bottom left corner for some reason it completely disappeared.
View 8 RepliesZero point.JPG
When a new page or document is created, by default the zero point is set at the bottom left of the page. Is there a way to set it to another point like top left so that all new documents open with it set that way. (top left)
Is there any way when the Eyedropper indicates a RGB color from an image to see the same code it has for Cmyk as well?
View 8 Replies View RelatedThere are a shortcut key for switching from Smart Fill Tool to eyedropper for apply a color and not having to go to the color box to switch to eyedropper? That would be more faster!
View 14 Replies View RelatedI did something on the screen and removed the tool bar on the left side of the screen. How to get it back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is difference between Text Tool used for paragraph text with pressing left click mouse in x5 and inserting placeholder text in x6.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNormally, when you select an object or a group of objects and you go to copy it/them with Ctrl+V (NOT Ctrl+Shift+V), AutoCAN'T will use the bottom left extents of the object(s) as the base point for what you are pasting. For whatever reason, when I select+copy+paste an object, the base point/origin/whatever you want to call it, is way off and not even near any of the objects.
How can I reset this?
Trying to draw a titleblock for a college assignment and its supposed to start at 5,5 but that is in the middle of the paper (A3 setup). 0,0 is somewhere in the middle too - how do i get 0,0 to be the bottom left corner of the paper in paperspace??
View 9 Replies View RelatedYesterday, I went into my presets folder because I was searching for a particular brush, and I noticed a little grey overlay icon with a white line in a 45 degree angle. The little icons sit on top of the presets icons, and they are located to the bottom left hand corner. I tried to search what that means, with no luck. Just in case, I even checked everything with my antivirus, but it doesn't seem to be a virus. What is that? (I'm running Adobe CS6, in a Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit pc)
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a way for the elevation of surface to be shown in the bottom left corner along with the easting and northing as the cursor tracks over the surface? currently only the easting and northing track with the cursor the elevation remains 0.00
View 4 Replies View RelatedI lost the text window that is normally docked on the bottom of the AC screen. I searched and found that F2 brings it up, but I can't find how to have it permanently docked in the bottom left hand corner, where it normally resides. I'm using AutoCad 2002.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to keep attributes eyedropper on in toolbox by default rather than colour eyedropper. How can I do it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure if it is a plugin or some other application but I remember several years ago I had a program that ran in the docker that would allow me to pick a color outside of corel using an eye dropper tool and would let me paste it into my corel document.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have blocks forming a column, and I need to allow the user to select the top block of the column but return the bottom left corner of bounding box of the bottom block in the column.
>> Pick the Category HEADER to add note:") (SETQss nilss (SSGET ":E:S" (LIST (CONS 0 "INSERT"))) )
(IF ss (PROGN (SETQ sel (ENTGET (SSNAME ss 0)) iPnt (CDR (ASSOC 10 sel)) )
(princ iPNT) (setvar "attreq" 0) (VL-CMDF "-INSERT" "LEG-NOTE" "S" 1 iPnt 0 PAUSE)
[Code] ....
I'm not exactly sure where my code is failing but I get the following error.
error: AutoCAD.Application: Null extents
Vista version 6 (Build 6002: Service pack 2)CorelDraw Suit version
I have just upgraded from X4 to X6 and found that when using the paint tool, the cursor disappears at the end of the action, and appears again when the cursor is moved again.This happens when the user interface setting is set to 'Shape cursor for brush tools".
More of a concern for me is when the Eyedropper tool is set to 'Select sample', (the one I always use), no rubber rectangle is drawn to show the area that is being sampled.That is, it is supposed to draw a dynamic rectangle in a similar way that the rectangular mask tool selects an area with a rectangle changing size with movement of the cursor.The eyedropper samples the correct pixels, but does not draw the enclosing rectangle.I have tried running it in all comparability modes except for 256 color and 640 x 480 resolution, which aren't options for me.
X4 didn't exhibit these problems so I can't understand how it can't be a bug, especially since the rectangular mask tool draws the rubber-banding rectangle without a problem. At this point would be preferring to be using X4.
Draw froze yesterday and I had to force close it. When I started working today, I noticed that the 'Edit bitmap' link in the tool bar and drop down menu is grayed out. I've tried F8 and all that did was delete all my darn preferences. Beyond F8, are there any other options?
PC - Windows XP - DRAW X6 Update
Per the attached exhibit, how to get the plot border to cover the entire sheet border instead of just the bottom left corner.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like my coreldraw x4. This sign shop actually has a copy of x5 but it was so so so so awful that we had to take it off of the computer.
I am having more and more problems opening pdf's. I end up with a rectangle with a line across the corner. I'm assuming the people sending have newer adobe than what x4 can handle? I can open the pdf;s in adobe reader but only give option to save as pdf. I just looked and it says PDF VISTA . Is there a way to save them as an older one? Kind of how corel draw can be saved as an older version?
And for some odd reason, on one of the computers (the one that has the email that these pdf's come from) doesn't show them with the pdf icon on the desktop. It has the green corel draw icon instead.
Status Bar,
Back in x3 and earlier versions, bottom of workspace, you had a option for Object Details and Object Information it would display the font used & Size used if you made a rectangle it would give it's sizes h & w
How do I get this set back up in x5, running win7 64 bit.
A few months ago I upgraded my aging office workstation to a powerful new system running Windows 8 Professional. CorelDRAW X5 refused to install under Win 8 Pro so I had to upgrade to CorelDRAW X6.
Here's the issue: for the longest time, at least through 10 or more versions of CorelDRAW, it was very easy to align nodes. Just use the shape tool, manually shift+click nodes into the selection and the last node selected would stay locked in place. The other nodes would use the last node selected as the point of reference and align to it.
That doesn't work anymore in CorelDRAW X6.
Now, it doesn't matter which points were clicked first or last. The alignment function always uses the earliest point created in the path as the reference point. And that's just downright useless. I'm forced to drag out guides and snap the points to them -like I'm using an app released in 1990. It makes tasks like technical drawing more time consuming.
Is there some setting buried in Preferences that can restore this very basic but extremely valuable function?
BTW, rival app Adobe Illustrator had finally added controlled anchor point alignment in version CS3 or CS4 (I forget which), but it was a kludge to use -it required extra clicks on anchor points and wouldn't work half the time. The feature seems to be gone in CS6.
how to apply color on a female or male face and body with blend tool
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes CorelDraw has an option to make a booklet with a right-to-left pages layout? (for Hebrew/Arabic)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have Corel 15. I want to take a picture and make it gradually go transparent from the middle of the picture to the top (using Photo Paint I guess), you know the thing with the checkerboard squares. Then I will put it in Draw and overlay some text across the top area where it has gradually gone transparent.
I do not want a sharp line between regular and transparent as if I cut a hole in the background and deleted the hole part. I want a gradual fade sort of transparency for the entire image. I have searched the internet for how to do this even using using Photoshop and there are not instructions available.
As a laser engraver I rely on moving the object to engrave to the top Left of the Page before sending to the laser.
In X4 I have an addon program called EngravePro. With this I can use the shortcut H to snap to top left of page.
This addon is not available for X6.
Is there another way to do this with a simple shortcut key?
how to shfit one character to the left or right in a word ? Character spacing feature is all I see here, but it adds a space between all the letters. Highlighting one character does not do the trick either......
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my workflow I constantly position objects to the top left edge of page. Is there any shorter way or macro to make it faster?
Right now i have two options:
1. pressing Ctrl+A (I reaassigned this shortcut to Align window) and then selecting options with mouse and then close
2. press P and then manually lift the object to the top edge of page.
I am using CorelDraw 12, and recently when I try to drag a drawing, I do a left click and drag. But in doing so, depending on how far I move the object, and how long I hold the left click down, it will just continue making duplicate copies of my object. So as I drag the object, it is also copying. I have had to restart my computer to get it to stop, but this is getting old.
how to disable the drag copyiing? Everywhere I have looked, I find that people are right-clicking, so to clarify, this is a left click issue with my mouse.
I am desperately looking for the function in Coreldraw that allows me to cut one object based on the intersection of another object. Essentially I am looking for the "Trim" function that exists in Autocad.
Example... draw a circle...then draw a line that crosses the center of the circle. I want to be able to remove the bottom half of the circle below the intersection line.
draw and long narrow ellipse...then draw a circle on top of the ellipse I want to remove the ends of the ellipse outside circle..In autocad this takes exactly 3 keystrokes and less than 2 seconds...I have tried everything in Coreldraw and cannot find away to make this happen...
My stats are being show, but the text is yellow....very difficult to see against a light background. I haven't been able to find a place to change the text color.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want a gsm to duplicate the selected object left, right, top & bottom sides
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
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