Illustrator :: Brush Sometimes Adds To Existing Path And Sometimes Starts New One?

Oct 13, 2013

When drawing a path with the brush tool and then placing the brush back over an anchor point to continue the path, sometimes it continues the path and sometimes it deletes the path and just starts a new one. Why does it sometimes add to the existing path and sometimes start a new one?

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Illustrator :: Make Brush That Starts And Ends In Thin Line?

Sep 12, 2013

I am looking to make a brush that I can use for cartooning in CS6 that starts out thin, gets thicker with pressure (I have a cintiq), and ends in a thin line.

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Illustrator :: Use Pen Tool To Perfectly Match Existing Path?

Jun 9, 2012

I'm currently using the pen tool to trace out a Nike trainer to improve my basic skills and understanding of the tool.
The problem I'm having is that I want each section of the shoe to be its own shape so that I can edit the colours individually. However when drawing each section in some places I have to draw over the outlines of already created shapes and trying to match/overlap the paths as close as possible is a nightmare. I want to have a stroke enabled on all shapes to better define them but I get areas where the overlaping sections look uneven giving the shapes very unsmooth curves where overlapping occurs.
So I am just wondering if there is a way to enable the pen tool to snap to certain sections of existing paths so I have a perfect overlap when required?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Drawing Compound Path From Existing Artwork

Feb 12, 2014

I'm working on a script for my company that sets up templates for internal use.  I've been able to get most of it completed by drawing basic pathItems and textFrames. The problem I face now is adding our company logo. In the scripting reference I've found examples of duplicating art from one document to another, but that isn't what I need here.
I've approached this by trying to select our company logo in an existing document and in some way capturing the pathPoints so I can use them in the the script that is setting up the templates.However I've not had much luck with this. Ideally everything will be self contained in the one script, so that external files aren't required.

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Illustrator :: Brush Is A Path While Painting?

Nov 1, 2013

Upgraded to Illustrator CS6 and as I paint with the brush, it only shows the path while drawing until I release my Wacom pen. I want to see the shape of my line as I'm painting it.

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Illustrator :: Type On A Path And Pattern Brush

Feb 19, 2013

1.) The type "Mariners" sloping downward in an arc. I was able to get the Seattle part using type on a path on a circle and typing on top. Question is, can I also type Mariners on the bottom of that path? I recall that not being the case. Am I supposed to draw another circle over the one that Seattle is typed on and then on that one type on the bottom?
2.) For the stitching, am I supposed to create one stitch and then create a brush, draw a curve and then apply the brush to that curve?

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Illustrator :: Rounded Joints On Brush Along The Path?

Dec 9, 2013

I've got a little problem with making a nice path with pre-made brush. I just uploaded image to IL and made a brush based on it. Works great, but there are rounded joints on connections. Is there is some way to get rid of those rounded joints and make it straight, like nice continuous line?

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Illustrator :: How To Remove Applied Brush From A Path

Aug 26, 2012

Mac ox lion

I have a crown I'm working on and I applied grunge brushes to the diamonds and shines. I would like to remove the grunge and keep the lines as they were before, smooth and clean. Is there an option or quick fix to do this? I created these diamonds and shines a long long time ago or I would just cmd+z. I have not expanded the paths, I have kept them them the same .25 stroke and no fill

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Illustrator :: How To Change Brush Orientation With Respect To The Path

Jan 15, 2013

Its a simple problem. I hope I'm missing some easy option, but no matter how I change the options in the brush dialogue, the brush always has the same orientation to the origin path. See the image below:
The brush is rather large and complex, but I've never seen this happen before. No matter which of the direction buttons are pressed, the brush remains the same. Is there another way to change the orientation with respect to the path?

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Illustrator :: How To Select Only A Portion Of Path To Apply Brush Stroke

Feb 11, 2014

I'm trying to select a portion of a path by using the direct selection tool and shift clicking on the anchor points. But when I click and drag the brush over onto the path, the brush stroke is applied to the entire path..... which I dont want to happen. I only want it applied to the section of the path.

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Illustrator :: Apply Gradient Along Stroke To Calligraphic Brush Path?

Dec 26, 2013

It seems that gradient stroke only works as 'within stroke' for calligraphic brushes... and it's frustrating. I'm using CS6.

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Illustrator :: Copy Path Between Files Without Making Duplicate Brush?

Jan 21, 2014

So, I use many of the same brushes. If I copy a path from a file that uses a certian brush to another file that uses the same brush, I get a duplicate of the brush in the brush panel.
Can I stop this from happening?

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Illustrator :: Pattern Brush Won't Make Closed Path After Expansion

Mar 9, 2014

I've made a pattern brush that I'm using to simulate a woods line for a boardgame map:
Shown above is the unstroked bounding box as well. To use this brush, I draw an outline of a woods mass with the pencil tool, then apply the brush and Expand Appearance. At that point I'm hoping the brush sections will join into one closed path so that I can fill it with a woodsy green, but instead the fill gets applied to each section of brush independently:

 The join points seem fine - it's not like the two ends of the brush don't line up at all: EDIT - Actually, that's not just one point in the middle there - that's the ends of both paths lying almost on top of each other. It's possible to separate the two and then ctrl-J join them. Problem is, I want that single path automatically.  
So how to get Illustrator to treat the resulting path as one closed path instead of a compound path?

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Photoshop :: When Use Spot Or Healing Brush It Works A Little And Then Starts Leaving Dark Smudges Or Lines

Apr 10, 2012

The spot and healing brush seems to work a little, but then leaves dark smudges or even complete dark lines.  Also seems to pick up other objects in the picture as if it is copying a section of the picture.  Have tried to reset, but nothing works.

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Illustrator :: Exporting As PNG Adds Pixels?

Jul 28, 2013

when I export a 1024 wide graphic, I am getting 1026 wide PNG files from it. This is throwing off tiling in my game. Here is what I am seeing:

Selected so you can see the size:

On export as PNG, the end result is a file that is 1026x66 which is not correct:
I will have to keep bringing them into Inkscape and exporting them as PNG from there after doing all the work in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Exporting Multiple Artboard Adds 1 Px

Jun 8, 2012

why when i export artboards there are not the size i specify but 1 px more than  the one i wanted.(fil>export>artboards checked).i checked if it overlapping or not it s the same result

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Illustrator :: Exporting As JPEG With Use Artboards Adds To File Name

Jul 20, 2010

When I export from Illustrator CS5 with "Use Artboards" checked it adds a "-01" to the end of my file name before the extention. I'm assuming that its because its artboard #1 or something. It happens with the all or the range button checked. It doesnt show the -01 when you are saving the file name. This is pretty annoying because I have to go back and re name the files when this happens.

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Illustrator :: How To Use Width Tool On A Path Made By Pen Tool But Not Brush Strokes

Mar 28, 2013

How come the width tool can ne used on a path made by pen tool but not brush strokes?    Is a brush stroke not a path??

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Illustrator :: Maintaining Stroke Weight When Changing Path To Brush Stroke?

Sep 12, 2013

Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.

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Illustrator :: Save AI But Not EPS File - It Starts But Freezes And Doesn't Respond

Nov 12, 2013

I can save a .ai file but not a .eps file it starts but freezes and does not respond

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Photoshop :: CS6 Pen Tool - Clicking And Dragging On Existing Path Should Not Change

May 2, 2012

CS6 Pen tool, clicking and dragging on an existing path should not change the angle on the adjacent radius handles. It should only dynamically adjust the length of the existing radius handles, based on which direction you drag. It should only affect that one segment and not affect the bordering angles. I've been pathing with Adobe products for 25 years and this should not change now. I want to be able to fine tune ONE line segment without affecting its neighboring segments. The "new" behavior should only occur with a modifier. If the Mothership deems this is the only way to do this moving forward, at LEAST give your long-standing customers a modifier, such as the shift key to enable us to keep working as we have been for decades.

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Illustrator :: Create Single Path To Type On Not Compound Path From Many Paths?

May 11, 2012

I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.

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Illustrator :: Reduce Anchors Points In Segment Path Without Altering The Path?

Aug 31, 2013

In illustrator, is there a way to reduce anchors points in a segment path without altering the path?

Is there a better and more efficient way to reduce anchors points than using the pen-minus tool?

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Illustrator :: Convert Text Path Back Into Line Path In CS 5?

Jan 9, 2013

I've tried every permutation of copy and paste; I renamed the path to path. It looks like a path when I add stroke, but it does not behave like one.  I can't cut it or join it to any other path. It remembers it's text path status. I'm running OS X 10.7.5.

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Illustrator :: Convert Text Path Back To Regular Path?

Mar 20, 2014

I accidentally converted a path to a text path. I searched the forum for how to convert it back to a regular path. The answer I found said to select the path and hit Command+C+F. This gives me another text path! I now have at least 6 copies of the path in my files but they are ALL text paths and none are visible with a stroke.

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Lightroom :: German Keyboard Shortcut To Select New Source For Existing Circle Or Brush Spot

Jul 3, 2013

German shortcut to select new source for existing circle or brush spot (forward slash key (/) on US keyboards) ?

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Photoshop :: How Do I Bend A Brush Along A Path?

May 30, 2008

I've recently learned how to bend a brush along a path in illustrator, but would love to be able to do the same in photoshop. Is it possible, and if so how?

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Photoshop :: Stroke Path With Brush...

Oct 17, 2007

I created a brush and I have created a path. What I want to happen is for the brush to follow the path and keep the angle of the path. What I mean is the brush should stay perpendicular to the path. So that on angles...the brush takes that angle. Does that make sense? Let me explain exactly what I have done. I created a brush that is just a rectangle that is about 1px wide and about 7px tall. I have created a path around some text. I want the brush to follow the path around so that it looks like stitching. But what is happening is on the vertical sides..the brush is staying vertical.

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Photoshop :: Stroke Path Using Brush

Jul 1, 2005

I have used the pen tool, in path mode, to draw a path. When I right click and select "stroke path" and then set it to brush, I am just getting dots at my anchor points, and no solid line over the entire path I drew with the pen.

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Illustrator :: Ending A Path At The Angle Of Additional Path

Apr 10, 2013

I've got two paths.  They don't intersect, exactly, a straight path ends at a curved path, but I need the end of the straight path to be curved, to make it look like the two meet perfectly.  The two gray paths (a single path, then path->offset for the second) are the outside of a shield shape.  The two black lines (paths) just surround text, but currently they overlap the gray paths.

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Illustrator :: Make Text On Path Ends Exactly At End Of Path?

Jul 11, 2013

Is there any function or script that auto-adjust tracking so text on a path meets the exact end of the path/bracket?

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