Illustrator :: Use Pen Tool To Perfectly Match Existing Path?
Jun 9, 2012
I'm currently using the pen tool to trace out a Nike trainer to improve my basic skills and understanding of the tool.
The problem I'm having is that I want each section of the shoe to be its own shape so that I can edit the colours individually. However when drawing each section in some places I have to draw over the outlines of already created shapes and trying to match/overlap the paths as close as possible is a nightmare. I want to have a stroke enabled on all shapes to better define them but I get areas where the overlaping sections look uneven giving the shapes very unsmooth curves where overlapping occurs.
So I am just wondering if there is a way to enable the pen tool to snap to certain sections of existing paths so I have a perfect overlap when required?
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Sep 16, 2012
I am working with 16bit (Tiff) greyscale Heightmaps, images that displace geometry to create terrains.When I want to adjust the images I do it in one of several applications that return the Heightmaps with an altogether different range of levels (value of blacks and whites). However I have no way of matching the levels of the updated image to the original except to eyeball it using Levels. This is time consuming and hard to get right.
I tried changing the images to RGB and color matching them, which is kind of what I want to do, but it leaves me with stepping (similar to an 8bit image) because the range it is trying to match is so subtle I think. how to better use Levels to perfectly match (greyscale) images?
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Feb 13, 2014
I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.
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May 2, 2012
CS6 Pen tool, clicking and dragging on an existing path should not change the angle on the adjacent radius handles. It should only dynamically adjust the length of the existing radius handles, based on which direction you drag. It should only affect that one segment and not affect the bordering angles. I've been pathing with Adobe products for 25 years and this should not change now. I want to be able to fine tune ONE line segment without affecting its neighboring segments. The "new" behavior should only occur with a modifier. If the Mothership deems this is the only way to do this moving forward, at LEAST give your long-standing customers a modifier, such as the shift key to enable us to keep working as we have been for decades.
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Oct 13, 2013
When drawing a path with the brush tool and then placing the brush back over an anchor point to continue the path, sometimes it continues the path and sometimes it deletes the path and just starts a new one. Why does it sometimes add to the existing path and sometimes start a new one?
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Feb 12, 2014
I'm working on a script for my company that sets up templates for internal use. I've been able to get most of it completed by drawing basic pathItems and textFrames. The problem I face now is adding our company logo. In the scripting reference I've found examples of duplicating art from one document to another, but that isn't what I need here.
I've approached this by trying to select our company logo in an existing document and in some way capturing the pathPoints so I can use them in the the script that is setting up the templates.However I've not had much luck with this. Ideally everything will be self contained in the one script, so that external files aren't required.
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May 24, 2013
I have a black jpeg that i'm using in my illustrator document. I need to make the background the exact same black. I have a large rectangle for my background, and I used the eyedropper tool to select the black from the jpeg. The CMYK numbers are even the exact same, yet when I export the ai file as a jpg/png/pdf the blacks look different! We are going to press next week and I really need the blacks to be the exact same!
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Mar 28, 2013
How come the width tool can ne used on a path made by pen tool but not brush strokes? Is a brush stroke not a path??
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Oct 6, 2008
I want to have those colored lines perfectly aligned and spaced with the same width between them all.
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Nov 15, 2013
How to edit an existing vector in perspektive tool. Got an Domino Stone Vector and want to put in another perspective and dont know how!?
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Aug 25, 2009
When you're editing a gradient within the shape (as opposed to in the Gradients palette), is there any way to use the eye dropper tool to sample an existing color? In-shape gradient editing (or whatever Adobe calls it) is useless without the eye dropper.
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Sep 9, 2013
Civil 3d 2014.... I have existing surface and a profile with 5 sample lines. All of them are good except 1 sample offset. I can do I quick profile and the profile looks like it should but if I generate an actual profile 90% of the profile is off. I have already tried reoding the alignment but it looks same on either one.
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Nov 10, 2013
I have an exactly symmetrical geometric bitmap photoshop image (exactly symmetrical down to the pixel) which I need to convert into vector. When I import the image into illustrator and use the trace tool it does not trace both sides of the image exactly symmetrical..
Notice the trace line does not symmetrically match the bitmap.I have tried all the trace types such as 'high fidelity photo' yet it still does not trace exactly on both sides of the symmetrical image.
Is there any way to get the trace perfectly symmetrical?
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Jan 14, 2013
I have created a path with the pen tool (the brown part), and now I want to extrude it, but it extrudes the whole containing block (See image below)
Now I have tried everything, from grouping to compound paths etc, but nothing works.
How do I extrude my path?
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Dec 9, 2012
I'm currently using Illustrator CS6 as a test version and when I use the pen tool to make a beaver (school assignment), it all end up in one layer. I want to have a new path-layer from every line with the pen tool, so I can remove lines in the layer panel too. At the moment it's one layer that have a picture of a beaver and I can't see the individual lines I've drawn. When I used CS5 recently I didn't have this problem. Is it a setting I can change or does it have something to do with the news in CS6?
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May 29, 2012
When I use the pen tool to make a path with a fill, the fill updates immediately and correctly, but the path highlight (which usually displays as long as I'm working on a given path) only shows up when I hover my cursor above the path itself. Also, and this is a lesser issue, Illustrator's splash screen displays "Tryout." It came with CS6 MC, and none of the other apps are in trial mode.
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Nov 19, 2013
Can you make a Pen Tool path (white), and then, by using the Brush Tool, color it in, automatically ONLY within the path's designated area?
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Aug 8, 2013
Do you know how to constrain 2d cad sketch to match existing 3D model. see screenshot. Is it doable?
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Oct 27, 2013
how to choose a frame to match existing photo size
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Sep 26, 2012
I'm working on a logo and am having trouble erasing part of the path of a circle.
Here's what I did: I first made an elipse, then cut out a piece of it with scissors so that it looks more like a "C". Then I used the pen tool to draw an upside-down "v" intersecting with the circle. I am trying to erase a little bit of the top of the circle, to make it line up with the vertical line of the "v", but every time I try to use the eraser, it ends up drawing a line that connects the two end anchor points of the shape I just created.
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Mar 27, 2013
Is there a way to disable this function?
I regularly have to edit text within a grid of lines in illustrator. I can replace/edit text zoomed out, but when I try the cursor automatically changes to the type on a path tool. I then have to zoom in, edit text, zoom back out thousands of times a day. It would save me a bunch of time if I could set the type tool to ignore paths and only select text.
I could take the grid of lines on the files I'm working on and send them to back and lock them, but I am dealing with tens of thousands of files, and it's just not practical.
Any way to get rid of type on a path, or at least prevent Illustrator from automatically switching to that tool when I hover the type tool over a path?
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Jan 18, 2012
The crux of the matter is that the CANNOSCALE value needs to match an existing named scale. This lisp is part of a bigger lisp and I need to pass a variable into it. Here's what I have:
(setvar "CANNOSCALE" (strcat "1" = " (rtos variable 2 0) "'"))
But I get this error when I try to run it.
; error: bad argument type: numberp: nil
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Nov 2, 2013
I'm actually about to punch my computer screen. Ok so say I draw up a triangle with the pen tool
Then i hit the colour option
it changes to 1pt
So I change the weight to 0pt. How I want it, but then the NEXT time i draw up another path or whatever, and hit the colour option it goes to 1pt again!!! this is so fricking annoying i'm about to jump off a cliff ?
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Jun 17, 2012
I have two shapes placed next to each other but the top section displays is a faint line to the left. How do I use the Path Eraser Tool to delete/remove that piece? Or is there a better way to remove?
Top image displays without path displayed...
Bottom section displays with path displayed...
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Jan 31, 2014
Draw closed paths with the Pencil toolSelect the Pencil tool.Position the tool where you want the path to begin, and start dragging to draw a path.After you’ve begun dragging, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS). The Pencil tool displays a small circle (and, in InDesign, a solid eraser) to indicate that you’re creating a closed path.When the path is the size and shape you want, release the mouse button (but not the Alt or Option key). After the path closes, release the Alt or Option key.You don’t have to position the cursor over the starting point of the path in order to create a closed path; if you release the mouse button in some other location, the Pencil tool will close the shape by creating the shortest possible line back to the original doesn't for me. after i start drawing and i hold the option key, it goes to drawing a straight line. i don't hold the key till after i start drawing lit says.
same thing with the connect two paths. holding the command key doesn't change the behavior of the pencil tool.i'm guessing there is no way of remapping the 'smooth tool' to option again? or was it moved to another hotkey?
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Sep 11, 2012
When I stretch an object to the right using the right hand side handles, the left side of the object also moves slightly to the right. How can I stop this from happening and keep have the left side stay perfectly in place. Is there anything in the settings I can change?
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Feb 25, 2014
I made this shape perfectly on the pixel grid with 'Snap to Grid', 'Align to Pixel Grid', and 'Show Grid' on. Every anchor is perfectly placed (i.e. not in the middle of a pixel) but for some reason my X and Y cordinates say it's off by half a pixel. When I change the .5 to .0, it unaligns my object. Why is it doing this? There is an example below of what it's doing.
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Oct 1, 2010
Ever wondered how to perfectly fill an outline with touching circles? I did -- after seeing the example image in Solving design effect - image made of perfectly arranged circles.
It took me a while to get the proper calculations, but -- Here It Is! A Javascript, written for Illustrator CS4 (it might work on other versions as well), that fills a selected outline with circles. Download zipped script from my site: [URL] ...., unpack if necessary, and put it in your Illustrator Scripts folder to make it available the next time you run Illy, or anywhere else (you have to browse for it each time).
Select any path -- but no live text; you have to convert it to outlines and select each character in turn. Then run the script.
It displays a simple dialog, where you can set a maximum and minimum circle size as a percentage of the selected object size. In addition, you can select either a plain basic color, or select any of your current Swatch Groups; in that case, each of the circles are filled with a random color from that group.
The script may take a while to run. Usually, only a couple of seconds for a simple rectangle, but it may run into minutes for objects with lots of curves and/or holes. I didn't have the guts to run it on a vectorized world map, to recreate Mario "Quasimondo" Klingemann's Foam World Map; but, in theory? Possible.
This image only took a few minutes:
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Jan 14, 2013
Reducing the Roundness of a calligraphic brush to 0% seems to create 'flat' ends to a stroke, but, on closer inspection, the ends are not perfectly flat/straight.
The line seems to start and end with a slight 'S' curve; it's less visible when the stroke has a different bearing, but I need it to be gone - is this possible? I'm trying to create a calligraphic brush with perfectly flat ends.
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Aug 12, 2013
i have a problem with path edges after using shape builder tool or masking objects. This problem occurs when i draw bright colored objects above dark colored object. After that i have dark path's edges. Like this: [URL] I have one solution (pathfinder->dive objects and delete some dark elements on the bottom).
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May 17, 2013
Using transform tool to rotate, often gradients do not rotate. In the example below only the "w" gradient did. Good news is the rotate tool works fine.
Appears this has something to do with compound paths, as this normally does not happen on a new single path. Releasing the compound also rotates the gradient unexpectedly.
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