Illustrator Scripting :: Select All The Objects In Active Artboard Using JavaScript

Aug 7, 2013

i want to select all the objects in active artboard using javascript

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Objects Outside Artboard Using JavaScript

Aug 10, 2013

I want to select the objects outside artboard using javascript. Their are many objects outside activeartboard i want to select all those object using script.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Pattern Objects In Active Document

Mar 16, 2014

We need a script that select all pattern objects in the active document in illustrator.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Ungroup All Groups On Active Layer (JavaScript)?

Mar 5, 2013

How one would go about ungrouping all groups on an active layer with JavaScript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Center Group On Artboard Using JavaScript?

Aug 14, 2013

I have a group that I want centered on the artboard. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All On Artboard And Copy To Clipboard VBA

Apr 7, 2012

Is there a way to select everything on the artboard and copy it to the clipboard using VBA?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Items On Multiple Artboard

Sep 27, 2013

I have script where I select items on multiple artboard but I can't seem to get get active art board of the selected item. Is this possible?
each artboard has a text item and I would like them in the same position on each of their own artboards that they are already one. right now it adjusts them all to one artboard. here is what I have so far
doc = app.activeDocument;
for(i = 0; i < selection.length; i++){
    var firstItemPosition = doc.selection[0].position;
    doc.selection[i].position = firstItemPosition;
    var activeArtboardIndex = doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex();

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Illustrator Scripting :: Group Objects On Artboard

May 27, 2013

When i call the method selectObjectsOnActiveArtboard on an artboard, is there a way to easily group all items in the selection? Like in the menu found under "right click > group"

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Illustrator Scripting :: Align Selected Objects To Artboard

Nov 15, 2013

Simple solution to aligning selected items to the artboard. I was going to create an action but then realized it would be more convenient for me to include it in my script file....I have a script to align objects with each other but they dont align to the artboard.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Resize Artboard To A4 Size And Images Placed In Center Of Artboard

May 23, 2013

i have around 500 eps formats images with different artboard size.
i need to resize the artboard to A4 size and the images to be placed in the centre of the artboard.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Only Objects Within Selection Marquee

Sep 17, 2012

I am trying to find out if there is a way to select only the objects within a selection marquee? In AutoCAD you can make a selection window from left to right and only those objects entirely within the window are selected. If you window from right to left all objects that are "crossed" or touched by the window are selected. Is there a similar technique in Illustrator?
Currently I have to select the objects, then go back and hold the shift key to deselect the object I don't want, or put objects on different layers then lock layers to prevent extra objects getting selected.
In AutoCAD, my primary program, you simply draw a selection window, left or right, depending on what your next step would be. No special tools or toggles or thinking ahead, it's just the primary selection process and very intuitive.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All Objects Infront Of Or Behind Object?

Feb 23, 2012

I'd like to select an object and have a script select all objects behind that object, within that objects bounds.  I believe this is possible with z-order?  But I've never worked with Z-orders before

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select ALL Objects Directly Below Object?

Feb 21, 2014

Is there a way to simply select all object directly below an objects?
I found this script here but it doesn't seem to work.  
//DESCRIPTION:Select Below
// A Jongware Script
if (app.documents.length && app.selection.length)
ypos = app.selection[0].visibleBounds[3];

[Code] .....  

Here's an example file. I'm trying to select eveything below the yellow polygon.
This would be very useful in another project with many small objects bunch together below many larger objects. I want to group the small objects that are bellow the larger object together without having to manually select each objects (there are thousands of objects so a script would be ideal).

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Objects That Fill Color In Document

Oct 14, 2013

If i want select objects that same fill color in document, I can use 'select - same - Fill color' function in Illustrator.
It's so fast. below 1 second.
But, If i want make it in Javascript, I can't do it like fast.
for(i=0; i<activeDocument.pathItems.length; i++){...}
If document have 10,000 objects, above script can't finish in even 60 seconds.
How Illustrator can traversal fast?
Is there something other way?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Select Similar Objects (by Stroke Color) Programatically

Aug 10, 2012

Is there a way to select similar objects (by stroke color) programatically?

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Illustrator SDK :: Convert Artboard To JPEG Using JavaScript?

May 24, 2013

The code below is export artboard to jpeg using javasript.
function exportFileToJPEG (dest)
if ( app.documents.length > 0 )


How do I do this in Illustrator SDK plugin? library that this class ExportOptionsJPEG reside in illustrator api?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Call Actions Through JavaScript

May 2, 2012

Currently i'm doing automations for Adobe Illustrator CS4. I have created some actions due to the limitations of scripting in Illustrator. I need to call this actions through javascript.But in applescript i can able to call the actions by using the do script method.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Convert JavaScript To AppleScript?

Apr 3, 2012

I need to convert javascript to Apple script.
try {
app.activeDocument.layers.getByName( '.ARD' ).remove(); } catch (e) {};

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Tell With JavaScript That The Text Was Set To Overprint

Feb 24, 2012

If I were to select some text, then checkmark 'Overprint Fill' in the 'Attributes' pane, is there a way to tell with JavaScript that the text was set to overprint?
I've been experimenting with this code in ExtendScript, but it keeps returning false:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
$.write(doc.textFrames[0].textPath.fillOverprint + '

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Illustrator Scripting :: Set Stroke Alignment From JavaScript

Jan 21, 2013

I'm trying to set the stroke style for a path item I've drawn through JavaScript, however I can't find a way to set the stroke alignment for my path item.

I've checked the Illustrator JavaScript reference but I can't seem to find that option in there.I would expect something like:
pathItem.strokeAlignment = StrokeAlignment.OUTSIDE; // This doesn't work, what is the correct way to set the stroke alignment from JavaScript?
If I change the option in the Actions Panel it comes up as 'Set Stroke/Alignment: Outside', so there must be an equivalent way of setting it from JavaScript. Is there a way of converting Actions to JavaScript so you can see which properties and attributes are being set on the object? What is the correct way to set the strok alignment from JavaScript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Add Spotcolor To Colorgroup In JavaScript

Feb 11, 2012

How to add a spotcolor to a colorgroup in javascript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Execute Action From JavaScript In CS6

Jul 10, 2013

I've seen on this forum a lot people saying that in CS6 you can now call an action from JavaScript. However, I haven't been able to find what the syntax is to do that in the reference or the guide. Can you actually do this now with Javascript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Link To Webpage From AI JavaScript?

Dec 5, 2012

I've written a script with a ScriptUI interface, which other people will be using. I'd like to include a 'help' button in the interface, which ideally would connect to a web page with more details. (The alternative is to create the 'help' window in javascript, but the web page already exists and it would be a shame not to use it.)
From what I've read, other Creative Suite programs may be able to connect to the web with javascript, but apparently not Illustrator.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create Files With JavaScript?

May 5, 2012

I would like make a config file for my script that i would like to put in the %appdata%adobe folder.
How can i reah the value of %appdata% inside javascript?How do i create and read files? 

I am currently reading the Extendscript javascript toolsguide but i cant figure out how to create a file:
Should not this code create a file in C: directory?
Fille = new File('C: est.txt');

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create A Panel With JavaScript?

Jan 26, 2013

As I´m studying JavaScript and the user interface creation...would like to ask (more for curiosity):
Is it possible to create a new panel for Illustrator using JavaScript? Or this is only possible using C++?
(in the Window Class UI we have the "palette" creation wondering the result of it too)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Importing Data With JavaScript

Feb 3, 2014

I would like to open a file dialog box seltect a CSV text file saved from Excel and import this into an array/variable/dataset in adobe illustrator using javascript. Have done some work with javascript but not a power user. Can't work out how to get the open dialog to appear.

Long term aim would be to use the data to plot a path which seems straighwforward enough, its the getting the info in bit I'm stuck on.

You do have to be able to select the file to import, this bit quite important.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Duplicating A Circle With JavaScript

Jan 9, 2013

I'm trying to build something like a bullseye using javascript. I'm new to scripting for Illustrator but I've used javascript before so I thought it would be simple, but maybe I'm missing some basic notions here.
I'm using Illustrator CS6. I created a blank document and drew a circle with a 1pt black stroke and no fill. Selecting that circle, I my script to copy and paste it in front and increase its radius by one centimeter. I attempted a simple duplication first:
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
var numberOfItems = 3;
var selectedItem = app.activeDocument.selection;
for (i=0; i < numberOfItems; i++) {
newItem = selectedItem.duplicate();

With my circle selected I get an error message saying "Error 24: selectedItem.duplicate() is not a function".

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Illustrator Scripting :: Color Change Command In JavaScript

Feb 4, 2013

I managed to write this javascript. It automatically changes the colors from one swatch (byName) to another (byName) in my opened illustrator file. But if this one color doesn't exist as a fill or outline color in a file, I get an error message, because the script can not detect the color. The script stops. I am working on a batch of Illustrator files with 3 colors to change, but some files contain just 1 or 2 of the colors.Is there a command for javascript which says: "Only change the color, if the color appears"?

Here is the script:
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
with (docRef) {
var findColor = swatches.getByName('TSB Dark Blue').color;
var replaceColor = swatches.getByName('TSBDB').color;

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Illustrator Scripting :: Possible To Apply Transform Effect From JavaScript?

Apr 18, 2013

I was wondering if it's possible to do what Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform does from JS. I had a look at the documentation and found nothing in that direction.
The closest thing I found was PageItem.applyEffect(effectXML) looking at the Object Model Viewer in Extend Script Toolkit, but couldn't find documentation for it and I suspect it might have something to do with SVG filters perhaps ?
In conclusion: Is it possible to apply a Transform effect from JS (and if so, how )?How can applyEffect be used ? 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Creating Outlines From Text Using JavaScript In CS5?

Feb 18, 2012

Is there a way to select all of the text on all artboards and CREATE OUTLINES using Javascript? The text that Adobe provides for scripting has this option for saving to FXGs which is preserveTextPolicy or something similar, but I need the same type of solution for saving as an AI file or as a command before the save. I'm currently working in windows, but am writing this script for use on a MAC. If there isn't an internal way of doing this through Javascript?  I would imagine it would be possible through Applescript since it can access the application's GUI, but I'm not sure. A javascript solution would be preferable, but any solution would work at this point.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Splitting Up Stacked Text With JavaScript

Mar 14, 2013

I am trying to get any stacked text in my illustrator file that is a single frames  such as with carriage returns such as:
to be individual text frames.
Is there a split command I can use?
Im thinking it would start by finding all the textframes that have carriage returns is the carriage return identified as " "

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