Illustrator :: How To Select All Gradient Objects In One Click
Sep 7, 2012
In my illustration I have like 300 objects and 100 of them are gradient objects. The gradient colors all different. How to select all gradient objects in one click? Is there any plug in ore some trick?
When I click the select tool, a brown selection type of rectangle appears in a particular area of the illustration, even though I have not clicked on the illustration yet. I assume it is some type of warning indication, but don't know what. P.S. It is draggable and scaleable - I can move it off the artboard. An example:
All I can find online is to highlight over an area to select multiple mesh points. That will not work in my case. I can't tell illustrator to select same color, the way it does with fills and strokes? I want to change the color and I have to click on every single point again? Ridiculous.
I need some of my objects to always rotate around the same point. How can I select a point which will stay that way? Using the rotate tool resets after deselecting.
Also, I'd like to rotate objects around a certain point even when using the right click > Transform > Rotate.
On illustrator cs6, I have a complex shaped with a gradient fill. when I go to expand there is an option that says Expand Gradient and you select the amount of objects. so I selected 6 objects, and the expand tool did what I expected, my object got divided into 6 objects with fill colors relative to the gradient.
so I hit undo, and I moved a stop on my gradient slightly to affect the results a bit, and now it wont expand the same way. my gradient stays a gradient. I tried drawing new shapes with gradients and the gradient wont expand.
I'm working on a logo and I need to merge three objects into one and then apply a gradient. I have a circle, a ring around it and a line that connects the circle and the ring. How do I merge these three objects? I've been looking around the intenet but not found out how to do it..
I've created a heart using many strokes (like a child would do with crayons). So it's made up of many lines grouped together. I've expaned the stroked lines, so they are now a group of objects in a heart shape. I need to fade them from 100% red to 100% transparent. I don't know how to do this with a group of items.
I am new to Illustrator having had to switch from FreeHand recently and can't figure out how to get gradients to flow through non-touching objects. The "merge" option here treats things differently than FreeHand did and only works with paths that overlap.
I need the frame of the image below as a stroke style (or at least I prefer that above having to copy-paste the elements of the sides 100 times along a frame in my design )
The thing is: it contains gradients. How do I get the frame to a stroke style so I can easily use it in Illustrator?
I need to apply a single gradient acros a number of live paint objects but am finding it annoyingly hard to find a way. I know that normally, to apply a gradient across multiple objects, you would need to make them all into one compound path but does this apply to live paint groups in any way?? Can what i need to achieve actually be done?
Is it possible to select all objects with a particular characteristic, such as a specific stroke width? I know I can do this by selecting one object and then choosing select all. But I want to include this as part of a batch action, so I need to be able to specify the selection in such a way that it can be completely automated. If I have to select one of the objects for each file, it defeats the purpose of the batch action.
Im looking for a way to export a pattern made in Illustrator to auto cad.
I would like to select objects inside a shape based on the shape.
As you can see here i would like to select all the objects inside the blue circle, and delete everything outside of it. I dont want to use a cliping mask as it does not really destory the objects outside the circle.
I want to select the objects outside artboard using javascript. Their are many objects outside activeartboard i want to select all those object using script.
I am trying to find out if there is a way to select only the objects within a selection marquee? In AutoCAD you can make a selection window from left to right and only those objects entirely within the window are selected. If you window from right to left all objects that are "crossed" or touched by the window are selected. Is there a similar technique in Illustrator?
Currently I have to select the objects, then go back and hold the shift key to deselect the object I don't want, or put objects on different layers then lock layers to prevent extra objects getting selected.
In AutoCAD, my primary program, you simply draw a selection window, left or right, depending on what your next step would be. No special tools or toggles or thinking ahead, it's just the primary selection process and very intuitive.
i have a guge artwork and i need to select a small groups (around 10-100) of objects from about 4000 overlayed objects and then group'em/split-to-layers for usability (This is a human body infographics for medical institute) There IS NO way selecting them from canvas because they are overlayed, and sometimes not visible at all. in CS5 there was a feature to select multiple objects by Alt+drag selection icon on the most right in the Layers Panel. Now the duplication mode turns-on when i try to perform it. So.. Ho do i select multiple object without need to click through thousands of them? (i need drag-select)
I am trying to use the selection tool or the direct selection tool to create a rectangular marquee somewhere within the boundaries of an illustration.
I want to select only those objects that are fully or partially within that marquee.
I can use the lasso to select objects in this way. But if I try to use the selection or direct selection tool, it selects and moves the first object I touch.
I can use the selection tools and begin from outside the image area and create a rectangular marquee of selected objects. But I can't do this if I begin within the image.
I'd like to select an object and have a script select all objects behind that object, within that objects bounds. I believe this is possible with z-order? But I've never worked with Z-orders before
Is there a way to simply select all object directly below an objects?
I found this script here but it doesn't seem to work.
//DESCRIPTION:Select Below // A Jongware Script if (app.documents.length && app.selection.length) { ypos = app.selection[0].visibleBounds[3];
[Code] .....
Here's an example file. I'm trying to select eveything below the yellow polygon.
This would be very useful in another project with many small objects bunch together below many larger objects. I want to group the small objects that are bellow the larger object together without having to manually select each objects (there are thousands of objects so a script would be ideal).
My Type Tool does not select type by double clicking or click and drag. (Windows CS 5 V15.1). This is what I have tried so far and the problem still exists.
Check preferences for "Text": "Select text-object by path only" should be off. Checked. It was off. Didn't fix it. Check the toggle for Show/Hide Edges in the View menu. Cmd(Ctrl)-H. Checked. Edges Showing. Didn't fix it. Trashed my Prefeerences. Didn't fix it.
When I use the direct selection tool to select multiple objects that also contain an image within a clipping set, occasionally the clipped image is included in the bounding box, even if it and its clipping mask are not selected. Selecting other objects includes them in the bounding box, but even after deselecting everything the bounding box around the image remains and the only way to remove it is to drag a handle (which resizes the image) and then undo the action. Obviously this is annoying and seriously interrupts workflow. I've had this issue ever since CS4.
Is it possible to select a few objects by "sliding a mouse", on layer panel? For example, you can hold down the mouse, slide to lock multiple objects. It's fast and easy!
But if I need to select, say, only red, blue, yellow stars... I need to click the ◎ icons to select each sublayer. when I have so many objects to be selected on layer panel.
I use CS6 on Mac. Is there any secret shortcut key to select objects on layer panel by "sliding a mouse"?
I know this discussion title is a bit murky, but the problem is a bit odd. I have Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2. In this version, I will activate the Select Tool, check Auto-Select: Layer, check Show Transform Controls, and then while using the Select Tool I will drag to create a rectangle to select multiple layers with content within the specified area.
Unfortunately, this action only works when I begin the selection from outside of the canvas area. If started from within the canvas area, no rectangle will appear, it will show me a measurement of my selection size, and then no layers will be selected upon release.
This cannot be working as intended right? I mean multi-select dragging cannot be intended to only work when started outside of the canvas right? Is there some way to fix this issue? Is this a bug? See the images below for more information on this issue.