Illustrator :: When Reduce Opacity Of Top Layer How To Keep Bottom Layer From Shining Through
Dec 7, 2013
I have two objects intersecting each other on different layers. The object on the top layer I reduced the opacity for and the bottom layer which was previously hidden now is shining through. I do not want this to happen. I want the bottom layer to remain hidden beneath the top layer despite the lowered opacity. How would I accompish this simply? I have CS2.
How do I make the edges of the top layer blend in with the bottom layer so you cannot tell that there is a line??? I want to make it look like a heart but I don't know how to smoothen the edges to make it look like it is part of the bottom layer so when I merge the layers there is no goofy lines looking like someone cropped another fire picture out...
I just downloaded GIMP 2.8 (on Windows 7) and was using the layer groups to organize a project I'm doing. I noticed that whenever I put the layers into the layer group, nothing I do to them actually affects the image (for example if I change the opacity of the layer, it doesn't actually change). If I drag them out of the layer group they function perfectly; sometimes if I edit them and then drag them into the group they also work fine.
As I was writing this post I tested dragging a layer set to "dodge" into the group and it didn't work. It kept the dodge setting, but it looked as if it was on normal; however, I drug another layer set on dodge into the group and it worked fine.
Is this feature just broken on Windows, or does it not work like I thought (where you can drag them in and edit them individually, or edit them all by editing the layer group itself)?
I have a large psd. The bottom most Layer can be a background layer is it possible to flatten just this layer to make is a background layer as this may make the file size smaller. Im working in PH5 on a Mac.
I have just finished designing my characters. Now I have to create my background. I figured to do this, I would simply have to create my background and hide the layers above so I can see what I'm doing. However the few lines that I've created in my background are overlaping the characters, how can I resolve this?
Also after doing a brush or creating a path in general, how do i I deselect it (instead of having to bring out the selection tool and clicking anywhere on the screen)
I jut remembered something else, if i want to select an object but the selection rectangle covers the perimeter of another object, how do I avoid selecting the other object aswell?
I'm putting some images together and when I put one layer on top of the other, the bottom image bleeds thru. The top layer shows 100% opacity but still see thru it.
I've been working at removing the white background from the image and replacing it with an alpha channel. What can I do to make the top image solid?
I have two layers. Upper most with text is locked.Bottom layer is an image I have applied a transparency/gradient mask for the raster image. Now, seems my layers palette is stuck in a mode called 'Layers (Opacity Mask)'.Not seen this before, but this is CS6. How do I get out to the main, root level of the layers palette?
Just installed the new CS6. I'm experimenting with Illustrator. I feel a little dumb asking this, but ALL of my newly drawn paths, brush strokes, objects etc. keep automatically shifting to the bottom of the layer instead of like usual, appearing at the top. Is there a way to turn this off? Revert back to normal?
I've been using Photoshop CS2 for several years to enhance my photographs, but just now have encountered something simple I cannot find out how to do. I have on the background layer a picture of a room interior with the exposure set mostly for the open window, but the rest of the room is very dark. On the only other layer, the upper one, I have the same shot exposed correctly for the room, which overexposes the window area. The upper and lower layers are perfectly superimposed, and the upper layer is at 100% opacity.
I have selected the window on the upper layer and want to change the selected area's opacity to blend properly with the window on the bottom layer without changing opacity of the rest of the layer. No matter what I do, changing opacity seems to affect only the entire layer, and I haven't figured out how to isolate the selected area for the opacity change.
I can cut the selection to reveal the darker window on the bottom layer, but this doesn't give me the flexibility I need to balance the two exposures. An opacity change would be ideal.
I was just wondering what the practical difference was between the Opacity of a layer and the transparency of a layer. They seem to have the same effect, but I reckon that Adobe wouldn't have seperated them for no good reason.
If I set a layer's opacity or layer fill opacity to be 50%, often I'll later realize that though it still looks to be a 50%, the setting now says 100%, meaning that I can't make it opaque again. What did I do wrong?
I am creating shadows for a large file, so my opacity is set to 50%. When I copy and paste shadows (such as or multiple windows to save time) they paste back at 100%. I have to constantly flip layers and change, and its very tedious. Plus, when I get to the point of flattening them all, if they are not all at 100% then whatever opacity they are at BECOMES 100%, so I cant change it again later.
In the image below on the larger element i have a stroke with 0% Opacity but as you can see the stroke is white when it should be transparent? I even changed the blending mode to multiply and the white color stroke still remains. I put the Opacity on 0% to test if something was wrong and this confirms it.
I am creating a logo that is a series of six equally sized graphics, arranged in a circle and overlapping, sort of like the Olympic Circles, but in once circle rather than two lines. I want only the parts that overlap to be less opaque, so that in that one sliver, you can see both of them at the same time. I want the rest of each circular graphic to remain at 100% opacity. Each circle graphic is a separate layer. How do I do that?
I have a photo of two guys as the background, and two more layers on top to put a ZZ Top beard on each of them. I cut out the beard from a Billy Gibbons photo, and trimmed it up as good as I can. In the Billy picture he is wearing a black shirt, so behind the reddish beard are traces of black.
The issue:The first guy in the background is also wearing a black shirt, so the beard blends perfectly on him. However, the second guy is wearing a turquoise shirt, and as a result, the beard does not blend well whatsoever, and the edges are terrible. I need a method to color change (or whatever) so that the black traces on the beard become turquoise traces, and thus blend with his shirt.
I don't want to solve this with some kind of feathering or blur, because I want the edges of the red beard to be sharp, like they look on the first guy. I think I need to solve this with a color changing technique, but now sure how to do it in
Although I'm relatively new with, years ago I became quite proficient with PaintShop Pro doing web applications. As I recall, there was a function of the color changer there, which would not only change from Color 1 to Color 2, but would preserve the differences in the color shades. So far example, if you set the color changer to change a blue shade to a red shade, and set the tolerance up some, not only would it include several blue shades from the source, but it produce various shades of red in the destination. So the result was not just a solid spot of red, but rather a nicely shaded red,
I have looked at the color changer, and although I see how the tolerance level can dictate various shades of input to include, it seems to map all of those included pixels to just plain red, one exact color. I'm thinking surely it will do what I want, but for the life of me, I can't find it in the tool or in my searches.
I have a corrupt version or if there's a setting I'm not aware of. When I try to change the size of my canvas on screen (zoom in or out) but don't want to take the time to select the magnifying glass tool, I typically just type a percentage in the small percentage box lower left corner of my canvas.Sometimes this works fine. Sometimes it doesn't and it actually changes the opacity of whatever layer I'm on instead?? I don't want it to serve this function. I can change opacity in my layers pallette. How can I turn this function off?
When i apply an inside stroke with transparency to a layer, the opacity seems to cause a knock-out effect on the layer itself rather than applying the transparent stroke.
How do i apply a semi transparent inside stroke without making the object it's applied to become transparent rather than the stroke itself?
This has baffled me that photoshop does not do this. But why can't I not ctrl+click on a layer and get to the layers underneath that layer? No matter how many times I ctrl+click the layer to select it, it just selects the same topmost layer.
It is interupting my workflow majorly and it is really frustrating when using a lot of texture overlays to have to hide them and then ctrl+click to find where the layer is that I want to work on. Right clicking on my document just brings up all layers in my document no matter where my mouse is.
I'm creating a large poster. it consists of about 20 layers. Not doing anything fancy, just adding a new photo to each layer or some text. I want the bottom layer (background) to be 30% opaque. I know how to choose the layer and move the slider. My poster looks great as a .pdn file. However when I do a Save As .TIF, .PNG it reverts back to a solid photo of a soccer field instead of being more translucent.
Does this have something to do with blending mode?
I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.
Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.
#target Illustrator var doc = app.activeDocument; idLayers(doc)//IRename layers idGroups(doc)//Rename groups function idLayers(doc){
I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.
A problem has developed in my photoshop CS 6 64 bit on windows 7. I can't paint at full opacity in a layer mask. It is like an 75 % opacity brush. I have gone back to the default brushes soit is not the particular bursh. My brush settings are all at 100%, mask density is 100% , the blend mode is normal,-can't think of where else to look for the solution.The brush works just fine when I am not in a layer mask.I updated the graphic card driver and also the wacom intuos driver. It has to be somewhere in photoshop CS6 as when I go into my older version photoshop, cs5, the mask opacity works works at 100 % opacity.
In AI CS5 Version 15.0.2 for Windows 7 64-bit; Is it possible to hide a hierarchal layer from one that is lower in the layer stack? I would like to make visible one of the bottom layers and hide a layer near the top that is on a separate artboard.
By default Adobe Photoshop creates new layers on top of the current layer. In the Western languages we read from top to bottom and left to right. So when I start creating a web site in Photoshop I start from top to bottom as well. However Photoshop creates the new layer above the current, which is the opposite of what I would like to do. I need Photoshop to create new layers below the current layer. I know by holding CTRL/COMMAND and clicking the NEW LAYER icon, will do what I need. However if I do CTRL+J to jump/duplicate the current layer, or select a layer and ALT+DRAG again to duplicate it, again it puts the new layers in top. Is there a way to reverse the default order Photoshop places layers? If not, I suggest that to Adobe implement an option in the general settings for Photoshop. Flash for example had similar option to read/place layers from top to bottom or bottom to top.
I like to keep my layers carefully named. I often create new layers over existing ones to build up effects and paint in details. When I merge these layers, Photoshop always assigns the new merged composite layer the name of whatever the topmost layer was. I would much prefer it to default to naming the new layer whatever the bottom layer was called. I'm using CS5.5.
I might start with my assets in a file, with layer names like: Model, Field, Product, Logo, etc... Then add effects on layers called, Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering, etc... over each original layer. When merged, instead of being named the more-appropriate names, it will of course use the top layer names and I end up with my layers called "Shading, Highlight, Package Detail, Lettering. It's made much worse when I duplicate effects to modify and apply to multiple layers, then merge, leaving me with a file with layer names "Highlight, Highlight Copy 1, Highlight Copy 2, etc..." Renaming to my original layer names is very tedious as a result.
I'm doing some painting with a lot of layers set to different blend modes. I find that every time I want to paint on one of these layers, I have to go to that layer, set the opacity back to 100, change the blend mode back to "normal" sample the color, then change everything back and continue painting. I realize I can save a swatch for the color, but it can get confusing when you're using subtle color differences on multiple layers. It seems like there should be a modifier key to the tool that samples the layers "true" color discarding opacity and blend mode.
I'm on a Win 7 machine using Illustrator CC, using a mouse with the pen tool.
I created some shapes on one layer, and now want totrace just the outside of those shapes on a different layer. It worked well enough on the first two shapes I did this with (both comprised of ellipses layered to create a particular shape) but on this third one, it keeps bouncing me back to the original layer. This is the only shape that includes straight lines but I can't think of a reason that would keep me from being able to trace the outline of shapes on a different layer.
It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.