CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Make A Picture Transparent From Bottom To Top
May 19, 2013
I have Corel 15. I want to take a picture and make it gradually go transparent from the middle of the picture to the top (using Photo Paint I guess), you know the thing with the checkerboard squares. Then I will put it in Draw and overlay some text across the top area where it has gradually gone transparent.
I do not want a sharp line between regular and transparent as if I cut a hole in the background and deleted the hole part. I want a gradual fade sort of transparency for the entire image. I have searched the internet for how to do this even using using Photoshop and there are not instructions available.
Back in x3 and earlier versions, bottom of workspace, you had a option for Object Details and Object Information it would display the font used & Size used if you made a rectangle it would give it's sizes h & w
How do I get this set back up in x5, running win7 64 bit.
When a new page or document is created, by default the zero point is set at the bottom left of the page. Is there a way to set it to another point like top left so that all new documents open with it set that way. (top left)
I am desperately looking for the function in Coreldraw that allows me to cut one object based on the intersection of another object. Essentially I am looking for the "Trim" function that exists in Autocad.
Example... draw a circle...then draw a line that crosses the center of the circle. I want to be able to remove the bottom half of the circle below the intersection line.
draw and long narrow ellipse...then draw a circle on top of the ellipse I want to remove the ends of the ellipse outside circle..In autocad this takes exactly 3 keystrokes and less than 2 seconds...I have tried everything in Coreldraw and cannot find away to make this happen...
I have created some text that is 100% transparent, and has a 1mm outline. I move the text on top of an image which I want to fill the center of the text with. This achieves exactly what I wish, so I freeze the transparency and move the text back away from the image, however when I move it the outline disappears, and I cant get it back.
I asked a publisher for a logo that I could add to some work I am doing and he sent me an eps file. The file seems to have a backgroundand I cannot alter the original color. It came black and I want it dark green. I tried to out line the object (irregular shape) but it very time consuming and I wondered if there was something obious that I am missing?
I know how to use the transparency tool to make and object partially transparent but is there someway to make an entire object transparent so that what you put behind the object shows through? I am using the symbol of our logo and want to put pictures behind it so that they show though.
I work on CorelDraw X5, I have problems while printing an object with interactive transparent effect applied.I've converted the object to bitmap more times to apply different transparent effect in different direction.
Now when I print the file there are errors on the points highlighted by red circles. URL....I don't remember in the past to have had problems with CorelDraw 10 to use this effect.
I have a picture of a dog I am trying to print on my dtg printer, but when I import it there is a box around the dog. When I enable the white to print underneath the dog I get the box (which is all white, then the dog prints on top). How do I remove the box and just have the dogs picture?
I have a JPG with a graphic over a white background. I converted to GIF using Corel PHOTOPAINT. In the GIF Export window, hitting the background with the eyedropper tool is supposed to make anything that color transparent. Things appeared to be working when I clicked the Preview button. But....
Whenever I try to put this new GIF on top of another bitmap, I still have the white rectangle background. I tried I converting the secondary background image to GIF, but I still have the original white box around the first image.
I have a BMP image that is part of a larger logo that I need to be cut out on my inline cutter. The problem is, when I convert the whole logo to the plotter file, the BMP image does not show up. I have tried using the outline trace to convert the BMP to a form my plotter will recognize, but when I save the file, it saves it with a white background that shows up in my plotter image. This white background messes up the whole logo.
Is there any way to save the file where the image has a transparent background? I have been saving it as a .cmx file and there is no option to save it as a transparent background.
I am using CorelDRAW 12. I . would like to print the image on a transparent plastic with 2 colors separations. I scanned the image with black and white color. I would like to print 2 colors on the Transparent Plastic: (1) Black and (2) White
so that I can see White color on the Transparent Plastic under Black Color and then I can't see through the Plastic Bag because the Transparent Plastic is printed with White color and Black color and if I print the image on Red Plastic, I will see White color and Black color on Red Plastic, but I don't know how to solve it in the fast and right way.
I started this exercise off using New from the File menu and then Imported a .png photo. I then feathered out the edges of the photo.
Now I have spent many, many attempts to try and Export this photo (in Corel Photo Paint) as a new .png file so that I can then use it later with other packages e.g. with the hopeful intention of it having a completely transparent background for use with say Power Point. I want the ability to take the new image with a transparent background and place it over an existing background in say PP so that the background "bleeds through" the feathered edges. What is happening is, the feathered edges that I created are no longer transparent when the image gets exported out of Corel Photo Paint as a .png file. They show up as a white glow. I was successful if I followed the steps as given by "Hunter" but I had to create the image wholly in Corel Draw using the transparency tool which does not seem to allow for feathering of the edges of an image. The only way I can see to feather the edges is by using Corel Photo Paint but then I don't get them transparent when I export the file. If I was to create an image with say a circular hole in the middle of it with NO FEATHERING edges, all would be fine.
Is there a way to clean up an old newspaper picture in corel?
I'm not that good working with images i'm more of a vector man but I have been playing around with it but the results are not great.
The image itself is a typical grayscale newspaper image with halftoning and its gone a bit yellow over the years, all I want to do is get rid of the yellow and brighten it up a bit.
A colleague of mine has problems when moving a textbox.She grab the textbox with the mouse, the complete work area change to a white background, so she doesn't see, where she has to drop the mouse cursor. After she drop the mouse cursor, the background change to the graphic again.
The hardware she uses is new and included the following components:HP Z200 i7-870 Workstation2,93 GHz, 6 GB 1333MHz DDR3, ATI FirePro V3800 with 512MB RAM, Windows7 Prof 64bit
I'm practicing using Coreldraw and made a logo with a transparent background. It's a combination of rectangles and text. I exported the logo as a png. Everything looks fine in corel, but when I upload it to the web the edges are very ragged on the rectangles and text. I tried it with and without converting to curves and the same thing happens.
how to draw and big fat line - about 24 pt - with rounded ends, then give that line an outline of its own so I can change the 'fill ' - the original line colour - and get an outlined line?
And just for fun, I want the 'fill' to be semi-transparent!
I want to load in a background image, then draw some lines on it. Then I want to save ONLY the lines I drew as a PNG with a transparent background. I'm sure this is easy but I haven't used CorelDraw in a long time.
When I export my work to .jpg format all is OK. All looks fine on desktop. But when I try to print it there are several dark pixels allover the picture. It looks like snow or TV noise. I tried different picture fixing programs, but nothing... How can I remove that noise?
I imported a digital picture into a CorelDraw document--it looks great in the document. When I converted it to a PDF, the picture quality looks terrible.
I have the Corel Draw X5 and I can not power clip a picture. I clicked on the bezier tool and traced the image. I went to power clip and when I clicked on the line I just made with the black arrow it says , the object I selected is invalid.